Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Yes, he said that. So what? You still cannot point out to me where the threat of US aid was made in that statement.
Dumbfuck.... where did I say anything about threatening to pull aid?

Isn't that what this whole impeachment thing is all about? Better talk to your fellow comrades.
That's an allegation by some. Not one I mentioned in the posts you responded to. Try containing your rhetoric to what people actually say -- not what you think they mean.

Well if we are talking impeachment, what is the impeachment for?

At least what's been said by the left, Trump threatened US military aid for non compliance with his request for a Biden investigation. Are you saying we both agree that didn't happen????

And if so, then what's the impeachment for? Trump was asking a foreign government to look into the matter unconditionally. Are you claiming that Trump making the request of possible illegalities by one of our representatives is an impeachable offense? How is is that a high crime or misdemeanor offense???
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.

So when is Obama going to jail? What about the Senators that traveled over there to get dirt of Trump?
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.
Then arrest the democrats who have and continue to go to Mexico City to raise funds for their campaigns... Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Biden for threatening to with hold funds to protect his son. Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Al Gore and Clinton for raising money from China. Ohh wait that is different right?

Be very specific and show us the words where Trump threatened to do ANYTHING to the Ukraine, then provide actual proof that unlike the dems the republicans are going to foreign Countries to raise donations for campaigns.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.
Yet when Obama did it you said ho hum.... No crime here.
Obama wasn't running for office nor did he solicit help from foreign nationals.

Trump is and Trump did.
Obama was President and supported Hillary he solicited aid from a foreign government to investigate a rival you LYING piece of garbage. Further Obama did not have a smoking gun to ask for the investigation. Trump has Biden's own STATEMENTS of soliciting a crime while in office. All Trump did is ask another nation to investigate a crime that is neither unethical or illegal.
Obama had no campaign. And from which foreign government did he solicit help?

And Biden did not make any statements of soliciting a crime. :cuckoo:
Why do Democrats want violence?

<< Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC >>

It Will Be Ugly... Rolling Thunder Chief Predicts if Democrats Impeach Trump Bikers Will Descend on DC
Odd considering how it's the CRCs always threatening violence here.

Odd how it's the DemocRats that usually commit the violence.
Funny how the only spike in violence is against gays Jews blacks and Muslims. Brainwashed functional moron.
But we just had a rightwing poster state that those shot in the Charleston church, the El Paso Walmart, the Pittsburgh synogogue, and marching in Charleston brought it on themselves.
You just had a poster tell you the shooter in El Paso was a lefty and that the left caused the riots in Charlottesville you lying piece of human excrement.
That's an allegation by some. Not one I mentioned in the posts you responded to. Try containing your rhetoric to what people actually say -- not what you think they mean.

Well if we are talking impeachment, what is the impeachment for?

At least what's been said by the left, Trump threatened US military aid for non compliance with his request for a Biden investigation. Are you saying we both agree that didn't happen????

And if so, then what's the impeachment for? Trump was asking a foreign government to look into the matter unconditionally. Are you claiming that Trump making the request of possible illegalities by one of our representatives is an impeachable offense? How is is that a high crime or misdemeanor offense???
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.
Yet 3 Democrats have gone to Mexico city to have fund raisers.
Moron why would I linkmt national news. Beto I believe was the last one to go there it was National NEWS for gods sake you blazing imbecile.
No link = you're full of shit.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He broke no law. The law was broken when biden started meddling with ukraine to leverage them to give his worthless coke head son a 50k job a month job.
let's see your evidence Joe Biden gave aid to getting that job for his son...

That's exactly what Trump wanted Ukraine to find out, dumbass!
Then he should have it investigated instead of soliciting help from a foreign national.
And exactly how does the US investigate a crime in a foreign country you retard? The President asks them too. LOL you people are beyond stupid.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.

Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

Where did he do that? That is our problem! You are making shit up as you go! You are no better than Angelo's conspiracy theories!
"The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great." ~ Donald Trump

Biden is not a political rival. He is a former VP who may have used his office for personal gain. He has not won the nomination yet. He gets no special status because he rides in the Democrat clown car.

Of course he's a political rival. He's running in the 2020 election as a Democrat. Doesn't mean he's win the party's nomination, but running he is.
Then arrest the democrats who have and continue to go to Mexico City to raise funds for their campaigns... Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Biden for threatening to with hold funds to protect his son. Ohh wait that is different right? Arrest Al Gore and Clinton for raising money from China. Ohh wait that is different right?

Be very specific and show us the words where Trump threatened to do ANYTHING to the Ukraine, then provide actual proof that unlike the dems the republicans are going to foreign Countries to raise donations for campaigns.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.

Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
Remind me how you thought Obama should be impeached for OPENLY asking the Ukraine Government to investigate the Trump campaign and supported Biden when he threatened to withhold funds if they did not fire a prosecutor investigating his son?
First you have to tell me what law Obama violated.....
As soon as you tell me what law Trump violated....
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He broke no law. The law was broken when biden started meddling with ukraine to leverage them to give his worthless coke head son a 50k job a month job.
let's see your evidence Joe Biden gave aid to getting that job for his son...

