Democrats For Romney

No, I don't. BHO's an honorable man, far less divisive than Bush and the neo-cons and theo-cons, better by far in foreign policy than the bushies

Bush reached out to the left all the time. No child gets ahead with Kennedy, he built a consensus for the invasion of Iraq. Every time he reached his hand out it was bitten. I opposed everything he reached his hand out to do so I'm glad, but to say he was divisive is silly. The left refused to have anything to do with him because he was too much like him. But to say BHO is "less" divisive is just delusional. He's the most bitterly Partisan president in my lifetime

Here is the rest of what you left out, so we have a level playing field ". . ., but does not have a clue about the economy. Mitt is a good guy, understands business and the economy, and once elected will ignore the far right and reach to the center to govern. He is going to build a new GOP for the 21st century."

Bull shit about Bush reaching out other than NCLB, which was and is a monstrosity foisted on us by both parties. He blackmailed the dems into supporting that awful war in Iraq. He refused to work with others unless they did it his way. BHO is one of the least divisive presidents in history. His opposition has been the most divisive opposition since the 1960s. And as long as he has wackos like the birfers, he makes hay all day long.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Really stupid op because, as we all know, Mr Etch A Sketch doesn't have an opinion or position on anything EXCEPT give more to the one percent and steal it from the rest of us.

Look it up - its the ONLY thing he has not waffled and flip flopped on.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

Really stupid op because, as we all know, Mr Etch A Sketch doesn't have an opinion or position on anything EXCEPT give more to the one percent and steal it from the rest of us.

Look it up - its the ONLY thing he has not waffled and flip flopped on.

You sound biased as well as uninformed...
He blackmailed the dems into supporting that awful war in Iraq

So you're a Republican who pumps the Democratic party's revisioning of history. Gotcha. You're a regular Reagan. I don't know how old you were, but he blackmailed nothing. The Dems were right there with him step by step, kiddie poo. Ah yes, I remember it well. That war was brought to you by two, not one party in every possible way. Then when WMDs weren't found, the left started changing their mind and to a liberal when you change your mind you believe you have the right to have always thought what you think now. On the other hand, I don't know what Republicans believe. Maybe when they figure it out, they'll tell us.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

I would never elect a cleric into public office.

No way..I want to see this country turn into a theocracy. That might be the wet dream of conservatism..

But I'd like to put it off for a while.
What I don't get is why Democrats would ever be opposed to Romney. He'll pursue essentially the same policies as Obama, without near as much opposition. Starkey is the only one here who really gets this. If you want to see the kind of corporatist, authoritarian government Obama is pushing for actually implemented, you'll vote for Romney.

If you don't, you won't.
He blackmailed the dems into supporting that awful war in Iraq

So you're a Republican who pumps the Democratic party's revisioning of history. Gotcha. You're a regular Reagan. I don't know how old you were, but he blackmailed nothing. The Dems were right there with him step by step, kiddie poo. Ah yes, I remember it well. That war was brought to you by two, not one party in every possible way. Then when WMDs weren't found, the left started changing their mind and to a liberal when you change your mind you believe you have the right to have always thought what you think now. On the other hand, I don't know what Republicans believe. Maybe when they figure it out, they'll tell us.

Kaz, you are your bots are the revisionists. I bet you believe every word of Mises. What a shame!

Vote for Romney, though.
He blackmailed the dems into supporting that awful war in Iraq

So you're a Republican who pumps the Democratic party's revisioning of history. Gotcha. You're a regular Reagan. I don't know how old you were, but he blackmailed nothing. The Dems were right there with him step by step, kiddie poo. Ah yes, I remember it well. That war was brought to you by two, not one party in every possible way. Then when WMDs weren't found, the left started changing their mind and to a liberal when you change your mind you believe you have the right to have always thought what you think now. On the other hand, I don't know what Republicans believe. Maybe when they figure it out, they'll tell us.

Kaz, you are your bots are the revisionists. I bet you believe every word of Mises. What a shame!

Vote for Romney, though.

I blame both parties for a war I oppose, which means I'm a revisionist. OK, I'm game, show me the Republicans who I am parroting who say both parties are to blame for the war. The only one I hear is you. And you think Obama's a great man who's done a great job. I don't seem to be the one who's confused.

As for Mises, I don't believe words from anyone, I listen and learn but only believe what I reason for myself. I am not clear what Austrian economics has to do with the war in Iraq, but whatever, it makes as much sense as anything else you say.
What I don't get is why Democrats would ever be opposed to Romney. He'll pursue essentially the same policies as Obama, without near as much opposition. Starkey is the only one here who really gets this. If you want to see the kind of corporatist, authoritarian government Obama is pushing for actually implemented, you'll vote for Romney.

If you don't, you won't.

Have you not noticed that as Republicans get more and more like Democrats, that Democrats actually get more hysterical that each nit is a universe? Then they move more the the whacked out left to try to keep some sort of differentiation. The left do not want Republicans to be like them, it makes them hysterical.

