Democrat Party front-runners

Veteran vs draft dodger, veteran trasher.

Homosexual vs sexual predator & accused child rapist

one with Native American ancestry proven by DNA test vs self proclaimed genius without an IQ test.

Well educated candidates vs the least educated candidate

Honest Candidates vs the biggest liar of all time

Candidate permitted to run charities VS a man that is prohibited by law to do so

Candidates than can get loans from US banks vs one that can't
You do know the Clinton's and Obama's had to give up their law license?

Did you know that y are a lying fuck?

Clinton has his taken.

The Obamas did not.

Is all you assfuck Trumpettes do is lie? I mean really, just because your fat assed hero lies does not give you the right to do so.
Look it up Michelle handed hers in, maybe you should worry about your screwed up representatives.

I don;t have to look it up. You assfucks have been lying abiout it ever since Obama ran for President.

Michelle Obama put her license on voluntary inactive status.

Why do you need to lie so much?
So yes, she handed in her law license. Thanks for clearing that up.
It doesn't seem like Democrats are serious about winning in November. That's about as poor of a field as you'll ever see. By the way, aside from Warren, where are the people of color? All I see in that field are white men.
Hence why they were trying to impeach Trump over made-up bullshit.

Yes, but -
More so for what is being uncovered in Ukraine
A fudge packer and a commie are tied for 1st place in the race to insanity.

The fake Indian and Mr Magoo lag far behind in 3rd and 4th place.

Middle of the road Democrat voter's must feel abandoned by their party.
The "middle of the road Democrats" are almost extinct in the so-called, Democratic party. They are now the Socialist party and with a large number of millennials identifying as Socialists and some identifying as Communists, we have a clear threat looming in the future. All those buried military personnel, from the Revolutionary War until today's war, would roll over in their graves if they heard what the ignorant are allowing to grow in the nation.

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