Democrats are responsible for the violence against Trump

In their own words, from their own leadership. Sad how far this country as fallen but this is the result of decade after decade of propaganda....

The Democrats are reaping the rewards of repeating "Trump is a threat to democracy" and "Trump is Hitler" a few hundred thousand times through their many media outlets. They tried to destroy him in court, and they will be most pleased if he is assassinated. They win the White House, mission accomplished.
A man breaks into the Speaker of the House's residence intent on bashing her head in with a hammer.

Instead, he finds her husband and bashes his head in instead.

Did the Trump cult react with horror and condemnation? Did any of you condemn the attack?

You know the answer, you fucking fucking fucking hypocrites.

The MAGA media went into full-on sicko celebratory mode, and manufactured a disgusting hoax out of thin air and gleefully spread it far and wide. And you all parroted it and defended the hoax with all your might.

So you hypocrites can all just SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

Donald Trump, Jr.:

A man breaks into the Speaker of the House's residence intent on bashing her head in with a hammer.

Instead, he finds her husband and bashes his head in instead.

Did the Trump cult react with horror and condemnation? Did any of you condemn the attack?

You know the answer, you fucking fucking fucking hypocrites.

The MAGA media went into full-on sicko celebratory mode, and manufactured a disgusting hoax out of thin air and gleefully spread it far and wide. And you all parroted it and defended the hoax with all your might.

So you hypocrites can all just SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

Donald Trump, Jr.:

Looks like projection to me
The MSM referred to Trump as Hitler 51 times in just a couple of days.....I forget what Trump said to have them toss Godwin's law out the window.
About the best or easiest way to explain this nouveau
corruption of Truth and the American way is very simple.
Ones' wallet.Under Trump,Americans had far more disposable income
and all they need do was check their wallet.All that is now thrown
out the door.Americans are hurting.Their wallets are near empty or
closer than ever.
Enter the Main Culprit in American Society.The Mainstream or
Legacy Media.Those working under the Legacy Media umbrella
have no worries what so ever.They even get bonus' for doing a
yeomans job of Lying to the public.They have free lunches and Limos
take them to scheduled Press events.Either no motgage on their
residence or maybe a little mortgage on their summer home or
nice cottage in places like Maine.So naturally they sold out to
a party { Democrat } who wishes to control every detail of
american life.
A man breaks into the Speaker of the House's residence intent on bashing her head in with a hammer.

Instead, he finds her husband and bashes his head in instead.

Did the Trump cult react with horror and condemnation? Did any of you condemn the attack?

You know the answer, you fucking fucking fucking hypocrites.

The MAGA media went into full-on sicko celebratory mode, and manufactured a disgusting hoax out of thin air and gleefully spread it far and wide. And you all parroted it and defended the hoax with all your might.

So you hypocrites can all just SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

Donald Trump, Jr.:

Wrong thread, jerk off. WRONG WRONG WRONG.

This thread is about the Democratic party's use of violent rhetoric against Donald Trump.
Nobody is using violent rhetoric but Trump and his supporters. What a man sows, he shall also reap.
Trump and his cult live in perpetual victimhood. Trump has bought this on himself.
In their own words, from their own leadership. Sad how far this country as fallen but this is the result of decade after decade of propaganda....

The person to blame is the Orange Shit Gibbon. He uses inflammatory language and use his racist language does not help him. He is one who desecrated sacred ground at Arlington, and he justly roasted for it. No propaganda, just the truth. Harris baited him and took the hook. Don't blame Dems when your guy has dementia. He shits in his diapers. He is Convicted Felon and an Adjudicated Rapist. He did this to himself.
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