That's exactly what Trump wanted Ukraine to find out, dumbass!
Then he should have it investigated instead of soliciting help from a foreign national.

So we are going to investigate events in a foreign country? Without their cooperation?

How fascist are you?

Shits a poster defending asking a foreign leader to conduct such an investigation.

Time may tell. Anger can accomplish many unexpected things.

The way I see it, this "anger" has been building for about 100 years.
Generations saw this coming.

But generation after generation kicked the can farther down the road.
Now that "we've" waited so long, they have entrenched themselves and fortified their position to the point they own or control everything.

And we've gotten old and tired and "our" numbers are dropping fast. Theirs are growing.

They have out played us. All that was required for "good men" to lose to evil men was for thos "good men" to do nothing.
But "we" are in denial.
Trump is THE ONLY thing that stands between the USA, The Constitution and a socialist Communist state in the USA.
NO ONE has HIS back on all these things.

"We" keep shouting "Go TRUMP!!" from the bleachers while he gets ripped by the Left over and over.
Soliciting a foreign national to help with a presidential candidate's campaign is a violation of the law.

Yep! Hillary did that! Lock her up!
Let's see your evidence.....

I'll show you mine as soon as you show me yours. I am kind of shy!
I already showed it. I quoted Trump soliciting help from a foreign national to investigate a political rival. I accept your reluctance to post your evidence as a tacit confession you were simply full of shit.

You showed nothing. Your suit is empty!

Your ignorance aside, I actually quoted trump asking a foreign leader to investigate a political rival of his.
Well if we are talking impeachment, what is the impeachment for?

At least what's been said by the left, Trump threatened US military aid for non compliance with his request for a Biden investigation. Are you saying we both agree that didn't happen????

And if so, then what's the impeachment for? Trump was asking a foreign government to look into the matter unconditionally. Are you claiming that Trump making the request of possible illegalities by one of our representatives is an impeachable offense? How is is that a high crime or misdemeanor offense???
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.
Yet 3 Democrats have gone to Mexico city to have fund raisers.
Moron why would I linkmt national news. Beto I believe was the last one to go there it was National NEWS for gods sake you blazing imbecile.
No link = you're full of shit.

Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
Here ya go lots of links to Beto in Mexico.democrats campaigning in Mexico - Google Search
Dumbfuck.... where did I say anything about threatening to pull aid?

Isn't that what this whole impeachment thing is all about? Better talk to your fellow comrades.
That's an allegation by some. Not one I mentioned in the posts you responded to. Try containing your rhetoric to what people actually say -- not what you think they mean.

Well if we are talking impeachment, what is the impeachment for?

At least what's been said by the left, Trump threatened US military aid for non compliance with his request for a Biden investigation. Are you saying we both agree that didn't happen????

And if so, then what's the impeachment for? Trump was asking a foreign government to look into the matter unconditionally. Are you claiming that Trump making the request of possible illegalities by one of our representatives is an impeachable offense? How is is that a high crime or misdemeanor offense???
Soliciting campaign aid from a foreign national is a crime.

So when is Obama going to jail? What about the Senators that traveled over there to get dirt of Trump?
You need to post links to backup your bullshit.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.

He broke no law. The law was broken when biden started meddling with ukraine to leverage them to give his worthless coke head son a 50k job a month job.
let's see your evidence Joe Biden gave aid to getting that job for his son...

That's exactly what Trump wanted Ukraine to find out, dumbass!
Then he should have it investigated instead of soliciting help from a foreign national.
And exactly how does the US investigate a crime in a foreign country you retard? The President asks them too. LOL you people are beyond stupid.
The same way Great Britain opened their own investigation into Burisma Holdings year ago.
If any candidates are soliciting such aid from Mexicans, then charge them. You say that as though I give a shit.

And I don't have to show Trump said anything threatening Ukraine. While if he did threaten them, that would make this worse for him; but even just soliciting them to investigate a political rival, even without threatening them, is a crime.

Biden is more than a political rival. He was a main player in the executive branch of our government, and is now running for chief executive. That's changes the entire picture.
That doesn't change the law Trump violated by soliciting a foreign national to investigate a political rival.
Remind me how you thought Obama should be impeached for OPENLY asking the Ukraine Government to investigate the Trump campaign and supported Biden when he threatened to withhold funds if they did not fire a prosecutor investigating his son?
First you have to tell me what law Obama violated.....
As soon as you tell me what law Trump violated....
"We" keep shouting "Go TRUMP!!" from the bleachers while he gets ripped by the Left over and over.
Liberals support America becoming mostly Hispanic or even mostly colored. Trump is trying to protect our heritage. We must support Trump and all politicians like Trump in order to save America.
Democrats a mindless violent hate filled control freak nazis

Americans are to fat, happy, and working right now for civil war
Implement a new green deal, medical for the entire fargin hemisphere while curbing fossil fuel use thatll cause an economic collapse is one scenario that could tip the scales

Vote warren 2020 an lets do this shit :muahaha::fu::04:

Don't be a Kulak and dont get on the truck

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