Debt under Obama: money well spent (mostly)

Is it? Or is it YOUR denial of your history?

Pretty easy I think, NO? Just admit. Submit. You can't hold a candle son. You never will.

I back up everything I say with unbiased sources.

You haven't backed up your claim that tax cuts hurt the economy.

He hasn't backed up shit. He lies and dissembles. He claims revenue is low. When shown revenue is high, he claims it is low as a measure of something else. When shown it is higher now than 4 years ago he claims it isnt as high as it was 15 years ago. Like that is relevant at all.
It is like the worst misinformation of the DNC gets recycled and "proven" with more cites to the DNC.
There is no stopping it. Best ignored.
I back up everything I say with unbiased sources.

You haven't backed up your claim that tax cuts hurt the economy.

You know maybe if you actually read the OP, you could join the discussion. I am not repeating it. Read the OP. This isn't hard.

"Here is what Obama did wrong: Extending the Bush tax cuts. The CBO estimates that the Bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and Obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth"

Now that you've said it, all you need to do is prove it.
Obama's biggest contribution to the debt (in terms of policy) was his stimulus package of 787 billion which was achieved by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and job creating public works projects. For the next two years, 858 billion was added because of he extended Bush's tax cuts. He increased defense spending by 800 billion a year. What also contributed to the debt under Obama was the low federal income because of low income tax receipts from 2008 financial crisis.

Both Obama and Bush had to contend with higher mandatory spending for social security and Medicare. The Patient Control and ACA was designed to reduce the debt by 143 billion over 10 years but these savings didn't show up til late.

US Debt by President

Here is what Obama did wrong: Extending the Bush tax cuts. The CBO estimates that the Bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and Obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth.

Do Tax Cuts Create Jobs?

What Obama did right: extending unemployment benefits. Not only did this provide relief to the Americans out of work, but it also helped the economy. 19 jobs were created per 1 million in benefits. Every 1 billion, creates 19,000 jobs. Not only that, but every dollar spent on these benefits created $ 1.73 in economic demand. This is because the unemployed spend every dollar they receive on basic essentials, such as food, clothing, and housing. It is estimated that every month these benefits were extended cost tax payers $10 billion. However, it also generated 17.3 billion in economic growth.. Without benefits during this time, demand drops.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

Obama so-so spending was his increase in defense spending which did both good and bad, depending on how you look at it.

Lets not forget that there was no spending growth under Obama from Bush's years.

I was right: Under Obama, spending has been flat - Rex Nutting - MarketWatch

Also, 2.5x more jobs were created under Obama's 5 years than all of Bush's 8.

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

What's the bottom line? Republican economic policies only help the wealthy and government can and does create jobs :cool:

You talk about how great Obama is and all your arguments come straight from people like Debbie Waasermanh-Schultz or however you spell that lloony's name.
There is nothing semi about it. If you don't trust the research on this, what economical empiricism do you trust? It doesn't get better than unbiased research and government statistics.

The stimulus cost 787 billion and it created both jobs and economic growth. How is that not a good investment? The cost to the tax payers was compensated through economic growth.

I agree not all of millions of jobs created under Obama are because of him, but he is directly responsible for 2.5 million of them. It's just a shame the stimulus wasn't bigger.

I have a real problem with that statement. Given the bulls&&t that has been flying around with regards to the ACA.

As to the rest, I only go so far with the numbers. As someone who has to deal with interactive physical systems (reactor kinetics), I am hard pressed to say you can isolate any one set of inputs and responses given all that goes on in an economy.

How have government statistics been dishonest about ObamaCare?

If we are talking about empirical research, what is better than numbers? Christ almighty people. Pop that Republican bubble of yours.

If you are interested in a legitimate response, you can shove the lectures.

You don't think numbers can be used to spin..... ?

I am not saying these are, but I am also saying that they only go so far.

I commented on the ability to isolate cause and effect in a very complex economy. And I live in a bubble for asking that question ?
You haven't backed up your claim that tax cuts hurt the economy.

You know maybe if you actually read the OP, you could join the discussion. I am not repeating it. Read the OP. This isn't hard.

"Here is what Obama did wrong: Extending the Bush tax cuts. The CBO estimates that the Bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and Obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth"

Now that you've said it, all you need to do is prove it.

At the last company I worked for the annual cost for each engineer was averaged to 220k. 4.6x220k is > 1million. Thus the CBO is saying every dollar in tax cuts results in very good jobs for Americans. Interesting. Additionally, each engineer worked in divisions that created products that on average returned between 20% and 80% profit margins. Thus generating tons of additional revenue.

IOW returning money to the people via tax cuts results in MASSIVE GROWTH, if spent properly.
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obama's biggest contribution to the debt (in terms of policy) was his stimulus package of 787 billion which was achieved by cutting taxes, extending unemployment benefits, and job creating public works projects. For the next two years, 858 billion was added because of he extended bush's tax cuts. He increased defense spending by 800 billion a year. What also contributed to the debt under obama was the low federal income because of low income tax receipts from 2008 financial crisis.

Both obama and bush had to contend with higher mandatory spending for social security and medicare. The patient control and aca was designed to reduce the debt by 143 billion over 10 years but these savings didn't show up til late.

us debt by president

here is what obama did wrong: Extending the bush tax cuts. The cbo estimates that the bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth.

do tax cuts create jobs?

what obama did right: Extending unemployment benefits. Not only did this provide relief to the americans out of work, but it also helped the economy. 19 jobs were created per 1 million in benefits. every 1 billion, creates 19,000 jobs. not only that, but every dollar spent on these benefits created $ 1.73 in economic demand. This is because the unemployed spend every dollar they receive on basic essentials, such as food, clothing, and housing. It is estimated that every month these benefits were extended cost tax payers $10 billion. however, it also generated 17.3 billion in economic growth.. Without benefits during this time, demand drops.

why extended federal unemployment benefits boost the economy

obama so-so spending was his increase in defense spending which did both good and bad, depending on how you look at it.

