Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

rightwinger and sealybobo
You use other verbiage but you basically beg the rich to give you more of their wealth. You beg the rich to be concerned with your livelihood and wellbeing, to look out for you and to basically care for you.
Ask yourself this; are you looking out for the rich by advocating for 12-50 million illegals aliens? By supporting illegal immigrants? By not supporting Trumps effort in running them out? You know the rich are funding them as well...right? Seems a bit inconsiderate and arrogant of
“Hey rich guy...give me $100, help make my life easier, I’m your fellow American...don’t let me struggle......oh, and by the way, I’m gonna need another few hundred for my illegal friends that I invited over.”



See the wall? Tear it down Nancy.
What is your point?

Nancy voted against tax cuts for the wealthy
Crooked Donnie approved tax cuts that will save his family a billion dollars

That is nothing more than leftist propaganda. Link please!!!!
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?

How exactly do the rich benefit in a society when the vast majority of spending is on the poor and middle class?

The rich benefit from roads and bridges they rely on for commerce, they benefit from an educated workforce they don't have to pay for, they benefit from housing and food subsidies for their workers they pay substandard wages, they benefit from a military that protects their global interests

Everybody benefits, but the rich pay for most of it.
Look don’t know me or anything about me.
I’ll pay more this year for two college tuitions than you’ll earn in the next two years. I pay more annually in property taxes than you’ll earn over the next several years...SO WHAT.
What’s right is always right....PAY YOUR OWN FUCKING WAY.
Simple, simple shit.
I know how rich republican people feel. Let’s see how the middle class likes paying for the trump tax breaks.

The middle-class are not paying for anything. That's more commie propaganda passed out by the left.
The middle class pays as austerity from tax cuts trickles down

That doesn't even make any sense. The middle-class got a tax cut like most people. You don't pay more when you are getting more of your money.
Middle class got $20 a week. A GOP distraction from the fact that they gave the wealthy $1.5 trillion in cuts

Since the entire package cost 1.5 trillion, how did the rich get all of it when 90% of people who get a paycheck got a raise?


See the wall? Tear it down Nancy.
What is your point?

Nancy voted against tax cuts for the wealthy
Crooked Donnie approved tax cuts that will save his family a billion dollars

Real Americans never thought we’d see the day where are fellow countrymen would be disappointed if the government let us keep a little more of our OWN cash.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>
I know how rich republican people feel. Let’s see how the middle class likes paying for the trump tax breaks.

The middle-class are not paying for anything. That's more commie propaganda passed out by the left.
The middle class pays as austerity from tax cuts trickles down

That doesn't even make any sense. The middle-class got a tax cut like most people. You don't pay more when you are getting more of your money.
Middle class got $20 a week. A GOP distraction from the fact that they gave the wealthy $1.5 trillion in cuts

Since the entire package cost 1.5 trillion, how did the rich get all of it when 90% of people who get a paycheck got a raise?
Kind of teaches you something about wealth doesn't it?
The middle-class are not paying for anything. That's more commie propaganda passed out by the left.
The middle class pays as austerity from tax cuts trickles down

That doesn't even make any sense. The middle-class got a tax cut like most people. You don't pay more when you are getting more of your money.
Middle class got $20 a week. A GOP distraction from the fact that they gave the wealthy $1.5 trillion in cuts

Since the entire package cost 1.5 trillion, how did the rich get all of it when 90% of people who get a paycheck got a raise?
Kind of teaches you something about wealth doesn't it?

No, but your claims certainly do.
You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?

How exactly do the rich benefit in a society when the vast majority of spending is on the poor and middle class?

The rich benefit from roads and bridges they rely on for commerce, they benefit from an educated workforce they don't have to pay for, they benefit from housing and food subsidies for their workers they pay substandard wages, they benefit from a military that protects their global interests

Everybody benefits, but the rich pay for most of it.

Most of an "income" tax?

What does that tell you about the distribution of income?


See the wall? Tear it down Nancy.
What is your point?

Nancy voted against tax cuts for the wealthy
Crooked Donnie approved tax cuts that will save his family a billion dollars

Real Americans never thought we’d see the day where are fellow countrymen would be disappointed if the government let us keep a little more of our OWN cash.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>

The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?


See the wall? Tear it down Nancy.
What is your point?

Nancy voted against tax cuts for the wealthy
Crooked Donnie approved tax cuts that will save his family a billion dollars

Real Americans never thought we’d see the day where are fellow countrymen would be disappointed if the government let us keep a little more of our OWN cash.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>

The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?
Our President pays no federal income tax

He does a hell of a lot of complaining
As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?

How exactly do the rich benefit in a society when the vast majority of spending is on the poor and middle class?

The rich benefit from roads and bridges they rely on for commerce, they benefit from an educated workforce they don't have to pay for, they benefit from housing and food subsidies for their workers they pay substandard wages, they benefit from a military that protects their global interests

Everybody benefits, but the rich pay for most of it.

Most of an "income" tax?

What does that tell you about the distribution of income?

They pay the most for all those goodies you listed.

