Democrats For Romney

JoeB has simply failed with Obama's program and can't attack Romney's.

JoeB is a trool, not even a troll.
and is anyone buying this "Obama Like-a-bility" crap? whats there to like? he hates everybody! if Hitler was still around today, Obama would appoint him to the Supreme Court.

Ummm, no, guy.

People really do like Obama as a person outside the far right wing. And the idea of Obama has a lot of appeal. It says, despite our history, even a poor black kid can become president.

The reality of Obama, he's a nice guy who is in over his head, but still far better than the Mormon Weirdo the GOP is putting up.
Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Off the top of my head:

1) He sacrificed his personal popularity, his majority in the House and the filibuster proof Senate to force a massive step towards socialized medicine the country didn't want.

2) He advocated that gay marriage in which 31 out of 31 States that have voted on it rejected it, should be forced on the country in any way possible.

3) He has stopped offshore drilling and in a country with booming energy needs actually caused a REDUCTION in oil production on US Federal land.

4) After the Federal government drove the banking industry to the brink of destruction with endless rules like forcing them to make sub prime loans, he blamed them for the Federal government's screw up and made the healthy banks pay for the recovery of their competitors who failed.

Is that enough yet, or should I keep going?
Wow, Deflection and Spelling Nazism... You must be extra desperate or really in denial.

As a Jew and Mormon hater, don't you like Nazism? That Adolph could resolve a problem with someone he didn't like because of their race, religion, ...
Off the top of my head:

1) He sacrificed his personal popularity, his majority in the House and the filibuster proof Senate to force a massive step towards socialized medicine the country didn't want.

2) He advocated that gay marriage in which 31 out of 31 States that have voted on it rejected it, should be forced on the country in any way possible.

3) He has stopped offshore drilling and in a country with booming energy needs actually caused a REDUCTION in oil production on US Federal land.

4) After the Federal government drove the banking industry to the brink of destruction with endless rules like forcing them to make sub prime loans, he blamed them for the Federal government's screw up and made the healthy banks pay for the recovery of their competitors who failed.

Is that enough yet, or should I keep going?

Wow, there's a bunch of crap.

1) Health Care Reform was popular, right up until the right-wing media started successfully using laying scare tactics to change public opinion.
Obama fucking ran on Health Care Reform. He talked about exactly what he meant to do in every. single. debate. And he won, by 7.3%.

2) He did his job, which, unless the Oath of Office has changed recently, is to support the Constitution of the United States.

3) The US is producing more oil right now than it ever has. And US demand has been significantly LOWERED by Obama's policies. Which created a petroleum glut in the world market that still exists.

4) How many times do you need to be reminded that the Banking bailout happened under BUSH.

Has you and your cohorts endless sarcastic repetitions of "It was Booooosh's fault" led you to believe that nothing bad ever actually happened under Bush?
Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Off the top of my head:

1) He sacrificed his personal popularity, his majority in the House and the filibuster proof Senate to force a massive step towards socialized medicine the country didn't want.

2) He advocated that gay marriage in which 31 out of 31 States that have voted on it rejected it, should be forced on the country in any way possible.

3) He has stopped offshore drilling and in a country with booming energy needs actually caused a REDUCTION in oil production on US Federal land.

4) After the Federal government drove the banking industry to the brink of destruction with endless rules like forcing them to make sub prime loans, he blamed them for the Federal government's screw up and made the healthy banks pay for the recovery of their competitors who failed.

Is that enough yet, or should I keep going?

No, I think you've established you're a child-like retard who lets the Oxycotin Addict tell him what to think.
1) Health Care Reform was popular, right up until the right-wing media started successfully using laying scare tactics to change public opinion.
Obama fucking ran on Health Care Reform. He talked about exactly what he meant to do in every. single. debate. And he won, by 7.3%.

Wow, "right wing" media. What does the media have to do? Advocate drive by shootings of Republican children going to school? What a nut job. I bow to your delusions, wow...


And people did think healthcare needed reform. They never wanted in any majority for it to be taken over by government regulation. Sure, Obama's ideological zealotry was clear, but still, unfortunately, most people don't pay enough attention. Once he came out with government control, the people said clearly they didn't want it. Obama and the radical left said too bad, we can, and we'll pay any price to do it.

2) He did his job, which, unless the Oath of Office has changed recently, is to support the Constitution of the United States.
Yes, and he should start by not reading things in the Constitution that aren't there. Like gay marriage, not mentioned.

3) The US is producing more oil right now than it ever has. And US demand has been significantly LOWERED by Obama's policies. Which created a petroleum glut in the world market that still exists.
As for oil production, the increased oil is private production on private land. You repeat Obama's lies like the dutiful little sheep you are. Production on government land is DOWN, a huge issue. Once again, Obama not only takes credit for things he wasn't involved with (see Osama's death), but he takes credit for things he actually opposes.

4) How many times do you need to be reminded that the Banking bailout happened under BUSH.

I didn't mention the bail out. And Bush blew chunks, I've consistently said that.

Has you and your cohorts endless sarcastic repetitions of "It was Booooosh's fault" led you to believe that nothing bad ever actually happened under Bush?

