Democrats and Republicans pass Warren Amendment which calls for removal of Confederate Monuments in graveyards including Arlington

"The majority should not be forced to change everything about this nation because a minority is easily offended / triggered."

I agree. We are the majority and you are the minority. Stop whining.
You keep telling yourself that MS CLEO.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
You fucking idiot. Its even in their articles of seccesion.

" Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. "
That was one reason out of several, dumbass. Furthermore, that isn't why Lincoln launched the war against the South. Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves.
It was the first, second, and third reason listed you fucking idiot. :lol:
That was one state. Other states listed numerous reasons.
Show me one confederate state that didnt list slavery. Also I am sure you are familiar with the Cornerstone address right? They were speaking for all confederate states. Sorry dude. You just dont know what the fuck youre talking about. :)

Stephens' speech declared that disagreements over the enslavement of African Americans were the "immediate cause" of secession and that the Confederate constitution had resolved such issues, saying:

The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. [...] Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the idea of a Government built upon it—when the "storm came and the wind blew, it fell."
You're treating a petulant child as an adult. LOL

I'd agree that slavery really was "the issue." All issues had, at the heart, slavery.

But I don't see Warren opposing statues to dead confederates on civil war parks. I'd be against that, if she were.
I saw an outstanding quote somewhere the other day that went something like this.

"We cant begin to dismantle white supremacy if we are still celebrating the symbols that applaud the belief in white supremacy."

So let those civil war parks exist on private land and remove the tax payers burden to support the up keep and maintenance of confederate statues.
Well, why? The South lost. I gotta tell ya that I've been to Vicksburg countless times, Bulls Run, Antietam and Gettysburg ….. and the issue is sacrifice and bravery.

I think it's too bad that southern states have successfully removed most sites connected with slavery. At the Univ of Va there were slave sites. I read that at Monticello they've ucovered Sally Hemmings living spaces. We need more history, not less. But we need to be honest about our history. And yes the WH was built partly with slave labor
" The South lost. "

Exactly. Their ideology should also lose. To honor those that fought for that ideology is to keep that ideology alive. You cant seperate the two because of the way the human mind works. We dont need memorials to remember history. Put it in a history book. Teach it to the children so they never forget but to honor that ideology or the people that fought for it is a constant slap in the face for Black americans. White people love to tell Black people to "let it go" in regards to slavery. In return we say show us by letting go of the ideology that the very same traitors and enslavers that created and fought to maintain slavery should be honored in any way.
No. The Southerners sacrafices high
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
You fucking idiot. Its even in their articles of seccesion.

" Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. "
That was one reason out of several, dumbass. Furthermore, that isn't why Lincoln launched the war against the South. Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves.
It was the first, second, and third reason listed you fucking idiot. :lol:
That was one state. Other states listed numerous reasons.
Show me one confederate state that didnt list slavery. Also I am sure you are familiar with the Cornerstone address right? They were speaking for all confederate states. Sorry dude. You just dont know what the fuck youre talking about. :)

Stephens' speech declared that disagreements over the enslavement of African Americans were the "immediate cause" of secession and that the Confederate constitution had resolved such issues, saying:

The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. [...] Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the idea of a Government built upon it—when the "storm came and the wind blew, it fell."
You're treating a petulant child as an adult. LOL

I'd agree that slavery really was "the issue." All issues had, at the heart, slavery.

But I don't see Warren opposing statues to dead confederates on civil war parks. I'd be against that, if she were.
I saw an outstanding quote somewhere the other day that went something like this.

"We cant begin to dismantle white supremacy if we are still celebrating the symbols that applaud the belief in white supremacy."

So let those civil war parks exist on private land and remove the tax payers burden to support the up keep and maintenance of confederate statues.
Well, why? The South lost. I gotta tell ya that I've been to Vicksburg countless times, Bulls Run, Antietam and Gettysburg ….. and the issue is sacrifice and bravery.

