Democrats For Romney

The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare, gay marriage and vast overspending center right?
The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare, gay marriage and vast overspending center right?

Are we talking about Romney or Obama?
Romney's Medicare Fraud....

In 1989, Romney led Bain Capital's purchase of Damon Corp., a medical testing company, and took a seat on the Board of Directors to better manage it. During Romney's four years, Bain tripled its investment, and Romney personally made $473,000 -- while Damon plumped its profits with Medicare fraud (running thousands of medical tests doctors didn't want, and billing Medicare for them). The company pled guilty to crimes committed during his tenure and paid a record fine of $119 million. Company President Joseph Isola pleaded no contest to fraud, and a vice president was also convicted.

Romney claims he "uncovered" the fraudulent claims and "took corrective action," but court records show that he did not notify prosecutors or stop the fraudulent billing. He just asked company lawyers what changes they could make to avoid prosecution, after the feds' LABSCAM prosecution targeted a different medical testing firm. The cheating continued, prosecutors say, until the day Bain sold the company to Corning. Furthermore, Damon Corp. was required to list in various SEC filings any significant legal risks it faced. Romney made no mention of the fraud he "uncovered," even though it led to a $119 million fine, the largest in history. Damon Corp. is another Bain acquisition that later went bankrupt, killing over a thousand jobs -- but not before Bain made $7.4 million in profit.
The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare, gay marriage and vast overspending center right?

Are we talking about Romney or Obama?

We insult Obama and acquiesce to Romney.. try that..:lol:
The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare, gay marriage and vast overspending center right?

Are we talking about Romney or Obama?

We insult Obama and acquiesce to Romney.. try that..:lol:

The Swiss have had Obama care for 20 years. It works really well.

Gay marriage is the right thing to do. Gays are dying in battle for America, shouldn't they be able to marry the person they love?

And the spending is the result of the Bush mess.
The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare, gay marriage and vast overspending center right?

He's just saying crap to get reactions. He knows he lies.
The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare, gay marriage and vast overspending center right?

Obamacare, as you chose to call it (I hope it sticks, because its a good idea), is an anti-freeloader bill. Some crazy old lady, pushing her shopping cart full of tin cans, gets hit by a drunk driver, a hospital cannot deny emergency treatment. That means the rest of us, including the top 1% would no longer pay more than we should for healthcare insurance. Obamacare takes care of the middle and upper class, who are lucky enough to have health insurance.

Obamacare also is smart tort reform, another right wing idea. Health insurance companies no longer have to carry a few dozen trial lawyers to find interesting ways to deny coverage on capricious grounds of preexisting conditions.

Obamacare also eliminates the jobs of many bureaucrats, who's job is to pencil push ways of denying legitimate claims.
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The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare, gay marriage and vast overspending center right?

Let's look at those.

Obamacare. Um. Yeah. That WAS center-right, when the Heritage Foundation suggested it and they called it "RomneyCare". Now Romney wouldn't be caught having a drink with it, and listening to him explain how his program is different is hilarious.

Vast overspending is bad? Ummm yeah, it is. It was bad when Bush ran up the national debt from 5.6 Trillion to 9.9 Trillion and took a 236 Billion dollar Surplus in 2000 and ran deficits every year of his presidency. If you want to complain about overspending, then you have to take into account the things Bush baked into that pie- The Iraq War, huge tax cuts for rich people, and so on.

So two of your examples are really things you had no problem with UTBGDI*.

So that only leaves you with your third example, gay marriage, which frankly, I don't see as all that radical. Again, Mitt Romney governed over the first state to legalize gay marriage, and oddly enough, God did not wipe Boston off the map like Sodom and Gomorrah.

(*UTBGDI - Until the Black Guy Did It! It's my new acronym for GOP Hypocrisy. Feel free to use it.)
The funniest thing about you guys is that you think Obama is too far left for the average Democrat.

Based on what? What actions that Obama has taken would you consider "far left"?

Obama has governed like the center-right corporate puppet that he is.

You consider Obamacare...
Yes, "Obamacare" is "center right". In fact, it's about as right-wing as a healthcare plan could be. marriage...
I'm talking about economic issues, not social ones.
...and vast overspending center right?
What "overspending" do you think is "left"? Be specific.
[ame=]Liberals For Romney - More Liberal than Ted Kennedy - YouTube[/ame]
Romney is the GOP guy. He is no friend of the far right, and the dems and libs will be able to work with him.
Romney is the GOP guy. He is no friend of the far right, and the dems and libs will be able to work with him.

Um... yeah. Maybe you should ask George W. Bush about how he wanted to set a "new Tone", how he was a "Compassionate conservative" and how he was going to reach across the Ailse.

And the Democrats didn't care. He had stolen 2000 from them, and they didn't care for a thing he had to say.

Democrats are a lot more attached to Obama - at least the ideal of Obama if not the reality - than they ever were to Al Gore. Romney beats him, it's war, day one.

So the far right will hold his feet to the fire and the left will be looking for any oppurtunity to put in a knife.
Romney is the GOP guy. He is no friend of the far right, and the dems and libs will be able to work with him.

Um... yeah. Maybe you should ask George W. Bush about how he wanted to set a "new Tone", how he was a "Compassionate conservative" and how he was going to reach across the Ailse.

And the Democrats didn't care. He had stolen 2000 from them, and they didn't care for a thing he had to say.

Democrats are a lot more attached to Obama - at least the ideal of Obama if not the reality - than they ever were to Al Gore. Romney beats him, it's war, day one.

So the far right will hold his feet to the fire and the left will be looking for any oppurtunity to put in a knife.

Actually . . . um, yeah, Romney is the guy, and you have failed to carry the Obama banner.
RWF is a fool on the level of an Edwad Baimonte or whatever he calls himself today,
Romney is the GOP guy. He is no friend of the far right, and the dems and libs will be able to work with him.

Um... yeah. Maybe you should ask George W. Bush about how he wanted to set a "new Tone", how he was a "Compassionate conservative" and how he was going to reach across the Ailse.

And the Democrats didn't care. He had stolen 2000 from them, and they didn't care for a thing he had to say.

Democrats are a lot more attached to Obama - at least the ideal of Obama if not the reality - than they ever were to Al Gore. Romney beats him, it's war, day one.

So the far right will hold his feet to the fire and the left will be looking for any oppurtunity to put in a knife.

Actually . . . um, yeah, Romney is the guy, and you have failed to carry the Obama banner.

Wow, Deflection and Spelling Nazism... You must be extra desperate or really in denial.


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