Lets not forget that there was no spending growth under obama from bush's years.

i was right: Under obama, spending has been flat - rex nutting - marketwatch

also, 2.5x more jobs were created under obama's 5 years than all of bush's 8.

obama?s numbers, october update

what's the bottom line? Republican economic policies only help the wealthy and government can and does create jobs :cool:

you talk about how great obama is and all your arguments come straight from people like debbie waasermanh-schultz or however you spell that lloony's name.

b a d h a i r c u t
You haven't backed up your claim that tax cuts hurt the economy.

You know maybe if you actually read the OP, you could join the discussion. I am not repeating it. Read the OP. This isn't hard.

"Here is what Obama did wrong: Extending the Bush tax cuts. The CBO estimates that the Bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and Obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth"

Now that you've said it, all you need to do is prove it.

This isnt hard to figure out. The biggest republican lie is that tax cuts pay for themselves. They do not. This is fundamental economics here. Less revenue=more debt. Less revenue is the other major contributing factor to both Obama and Bush's debt. Revenue is how we pay for government expenses. When there is less revenue, the government has to BORROW more money. The problem with Obama as well as Bush before him, is that they are spending faster than it is being paid for with revenue. In Obama's case, this is primarily on defense. We do not have enough revenue to pay for it. Therefore, not only do we have to CUT spending, we also need to RAISE revenue.

If you people can't wrap your minds around the above paragraph, then god help you.
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You know maybe if you actually read the OP, you could join the discussion. I am not repeating it. Read the OP. This isn't hard.

"Here is what Obama did wrong: Extending the Bush tax cuts. The CBO estimates that the Bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and Obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth"

Now that you've said it, all you need to do is prove it.

At the last company I worked for the annual cost for each engineer was averaged to 220k. 4.6x220k is > 1million. Thus the CBO is saying every dollar in tax cuts results in very good jobs for Americans. Interesting. Additionally, each engineer worked in divisions that created products that on average returned between 20% and 80% profit margins. Thus generating tons of additional revenue.

IOW returning money to the people via tax cuts results in MASSIVE GROWTH, if spent properly.

But the problem with tax cuts is that for every dollar lost in revenue, there is only .59 cents in growth.
You know maybe if you actually read the OP, you could join the discussion. I am not repeating it. Read the OP. This isn't hard.

"Here is what Obama did wrong: Extending the Bush tax cuts. The CBO estimates that the Bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and Obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth"

Now that you've said it, all you need to do is prove it.

This isnt hard to figure out. The biggest republican lie is that tax cuts pay for themselves. They do not. This is fundamental economics here. Less revenue=more debt. Less revenue is the other major contributing factor to both Obama and Bush's debt. Revenue is how we pay for government expenses.

Less revenue = less revenue.

More spending = more debt.

See how that works? Not the rhetoric placed by the left but the definitions of the words. You're welcome :)
I have a real problem with that statement. Given the bulls&&t that has been flying around with regards to the ACA.

As to the rest, I only go so far with the numbers. As someone who has to deal with interactive physical systems (reactor kinetics), I am hard pressed to say you can isolate any one set of inputs and responses given all that goes on in an economy.

How have government statistics been dishonest about ObamaCare?

If we are talking about empirical research, what is better than numbers? Christ almighty people. Pop that Republican bubble of yours.

If you are interested in a legitimate response, you can shove the lectures.

You don't think numbers can be used to spin..... ?

I am not saying these are, but I am also saying that they only go so far.

I commented on the ability to isolate cause and effect in a very complex economy. And I live in a bubble for asking that question ?

Yes, numbers can be twisted to fit a narrative. That's why it is important that research such as this is unbiased. You put it into context verses other research.
"Here is what Obama did wrong: Extending the Bush tax cuts. The CBO estimates that the Bush tax cuts created 4.6 jobs for every million dollar cut. That is pathetic job growth. Bush was stupid to introduce them and Obama was stupid to extend them. Reductions in the tax rate actually hurt the economy. Every dollar lost in tax revenue only creates 59 cents in growth"

Now that you've said it, all you need to do is prove it.

This isnt hard to figure out. The biggest republican lie is that tax cuts pay for themselves. They do not. This is fundamental economics here. Less revenue=more debt. Less revenue is the other major contributing factor to both Obama and Bush's debt. Revenue is how we pay for government expenses.

Less revenue = less revenue.

More spending = more debt.

See how that works? Not the rhetoric placed by the left but the definitions of the words. You're welcome :)

You people are just unbelievable. Tell me. When you pay your taxes, what exactly do you think the government does with it?
I back up everything I say with unbiased sources.

You haven't backed up your claim that tax cuts hurt the economy.

He hasn't backed up shit. He lies and dissembles. He claims revenue is low. When shown revenue is high, he claims it is low as a measure of something else. When shown it is higher now than 4 years ago he claims it isnt as high as it was 15 years ago. Like that is relevant at all.
It is like the worst misinformation of the DNC gets recycled and "proven" with more cites to the DNC.
There is no stopping it. Best ignored.

Dude you have serious issues. If i am best left ignored, why are you still posting on this thread?

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