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Democrats..Can't Negotiate

It's true, they really suck at it..

Nope. Wrong again.

They just know that you don't negotiate with children.

See, little Johnny B. and his Tea Party friends are refusing to get out of the car until they are taken back to the mall to get the toy they really, really wanted last November.

We're not going back to the mall. Johnny doesn't get his toy.

The tea party friends need to go to bed without desert.

If you want the toy, you have to earn it -- win an election, purpose NEW legislation, get it though both house etc. But stop this feeble extortion of the American people -- putting language in a CR that would seriously alter a LAW ON THE BOOK that is mostly mandatory spending and programs. Mandatory. If you want to revise a law like the ACA, you need a senate that will go along with you and a President who will sign that NEW BILL. You need to win back the WH.

It's true, they really suck at it..

Nope. Wrong again.

They just know that you don't negotiate with children.

See, little Johnny B. and his Tea Party friends are refusing to get out of the car until they are taken back to the mall to get the toy they really, really wanted last November.

We're not going back to the mall. Johnny doesn't get his toy.

The tea party friends need to go to bed without desert.

If you want the toy, you have to earn it -- win an election, purpose NEW legislation, get it though both house etc. But stop this feeble extortion of the American people -- putting language in a CR that would seriously alter a LAW ON THE BOOK that is mostly mandatory spending and programs. Mandatory. If you want to revise a law like the ACA, you need a senate that will go along with you and a President who will sign that NEW BILL. You need to win back the WH.

I see Hazelnutless is another Leftist who would love Conservatism to disappear.
The Democrat party's idea of negotiating is they get everything they want, the other side gets nothing.

It's true, they really suck at it..

Nope. Wrong again.

They just know that you don't negotiate with children.

Actually, Democrats get their advice from children, look no further than Pelosi consulting with her 5 year old grandchild for advice..that's the mental capacity of the Democrat Party.
Congress has 2 jobs.

#1 Fund the obligations made by them and their predecessors that are currently on the government plate.

#2 Discuss what's on the plate the rest of the year.

There is NOTHING to negotiate yet.
You are sooooooo full of shit. Congress is tasked with protecting the rights of their constituency. Each representative has a different task. Farmers have rights. City dwellers have rights. They are NOT the same.

What confuses you and many other liberal numbnuts is that living off the efforts of others is NOT a right!

Fuck liberalism!
Perhaps... but that's not their JOB.

Job #1 for congress is to pass a budget. They need to fund the OBLIGATIONS already agreed to by them and the congress's that came before them.

Job #2 is to discuss those obligations and make those concerns from constituents you describe known.

Imagine a future Republican President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the Democrats, via a weak-as-piss Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive gun control legislation to avoid a shutdown of the government.

How does THAT make you feeeeeeeeeeeeel?
Perhaps... but that's not their JOB.

Job #1 for congress is to pass a budget. They need to fund the OBLIGATIONS already agreed to by them and the congress's that came before them.

Job #2 is to discuss those obligations and make those concerns from constituents you describe known.

Imagine a future Republican President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the Democrats, via a weak-as-piss Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive gun control legislation to avoid a shutdown of the government.

How does THAT make you feeeeeeeeeeeeel?

How would something that costs money shut the gubment down?

"Spend another billion on gun control or we'll shut down" .... :lol:
How about "spend billions on removing guns by force..."?

Extremist Liberal whackos can be just as disturbed as their right-wing counterparts.
:thup: True Story!​
Perhaps... but that's not their JOB.

Job #1 for congress is to pass a budget. They need to fund the OBLIGATIONS already agreed to by them and the congress's that came before them.
Job #2 is to discuss those obligations and make those concerns from constituents you describe known.

Imagine a future Republican President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the Democrats, via a weak-as-piss Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive gun control legislation to avoid a shutdown of the government.
How does THAT make you feeeeeeeeeeeeel?

Pink Biker Joe and Dawg
Job #1 for congress is to pass a budget. They need to fund the OBLIGATIONS already agreed to by them and the congress's that came before them.
Perhaps... but that's not their JOB.

Job #1 for the naked monkeys is to defend the constitution of this country.

#1a For the House of Representatives to submit to the Senate spending bills. The job of the Senate is to bring to the floor such bills and vote on them, not round file them. ONLY the House can appropriate funds.

#1b is for the House of monkey Representatives to submit to the Senate a budget, the Monkey Senate JOB is to vote on the budget and if the budget passes it is the JOB of the President to either sign it or veto it.

Job #2 is to discuss those obligations and make those concerns from constituents you describe known.
Which the Monkey House is attempting to do, Yet the Monkey Senate and the President "refuse to negotiate." That phrase is straight from the Monkey Senate and the President mouth.

Imagine a future President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the minority party, via the minority party's, but majority of the House Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive gun control legislation to avoid a shutdown of the government.

Pink Biker Joe with a Dawg-Apples and oranges are being mixed here. Now I want a smoothy! :mad: The type of bill you refer to can be brought forth by the House or the Senate, regardless if either Monkey group is in the minority at the time.

How does THAT make you feeeeeeeeeeeeel?

Did your e key stutter? :poke:
To borrow a phrase and partly plagiarize it some:
Imagine a future President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the minority party, via their Speaker, but majority of the House Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive bill into law to mandate that all men's gonads get fiercely squeezed six (6) times a year.

....being told by a small, extreme, wing of the minority party​
This statement consists of flame words to make a flame phrase which is used to divide the monkeys rather than have the monkeys work together to provide a solution.

<3 :eusa_angel:
Sounds like you would be happy if Obama screwed over the Tea Party using the IRS..

Lumpy, in fairness to EriktheClown, you shouldn't single him out. All liberal progressives have been creaming their panties over the IRS targeting the Tea Party......

