Democrats Get The Ball Rolling

Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator

sweet the democrats once again try to get the ball rolling

to remove the rights of citizens without due process

Democrats are now on record as being Anti-First Amendment, anti 2nd Amendment and anti-5th Amendment (due process).

actually they are against any rights
Democrats are against any law that allows a person to shoot into crowds of people and also to shoot first graders who never hurt anyone in their lives.

hey banning folks on a watchlist from having firearms would not have stopped the orlando shooter

he had been taken off the list

so really you are simply for stripping the rights of the average person

So there should be no no fly list in the first place?
Much is left to do but I'm proud of my Ohio senator, Sherrod Brown and the others who got this Republican congress to take a baby step.

Filibuster Ends After GOP Agrees to Allow Gun Control Votes: Senator

Senate Democrats ended a nearly 15-hour filibuster early Thursday after Republican Party leaders reportedly agreed to allow votes on two proposed gun control measures.

Sen. Chris Murphy, a Democrat from Connecticut, said that a compromise had been reached. Votes would be held on whether to ban people on the government's terrorist watch list from obtaining gun licenses and whether to expand background checks to gun shows and internet sales, he added.

"We did not have that commitment when we started today," Murphy said.

GOP to Allow Gun Control Votes After 15-Hour Filibuster: Senator

sweet the democrats once again try to get the ball rolling

to remove the rights of citizens without due process

Democrats are now on record as being Anti-First Amendment, anti 2nd Amendment and anti-5th Amendment (due process).

actually they are against any rights

Please stop.

fuck you it is the truth

What rights am I against, specifically? And prove it by my posts as evidence.
All the Democrats got was the right to vote on these issues and still the RWnuts complain.

who is complaining

i have simply pointed out that the democrats are once again pushing votes

to eliminate the rights without due process

What due process is being eliminated? Are you delegitimizing the power of Congress to make law?

the right to own a firearm asshole

Why do you fight for well armed terrorists?
sweet the democrats once again try to get the ball rolling

to remove the rights of citizens without due process

Democrats are now on record as being Anti-First Amendment, anti 2nd Amendment and anti-5th Amendment (due process).

actually they are against any rights
Democrats are against any law that allows a person to shoot into crowds of people and also to shoot first graders who never hurt anyone in their lives.

hey banning folks on a watchlist from having firearms would not have stopped the orlando shooter

he had been taken off the list

so really you are simply for stripping the rights of the average person

So there should be no no fly list in the first place?

is that the only fucking way to travel asswipe
All the Democrats got was the right to vote on these issues and still the RWnuts complain.

who is complaining

i have simply pointed out that the democrats are once again pushing votes

to eliminate the rights without due process

What due process is being eliminated? Are you delegitimizing the power of Congress to make law?

the right to own a firearm asshole

Why do you fight for well armed terrorists?

you are an absolute low life liar
Rahamm Emmanuel famously said: "Never let a crisis go to waste."
Too many of these horrible events have gone unaddressed. It's time.

Time for what?

For Republicans to do some work for the people. They've been sitting on their hands for too long. Also, why is Trump talking with the NRA? Last I knew they don't influence policy. They are the last ones who should be influencing policy.

Yes, because people that disagree with YOU should just shut up, right?
All the Democrats got was the right to vote on these issues and still the RWnuts complain.

who is complaining

i have simply pointed out that the democrats are once again pushing votes

to eliminate the rights without due process

What due process is being eliminated? Are you delegitimizing the power of Congress to make law?

the right to own a firearm asshole

Why do you fight for well armed terrorists?

you are an absolute low life liar

You are the one who wants to insure terrorists can easily get guns.
Democrats are now on record as being Anti-First Amendment, anti 2nd Amendment and anti-5th Amendment (due process).

actually they are against any rights
Democrats are against any law that allows a person to shoot into crowds of people and also to shoot first graders who never hurt anyone in their lives.

hey banning folks on a watchlist from having firearms would not have stopped the orlando shooter

he had been taken off the list

so really you are simply for stripping the rights of the average person

So there should be no no fly list in the first place?

is that the only fucking way to travel asswipe

So you don't object to denying someone the right to fly. Interesting.
All the Democrats got was the right to vote on these issues and still the RWnuts complain.
Guess you don't see what's really going on. Democrats are trying to cancel out the 2nd Amendment by going around it.

How do you ban guns?

  1. Ban people on the no-fly list from buying guns
  2. Put everyone on the no-fly list
who is complaining

i have simply pointed out that the democrats are once again pushing votes

to eliminate the rights without due process

What due process is being eliminated? Are you delegitimizing the power of Congress to make law?

the right to own a firearm asshole

Why do you fight for well armed terrorists?

you are an absolute low life liar

You are the one who wants to insure terrorists can easily get guns.

this law would not have stopped the orlando shooter dummy
actually they are against any rights
Democrats are against any law that allows a person to shoot into crowds of people and also to shoot first graders who never hurt anyone in their lives.

hey banning folks on a watchlist from having firearms would not have stopped the orlando shooter

he had been taken off the list

so really you are simply for stripping the rights of the average person

So there should be no no fly list in the first place?

is that the only fucking way to travel asswipe

So you don't object to denying someone the right to fly. Interesting.

without due process

your beloved aclu agrees with me

and won on that premise you dumb dumb sheeple

Court Rules No Fly List Process Is Unconstitutional and Must Be Reformed
What due process is being eliminated? Are you delegitimizing the power of Congress to make law?

the right to own a firearm asshole

Why do you fight for well armed terrorists?

you are an absolute low life liar

You are the one who wants to insure terrorists can easily get guns.

this law would not have stopped the orlando shooter dummy

How does that change you want to arm people the FBI says are more likely to do a terrorist act?
The democrats have opened the flood gates and allowed the lies to flood over us like a tidal wave.
What lies are they?

There are many. One right off the top of my head: they Demicrats keep saying the shooter bought his gun while on a watch list. He did not, he was not. That is a lie.

When the facts don't work for liberals, the facts are wrong

Why would you want those on the watch list to own guns?
the right to own a firearm asshole

Why do you fight for well armed terrorists?

you are an absolute low life liar

You are the one who wants to insure terrorists can easily get guns.

this law would not have stopped the orlando shooter dummy

How does that change you want to arm people the FBI says are more likely to do a terrorist act?

i dont

however you know damn well this would not have stopped the orlando shooter

yet you wish to continue to strip the rights of the law abiding

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