Again, you're a retard, I never said any of this. I call W one of the "worst presidents in our history." The guy was no friend of liberty or capitalism. To criticize Obama isn't to love W, sorry Skippy. Then again, when the only tool in your belt is a hammer, everything looks like...

And BTW, the world of thought is a lot bigger then you and the Republicans you are so much like and hate so desperately.
Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Off the top of my head:

1) He sacrificed his personal popularity, his majority in the House and the filibuster proof Senate to force a massive step towards socialized medicine the country didn't want.

2) He advocated that gay marriage in which 31 out of 31 States that have voted on it rejected it, should be forced on the country in any way possible.

3) He has stopped offshore drilling and in a country with booming energy needs actually caused a REDUCTION in oil production on US Federal land.

4) After the Federal government drove the banking industry to the brink of destruction with endless rules like forcing them to make sub prime loans, he blamed them for the Federal government's screw up and made the healthy banks pay for the recovery of their competitors who failed.

Is that enough yet, or should I keep going?

No, I think you've established you're a child-like retard who lets the Oxycotin Addict tell him what to think.

Yes, I'm not a clear headed thinker who thinks the world would be a better place if every Jew were dead and every Mormon destroyed. You know, like you are...
JoeB is not a supporter of Israel or Mormonism, but I have yet seen him to call for a holocaust on them, Kaz.

You sound loony, K.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

I dislike Romney. I think he's the epitome of a scuzzy politician that will say or do anything to get elected.

I also think he has no core values.

However, the main reason I won't vote for Romney is that I think he lacks the conviction and courage to stand up to a very adamant group of people in this country who want us to wage a preemptive war in Iran. Like Bush, I think he will be easily manipulated into another quagmire.

So, no, I will not vote for Romney.

The real question is, why are you voting for him?
JoeB is not a supporter of Israel or Mormonism, but I have yet seen him to call for a holocaust on them, Kaz.

You sound loony, K.

He calls for Israel to do nothing to defend themselves. Their deaths would be the clear result of that policy. A rose by any other name...

With his vitriol for the Mormons exceeding his hatred of the Jews, it's a short putt to assume he seeks the same solution. A tap in really...
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

I dislike Romney. I think he's the epitome of a scuzzy politician that will say or do anything to get elected.

I also think he has no core values.

However, the main reason I won't vote for Romney is that I think he lacks the conviction and courage to stand up to a very adamant group of people in this country who want us to wage a preemptive war in Iran. Like Bush, I think he will be easily manipulated into another quagmire.

So, no, I will not vote for Romney.

The real question is, why are you voting for him?

Um...we have a Marxist in the White House who's destroying us? I'm sorry, I can't vote for Hitler's opponent, he hasn't convinced me he's my ideal candidate. Gotcha.

If you were driving off a cliff and you weren't sure you had time to stop, you wouldn't even bother trying the breaks. They might not work, what's the use in trying?
Obama is not a Marxist, JoeB is not calling for the end of Israel or Mormonism, and Kaz grows more out of touch daily.

However, I am more sane than either of them. :lol: I am voting for Mitt!
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

I dislike Romney. I think he's the epitome of a scuzzy politician that will say or do anything to get elected.

I also think he has no core values.

However, the main reason I won't vote for Romney is that I think he lacks the conviction and courage to stand up to a very adamant group of people in this country who want us to wage a preemptive war in Iran. Like Bush, I think he will be easily manipulated into another quagmire.

So, no, I will not vote for Romney.

The real question is, why are you voting for him?

I'm not sure if I'm voting Romney yet or not, not that it matters my home state will go for Obama.

What is holding me up on Romney right now is how he handles confronting the areas where I personally feel the President has either outright failed or come in below the standards I desired. 2 examples are the economy/jobs and divisive political rhetoric.
Democrats should vote Romney

If you consider that most Democrats are center left, Romney is the candidate that's closest to their political beliefs.

Obama definitely let them down on that hopey changy thing, has proven too far left for most Democrats, is definitely weak on economic issues and they mostly agree that Obama has the country on the wrong track.

For the good of the country Democrats should vote Romney, he's their logical choice.

I dislike Romney. I think he's the epitome of a scuzzy politician that will say or do anything to get elected.

I also think he has no core values.

However, the main reason I won't vote for Romney is that I think he lacks the conviction and courage to stand up to a very adamant group of people in this country who want us to wage a preemptive war in Iran. Like Bush, I think he will be easily manipulated into another quagmire.

So, no, I will not vote for Romney.

The real question is, why are you voting for him?

Um...we have a Marxist in the White House who's destroying us? I'm sorry, I can't vote for Hitler's opponent, he hasn't convinced me he's my ideal candidate. Gotcha.

If you were driving off a cliff and you weren't sure you had time to stop, you wouldn't even bother trying the breaks. They might not work, what's the use in trying?

We need to be heading in exactly the opposite direction. Voting for a candidate who will make only slight corrections is worse than useless - it's an endorsement of the status quo and actually makes it less likely we'll see real change. The Democrats and Republicans have worked hard to sell us the myth that a vote for a candidate who isn't pre-approved by the establishment is a 'wasted vote', but it's a lie. Until we learn to reject it and vote for what we really want (instead of what we think they'll let us have) we'll simply perpetuate the same bad government.

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