Democrats For Romney

Poor little AmyNation. She trolls in, posts something nasty then logs out. I suppose she hopes the person she attacked will leave quickly so she can slide back in unencumbered and attack some more in a few minutes.

Won't work Amy, we aren't as dumb as you. Usually I put trolls on ignore but you're just too precious for that. Besides, you amuse me.

Lol, are you serious right now?

Look birther, I never attacked you, you're just butt hurt because I don't fall nicely into your "if your not for me your agaisnt me" line in the sand. But please, continue to follow me from thread to thread whining that I don't pay enough attention to you, clearly it make me look foolish when you do. :rolleyes:
The only thing I can see happening is the media inventing problems or Democrats raising hell about everything like they did when Bush was president.

I figure Romney and Ryan will take care of business and the media will be hard pressed to find negative stories to report.

I hope you are correct.

Back in and back out just as fast. Now about those voter laws Amy....

Is that why you're following me around? Ok, I'm going to head over to your thread right now, I promise to read it and respond.

Will that make you happy?
I hope you are correct.

Back in and back out just as fast. Now about those voter laws Amy....

Is that why you're following me around? Ok, I'm going to head over to your thread right now, I promise to read it and respond.

Will that make you happy?

One can't follow if they never left. I've been here. You're the one doing the drive-byes. I don't care if you answer my other point or not. It's become more fun watching you meltdown.
Is that why you're following me around? Ok, I'm going to head over to your thread right now, I promise to read it and respond.

Will that make you happy?

Are you 2 married?

The fights would be epic, but the sex? Not so much.

She's right. I don't have sex with men. Plus based on her behavior here she doesn't stick around long enough to finish the job. Amy gives new meaning to Coitus interruptus.
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I guess that I have to explain everything to you in both pictures and words:

This message is hidden because AmyNation is on your ignore list.
Ya know.. that ignore feature just doesn't work out so well, curiosity usually wins out and it becomes more of a hassle than a useful tool.... just sayin...
Every President that I can remember took heat for what was happening during that Presidency.
This is the only President where starting with the media on down defends him at every turn.
This man can't take criticism or his base can't but they will do anything and everything
to not let him be criticized.
I'll be back later.... sheesh

I've had enough of her.

This message is hidden because AmyNation is on your ignore list.

Besides, no one else takes her seriously anyway. Her behavior is more indicative of a Troll.

One would think this was about her.


She is a dumbass, but I dont like ignore, I like to waterboard my opponents.....and for liberals that's just using facts
Ya know.. that ignore feature just doesn't work out so well, curiosity usually wins out and it becomes more of a hassle than a useful tool.... just sayin...

I have high blood pressure to deal with so no, the temptation comes along but head kicks in and says don't do it..and I don't.

I hate to call people stupid but she really does bring new meaning to it. I don't know what she sees when she reads a pots but her answer doesn't even come close to making sense.

Maybe I'm wrong, and I probably am, but how can you be for voter's rights and voting laws but also say that you're against voter I.D. And then when asked, not be able to explain it.
I'll be back later.... sheesh

I've had enough of her.

This message is hidden because AmyNation is on your ignore list.

Besides, no one else takes her seriously anyway. Her behavior is more indicative of a Troll.

One would think this was about her.


She is a dumbass, but I dont like ignore, I like to waterboard my opponents.....and for liberals that's just using facts

Waterboarding Liberals??? Hmmmmn I like the concept. Maybe we could make a reality show out of it.
Ya know.. that ignore feature just doesn't work out so well, curiosity usually wins out and it becomes more of a hassle than a useful tool.... just sayin...

I have high blood pressure to deal with so no, the temptation comes along but head kicks in and says don't do it..and I don't.

I hate to call people stupid but she really does bring new meaning to it. I don't know what she sees when she reads a pots but her answer doesn't even come close to making sense.

Maybe I'm wrong, and I probably am, but how can you be for voter's rights and voting laws but also say that you're against voter I.D. And then when asked, not be able to explain it.

this shit just gets better and better.

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