Deception in the Land

The question I would like for people here to ask themselves - is this: to all those who oppose the message of Jesus Christ to keep his commandments ( if we love him ) to be holy ( as he says be holy as I am holy ) to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ ( instead of spending all their time arguing over whether obeying God is law or grace ) and to repent of their sins ( because if we repent of our sins he is faithful to forgive us - repentance means to turn away from - to change our mind - head in a new direction ) is this: If you do not want to obey God then why are you a Christian? You see, according to the Word of God when Jesus told his followers what was required, many of them turned back and followed him no more. Because once he gave them the truth it was too much for them. They didn't want to lay down their lives and obey God... So my suggestion is if you don't want to follow him then don't but for the love of God stop trying to prevent those who do wish to know the truth from getting it! Thank you! Please! For the sake of the Gospel I am asking you both to not bring these foolish arguements up any longer. They are wasting valuable time. Thank you. - Jeri

Still not seeing those Holy Spirit attributes.......

His laws as in Christ's, not Moses'. Of which there are 2. And love is the action verb in both. Work is not mentioned. Keep those 2 and you are automatically keeping the others. Do you bear false witness against someone you love? Do you steal from them?

What you don't understand is no one is questioning whether we are or are not suppose to act like Christians, < doing good works. It is why we do them that the issue veers off track for you. No matter how hard you try you will never be holy like Christ is Holy. I know that because in 33 years He never sinned. You sinned yesterday.

Atonement comes through Christ on the cross. Our salvation is the result. We were not holy when that event took place. We were the opposite. We were sinning while He was dying for it. That should make it clear that you and holier you and now holiest you weren't required.

Christ's message was Grace. It is what Chuck teaches. And gently I might add. God has no authority to forgive us. His role is 100% justice for us. Christ received 100% justice and sentence for every sin ever committed. !00%. The punishment for sin is death, so He died. Now God CAN be 100% merciful to our iniquities. Because justice has already been carried out. He doesn't even remember our sins, just His Son and His works:
Hebrews 8:12 For I will be merciful to their iniquities, And their sins will I remember no more.

Either Christ, God and everyone else in the Bible is teaching false doctrine or you are. Do you intend to remind Him of your iniquities so you can get credit for your hard work in overcoming them? (or not)
Teach anything else but Grace through Christ for salvation and your Satan's best friend.

SAMSON Jeri, SAMSON. Unholy as Hell, preferred in Heaven. If God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, tell us, how can we only (thief on the cross) get to heaven again? :eusa_angel:

So what laws have you decided to devote yourself to and which ones have you discarded, and who said you could discard any of them? Like tithing. Have you stopped stealing from YAH?
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Correlation doesn't prove causation. The fact that you can't take the Bible seriously doesn't mean that other people can't. Because you don't read it for yourself and come to an opinion doesn't mean that I can't come to a conclusion or have a belief about it.

Do not put words in my mouth, I have read the Bible. That's why I am an atheist.
I do not confuse correlation for causation in terms of the Bible, I simply see it as it truly is.
uhkilleez. Anyone can post a verse and then mold it to suit their conviction. Therefore your best defense is to know the Bible well enough to recognize the theme that comes together throughout the Book.

And the message throughout is that Christ died for our sins. It is complete, finished and available as a gift to anyone that asks. What you won't find is anyway other than Christ to achieve atonement. If you know the Bible and hear something that contradicts that message, run from it.
Throughout the New Testament you will read over and over, that our own works are as filthy rags compared to the pristine work of Christ. Salvation has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Jesus. He left us with 2 rules to follow. Love God, Love your neighbor. In doing so, your part is fulfilled.

Krishna predates Christ. Horus predates Christ. They aren't just the same message, they are the message before the message was delivered.
The bible is clear we must contend for the faith which means as a follower of Jesus Christ I am to expose false teachings as false and speak the truth presenting scripture as my defense. I've done that and therein cannot help that there is a contradiction to what Chuck "believes" vs. what the bible actually says. We are to go by Gods Word, not mans opinion. But on the matter of your excuse as to this is why you cannot believe. I do not believe you are telling the truth, Alfalfa. Here's why. Your decision to not obey the Word of God is due to your own rebellion and desire to do your own thing. So long as you desire to do your own thing you'll look for something else to blame it upon because you are refusing to take accountability for your own rebellion on all fronts. And when the truth is brought to light you will just use another excuse to hide under - because the truth is - you do not desire truth.