I think it's too bad that southern states have successfully removed most sites connected with slavery. At the Univ of Va there were slave sites. I read that at Monticello they've ucovered Sally Hemmings living spaces. We need more history, not less. But we need to be honest about our history. And yes the WH was built partly with slave labor
" The South lost. "

Exactly. Their ideology should also lose. To honor those that fought for that ideology is to keep that ideology alive. You cant seperate the two because of the way the human mind works. We dont need memorials to remember history. Put it in a history book. Teach it to the children so they never forget but to honor that ideology or the people that fought for it is a constant slap in the face for Black americans. White people love to tell Black people to "let it go" in regards to slavery. In return we say show us by letting go of the ideology that the very same traitors and enslavers that created and fought to maintain slavery should be honored in any way.
Without teaching the South’s sacrafice, people can’t appreciate the North’s. And not that "lost cause" bullshit the Daughters of the Confederacy erected monuments on every buttfuck Southern county courthouse and state house lawn to make sure the Blacks knew the law was for whites not them.

I’d grant you that the maj of Southerners were motivated to fight because they were the poor subsistence farmers who didn’t "cotton" to be in economic competition with some 7 million blacks who damn near outnumbered them.

The Northern volunteers to up until 1863 may have mainly been motivated to preserve the Union. But the South pretty well kicked their asses consistently in the East. Grant won in the West, but the East was the thing. Chancellorsville and Antitiem were absolute debacles of sacrifice for nothing. And the Northern bastards wouldn’t quit.

After Gettysburg, Lincoln issued his executive order of emancipation. Lincoln took away his offer of letting the South keep the damn slaves if they’d come back peacefully. It put a different "shine" on things. And there were draft riots and lynchings, and Lincoln used the Army to suppress them.

And Grant wore Lee down. But bled-out his own army to do it. The wounded burned to death in the Wilderness. In 1862 a lesser general retreated to avoid casualties. Grant’s strategy was to attack no matter how many died. He started out with a little more than 100K and took about 55% casualties in 8 weeks. And then put his army in a miserable muddy siege, where they took another 40K casualties.

But that army voted to reelect Lincoln to prevent McClellan from giving the South peace. There was not way in hell they were quitting. And you can’t tell that story without the South’s casualties and human sacrifice, which %wise was about equal.
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

Welcome to Liberal Progressive Democratic Party Rule.

They are finally getting to try to destroy / erase all of this nations' history / culture, any reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come.

They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history.
"They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history."

My point exactly. As long as its written somewhere you can fondly reminiscence on what coulda been.
Except that you Stalinist creeps are only a few steps removed from book burning.
Banning movies ( Gone With the Wind) and books (Tom Sawyer) etc already happening.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren’t exactly “traitors”. They were serving their states, who by democratic process seceded from the Union. From their point of view the Union were traitors for attacking them and their right to govern themselves. It was a civil war, meaning both sides were Americans. Not saying they should be “honored”, but remembered yes.
"Civil war" means two side fighting for control over the same government. The South had no interest in controlling the federal government, so it wasn't a civil war.

War for Southern Independence then? Still lost.
So losing mean your cause is wrong?

How about Poland in WW II?

Nah, it just means the brilliant battlefield tactician was a terrible strategist for winning Independence for the South.
I have no idea what the fuck that is supposed to mean.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Lol you need to get a history lesson
Really? Well why don't you point out EXACTLY what is wrong in what I wrote and be specific...very specific, boi!
Most ppl in the south never seen a black before, and were fighting ppl because they showed up on there land, the war had nothing to do with slavery, it was states rights. More economic power to control the goods.
You fucking retard. They fought because they wanted slavery to stay as it was. Your alternate facts are bullshit.
Wrong, moron.
You fucking idiot. Its even in their articles of seccesion.

" Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery-- the greatest material interest of the world. Its labor supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of commerce of the earth. These products are peculiar to the climate verging on the tropical regions, and by an imperious law of nature, none but the black race can bear exposure to the tropical sun. These products have become necessities of the world, and a blow at slavery is a blow at commerce and civilization. That blow has been long aimed at the institution, and was at the point of reaching its consummation. There was no choice left us but submission to the mandates of abolition, or a dissolution of the Union, whose principles had been subverted to work out our ruin. "
That was one reason out of several, dumbass. Furthermore, that isn't why Lincoln launched the war against the South. Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves.
It was the first, second, and third reason listed you fucking idiot. :lol:
That was one state. Other states listed numerous reasons.
Show me one confederate state that didnt list slavery. Also I am sure you are familiar with the Cornerstone address right? They were speaking for all confederate states. Sorry dude. You just dont know what the fuck youre talking about. :)

Stephens' speech declared that disagreements over the enslavement of African Americans were the "immediate cause" of secession and that the Confederate constitution had resolved such issues, saying:

The new Constitution has put at rest forever all the agitating questions relating to our peculiar institution—African slavery as it exists among us—the proper status of the negro in our form of civilization. This was the immediate cause of the late rupture and present revolution. Jefferson, in his forecast, had anticipated this, as the "rock upon which the old Union would split." He was right. What was conjecture with him, is now a realized fact. But whether he fully comprehended the great truth upon which that rock stood and stands, may be doubted. The prevailing ideas entertained by him and most of the leading statesmen at the time of the formation of the old Constitution were, that the enslavement of the African was in violation of the laws of nature; that it was wrong in principle, socially, morally and politically. It was an evil they knew not well how to deal with; but the general opinion of the men of that day was, that, somehow or other, in the order of Providence, the institution would be evanescent and pass away. [...] Those ideas, however, were fundamentally wrong. They rested upon the assumption of the equality of races. This was an error. It was a sandy foundation, and the idea of a Government built upon it—when the "storm came and the wind blew, it fell."
You're treating a petulant child as an adult. LOL

I'd agree that slavery really was "the issue." All issues had, at the heart, slavery.

But I don't see Warren opposing statues to dead confederates on civil war parks. I'd be against that, if she were.
I saw an outstanding quote somewhere the other day that went something like this.

"We cant begin to dismantle white supremacy if we are still celebrating the symbols that applaud the belief in white supremacy."

So let those civil war parks exist on private land and remove the tax payers burden to support the up keep and maintenance of confederate statues.
Well, why? The South lost. I gotta tell ya that I've been to Vicksburg countless times, Bulls Run, Antietam and Gettysburg ….. and the issue is sacrifice and bravery.

I think it's too bad that southern states have successfully removed most sites connected with slavery. At the Univ of Va there were slave sites. I read that at Monticello they've ucovered Sally Hemmings living spaces. We need more history, not less. But we need to be honest about our history. And yes the WH was built partly with slave labor
" The South lost. "

Exactly. Their ideology should also lose. To honor those that fought for that ideology is to keep that ideology alive. You cant seperate the two because of the way the human mind works. We dont need memorials to remember history. Put it in a history book. Teach it to the children so they never forget but to honor that ideology or the people that fought for it is a constant slap in the face for Black americans. White people love to tell Black people to "let it go" in regards to slavery. In return we say show us by letting go of the ideology that the very same traitors and enslavers that created and fought to maintain slavery should be honored in any way.
No we do need to understand the Southerners' sacrifice. The real sacrafice and not the "lost cause" bullshit statues on every buttfuck county courthouse and state capital. As an voluntary southerner, I'd gr
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren’t exactly “traitors”. They were serving their states, who by democratic process seceded from the Union. From their point of view the Union were traitors for attacking them and their right to govern themselves. It was a civil war, meaning both sides were Americans. Not saying they should be “honored”, but remembered yes.
"Civil war" means two side fighting for control over the same government. The South had no interest in controlling the federal government, so it wasn't a civil war.

