Democract Bloodbath: Lead Evaporates in Generic Ciongressional Ballot.

Things switch back and forth like this quite frequently. The Reps took a hit with the shutdown. The Dems are taking a hit with Obamacare.

This is not surprising but I do not believe it will set the Dem party back a generation. That is a bit of an exaggeration.

You definitely could be right, although after Jimmy Carter, the Dems did not regain the White House for 12 years. They also lost control of Congress for much of that time.

Jimmy Carter was a good man who was just inept. He still did tremendous damage to the Democrat Party.

Obama is not a good man to say the least, who also happens to be inept. I think he does more damage than Carter, although that is only my speculation.
The use of State and local government unions as electoral shock troops is the datum to watch. If those unions get transferred to Obamacare and Social Security during this administration it will tank the D party. Whether that rate of being thrown under the bus will hit critical mass in the next three years is the way to bet but it is not certain.
(4) the ACA DOESN'T improve dramatically by April

Even if the website works by then, the sticker shock will still make voters very upset.
True but the loopholes for limousine liberals within ACA are the wildcard. While not certain to degree migration from states using the national system to those that use state systems will generally cause poverty to migrate to states that use their own websites and therefore obtain federal subsidies. When those subsidies end in 2017 the level of internal capital flight could get extreme.
(4) the ACA DOESN'T improve dramatically by April

Even if the website works by then, the sticker shock will still make voters very upset.

Uhhh, guys?

This is the small potatoes of the ACA. Very small. Very, very small.

Wait until the Employer mandate hits.

Think things are bad now? Wait until Employers, BIG ones, say 'Adios' to your Health Insurance and tell you to find it somewhere else. Like in the ACA. At twice the cost THEY were paying. Or triple.

And guess what else? You'll be paying for your Health Insurance with AFTER-TAX money and not pre-tax. Big difference. In some cases, 25%.

You know what else? There hasn't been the first claim paid under the ACA.

Wait, people. Just wait.

It's going to be absolutely hilarious watching dimocraps squirm after this shitball hits them in the face.

dimocraps are stupid.

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