Not everyone who discusses biblical subjects does so out of pure motives. There are even bible teachers whose motives are purely selfish and although this is most grevious to God it is nevertheless the truth. Not everyone who preaches Jesus Christ does it to win souls. The bible tells us this and that is why we should point out the truth and then move on. Thanks fro reading. - Jeri

The Bible is clear? Even if I were to prophesize something, I would be be intelligent enough to know it would be challenged. The Bible isn't clear, you just want it to be. I am also a seeker of the truth, no matter how much so you wish it were otherwise. Your own posts and those of your contemporaries have proven my point without my own input being needed. Each person takes their own lesson from "the word", and as this is absolute truth it should be obvious "the word" is relative and vague, not to be taken literal. Your easy dismissal of my opinion speaks only to your own insecurity in your beliefs. The real truth is that you don't want to think about my opinion, because it scares you. That which scares you about it most is I might be right.

It's easier to dismiss the truth than to cope with it, and realign your ways in accordance with the greater good.
I don't blame you for that, brother, I simply hope you may one day see the light.
Correlation doesn't prove causation. The fact that you can't take the Bible seriously doesn't mean that other people can't. Because you don't read it for yourself and come to an opinion doesn't mean that I can't come to a conclusion or have a belief about it.

Do not put words in my mouth, I have read the Bible. That's why I am an atheist.
I do not confuse correlation for causation in terms of the Bible, I simply see it as it truly is.

Then you don't understand it because it was written for God's children so therefore it wasn't written to you.
The Bible is clear? Even if I were to prophesize something, I would be be intelligent enough to know it would be challenged. The Bible isn't clear, you just want it to be. I am also a seeker of the truth, no matter how much so you wish it were otherwise. Your own posts and those of your contemporaries have proven my point without my own input being needed. Each person takes their own lesson from "the word", and as this is absolute truth it should be obvious "the word" is relative and vague, not to be taken literal. Your easy dismissal of my opinion speaks only to your own insecurity in your beliefs. The real truth is that you don't want to think about my opinion, because it scares you. That which scares you about it most is I might be right.

You aren't neutral because you are an atheist and you are attacking. When people argue like that, what people say get lost in a debate. Your definition of "truth seeker" is discriminatory because you aren't neutral and it only accepts what is in your view which is no Christianity to you. That isn't seeking the truth from Christianity. You're seeking a debate and not truth because you would be only asking if you wanted truth.

The only answer you will get is being ignored.
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The Bible is clear? Even if I were to prophesize something, I would be be intelligent enough to know it would be challenged. The Bible isn't clear, you just want it to be. I am also a seeker of the truth, no matter how much so you wish it were otherwise. Your own posts and those of your contemporaries have proven my point without my own input being needed. Each person takes their own lesson from "the word", and as this is absolute truth it should be obvious "the word" is relative and vague, not to be taken literal. Your easy dismissal of my opinion speaks only to your own insecurity in your beliefs. The real truth is that you don't want to think about my opinion, because it scares you. That which scares you about it most is I might be right.

You aren't neutral because you are an atheist and you are attacking. When people argue like that, what people say get lost in a debate. Your definition of "truth seeker" is discriminatory because you aren't neutral and it only accepts what is in your view which is no Christianity to you. That isn't seeking the truth from Christianity. You're seeking a debate and not truth because you would be only asking if you wanted truth.

The only answer you will get is being ignored.

I am biased now, after having found what I see is truth. I have read enough of your Bible to see the evil within its covers, and I have read enough holy texts to know that Christianity has plagiarized ideals from theologies far predating their own. I know enough of mythology and paganism to see that as man develops, as does his concept of God. God changes as man changes, because Man made god in his own image.
Deception in The Land - Michael Boldea - OmegaMan Radio - YouTube

This teaching is based on Matthew 24 which speaks about the great calamities preceding Christ's second coming. Jesus warns us in this the teaching of Matthew not to be decieved by false teachers, false prophets. He tells us over an over again to beware of these ones who will come "in his name".. today in the churches of America we see deception coming from the pulpits.

Men are teaching lies in exchange for gold and silver - fame - they are loved by the world because they are "of the world".. they are wolves in sheeps clothing...they are hirelings.

Anyone who teaches you that you can never lose your salvation is teaching heresy. If it isn't in the bible? It is not "of the bible" and you must walk away from those people lest they decieve you and you believe a lie.

Jesus said, But he that endures until the end, the same shall be saved. Matt 24:13

No one else. Only those who endure until the end shall be saved. We must endure until the end, people.

It is written:

Jesus said, And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars, see that ye be not troubled,for all these things shall come to pass, but the end is not yet.

For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Then they shall deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and you shall be hated of all nations for my names sake.

And then many shall be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure until the end, the same shall be saved.

- Matthew 24:7 - 13

Who shall be saved? Only those that endure until the end shall be saved. If you believe that the christians in America are not going to betray one another, that they are all going to be willing to lose their homes, their bank accts. they lands, their children, that they will endure torture, prison, and love not their lives unto the death rather than deny Jesus Christ?

You are wrong.