As for Romney, he has vowed to oppose Obamacare, even the chance of that alone makes it worth selecting him over someone who will continue to push Obamacare.
As for Romney, he has vowed to oppose Obamacare, even the chance of that alone makes it worth selecting him over someone who will continue to push Obamacare.

Yeah... sure. Got it.

Listen, I have an inside tip on a hot investment opportunity, if you have any money sitting around you might just want to get in on it. PM me for details ... :wink_2:
What I don't get is why Democrats would ever be opposed to Romney. He'll pursue essentially the same policies as Obama, without near as much opposition. Starkey is the only one here who really gets this. If you want to see the kind of corporatist, authoritarian government Obama is pushing for actually implemented, you'll vote for Romney.

If you don't, you won't.

I just don't like him. He strikes me as the quentessential, entitled rich kid. I also think he is a soft man. My biggest fear is that he will get elected and be manipulated into a preemptive war with Iran.
Mitt is a good guy, understands business and the economy, and once elected will ignore the far right and reach to the center to govern. He is going to build a new GOP for the 21st century.
I thought the same about Bush II.
I don't think we believed he could be pulled into a web of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, and the evil ones as easily as he was. We misjudged the man. In fact, he was and is as weak as deep down inside we were afraid he was. I don't think that of Mitt. Mormons I understand well, having known and done business with them and served in the military with them. His one FP weakness will be wanting to go solve humanitarian problems, like Syria, for the right reason: the Syrians need everybody's help; without understanding that he needs the Arab League and Russia and China taking the lead on it happening. That is why France refused to take military action this week, because the Arab League was going to hang it out on the line to dry.

I agree. I'll never make that mistake again. You trust Romney, I don't. I take him at his word when he said: "If I am president, Iran won't get a nuke".

The only way to accomplish that is regime change.
I thought the same about Bush II.
I don't think we believed he could be pulled into a web of Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, and the evil ones as easily as he was. We misjudged the man. In fact, he was and is as weak as deep down inside we were afraid he was. I don't think that of Mitt. Mormons I understand well, having known and done business with them and served in the military with them. His one FP weakness will be wanting to go solve humanitarian problems, like Syria, for the right reason: the Syrians need everybody's help; without understanding that he needs the Arab League and Russia and China taking the lead on it happening. That is why France refused to take military action this week, because the Arab League was going to hang it out on the line to dry.

I agree. I'll never make that mistake again. You trust Romney, I don't. I take him at his word when he said: "If I am president, Iran won't get a nuke".

The only way to accomplish that is regime change.
Hasn't Obama implied the same? It'll be really funny watching all the Obamabots (not saying you're one of them) fall in line behind Obama when he attacks Iran during his second term.
As for Romney, he has vowed to oppose Obamacare, even the chance of that alone makes it worth selecting him over someone who will continue to push Obamacare.

Yeah... sure. Got it.

Listen, I have an inside tip on a hot investment opportunity, if you have any money sitting around you might just want to get in on it. PM me for details ... :wink_2:

Let me help you with logic since you're struggling. Here is the offer you want to make me.

You know that $10K you invested in that company that went belly up and is worthless? You know how they are suing the owners of the company for more money?

Well, some of the owners and I are trying to buy it and make something of it. It may go no where, but you're up shit creek now getting nothing, the $10K is gone, and at worst maybe we'll head off some of the additional costs that you might get hit with from more lawsuits, what do you think?

Your example is moronic. That horse is out of the barn. That bridge has been burned. You're offering to sell me your dead horse and insisting it might win the Kentucky Derby.
As for Romney, he has vowed to oppose Obamacare, even the chance of that alone makes it worth selecting him over someone who will continue to push Obamacare.

^^^ This is the reason I support Romney.

So are you hoping the SCOTUS overturns?

Yes, and if (hopefully when) they do, it would be nice to have someone who won't continue to fight it. Obama is a malignant tumor to our liberty. Romney has a lot to prove before I trust him to cross the street. Leaving a Marxist in the White House and doing nothing to change that is freaking insane.
Kaz is more likely to be a Marxist that BHO.

Romney recognizes turkeys like kaz and barak, and they will be served for dinner before their types have any influence in running this country.
Kaz is more likely to be a Marxist that BHO.

Romney recognizes turkeys like kaz and barak, and they will be served for dinner before their types have any influence in running this country.

Hmmm...Obama supports the planks of the communist manifesto, I am a libertarian who hates government. Liberal minds are funny.

If you like something, you can attribute any positive attribute to it.

If you don't like it, you can attribute any negative attribute to it.

So for example, you don't like Nazis, so Rush is a Nazi. You don't like the word Communist, so kaz is a Communist. You like Obama, so Obama isn't a communist. It doesn't matter if I hate government and Obama supports the planks of the Manifesto, if you don't like kaz but you do like Obama, kaz is the Communist. Sadly it really does work that way.
Kaz is more likely to be a Marxist that BHO.

Romney recognizes turkeys like kaz and barak, and they will be served for dinner before their types have any influence in running this country.
You've become rather astute as being an ass Fakey, and maintaining your status. Congrats.

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