You know that's been debunked of course.
But, I understand the training manual instructs you to keep saying it.

That's because the Rethugs and Teabaggers have been told that if you repeat a lie often enough, not only will the liar believe what they are saying, they will actually get a few other liars to believe them. IE witness the constant repeat of lies by Rethugs and teabaggers on here.

No matter how many times their lie has been debunked, they keep repeating it and then wait for the other liars to come along and say; yea that's the truth.

Rinse and repeat.
It's true, they really suck at it..

They've learned a few lessons over the last few years; especially since the summer of '11.

you truly are an idiot :up: .

the Republicans did NOT shut down the Gvmt. it was your beloved presidunce and his minions/puppets :up:

as for health care it is NOT the Gvmt's. job to provide health care to anyone beyond the established Medicare rules......., which BTW was intended for the elderly.., read this:
Our Documents - Transcript of Social Security Act Amendments (1965)

do you agree with prisoners getting medicare ??

under your beloved Obozocare rules, they get it :up:
It's true, they really suck at it..

They've learned a few lessons over the last few years; especially since the summer of '11.

you truly are an idiot :up: .

the Republicans did NOT shut down the Gvmt. it was your beloved presidunce and his minions/puppets :up:

as for health care it is NOT the Gvmt's. job to provide health care to anyone beyond the established Medicare rules......., which BTW was intended for the elderly.., read this:
Our Documents - Transcript of Social Security Act Amendments (1965)

do you agree with prisoners getting medicare ??

under your beloved Obozocare rules, they get it :up:

Yes, they did shut down the government. They planned it months ago:

A Federal Budget Crisis Months in the PLANNING
Perhaps... but that's not their JOB.

Job #1 for congress is to pass a budget. They need to fund the OBLIGATIONS already agreed to by them and the congress's that came before them.
Job #2 is to discuss those obligations and make those concerns from constituents you describe known.

Imagine a future Republican President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the Democrats, via a weak-as-piss Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive gun control legislation to avoid a shutdown of the government.
How does THAT make you feeeeeeeeeeeeel?

Pink Biker Joe and Dawg
Job #1 for congress is to pass a budget. They need to fund the OBLIGATIONS already agreed to by them and the congress's that came before them.
Perhaps... but that's not their JOB.

Job #1 for the naked monkeys is to defend the constitution of this country.

#1a For the House of Representatives to submit to the Senate spending bills. The job of the Senate is to bring to the floor such bills and vote on them, not round file them. ONLY the House can appropriate funds.

#1b is for the House of monkey Representatives to submit to the Senate a budget, the Monkey Senate JOB is to vote on the budget and if the budget passes it is the JOB of the President to either sign it or veto it.

Which the Monkey House is attempting to do, Yet the Monkey Senate and the President "refuse to negotiate." That phrase is straight from the Monkey Senate and the President mouth.

Imagine a future President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the minority party, via the minority party's, but majority of the House Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive gun control legislation to avoid a shutdown of the government.

Pink Biker Joe with a Dawg-Apples and oranges are being mixed here. Now I want a smoothy! :mad: The type of bill you refer to can be brought forth by the House or the Senate, regardless if either Monkey group is in the minority at the time.

How does THAT make you feeeeeeeeeeeeel?

Did your e key stutter? :poke:
To borrow a phrase and partly plagiarize it some:
Imagine a future President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the minority party, via their Speaker, but majority of the House Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive bill into law to mandate that all men's gonads get fiercely squeezed six (6) times a year.

....being told by a small, extreme, wing of the minority party​
This statement consists of flame words to make a flame phrase which is used to divide the monkeys rather than have the monkeys work together to provide a solution.

<3 :eusa_angel:

The solution is to reopen the govenrment with a clean CR and THEN talk about what's on the plate like adults.

Not going to happen because America is in the last phase of an ideological battle for direction which will be over in the fall of 2014 or extended, depending on the true effects of the Gerrymandering of 2010.

I hope that the world waits for us, but I'm not holding my breath.
It's true, they really suck at it..

They've learned a few lessons over the last few years; especially since the summer of '11.

you truly are an idiot :up: .

the Republicans did NOT shut down the Gvmt. it was your beloved presidunce and his minions/puppets :up:

as for health care it is NOT the Gvmt's. job to provide health care to anyone beyond the established Medicare rules......., which BTW was intended for the elderly.., read this:
Our Documents - Transcript of Social Security Act Amendments (1965)

do you agree with prisoners getting medicare ??

under your beloved Obozocare rules, they get it :up:

Sure sux to be in the minority, doesn't it, stupid?
Perhaps... but that's not their JOB.

Job #1 for congress is to pass a budget. They need to fund the OBLIGATIONS already agreed to by them and the congress's that came before them.

Have you ever actually READ the United States Constitution? Clearly you have not.

Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

Clause 2: To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;

Clause 3: To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;

Clause 4: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;

Clause 5: To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;

Clause 6: To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;

Clause 7: To establish Post Offices and post Roads;

Clause 8: To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;

Clause 9: To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;

Clause 10: To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;

Clause 11: To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

Clause 12: To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;

Clause 13: To provide and maintain a Navy;

Clause 14: To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;

Clause 15: To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

Clause 16: To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;

Clause 17: To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, byCession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings;--And

Clause 18: To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

Job #2 is to discuss those obligations and make those concerns from constituents you describe known.

Imagine a future Republican President being told by a small, extreme, wing of the Democrats, via a weak-as-piss Speaker, that he'll need to sign comprehensive gun control legislation to avoid a shutdown of the government.

How does THAT make you feeeeeeeeeeeeel?

Perhaps the hostility you of the left have toward Constitutional governance is borne of your abject ignorance of same?

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