Zone1 Dear White Evangelicals

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You said: Obama was far and away better than Trump (or Clinton) but as a president he was no more a fan of the truth than Trump.

That is a demonstrably false statement. Trump is a pathological liar, it is documented. Pres. Obama is not. You said they are equal in their disdain for the truth.
Obama is a fucking Communist piece of shit just like you.
I liked Obama however his politics were terrible. He forced the healthcare crap down our throats, used divide and conquer tactics. He also rose the debt, that is a reason I disliked Biden, Trump, Bush and Clinton. I dislike government spending. To claim that it is racist to not like or disagree with a person is silly to me.
You really need to learn why you haven't refuted a single thing I said yet

Is Trump Godly? Or does he just hate the same people you hate and you pretend somehow that makes him Godly?

Nah, aside from the cruelty to the outgroups and causes evangelicals have always hated "gays" "women's liberation", etc -- the other main reason Trumpers worship Trump is because they are deep into the end times prophecy..and it was their hope that Trump would help further that prophecy along so Christ can won't end well for the Jews who don't repent tho -- since they sorta gotta get destroyed first, but hey....Jesus loves America more than Israel at the end of the day....

You assume a lot. Far too much. I support Trump over the old racist dementia-ridden shitstain, Brandon. That doesn’t imply or suggest that I have adoration for the man.

I realize that you’re fully libtarded and therefore you are incapable of grasping any distinctions. Nevertheless, it is possible to support a candidate without deeming him to be “godly.” 🙄 By your feeble attempt at logic, you must worship the old racist demented scumbag, Brandon.
I liked Obama however his politics were terrible. He forced the healthcare crap down our throats, used divide and conquer tactics. He also rose the debt, that is a reason I disliked Biden, Trump, Bush and Clinton. I dislike government spending. To claim that it is racist to not like or disagree with a person is silly to me.
it isn't racist to disagree with someone...but...

Have you ever stopped for a moment to honestly consider the fact...that the only reason Trumpers even began to start worshiping Trump is the minute he said the black guy wasn''t born here -- and then spent the next 3 or 4 years being the chief troll for the racist birther movement??

Republican voters didn't give a fuck about Trump for president before then....I know this because he tried to run for president before then....

In 2000...disaster...

2004 he hinted about running...but got so little interest, he stopped...

In 2012; he finally felt he had a real chance to be president...once he did what? hopped on the birther movement...

"Trump went through the motions of being a Republican contender, making speeches in key early states such as New Hampshire, and for a short time seemed in tune with the public mood. But he offered little in the way of policies and senior Republicans viewed his candidacy, with its emphasis on issues such as Obama's birthplace, as an irritating distraction."

Actually…..why is this thread in racism/race relations at all? Evangelicals are not a race.

No link to the letter the OP posted.

So as far as we know that letter was created by the OP.

Looks like a bait thread without a clean start.


There are some in the religious community who recognize Trump for who he is, and refrain from the Faustian bargain, but they are also usually Mormon, and that is not necessarily a "Christian" religion.

What is their other option? Vote for a party that wants their way of life eliminated?

Because if you are for total ACCEPTANCE of the LGBT agenda instead of TOLERANCE, that's what your gunning for.
View attachment 669407

No link to the letter the OP posted.

So as far as we know that letter was created by the OP.

Looks like a bait thread without a clean start.



Oh shut up, not every post has a link, sometimes you copy and paste, because there is no link. I bet with minimal effort you could determine its validity.

Your attempt to get the thread closed is duly noted, so you can go away now.
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