War for Southern Independence then? Still lost.
The War of Northern Aggression, also referred to as the Late Great Unpleasantness(-:
" No we do need to understand the Southerners' sacrifice. "

You cant understand sacrifice by looking at a statue. You have to read what sacrifices were made, talk to the people that went through it.. and all that can be put in a book. The end result is that whatever sacrifice was made was made to support enslaving Black people. Again on private property do what you want. On public property its a slap in the face to take my tax money and maintain any confederate monument or memorial.
nah. Books can't tell what climbing out of trenches and dying on hills in summer in wool unis was like.
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

Welcome to Liberal Progressive Democratic Party Rule.

They are finally getting to try to destroy / erase all of this nations' history / culture, any reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come.

They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history.
"They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history."

My point exactly. As long as its written somewhere you can fondly reminiscence on what coulda been.
Except that you Stalinist creeps are only a few steps removed from book burning.
Banning movies ( Gone With the Wind) and books (Tom Sawyer) etc already happening.
Banning Scarett OHara? How will Lindsey Graham practice his senate speeches? (-:
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren’t exactly “traitors”. They were serving their states, who by democratic process seceded from the Union. From their point of view the Union were traitors for attacking them and their right to govern themselves. It was a civil war, meaning both sides were Americans. Not saying they should be “honored”, but remembered yes.
"Civil war" means two side fighting for control over the same government. The South had no interest in controlling the federal government, so it wasn't a civil war.
Nope. Civil war means a war between the citizens of the same country. It doesnt have shit to do with control of the government per say.

a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state’s territory.
Why don't we call the American revolution a "civil war?"
Because the winner is the owner of the state. I even gave you the definition and you still missed it. :lol:
Whether it's a civil war depends on who wins?

That's a true leap of demagoguery.
Yep. The winner gets to call it whatever they want to call it.
In other words, might makes right. Southerners were justified in owning slaves, according to that logic.
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

Welcome to Liberal Progressive Democratic Party Rule.

They are finally getting to try to destroy / erase all of this nations' history / culture, any reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come.

They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history.
"They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history."

My point exactly. As long as its written somewhere you can fondly reminiscence on what coulda been.

The majority should not be forced to change everything about this nation because a minority is easily offended / triggered.

The vast majority of these 'peaceful protestors' have been indoctrinated and manipulated emotionally and based on their ignorance.

Time and again over the past weeks it has been proven that idiots, thugs, criminals,, and domestic terrorists defacing, toppling, and / or calling for the removal of monuments, statues, buildings, etc... of / named after famous people don't even know who the hell they were, anything about them, or anything they did or did not do throughout history.

Instead of allowing ignorant racists , thugs, socialists, and terrorists to destroy history it is about time REAL history about this country was well as respect, gratitude, grace, forgiveness, and peace.

It was just reported that some ignorant f*ing Democrat mayor supports destroying / moving a statue of the man who ended slavery in the US - Abraham Lincoln, yet he opposes renaming a prominent street named after a slave owner where there was once a slave market. That is just the epitome of 'f*ing ignorant' and 'triggered'.

To all of those who have come out of your safe spaces to loot, destroy, burn, attack, murder, etc...because you claim to be 'offended' by every little reminder of slavery that no longer exists, that no one you know was ever a part in, that you yourself was never part of...SFU already.

A POS white cop held his knee down on a black man's throat / back until he did from asphyxiation...That cop and those who watched it happen are now in jail, charged with murder.

That was nothing more than an excuse for rioting, looting, destroying, burning, attacking, murdering - hurting innocents, neighbors, cops, etc...

Enough of this BS.
"The majority should not be forced to change everything about this nation because a minority is easily offended / triggered."

I agree. We are the majority and you are the minority. Stop whining.
The majority have no right to impose anything on the minority unless someone's rights are being violated.
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

Welcome to Liberal Progressive Democratic Party Rule.

