Democrats Announce Articles Of Impeachment

“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

So I guess one person's OPINION is all we need. Last I checked, Impeachment is about high crimes and misdemeanors.

hmmm. Help me with this, how exactly is honor measured? No one in Washington has integrity - so throw that out.
So we’re going to change the Constitution from high crimes and misdemeanors to high butthurt and we don’t like this guy.
You don't even know what a High Crime is.
Well I’m sure you can define the ones Trump has committed then. Let’s hear it.
Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are High Crimes.
Basically, any crime committed by the President is a high crime, by definition.

If lying about a blowjob is a high crime, then trying to extort a foreign power for personal political gain is a many orders of magnitude greater high crime.
And since you have no proof that happened you’re going to go with abuse of power. You idiots have screwed yourselves.
There is a mountain of proof Trump tried to extort a foreign power for personal political gain.

Here are the Top 10 Recipients of US Foreign Aid in 2018. Most of those countries are more corrupt than Ukraine.

Show me where Trump held up their aid until they agreed to investigate corruption. Hell, he shouldn't have given a penny to Israel since Bibi is crooked as a dog's hind leg! Netanyahu: What are the corruption charges?

So only a retard buys Trump's story about Ukraine and his concerns about corruption. The fact is he wanted dirt on Biden for his personal political gain.
I notice my post that was post 72 is now post 77. So if I asked you to read post 72, it is now 77.

There must have been a merge.
“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
DemonRats wouldn’t know honesty or integrity if it bit them in their Schitty asses.
You don't even know who said that, do you? :71:
Graham said it and he is wrong. What's your point? That an R said it so it must be true?
The trial is in the Senate. We do have to have a trial here in America. You've heard of a trial right? It tests how much 3rd hand accounts can be used as evidence...Agree?

What does that have to do about people here lying about Trump not calling for interference?

God's judgement??...You a priest?

So you think lying isn't a sin? Interesting.
You don't even know what a High Crime is.
Well I’m sure you can define the ones Trump has committed then. Let’s hear it.
Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are High Crimes.
Basically, any crime committed by the President is a high crime, by definition.

If lying about a blowjob is a high crime, then trying to extort a foreign power for personal political gain is a many orders of magnitude greater high crime.
And since you have no proof that happened you’re going to go with abuse of power. You idiots have screwed yourselves.
There is a mountain of proof Trump tried to extort a foreign power for personal political gain.

Here are the Top 10 Recipients of US Foreign Aid in 2018. Most of those countries are more corrupt than Ukraine.

Show me where Trump held up their aid until they agreed to investigate corruption. Hell, he shouldn't have given a penny to Israel since Bibi is crooked as a dog's hind leg! Netanyahu: What are the corruption charges?

So only a retard buys Trump's story about Ukraine and his concerns about corruption. The fact is he wanted dirt on Biden for his personal political gain.
Where’s the mountain? If it’s a mountain worth why isn’t that the basis for impeachment. Your evidence is so overwhelming you can’t use it?
As expected, the Trump cultists aren't even trying to refute the charges. Because they can't. They're just on their backs in full tantrum mode, screaming and flailing those little arms and legs. They're not even pretending they're not loyal to Russia over the USA.

Let's summarize the treason that all of the Trump cultists are running cover for.
First, that President Trump directed a scheme to pressure Ukraine into opening two investigations that would benefit his 2020 reelection campaign, and not US national interests.

Second, President Trump used his official office and the official tools of US foreign policy, the withholding of an Oval Office meeting, and $391 million in security assistance, to pressure Ukraine into meeting his demands.

Third, everyone was in the loop. His chief of staff, the secretary of state, and vice president.

And fourth, despite the public discovery of this scheme which prompted the president to release the aid, he has not given up. He and his agents continue to solicit Ukrainian interference in our election, causing an imminent threat to our elections and our national security.

Enjoy burning in Hell, Trump cultists. You can't gleefully rape American democracy, one of God's greatest creations, and not burn in Hell. What's more, the liberals will be in heaven, looking down upon on you with pity. I know that will hurt you even more than the flames.
Classic example of a liberal dumbass
Well I’m sure you can define the ones Trump has committed then. Let’s hear it.
Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are High Crimes.
Basically, any crime committed by the President is a high crime, by definition.

If lying about a blowjob is a high crime, then trying to extort a foreign power for personal political gain is a many orders of magnitude greater high crime.
And since you have no proof that happened you’re going to go with abuse of power. You idiots have screwed yourselves.
There is a mountain of proof Trump tried to extort a foreign power for personal political gain.

Here are the Top 10 Recipients of US Foreign Aid in 2018. Most of those countries are more corrupt than Ukraine.

Show me where Trump held up their aid until they agreed to investigate corruption. Hell, he shouldn't have given a penny to Israel since Bibi is crooked as a dog's hind leg! Netanyahu: What are the corruption charges?

