Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

Democrats are running on buying votes with ideas that will explode the budget. They are the worst bigots and racists.

They are attempting to find dirt on a sitting President that they hope can be used to win an election.

They have proven that country, law and order or truth does not matter if it furthers their agenda.

Yeah the so called Democratic Party died with JFK. I would not vote democrat if Jack the Ripper was the only other choice. Jack would in the long run be a better choice.
This is the problem with your kind. The facts are right there and instead of looking at the facts which are right there you create bizarre facts that of course no oneā€˜s going to believe.
Attempting to find dirt on a sitting president that every single person around him is guilty of some kind of felony crime? How does that make sense?

Ideas that would explode the budget? Like tax cuts to billionaires? Trillions under bush and trillions more under Trump? But building bridges and stuff like thatā€™s just too expensive?

Why would jack the ripper be a democrat? For one thing heā€™s white. So he would probably be a Republican.
At least, thatā€™s the odds.
Democrats are running on buying votes with ideas that will explode the budget. They are the worst bigots and racists.

They are attempting to find dirt on a sitting President that they hope can be used to win an election.

They have proven that country, law and order or truth does not matter if it furthers their agenda.

Yeah the so called Democratic Party died with JFK. I would not vote democrat if Jack the Ripper was the only other choice. Jack would in the long run be a better choice.
This is the problem with your kind. The facts are right there and instead of looking at the facts which are right there you create bizarre facts that of course no oneā€˜s going to believe.
Attempting to find dirt on a sitting president that every single person around him is guilty of some kind of felony crime? How does that make sense?

Ideas that would explode the budget? Like tax cuts to billionaires? Trillions under bush and trillions more under Trump? But building bridges and stuff like thatā€™s just too expensive?

Why would jack the ripper be a democrat? For one thing heā€™s white. So he would probably be a Republican.
At least, thatā€™s the odds.
That post reminded me of a patient I had about 2 months ago in the ER. After being evaluated, she was committed and moved to the psych unit.
Democrats are running on buying votes with ideas that will explode the budget. They are the worst bigots and racists.

They are attempting to find dirt on a sitting President that they hope can be used to win an election.

They have proven that country, law and order or truth does not matter if it furthers their agenda.

Yeah the so called Democratic Party died with JFK. I would not vote democrat if Jack the Ripper was the only other choice. Jack would in the long run be a better choice.
This is the problem with your kind. The facts are right there and instead of looking at the facts which are right there you create bizarre facts that of course no oneā€˜s going to believe.
Attempting to find dirt on a sitting president that every single person around him is guilty of some kind of felony crime? How does that make sense?

Ideas that would explode the budget? Like tax cuts to billionaires? Trillions under bush and trillions more under Trump? But building bridges and stuff like thatā€™s just too expensive?

Why would jack the ripper be a democrat? For one thing heā€™s white. So he would probably be a Republican.
At least, thatā€™s the odds.
Damn Deany you are just too stupid. First lets start with the fact that the Democrats are investigating only so they have something to use against him at election. They have no other hopes.

You forgot to mention extra trillions under 44 and every other president. Funny how you seem to forget healthcare for all. Reparations, the new green deal. It is not just bridges you brain dead.

Learn to read dim wit. I said that I would never vote for a democrat. Even if the only other candidate to vote for was Jack the Ripper. A democrat would be a worse choice then a mass murderer.

Go back to your cell. At least you can convince yourself you are smart.
Democrats are running on ideas and inclusion, Republicans are running on fear

Can you really win the presidency based on just trying to scare the other side.....again?

Democrats want to leave a clean and healthy world to our children and grandchildren.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want to build a new and better infrastructure.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Democrats want healthcare to be available for all Americans.

Republicans are calling that socialism.

Republicans are running on fear. They have no new ideas. No solutions. What do they have to run on besides scaring people? Division? Racism?

With HR1, giving Illegals the right to vote, the democrat Party officially hates America and Americans and have declared a Civil War.

The democrat Party will suffer greatly
Inclusion? :lol:
Idk many people who are against infrastructure. Thats just silly.
If you want govt healthcare, pass an amendment. Good luck forcing people to drop their loved employer insurance to get govt insurance regulated by a bunch of fucking retards who almost 90 percent of the country doesnt like or trust.
If you donā€™t do anything then you are not for it.

RePublicans had total control of the government for the last two years. And I mean TOTAL control.

So what did they do on infrastructure?

Got rid of EPA regulations?

Tax cuts for billionaires?

Republicans may see that stuff as infrastructure but thatā€™s not how the rest of the world sees it.

Ask a republican to name what they think infrastructure is and either nothing happened, like for bridges or roads or resource management And the answer is nothing.

But massive tax giveaways to billionaires, they did plenty. Maybe thatā€™s what they think infrastructure is. Moving the wealth of the nations of the top 1%?
for the MILLIONTH time--you have NO evidence/links/etc = bullshit
the Dems are running on FAKE RACISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kamala Harris calls Trump a racist
Bernie Sanders: President Trump is a 'racist'
So Iā€™m not sure what your post means since you posted links showing that trump is a racist. Some Mexicans donā€™t rape, very fine people on both sides, sh!t hole countries.
When you say those things in public about people of color then thatā€™s the very definition of racist. Trump may be able to say one thing one day in public and the next day deny that he ever said it even though itā€™s right there on tape, but normal people canā€™t donā€™t have that luxury of a gullible base that will believe him no matter what.

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