They are finally getting to try to destroy / erase all of this nations' history / culture, any reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come.

They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history.
"They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history."

My point exactly. As long as its written somewhere you can fondly reminiscence on what coulda been.
Except that you Stalinist creeps are only a few steps removed from book burning.
I cant bring myself to throw a book away let alone burn one. What are you talking about?
You can hardly bring yourself to read a fucking book....But you'll certainly be there when your commie hoodlum bretheren are making bonfires out of them.
I read a book every two weeks dummy. Dont you ever wonder why I am so much more informed than you are?
What race did the ancient Egyptians belong to?
So how is the minority tearing down your statues if youre the majority? :)

I am sure you are familiar with Jonathon Gruber, the man who bragged about how stupid Democrat voters were / are, how Democrats relied on that ignorance to get away with all they do.

I am sure you are well aware how domestic terrorists, socialists, and other enemies of the Constitution in and this country - like Barry's terrorist pal Bill Ayers - stopped bombing Americans and killing 1st responders because it failed to get them what they wanted , how they learned they had to take over the education institutions in the US ti indoctrinate generations of ignorant, brainwashed stupid yourself, as stupid people are much easier to control / rule.

What you are seeing is ignorant, emotionally manipulated sheep - driven by mob mentality and manipulated into carrying out criminal / traitorous acts by such groups as Soros-funded Antifa.

In 2016t snowflakes like you were conned by the Russians via social media to organize and protest for them. The Black Fist, Antifa, and even BLM organizers took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence.

It is no coincidence that 140 days out from another Presidential election many of those same forces for various reasons have turned up the heat to get this nation to a point where emotions boil over...and people are easily manipulated...again.

And near the head of the sheep herd, there you are claiming to be one of the 'majority;' acting on your own, oblivious to the 'shepherds' who keep herding you along, just like they conned you in 2016, snowflake.

But you know everything, right, MS CLEO?! You know what policemen are thinking as they act, know their motivations, and intentions. Tell us again how the policeman involved in the latest shooting got out of the car with the intention of killing someone. I just love that 'BS' bedtime story.

We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren’t exactly “traitors”. They were serving their states, who by democratic process seceded from the Union. From their point of view the Union were traitors for attacking them and their right to govern themselves. It was a civil war, meaning both sides were Americans. Not saying they should be “honored”, but remembered yes.
"Civil war" means two side fighting for control over the same government. The South had no interest in controlling the federal government, so it wasn't a civil war.

War for Southern Independence then? Still lost.
So losing mean your cause is wrong?

How about Poland in WW II?

Nah, it just means the brilliant battlefield tactician was a terrible strategist for winning Independence for the South.
I have no idea what the fuck that is supposed to mean.

Not too surprising. Try this: Lee should have acted more like Washington and avoided major confrontations. Drag out the war, get some international recognition, and wait for the other side to get tired of losings sons.
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

Welcome to Liberal Progressive Democratic Party Rule.

They are finally getting to try to destroy / erase all of this nations' history / culture, any reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come.

They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history.
"They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history."

My point exactly. As long as its written somewhere you can fondly reminiscence on what coulda been.

The majority should not be forced to change everything about this nation because a minority is easily offended / triggered.

The vast majority of these 'peaceful protestors' have been indoctrinated and manipulated emotionally and based on their ignorance.

Time and again over the past weeks it has been proven that idiots, thugs, criminals,, and domestic terrorists defacing, toppling, and / or calling for the removal of monuments, statues, buildings, etc... of / named after famous people don't even know who the hell they were, anything about them, or anything they did or did not do throughout history.

Instead of allowing ignorant racists , thugs, socialists, and terrorists to destroy history it is about time REAL history about this country was well as respect, gratitude, grace, forgiveness, and peace.