So only a retard buys Trump's story about Ukraine and his concerns about corruption. The fact is he wanted dirt on Biden for his personal political gain.
Where’s the mountain?
“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”

So I guess one person's OPINION is all we need. Last I checked, Impeachment is about high crimes and misdemeanors.

hmmm. Help me with this, how exactly is honor measured? No one in Washington has integrity - so throw that out.
Can you define what a high crime is?
No crimes , no real reason for impeachment but here we are. Wont get passed senate. Big waste of time and money

Well I look at it this way. The one good thing that will become of all of this bullshit is the elimination of the party of the most egregious lying assholes that we as a nation have ever had to suffer.
I'm sure the Republicans have enough cultists to survive no matter what they do....5th Ave Syndrome.
ff to 17:25 where it begins. First salvo.
Democrats unveil articles of impeachment against Trump – live

Yesterday the Republicans' behavior was ridiculous. Crying "We want Schiff--that's why we're being such pricks!" "Strike that testimony--he said something mean about the President!" "We want a hearing" (while they admit it has no bearing on anything) "POINT OF ORDER" - ergo, let's make sure to disrupt whatever order that's attempted.

It was the dynamic of a bunch of rebellious adolescents taking over their classroom while the teacher is away and a sub tries to maintain order.
Heavens sake. That Angry Man goes blasting at Bambi like Don Jr. with his elephant gun, completely disgusting any human with empathy.

I'll tell you what. I have seen enough of this. The old timers are becoming sick of having their soaps and The Price is Right pre-empted. I just can't stand watching anymore of this cruelty and lack of couth.

It's bad enough reading all about it here. Republicans are acting like losers.
Keep in mind, the Right is acting just like the Sturmabteilung in Germany in the early 1930s...disrupting government.
Oh, please, Bo. Let's not go there.
The Right are not Nazi's. There are certain well-worn tactics used by politicians since politics came along. We will barrel ahead, pushing through despite the Republicans' attempts to slow walk this whole impeachment proceeding until far after the election. We will hopefully not allow the Republicans to run Congress down the rabbit hole of Schiff orchestrating this whole thing. Schiff was not in Ukraine and had nothing to do with what happened in Ukraine and there is absolutely no rational excuse for why they want to question him.
Hey stupid, I never said anything about Barr. You brought him up when I asked you how TRUMP obstructed congress.

Wanna try again? How did TRUMP obstruct congress.

you asked who lied to Congress.
And you came back with Barr. WTF does your mistaken claim have to do with the charges against Trump? Nothing, dummy.

Now, wanna tell me how Trump obstructed congress?

Refusal to allow testimony and provide documents
Once again for the really slow...........they challenged subpoenas in court. Nothing wrong with that.

Dimwingers didn't wait for court rulings because the election is too close and this is all about the 2020 election.

Feel free to explain how lawfully using the courts amounts to obstruction of congress because Schifferbrains didn't want to wait on the courts?

When you refuse to cooperate, you are obstructing
Bullshit. He used the proper channels to challenge requests. You being butthurt over that doesn't make it obstruction.

You really are clueless.
ff to 17:25 where it begins. First salvo.
Democrats unveil articles of impeachment against Trump – live

Yesterday the Republicans' behavior was ridiculous. Crying "We want Schiff--that's why we're being such pricks!" "Strike that testimony--he said something mean about the President!" "We want a hearing" (while they admit it has no bearing on anything) "POINT OF ORDER" - ergo, let's make sure to disrupt whatever order that's attempted.

It was the dynamic of a bunch of rebellious adolescents taking over their classroom while the teacher is away and a sub tries to maintain order.
Heavens sake. That Angry Man goes blasting at Bambi like Don Jr. with his elephant gun, completely disgusting any human with empathy.

I'll tell you what. I have seen enough of this. The old timers are becoming sick of having their soaps and The Price is Right pre-empted. I just can't stand watching anymore of this cruelty and lack of couth.

It's bad enough reading all about it here. Republicans are acting like losers.
Democrats are losers!
See post 72.

Way ahead of you.

You stay so far behind that your younger sibling was born first!

Wow! Even your cat is smarter than you!

how was that 2018 election?

You mean where the Republicans increased their margin in the Senate? Works for me. It also gave you libtards the chance to show your real selves to the American people.

The 2020 election will be a rout for libtards!

Nixon beat McGovern like a red-headed step child. This one may top that!
And we all know what Nixon was.......don't we? :71: And a perfect match for GOPrs for sure.
I see no one has been able to show where Trump held up aid to any other foreign aid countries until they opened corruption investigations.

You all must be feeling pretty awkward. :lol:

"Look! A squirrel!"
AIDE: Mr. President, your friend Bib Netanyahu is going to be indicted for bribery, fraud, and breach of trust.

TRUMP: Release the $3.1 BILLION of aid to him immediately! He's going to need it.
“You don’t even have to be convicted of a crime to lose your job in this constitutional republic if this body determines that your conduct as a public official is clearly out of bounds in your role. Impeachment is not about punishment. Impeachment is about cleansing the office. Impeachment is about restoring honor and integrity to the office.”
So we’re going to change the Constitution from high crimes and misdemeanors to high butthurt and we don’t like this guy.
You don't even know what a High Crime is.
Well I’m sure you can define the ones Trump has committed then. Let’s hear it.
Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Congress are High Crimes.
Really? Cite the laws.

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