Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Liberals support America becoming mostly Hispanic or even mostly colored. Trump is trying to protect our heritage. We must support Trump and all politicians like Trump in order to save America.

Right. But unfortunately it would take FAR more than voting for him at this point and you and everyone else KNOWS it.
The Right did the EXACT SAME THING Venezuelans did.....kept kicking the can down the road instead of standing up for the Constitution early on.
We're screwed now.
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.
Yet 3 Democrats have gone to Mexico city to have fund raisers.
Moron why would I linkmt national news. Beto I believe was the last one to go there it was National NEWS for gods sake you blazing imbecile.
No link = you're full of shit.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
Here ya go lots of links to Beto in Mexico.democrats campaigning in Mexico - Google Search
I got as far as the first hit in that search....

O'Rourke visits Mexico, meets turned away US asylum seekers

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke visited Mexico on Sunday and listened to tearful immigrants say they fled Central American violence and turmoil to seek asylum in the U.S., but were turned away at the border.

In his first international trip as a White House hopeful, the former congressman traveled to Ciudad Juarez, across the Rio Grande from his native El Paso, Texas, to meet what his campaign described as “individuals and families directly impacted by Donald Trump’s cruel and inhumane policies."

Absolutely nothing in that article about him soliciting foreign aid for his campaign.
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Another adulterer defended an adulterer.
Liberals are so naive.
Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached all it is.
I Guarantee you the Right does not have the will for ANY kind of uprising. NONE.
90% old men over 60

Like i just said theyre to fat an happy right now
consumed with their lives

Things can easily turn on a dime
Western financial systems alone are forever on the edge

continue with underestimating the american people while in private the elites fear us
Its always been a winner for the Dems ...pfffft

You don't think they're recruiting men in their 20s and 30s?

Where? On FACEBOOK? The Right is so crushed now they can't even say "improper words" any more in public. C'mon.
Try to wear a red hat anywhere near a large city.
The Left owns EVERYTHING.

It's a shame and a tragedy...but it's reality....and the Right is in deep denial.

All the Left has to do is keep stalling and obstructing until our numbers drop critically low. Getting to that point now.
The left owns diversity and multi-culturism, which is a mistake for America.

Yes, it's a mistake for America IF it were to remain a free and prosperous nation.
Stop denying Lenny.
Face reality.
They OWN Google, Facebook, Twitter, the News Media, The Schools, The Entertainment Industry, Actors, Singers, Comedians......and even the Justice system. You haven't noticed that only rightwingers can "commit crimes"? (or be found guilty of them)
We're already a fascist state.
And I guarantee you this, no matter what you think right now, they will soon own your guns.


All that is required for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

This was prophetic

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Imagine if ANTIFA showed up to pull their antics. They won't because they're the definition of cowards. They feel better when numbers favor them 20-1, all so they can beat on the defenseless.

"Can't be Fascist because Anti-Fascist is their name". Fuck Don Lemon. I don't mean literally, because he'd invite it.
Those two committed actual crimes. That's the difference.

What we have here are people making up crimes that never took place; trying to interpret a conversation so that it's less than honest.

Unlike when Clinton or Nixon took seat, the opposition was not screaming impeachment before the Presidents took their oath of office. It's clear that going after Trump has nothing to do with nefarious activities, they only want to reverse an election and have since day one.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.

Yep! Hillary did that! Lock her up!
Let's see your evidence.....

I'll show you mine as soon as you show me yours. I am kind of shy!
I already showed it. I quoted Trump soliciting help from a foreign national to investigate a political rival. I accept your reluctance to post your evidence as a tacit confession you were simply full of shit.

He broke no law.
The left owns diversity and multi-culturism, which is a mistake for America.
Yes, it's a mistake for America IF it were to remain a free and prosperous nation.
Stop denying Lenny. Face reality. They OWN Google, Facebook, Twitter, the News Media, The Schools, The Entertainment Industry, Actors, Singers, Comedians......
We must not let the founding fathers down. The founding fathers created America as a white Christian country. America was respected back then. We cannot let the liberals and minorities destroy America.
We must not let the founding fathers down. The founding fathers created America as a white Christian country. America was respected back then. We cannot let the liberals and minorities destroy America.

