Democrats agree...Obama should be able to ignore the law if it's "important"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Just another example of their belief that they are not obligated to adhere to the laws of our country, or answer to the people.

"Rasmussen: Plurality of Democrats think Obama should be able to ignore court rulings if it’s “important"

"The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 26% of Likely U.S. Voters think the president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings if they are standing in the way of actions he feels are important for the country…
"But perhaps more unsettling to supporters of constitutional checks and balances is the finding that 43% of Democrats believe the president should have the right to ignore the courts. Only 35% of voters in President Obama’s party disagree, compared to 81% of Republicans and 67% of voters not affiliated with either major party…"

"...72% of GOP voters and 63% of unaffiliateds believe it is more important to preserve our constitutional system of checks and balances than for the federal government to operate efficiently, Democrats are evenly divided
"Women and younger voters feel more strongly than men and those 40 and older that the president should have the right to ignore federal court rulings. Black voters believe that more than whites and other minority voters do."

Tell me something I don't know.

Rasmussen Plurality of Democrats think Obama should be able to ignore court rulings if it s important Hot Air
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
Liberals know that the only way they can force their socialistic ideas on a free people, is through a dictatorship.

One man deciding what is "right", regardless of what anyone else in the country (including duly constituted branches of government) thinks.

That's always been true, and always will be.
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
The problem is we won't even if we should. Like Israel, Republicans maintain the moral high ground even to a fault
Liberals know that the only way they can force their socialistic ideas on a free people, is through a dictatorship.

One man deciding what is "right", regardless of what anyone else in the country (including duly constituted government) thinks.

That's always been true, and always will be.
Hey, it's supposed to be for our own good

We don't need these messy Democracies or these silly laws. The Constitution is purely subjective and amounts to a rough guideline to which we can expand upon.

Besides, laws are for sucks, not liberals.
Democrats agree...Obama should be able to ignore the law if it's "important"

Soviets agree...Stalin should be able to ignore the law if it's "important"

Chinese agree...Mao should be able to ignore the law if it's "important"

Germans agree...Hitler should be able to ignore the law if it's "important"

Cubans agree...Fidel should be able to ignore the law if it's "important"
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
I have Depends....
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
The problem is we won't even if we should. Like Israel, Republicans maintain the moral high ground even to a fault

To a fault?

Having principles is faulty?
No, but sometimes it works against our best interests. We should play dirty at every opportunity working just as desperately to get our agenda passed as the demonic Left.
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
I have Depends....
Yes, but do you have a hot female nurse with mammoth titties to change them for you?
Why yes, it's part of VA care......
Can you imagine our country if Democrats were free to implement their agenda un-opposed? Keep importing poor, ignorant, welfare dependent illegals by the millions and we are going to find out.
It's against the law to bash fags, to torch synagogues, or to kill your wife. Soooo...we can ignore the laws we don't want to obey? The left has been a lawless anarchist rabble since the late 60's. The little chimp fulfills so many unfortunate stereotypes regarding blacks and their disrespect for our corpus of law. There's a little Stalin lurking inside every 85 IQ token.
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
The problem is we won't even if we should. Like Israel, Republicans maintain the moral high ground even to a fault

To a fault?

Having principles is faulty?
No, but sometimes it works against our best interests. We should play dirty at every opportunity working just as desperately to get our agenda passed as the demonic Left.
Only if the media is on your side.
But it isn't. Even Fox will destroy a Republican that lies or cheats.
It's against the law to bash fags, to torch synagogues, or to kill your wife. Soooo...we can ignore the laws we don't want to obey? The left has been a lawless anarchist rabble since the late 60's. The little chimp fulfills so many unfortunate stereotypes regarding blacks and their disrespect for our corpus of law. There's a little Stalin lurking inside every 85 IQ token.
Obama needs stupid people. That's why he supports illegals that can't speak English.

Life is's harder when you're stupid.
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
The problem is we won't even if we should. Like Israel, Republicans maintain the moral high ground even to a fault

To a fault?

Having principles is faulty?
No, but sometimes it works against our best interests. We should play dirty at every opportunity working just as desperately to get our agenda passed as the demonic Left.

Wow, you sound a lot like a reformed Democrat there. And that's why our party is such a mess...
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
The problem is we won't even if we should. Like Israel, Republicans maintain the moral high ground even to a fault

To a fault?

Having principles is faulty?
No, but sometimes it works against our best interests. We should play dirty at every opportunity working just as desperately to get our agenda passed as the demonic Left.

Wow, you sound a lot like a reformed Democrat there. And that's why our party is such a mess...
Reformed Democrat? I never voted democrat once in my 21 years as a voter.
Democrats have always believed the law should only apply to others, not them. But let a Republican try ignoring a court ruling and watch them piss their pants over it.
The problem is we won't even if we should. Like Israel, Republicans maintain the moral high ground even to a fault

To a fault?

Having principles is faulty?
No, but sometimes it works against our best interests. We should play dirty at every opportunity working just as desperately to get our agenda passed as the demonic Left.

Wow, you sound a lot like a reformed Democrat there. And that's why our party is such a mess...
Reformed Democrat? I never voted democrat once in my 21 years as a voter.

Well you sound a lot like a Democrat who is posing as a Republican in order to pull the party to the left, and we shouldn't (and historically haven't) adopted the attitude "The ends justifies the means". That's progressive dirtbag talk.
The progressives have always worshipped strong dictators. Mussolini, Mao, Stalin, Casto, Chavez--the list is endless. Now they want to add Obama to their pantheon.

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