Democrats look to win governor's races in Trump country on Tuesday

Feel bad for the REAL voters of Virginia. The leftist packed courts ripped up the districts and Northern Virginia elitists now get to tell the WHOLE state how its gonna be run...sad day for Americans who live in Virginia. Glad I didn't move there because I would be planning a move.

The cause is the low logic women that has been brainwashed by the crooks
It needs to go back to white men only voting.

I nominate you for chairperson for the GOP. Your agenda is right on target!
Piece of shit losertarian is costing the GOP the governors race right now in Kentucky...Right now GOP candidate is losing BUT 1 red county hasn't come in at all and 4 GOP counties he is leading handily so hopefully he can pull this off.

You lost your hope.

NBC just called Beshear the apparent winner.

Seems like people don't like the government trying to take away their health insurance.

Who knew?
No one was "taking away insurance" try getting off your lazy asses and working,volunteering or going to school to get it. I am in school as is my wife she is almost done. I will wait until OFFICIAL results are in...
You’re lying again. Bevin was trying to eliminate the Medicaid expansion, which would have thrown over 100,000 people off of healthcare.
Nope. Wrong as usual. Get off your ass go to college,volunteer or get a job THEN you qualify for medicaid expansion. Fucking freeloaders.

Uh, not to put to fine a point on it, but do you even know what Medicaid is?

Wow, Odium and the other guy are just killing it tonight. :21:
Democrats in Virginia:

7 out of 11 US congressmen
Both US Senators
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
Secretary of State
The state House
The state Senate

I can see 2020 from my window. :)
Democrats in Virginia:

7 out of 11 US congressmen
Both US Senators
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
Secretary of State
The state House
The state Senate

I can see 2020 from my window. :)
And hemorrhaging population because of the coming sky high taxes,murder on demand,and gun grabbing...yep I can see it from here as well!
Democrats in Virginia:

7 out of 11 US congressmen
Both US Senators
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
Secretary of State
The state House
The state Senate

I can see 2020 from my window. :)
And hemorrhaging population because of the coming sky high taxes,murder on demand,and gun grabbing...yep I can see it from here as well!
Hey Democrats! Watch where you’re stepping - there’s a lot of conservative tears to slip on!
View attachment 288240 State is 95%’red but because of democrats Control of the schools in the city absolutely no diversity of thought.. probably massive amounts of cheating.

^Look, another idiot who thinks acres vote.
Acres? Huh no the people voted

There are more people in the blue areas. They call them cities.
What’s your point there are people in the red areas that you can’t win[/QUOT
Democrats in Virginia:

7 out of 11 US congressmen
Both US Senators
Lt. Governor
Attorney General
Secretary of State
The state House
The state Senate

I can see 2020 from my window. :)
And hemorrhaging population because of the coming sky high taxes,murder on demand,and gun grabbing...yep I can see it from here as well!

...not to mention the heartbreak of psoriasis....
View attachment 288244
Sec State in Kentucky has called it for Beshear

Big win for Dems in a Solid Red State

Wow. Good sign for the Democrats.

Winning a red state is one thing but that coal country to boot

Where are all those coal jobs Trump promised?
View attachment 288244

He lost
Not yet he hasn't. How many absentee ballots are there? Ft Campbell and Ft Knox are in Kentucky and god knows how many soldiers need their votes counted.
Are you so stupid as to not know that the vast majority of those military vote in their home states? Wait a minute...errr...never mind..silly question.
Not yet he hasn't. How many absentee ballots are there? Ft Campbell and Ft Knox are in Kentucky and god knows how many soldiers need their votes counted.

He lost
Not really that dem is very conservative.. kinda like jones in Alabama..

Is Bevin going to be governor next year? No, now stop making an ass out of yourself. I know it’s hard for you not to do, but try to make an effort
No but a very conservative Democrat will be making decisions lol win win
AND the leftists lost a seat the GOP hasn't held in Kentucky since 1949!
Hmm..doesn't the AG work for the..wait for it.....Governor? The Democratic...Governor?
How many GOP elections fail after Trump sticks his nose in the race?
Everything he touches goes to shit.
Looks like the democrat won the ky election by half of 1 %

After the polls said he would win by 17%

So the polls does election rigging by energizing the democrats and deflating the republicans

That is election rigging and high treason

And the election will have the men electing the republican and the more women electing the democrat

That monster gender gap will bring martial law to stop the unwise from electing crooks

The men will finally have had enough of women getting brainwashed and electing crooks to destroy the nation

This will increase the chance for martial law to bring logic tests for voting
A win is a win, no matter what.
Looks like a piece of shit losertarian is fixing to cost Kentucky big time. Let's hope the GOP still has control of the legislature to keep this piece of shit demoncrat in check.
Are you talking about the sissy boy Rand Paul... The guy who's neighbor kicked his ass?
one entire city controls the ENTIRE STATE...that's not fair in any shape or form.

It is total votes.
No Gerrymandering.
Just the vote of the people.
Why do you have a problem with that?
An ENTIRE city should not control how the ENTIRE state is run. Period.
Didn't Trump just have a huuuge Pep Rally in Kentucky?

His shirt tails are not very long
Bevin was very MAGA
Republican strategist Chris Barron weighed in on the race, writing on Twitter: “If a Republican wins a state AG race for the first time in 70 years and a Republican also loses a Governors race in KY maybe it’s about the candidates and not a referendum on the President. It’s embarrassing I have to remind people of this.”
He can spin any way he wants

Still lost the Governorship
Lol and yall lost a AG seat that was last in GOP hands in 1949! ROFLMAO
I’ll take the Governorship over AG
Census is coming up
We need more Governorships and State Houses to go blue
Especially Govs that care about Health and clean water.
The unhealthiest populations in the US need and deserve better.
Land doesn't vote, people vote.

It’s sad these retards have to be reminded of that
If I was a republican running for the senate looking at this Ky election I'd shit my pants A state the pos won by 30% in 2016 Maybe it's time the assholes here and running, start separating themselves from the garbage trump?
Moscow Mitch pulling his turtle head in.
At least he has a birth certificate
You don't? How sad.
Me and obama lol
An ENTIRE city should not control how the ENTIRE state is run. Period.
Lol and yall lost a AG seat that was last in GOP hands in 1949! ROFLMAO
People control how the state is run
Obviously not. Chicago controls how Illinois is run,NoVa controls how entire state of Virginia is run,Seattle/Tacoma controls how entire state of Washington is run,Portland controls how Oregon is run...etc etc etc.
Because that's where most of the people are. People vote, land does not.
Do you have video of land going to vote I’d like to see it LOL

ProTip: Stop being a retard. Your guy lost no matter how red the state of Kentucky looks on a map more people voted for the other guy.
The map is red
Wow poor democrats hahah
Democrats won Kentucky governorship.

Democrats flipped the Virginia Senate, May flip the Virginia House, giving Democrats complete control.

Wow. Poor Democrats! :auiqs.jpg:
He’s no democrat.. just like jones in Alabama that voted with trump 100%of the time
Hey, lets talk about Alabama. Jeff Sessions wants his seat back and Donnie will help him WIN!
Easy win

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