We are heavily taxed in the transportation industry. Our diesel fuel is heavily taxed, our license and registration is heavily taxed, and we pay tax per mile on any vehicle with three or more axles.

We pass that tax onto our customers (industry) on top of the other taxes that pay.

So industry pays more than their fair share.


See the wall? Tear it down Nancy.
What is your point?

Nancy voted against tax cuts for the wealthy
Crooked Donnie approved tax cuts that will save his family a billion dollars

Real Americans never thought we’d see the day where are fellow countrymen would be disappointed if the government let us keep a little more of our OWN cash.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>

The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?
Our President pays no federal income tax

He does a hell of a lot of complaining

He paid $38 MILLION in one year...that’s more than you and everyone you know combined will pay in your lifetimes. He pays more in property and luxury tax every year than you’ll pay in income taxes over your lifetime. Do you think he uses public services and roadways more than you do?
What is your point?

Nancy voted against tax cuts for the wealthy
Crooked Donnie approved tax cuts that will save his family a billion dollars

Real Americans never thought we’d see the day where are fellow countrymen would be disappointed if the government let us keep a little more of our OWN cash.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>

The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?
Our President pays no federal income tax

He does a hell of a lot of complaining

He paid $38 MILLION in one year...that’s more than you and everyone you know combined will pay in your lifetimes. He pays more in property and luxury tax every year than you’ll pay in income taxes over your lifetime. Do you think he uses public services and roadways more than you do?

Divide government spending up by total adults 18 and over, everyone pays the exact same share that's fair.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

Leftist politicians are always soooo generous with other people's money. Not their own, according to studies, but they love taking from the producers and giving to the takers.

And they come up with money redistribution plans that assume the wealth creators won't change their habits and keep on working just as hard to make money. Leftists have zero understanding of human nature or economics. They think people will keep working harder even when government steals more and more from them. Try explaining to a leftist that this is the reason why socialism fails and you'll get a deer in the headlight look. But, but, it sounds so good, they say. Never mind the facts. So many of their followers are sheep so I suppose they tend to think everyone (except themselves) are the same way.

Billions in tax dollars are simply redistributed by giving people tax "refunds" despite the fact that they never paid in to begin with. When your tax liability is zero, you shouldn't get a check for thousands of dollars. Many illegal aliens were claiming a bunch of kids and were getting an average of $10,000 each in "refund" checks. The IRS pays first and maybe asks questions later. The only people who get audited, it seems, are those who already pay too much and they get raked over the coals to make sure they didn't take any deductions that aren't allowed under the increasingly oppressive tax laws. How dare you try to keep your money. Filthy greedy pig. It's greedy to keep more of your earnings but somehow noble for other for some to take more of other people's earnings.

Leftists are always coming up with new ways to redistribute money. Another major problem is that when government steals money for their programs, much of it disappears as it gets absorbed by a bloated government. Every new "entitlement" means more bureaucrats to redistribute the money and their salaries are impressive. How much out of each dollar gets to where it's supposedly needed after the bureaucrats keep their cut and the politicians skim off the top for their pork spending?

If governments had control over private businesses, they would have people paying different amounts for everything. Oh, you're making over $100,000 each year, that dozen eggs will cost you $10. Imagine if the same rules for stealing our tax money were applied to everything else. How it is fair for people to pay different amounts to fund government when we all benefit, or get harmed, the same by the actions of government?

What is your point?

Nancy voted against tax cuts for the wealthy
Crooked Donnie approved tax cuts that will save his family a billion dollars

Real Americans never thought we’d see the day where are fellow countrymen would be disappointed if the government let us keep a little more of our OWN cash.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>

The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?
Our President pays no federal income tax

He does a hell of a lot of complaining

He paid $38 MILLION in one year...that’s more than you and everyone you know combined will pay in your lifetimes. He pays more in property and luxury tax every year than you’ll pay in income taxes over your lifetime. Do you think he uses public services and roadways more than you do?
That was 12 years ago

He is hiding his returns since

Donnie Freeloader pays no Federal Income taxes
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Haha..leave to old kookie ass Franco to just roar in there and happily make a complete fucking ass of himself.
Real Americans never thought we’d see the day where are fellow countrymen would be disappointed if the government let us keep a little more of our OWN cash.
Do you people ever listen to yourselves?
Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>

The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?
Our President pays no federal income tax

He does a hell of a lot of complaining

He paid $38 MILLION in one year...that’s more than you and everyone you know combined will pay in your lifetimes. He pays more in property and luxury tax every year than you’ll pay in income taxes over your lifetime. Do you think he uses public services and roadways more than you do?
That was 12 years ago

He is hiding his returns since

Donnie Freeloader pays no Federal Income taxes

Not surprisingly, you have some weird fucking scale and method of measurement you work off of if you can call a man who paid $38 million to the Feds in one year a freeloader...He funded you and several generations of your family in that one year....Instead of you thanking him for paying your bad mouth him.
There you have it folks...a look into that twisted Liberal mind.
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
No reason to worry

The Trump tax cuts will disappear just like the Bush tax cuts

His wall will be bulldozed just as soon as Democrats take back power

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