It's too late my friend.
We already have. The damage is done. The Genie is out of the bottle.

It wasn't really the Liberals OR minorities that did us in. It was evil men who never cared for this country at all. Ever listen to some of Bruce Springsteen's anti-American shit?
PLENTY of white men (and women) who can't wait to see America fall.

People on the right clearly saw this coming but FLAT REFUSED to stop using Google and Facebook etc etc etc and doing all the things that made them temporarily "happy" but shoveled loads of cash into leftist hands and made them powerful.
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It's never too late.

Well....that's called denial my friend. The Calvary was US. And we refused to answer the call.
There's noting we can do now....but watch it crumble and try to survive the fall as best we can. Many won't.

One of the biggest things that led us to where we are today is the dogged belief among Right Wingers that it could never happen "here".

well, it IS happening HERE.
Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He broke no law. The law was broken when biden started meddling with ukraine to leverage them to give his worthless coke head son a 50k job a month job.
let's see your evidence Joe Biden gave aid to getting that job for his son...

That's exactly what Trump wanted Ukraine to find out, dumbass!
Then he should have it investigated instead of soliciting help from a foreign national.

You cannot investigate in another country. without the cooperation of that country. Just how stupid are you?
Yes, he said that. So what? You still cannot point out to me where the threat of US aid was made in that statement.
Dumbfuck.... where did I say anything about threatening to pull aid?

Isn't that what this whole impeachment thing is all about? Better talk to your fellow comrades.
That's an allegation by some. Not one I mentioned in the posts you responded to. Try containing your rhetoric to what people actually say -- not what you think they mean.

Well if we are talking impeachment, what is the impeachment for?

At least what's been said by the left, Trump threatened US military aid for non compliance with his request for a Biden investigation. Are you saying we both agree that didn't happen????

And if so, then what's the impeachment for? Trump was asking a foreign government to look into the matter unconditionally. Are you claiming that Trump making the request of possible illegalities by one of our representatives is an impeachable offense? How is is that a high crime or misdemeanor offense???
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.

Then why isn't Hillary in jail for the Steele dossier?
Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

Where did he do that? That is our problem! You are making shit up as you go! You are no better than Angelo's conspiracy theories!
"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great." ~ Donald Trump

Biden is not a political rival. He is a former VP who may have used his office for personal gain. He has not won the nomination yet. He gets no special status because he rides in the Democrat clown car.

Of course he's a political rival. He's running in the 2020 election as a Democrat. Doesn't mean he's win the party's nomination, but running he is.

The fact remains, he gets no pass! The fact these incidents of corruption in Ukraine occurred while he was VP makes it more imperative that he be investigated.
He broke no law. The law was broken when biden started meddling with ukraine to leverage them to give his worthless coke head son a 50k job a month job.
let's see your evidence Joe Biden gave aid to getting that job for his son...

That's exactly what Trump wanted Ukraine to find out, dumbass!
Then he should have it investigated instead of soliciting help from a foreign national.

So we are going to investigate events in a foreign country? Without their cooperation?

How fascist are you?

Shits a poster defending asking a foreign leader to conduct such an investigation.


So Trump would have been just as guilty for asking Saudi Arabia to investigate if those were Iranian drones and cruise missiles?

You are fucking stupid, and I don't think we can help you any more.
Yep! Hillary did that! Lock her up!
Let's see your evidence.....

I'll show you mine as soon as you show me yours. I am kind of shy!
I already showed it. I quoted Trump soliciting help from a foreign national to investigate a political rival. I accept your reluctance to post your evidence as a tacit confession you were simply full of shit.

You showed nothing. Your suit is empty!

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.

So how is that illegal? Biden gets no special status for being a political rival. That is not mentioned in the Constitution anywhere.

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