It was just reported that some ignorant f*ing Democrat mayor supports destroying / moving a statue of the man who ended slavery in the US - Abraham Lincoln, yet he opposes renaming a prominent street named after a slave owner where there was once a slave market. That is just the epitome of 'f*ing ignorant' and 'triggered'.

To all of those who have come out of your safe spaces to loot, destroy, burn, attack, murder, etc...because you claim to be 'offended' by every little reminder of slavery that no longer exists, that no one you know was ever a part in, that you yourself was never part of...SFU already.

A POS white cop held his knee down on a black man's throat / back until he did from asphyxiation...That cop and those who watched it happen are now in jail, charged with murder.

That was nothing more than an excuse for rioting, looting, destroying, burning, attacking, murdering - hurting innocents, neighbors, cops, etc...

Enough of this BS.
"The majority should not be forced to change everything about this nation because a minority is easily offended / triggered."

I agree. We are the majority and you are the minority. Stop whining.
The majority have no right to impose anything on the minority unless someone's rights are being violated.
Again, those seizing city blocks, looting, burning, destroying, attacking, murdering, pushing the 'Cancel Culture' and the elimination of entire police forces are NOT the majority.

Just like in 2016 we have seen outside antagonizers, thugs, thieves, and domestic terrorists bussed into cities to incite and spread violence....and with help from Dems and the media they want to make it look like they are the majority.
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

Welcome to Liberal Progressive Democratic Party Rule.

They are finally getting to try to destroy / erase all of this nations' history / culture, any reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come.

They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history.
"They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history."

My point exactly. As long as its written somewhere you can fondly reminiscence on what coulda been.
Except that you Stalinist creeps are only a few steps removed from book burning.
Banning movies ( Gone With the Wind) and books (Tom Sawyer) etc already happening.

Banned? Hardly. They're still for sale. But so is Mein Kampt.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren’t exactly “traitors”. They were serving their states, who by democratic process seceded from the Union. From their point of view the Union were traitors for attacking them and their right to govern themselves. It was a civil war, meaning both sides were Americans. Not saying they should be “honored”, but remembered yes.
"Civil war" means two side fighting for control over the same government. The South had no interest in controlling the federal government, so it wasn't a civil war.
Nope. Civil war means a war between the citizens of the same country. It doesnt have shit to do with control of the government per say.

a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state’s territory.
Why don't we call the American revolution a "civil war?"
Because the winner is the owner of the state. I even gave you the definition and you still missed it. :lol:
Whether it's a civil war depends on who wins?

That's a true leap of demagoguery.
Yep. The winner gets to call it whatever they want to call it.
In other words, might makes right. Southerners were justified in owning slaves, according to that logic.
Sure if thats how you want to feel about it. However, i bet you it wont ever happen again without a lot of white southerners dying.
So how is the minority tearing down your statues if youre the majority? :)

I am sure you are familiar with Jonathon Gruber, the man who bragged about how stupid Democrat voters were / are, how Democrats relied on that ignorance to get away with all they do.

I am sure you are well aware how domestic terrorists, socialists, and other enemies of the Constitution in and this country - like Barry's terrorist pal Bill Ayers - stopped bombing Americans and killing 1st responders because it failed to get them what they wanted , how they learned they had to take over the education institutions in the US ti indoctrinate generations of ignorant, brainwashed stupid yourself, as stupid people are much easier to control / rule.

What you are seeing is ignorant, emotionally manipulated sheep - driven by mob mentality and manipulated into carrying out criminal / traitorous acts by such groups as Soros-funded Antifa.

In 2016t snowflakes like you were conned by the Russians via social media to organize and protest for them. The Black Fist, Antifa, and even BLM organizers took money from the Russians to spread racial division and violence.

It is no coincidence that 140 days out from another Presidential election many of those same forces for various reasons have turned up the heat to get this nation to a point where emotions boil over...and people are easily manipulated...again.

