Democrat slogans 2020


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
"Trump can't grab my pussy" - Michelle Obama

"I'm black! I'm Indian. I'm Blindian" Harris

"America has the world's greatest economy for far too long. I will put a stop to it!" Bernie
"Trump can't grab my pussy" - Michelle Obama

"I'm black! I'm Indian. I'm Blindian" Harris

"America has the world's greatest economy for far too long. I will put a stop to it!" Bernie

"Make America Sodom and Gomorrah (Again?)"

"Everything patriotic is racist!"

"America, the most oppressive country to ever exist!"

"Free shit. More Free shit. Even freer shit than that!"

"Make white people slaves (again?)"

"Kill your unborn! Mutilate your kids, it'll be great!"

"Hotel America . . . we'll leave the borders open!"
"love is all you need" - marianne williamson!

brothers and sisters: whoever the Dems nominate, she or he will get the shit kicked out of them by the RNC. thats why we need to make sure we nominate Marianne Williamson.

she will meet Trump on the battlefield, and love will win!
Hi, I am the Democrat Nominee, because idiots like you voted for me. Thanks for getting me this far, but the dumbass moderates have to give me a chance, or they are racist, sexist, homophobe, Islamaphobes, and misogynists.

I won't honor the USA or the president because they applaud our winning the World Cup but don't applaud my sexuality. Therefore I vote democrat. Democrats care about what matters, i.e. my genitals.
- Megan Rapinoe
Keep brainwashing the teens at schools with 72 genders, "be a gay for a day" and encouraging them for sex change surgeries to turn them into a biologic material easy to manipulate in dirty Deep State hands.
Vote Democrat 2020: Because Fuck Middle America

Vote Democrat 2020: We Don't Know What We're For, But We Sure Know What We're Against

Vote Democrat 2020: Because None Of Us Is As Dumb As All Of Us

Vote Democrat 2020: Everything We Propose Has Been Tried Before And Failed, But We Promise It'll Work Great This Time, Pinky Swear

Vote Democrat 2020: Surrender Your Rights And Money
WAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!...most SJW Crybullies
Harris: “Ride the bus”
Biden: “Hope and Change”
Buttigieg: “Just call me Pete”
Orourke: “Mi llamo Beto”
Williamson: “Make America Love Again”
Warren: “I like beer”
Sanders: “Feel the burn 2: the gift that keeps on giving”
"Vote Zombie" the only presidential candidate who was ever pronounced dead from a brain embolism (or two) and lived to tell about it (well sort of).

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