Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans' Wealth is Stolen


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
[ame=]‪Debt Political Theater Diverts Attention While Americans' Wealth is Stolen‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Supply Side economic policies (AKA trickle down econ. policies) + keeping the nation on a permanent war footing (like we've been on for my entire lifetime) + control and manipulation over the money supply (read the FED) insured that the wealth would migrate from the many to the few.

America is broke, they tell us. That is their constant refrain.

America, but not it masters, is broke.

Who broke it?

Its masters.

Meanwhile the propaganda machine spends the vast majority of its efforts trying to pit one group of Americans against the other.

You neighbors are NOT the enemy, folks.

They did not manipulate the economy, they are not responsible for this nation's financial crises.

Your masters had the authority and they abused that authority to serve their own selfish interests, not only at your expense but at the expense of this nation, too.

Now you can believe, if you want, that the smartest on earth screwed up this nations financies by accident, but I find that narrative highly implausible.

But if you believe that this is all an organic outcome and not one that is thought out and by careful design, then how can any of you support the parties who got us into this mess?

Then what you believe is that the masters are dumber than bricks, and clearly not qualified to run the nation.

Any way you look at the problem and its causes, it seems apparent that the cabals in charge need to be removed from power.

We have gone from the world's largest CREDITOR nation to the worlds largest DEBTOR nation in the last 40 years.

That is NOT an accident or the net result of forces outside the control of our leaders.

THAT happened BY DESIGN, folks.
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Supply Side economic policies (AKA trickle down econ. policies) + keeping the nation on a permanent war footing (like we've been on for my entire lifetime) + control and manipulation over the money supply (read the FED) insured that the wealth would migrate from the many to the few.

America is broke, they tell us. That is their constant refrain.

America, but not it masters, is broke.

Who broke it?

Its masters.

Meanwhile the propaganda machine spends the vast majority of its efforts trying to pit one group of Americans against the other.

You neighbors are NOT the enemy, folks.

They did not manipulate the economy, they are not responsible for this nation's financial crises.

Your masters had the authority and they abused that authority to serve their own selfish interests, not only at your expense but at the expense of this nation, too.

Now you can believe, if you want, that the smartest on earth screwed up this nations financies by accident, but I find that narrative highly implausible.

But if you believe that this is all an organic outcome and not one that is thought out and by careful design, then how can any of you support the parties who got us into this mess?

Then what you believe is that the masters are dumber than bricks, and clearly not qualified to run the nation.

Any way you look at the problem and its causes, it seems apparent that the cabals in charge need to be removed from power.

We have gone from the world's largest CREDITOR nation to the worlds largest DEBTOR nation in the last 40 years.

That is NOT an accident or the net result of forces outside the control of our leaders.

THAT happened BY DESIGN, folks.

I couldn't have said it better. I wish the true patriots who are pleading with the American masses to see what is REALLY going on were not labeled conspiracy nuts and dismissed.
Now is the time for revolution.

End the Fed, and elect Ron Paul 2012.

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