How do I know this? Jesus says you are wrong.

Jesus says, they will betray one another, he says, the Love of many shall wax cold. Wax cold? It must have been hot at one time. They must have loved him once upon a time....but what happened?

False prophets arose with the another Jesus, the Jesus who has a bentley for you and who promises you will never suffer, he came to make you rich and rapture you before the first signs of persecution come onto the scene.......... you see? The you don't have to suffer for Jesus Gospel.. the Gospel of Hedonism - the new liberal theology that is so popular these days on the wide screen tvs of many a home!

The truth is Jesus said if you deny me before men I am going to deny you before my father in heaven. Who do you think he was talking to? He is talking to the Church - many of whom are going to deny him... Christians are going to hang onto their lives and their homes which have become their idols and cars and children ........yes and deny Jesus. Yes. They are. They are going to go to hell for it too. Because they have decided to believe the false teachers instead of the written word of God. They believe they can bargain with God. Bad move. You cannot bargain with God.

Jesus said, If you deny me before men I am going to deny you before the Father. So where do these Christians who think they cannot lose their salvation think they will be going? After they deny Jesus Christ before men in order to hang onto their lives. There is only one other place to go. Hell.

It is time for the wide is the road false teachers to stop preaching heresy and to realize that what they are teaching? Is not found in the bible. It isn't in the bible and it isn't of the bible. It is a lie. Watch the video. - Jeri

God uses all of Christianity to deceive His people from knowing Him but at the same time, He used this false religion to teach His people how to build things with their hands. The mark of the beast on the hands and forehead is the mark on Christians who teach other sinners how to build false gods ( buildings and other objects built with human hands). All you need to do is understand the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation but since sinners don't have the knowledge of God to know the past, present and future, they cannot understand any of the prophecies of our Creator.
oh word. Not only does He not deceive His children that He loves, but He does everything to keep us safe.
The prophecies in the Bible are pretty specific and understandable. When Israel becomes a a day, means: when Israel becomes a a day. It means what it says as a guide to where we are in the history of Biblical man, the things to look for, and how to react, not to trick us.
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oh word. Not only does He not deceive His children that He loves, but He does everything to keep us safe.
The prophecies in the Bible are pretty specific and understandable. When Israel becomes a a day, means: when Israel becomes a a day. It means what it says as a guide to where we are in the history of Biblical man, the things to look for, and how to react, not to trick us.

When the earth begins to shake violently, I won't be around to witness the deaths of 7 billion flesh of men in one hour.

Isaiah 24
18: He who flees at the sound of the terror shall fall into the pit; and he who climbs out of the pit shall be caught in the snare. For the windows of heaven are opened, and the foundations of the earth tremble.
19: The earth is utterly broken, the earth is rent asunder, the earth is violently shaken.
20: The earth staggers like a drunken man, it sways like a hut; its transgression lies heavy upon it, and it falls, and will not rise again.

Ezekiel 38
19: For in my jealousy and in my blazing wrath I declare, On that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;
20: the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep on the ground, and all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall quake at my presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs shall fall, and every wall shall tumble to the ground.

2 Peter 3
10: But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a loud noise, and the elements will be dissolved with fire, and the earth and the works that are upon it will be burned up.

Zephaniah 1
18: Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them on the day of the wrath of the LORD. In the fire of his jealous wrath, all the earth shall be consumed; for a full, yea, sudden end he will make of all the inhabitants of the earth.

This age will end soon.
Where ya goin?
What day is "that day"?
Where is Maktesh?
You have two different timelines up there.
Some events and situations you refer to take place post Christ's return, some before.

Man will be shaking the earth with nukes along with the possibility of meteor strikes. Very few will survive man's inhumanity to man.

Christ returns before life is wiped out completely, and puts an end to the violence.
Jerusalem is where He will reign from, so it must still be there and be Jewish.

How many times in the Bible has God had to rework the earth for it to be habitable for man?

This age will end soon. The Millennial Age will follow with Christ at the helm. Halleluiah!

psalm 30-5
For his anger is but for a moment; His favor is for a life-time: Weeping may tarry for the night, But joy cometh in the morning.

New Jerusalem will descend to earth. It says so in the Book you quote. :)

He would never deceive His children. He loves us too much.
oh word. Not only does He not deceive His children that He loves, but He does everything to keep us safe.
The prophecies in the Bible are pretty specific and understandable. When Israel becomes a a day, means: when Israel becomes a a day. It means what it says as a guide to where we are in the history of Biblical man, the things to look for, and how to react, not to trick us.

You have either never read the Bible, or are delusional. The very fact you would claim an all powerful God is doing everything he can, as though he would be bound by weakness or imperfection and unable to carry out such a deed, tells me you haven't put much thought into your beliefs.

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