Democrat Governor decrees carrying of any firearm illegal with emergency health hazard executive order

The Governor is acting Illegally, which is always a trademark of Democrats.

The New Mexico law does not even give her the emergency right to do this.

She just made it up.

New Mexico Statutes Chapter 12. Miscellaneous Public Affairs Matters § 12-10A-5,6. Special powers during a public health emergency

The act goes on to state the following, along with things pertaining to quarantine, etc. Nope, not seeing any power to suspend anything. Hmm.

A. In order to protect the health, safety and welfare of the people in the state during a public health emergency, the secretary of health, in coordination with the secretary of public safety and the director, may:

(1) utilize, secure or evacuate health care facilities for public use;  and

(2) inspect, regulate or ration health care supplies as provided in Subsection B of this section.

B. If a public health emergency results in a statewide or regional shortage of health care supplies, the secretary of health may control, restrict and regulate the allocation, sale, dispensing or distribution of health care supplies.

C. The state medical investigator, after consultation with the secretary of health, the secretary of public safety, the director and the chair of the board of funeral services, may implement and enforce measures to provide for the safe disposal of human remains that may be reasonable and necessary to respond to a public health emergency.  The measures may include special provisions for embalming, burial, cremation, interment, disinterment, transportation and disposal of human remains.  To the extent possible, the religious, cultural, family and individual beliefs of a deceased person or of the family of a deceased person shall be considered when disposing of human remains.
How many will ILLEGALY be arrested before SCOTUS slaps the hell out of the Governor?
Stunning disregard for civil rights.

When the Left come on here and accuse conservatives of being fascists, dictators, terrorists and authoritarians all a threat to democracy, now you know why.

The order is blatantly illegal and the State Police should arrest her, refusing the order.
NM is a poor Democrat state with a lot of criminal gangs.

So her solution is to create more criminals by criminalizing something the US Constitution promises to protect.

That Nazi uniform does not look very good on her.
So her solution is to create more criminals by criminalizing something the US Constitution promises to protect.

That is not a good look.
Yea, people have a 2A right to be able to defend themselves from the Democrat Party's criminals.
This will not go very far.
The courts will knock it down.
What "butthurt" are you referring to?

You fucking idiot.

Liberals in general and Democrats specifically are the biggest morons on the planet and they get butthurt over everything.

Instead of taking away the Constitutional right of the citizens to defend themselves why didn't that idiot Democrat Governor ban the goddamn Illegals that are committing the great majority of the gun crimes in her state that Potatohead allowed to flood in?

"Hey, let millions of Illegals flood into the country so they can go on welfare and vote Democrat, what could possibly go wrong?"
Yea, people have a 2A right to be able to defend themselves from the Democrat Party's criminals.
This will not go very far.
The courts will knock it down.

I took a pro-permit stance on concealed carry in the previous thread last night, as opposed to constitutional carry. But the more I think about what she's doing, the more it pisses me off. NM needs a federal judge to knock her dick in the dirt with a ruling on this. I expect that will happen this coming week.
So her solution is to create more criminals by criminalizing something the US Constitution promises to protect.

If you can just suspend the 2nd amendment arbitrarily, then so can she suspend your freedom of speech and any other legal and god-given inalienable rights you have. Where I find fault with here is with the GOP, who, when the bill was written suggesting such power in the hands of one person, did nothing to stop it.
If it wasn't for Walter White and Jessie Pinkman there would almost be no White gun crimes ever committed in New Mexico. Most of the crimes are committed by Hispanics, mostly Illegals.

Not even Walter White or Jessie Pinkman would unload a magazine into a car, killing an 11 year old.
If you can just suspend the 2nd amendment arbitrarily, then so can she suspend your freedom of speech and any other legal and god-given inalienable rights you have. Where I find fault with here is with the GOP, who, when the bill was written suggesting such power in the hands of one person, did nothing to stop it.
Instead of taking away the Constitutional right of the citizens to defend themselves why didn't that idiot Democrat Governor ban the goddamn Illegals that are committing the great majority of the gun crimes in her state that Potatohead allowed to flood in?
Because that was the idea: the plan for years was to create a crisis to justify their intent to try to disarm the populace so then they can take total control.

"Hey, let millions of Illegals flood into the country so they can go on welfare and vote Democrat, what could possibly go wrong?"
Everything. Only madmen and tyrants looking to create anarchy so they can take over during the melee do such things.

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