And near the head of the sheep herd, there you are claiming to be one of the 'majority;' acting on your own, oblivious to the 'shepherds' who keep herding you along, just like they conned you in 2016, snowflake.

But you know everything, right, MS CLEO?! You know what policemen are thinking as they act, know their motivations, and intentions. Tell us again how the policeman involved in the latest shooting got out of the car with the intention of killing someone. I just love that 'BS' bedtime story.

So the pandemic, the killing of Aubrey, the killing of Floyd, the killing of Breonna Taylor were all created events? Is that what you are saying?
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren’t exactly “traitors”. They were serving their states, who by democratic process seceded from the Union. From their point of view the Union were traitors for attacking them and their right to govern themselves. It was a civil war, meaning both sides were Americans. Not saying they should be “honored”, but remembered yes.
"Civil war" means two side fighting for control over the same government. The South had no interest in controlling the federal government, so it wasn't a civil war.
Nope. Civil war means a war between the citizens of the same country. It doesnt have shit to do with control of the government per say.

a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state’s territory.
Why don't we call the American revolution a "civil war?"
Because the winner is the owner of the state. I even gave you the definition and you still missed it. :lol:
Whether it's a civil war depends on who wins?

That's a true leap of demagoguery.
Yep. The winner gets to call it whatever they want to call it.
In other words, might makes right. Southerners were justified in owning slaves, according to that logic.
Sure if thats how you want to feel about it. However, i bet you it wont ever happen again without a lot of white southerners dying.
I pointed out a logical contradiction on your part, moron. What I "feel" is irrelevant. You can't condemn slavery and then claim "might makes right." That's like saying 2 + 2 = 5.
Rioting, looting, and murder moves on to grave desecration.

Been a seriously frightening couple of weeks.

Welcome to Liberal Progressive Democratic Party Rule.

They are finally getting to try to destroy / erase all of this nations' history / culture, any reminder of who we are, where we came from, and how far we have come.

They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history.
"They can destroy monuments, but that does not change our history."

My point exactly. As long as its written somewhere you can fondly reminiscence on what coulda been.
Except that you Stalinist creeps are only a few steps removed from book burning.
Banning movies ( Gone With the Wind) and books (Tom Sawyer) etc already happening.

Banned? Hardly. They're still for sale. But so is Mein Kampt.
Amazon banned Mein Kampf, moron.
We have to learn about our history, honor those that fought and learn from mistakes made so many years ago.
Honoring those patriots who fought for the security and preservation of the United States is one thing and Americans should never forget them or their sacrifices.

Honoring TRAITORS of the United States who took up arms against this Nation and the Constitution to create their own Slave Nation separate and apart is anathema to all reasonable and honorable conduct!
They weren’t exactly “traitors”. They were serving their states, who by democratic process seceded from the Union. From their point of view the Union were traitors for attacking them and their right to govern themselves. It was a civil war, meaning both sides were Americans. Not saying they should be “honored”, but remembered yes.
"Civil war" means two side fighting for control over the same government. The South had no interest in controlling the federal government, so it wasn't a civil war.
Nope. Civil war means a war between the citizens of the same country. It doesnt have shit to do with control of the government per say.

a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state actors in the state’s territory.
Why don't we call the American revolution a "civil war?"
Because the winner is the owner of the state. I even gave you the definition and you still missed it. :lol:
Whether it's a civil war depends on who wins?

That's a true leap of demagoguery.
Yep. The winner gets to call it whatever they want to call it.
In other words, might makes right. Southerners were justified in owning slaves, according to that logic.
Sure if thats how you want to feel about it. However, i bet you it wont ever happen again without a lot of white southerners dying.
I pointed out a logical contradiction on your part, moron. What I "feel" is irrelevant. You can't condemn slavery and then claim "might makes right." That's like saying 2 + 2 = 5.
I didnt claim might makes right you idiot. I said the winner gets to call it whatever they want. So I can condemn slavery and point out the idiocy in your claim.

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