Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

Whatever happened to rightwing outrage over debt?

<Hint: a Democrat is no longer President>

The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?
Our President pays no federal income tax

He does a hell of a lot of complaining

He paid $38 MILLION in one year...that’s more than you and everyone you know combined will pay in your lifetimes. He pays more in property and luxury tax every year than you’ll pay in income taxes over your lifetime. Do you think he uses public services and roadways more than you do?
That was 12 years ago

He is hiding his returns since

Donnie Freeloader pays no Federal Income taxes

Not surprisingly, you have some weird fucking scale and method of measurement you work off of if you can call a man who paid $38 million to the Feds in one year a freeloader...He funded you and several generations of your family in that one year....Instead of you thanking him for paying your bad mouth him.
There you have it folks...a look into that twisted Liberal mind.

It's not coming from me, it comes from Conservatives

Anyone who does not pay federal taxes is a freeloader

Donnie Freeloader has not paid federal taxes in ten years
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.

How does one TAKE something they own, something they created from them self?
It’s the poor, the lower class and illegal wetbacks destroying the middle class....too many takers bottom feeding.
How do people creating the wealth “suck the country dry”.
Holy shit this is getting good.
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.

How does one TAKE something they own, something they created from them self?
It’s the poor, the lower class and illegal wetbacks destroying the middle class....too many takers bottom feeding.
How do people creating the wealth “suck the country dry”.
Holy shit this is getting good.
They didn't create the wealth

Workers generate wealth........the rich just keep most of it
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.

How does one TAKE something they own, something they created from them self?
It’s the poor, the lower class and illegal wetbacks destroying the middle class....too many takers bottom feeding.
How do people creating the wealth “suck the country dry”.
Holy shit this is getting good.
They didn't create the wealth

Workers generate wealth........the rich just keep most of it

Oh really? Then why don't the workers start their own company and keep "their wealth" themselves?
The positive contributors are the folks that get to choose when to be outraged...this usually depends on how and where .gov funds are diverted. Surely, you can’t believe those paying nothing in should have a right to complain about .gov spending...right?
Our President pays no federal income tax

He does a hell of a lot of complaining

He paid $38 MILLION in one year...that’s more than you and everyone you know combined will pay in your lifetimes. He pays more in property and luxury tax every year than you’ll pay in income taxes over your lifetime. Do you think he uses public services and roadways more than you do?
That was 12 years ago

He is hiding his returns since

Donnie Freeloader pays no Federal Income taxes

Not surprisingly, you have some weird fucking scale and method of measurement you work off of if you can call a man who paid $38 million to the Feds in one year a freeloader...He funded you and several generations of your family in that one year....Instead of you thanking him for paying your bad mouth him.
There you have it folks...a look into that twisted Liberal mind.

It's not coming from me, it comes from Conservatives

Anyone who does not pay federal taxes is a freeloader

Donnie Freeloader has not paid federal taxes in ten years

I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
No reason to worry

The Trump tax cuts will disappear just like the Bush tax cuts

His wall will be bulldozed just as soon as Democrats take back power

You might be right. I mean after all, the Democrats are more for the non-Americans than they are the Americans.
At least finding good workers is not an issue in the us since there is a huge surp!us of hard working people.
You just admitted that companies already try to automate, and companies will always try to charge however much they can get away with. So what's the difference? Forcing companies to increase their wages does increase spending power from their workers in turn increasing consumption.
In Belgium retail stores are slowly going out of business, they are losing ground to web stores. It has nothing to do with cashiers being to expensive, it's an evolution of shopping habits.

We have the same problem here with online shopping. However the difference in increasing wages to automation is that the company looks at what is more cost effective. For instance, double the minimum wage, and that's around $7.00 per hour, $280.00 per week, or about $1,400 per month for each and every employee. If you have ten employees, that's $14,000 extra per month just in wages. But wait!

When an employer increases wages, the wage increase is only part of the cost. It also increases the cost of Workman's Compensation insurance. It increases the cost of Unemployment Insurance. Since the employer must double the employee contributions to Social Security and Medicare, that too is a cost.

So now that $14,000 a month cost turned into $20,000 a month cost. A company with only ten employees is small business--very small business. So a 20K increase in cost can make the difference between a company closing up and a company just passing on the costs or turning to automation.

The same reason I don't, being on social programs gives you the bare necessities but nothing beyond that. You won't get the newest I phone, a house, a trip abroad on social programs.

Bingo. Now you have it. However in this country, our so-called poor live quite well. In fact I have HUD people living next door to me in the suburbs. In some cases, our poor are better off than the working.

They don't have to worry about housing, they don't have to worry about how many children they have, they don't have to worry about utility bills, and hell, we even give them a free cell phone with 250 minutes a month. They don't have to worry about healthcare for themselves of their family. They don't pay taxes so they don't have to worry about tax increases. And you should see how fat these people are in line at the grocery store who use food stamps.

I only have government healthcare and as I pointed out, it's more efficient. As to people coming to the US for serious conditions. I've heard of Americans going to Switzerland for a certain specialist. I can't think of a single person I know of or heard about who went to the US specifically for medical treatment. Not saying it doesn't happen but it's rare. I do believe that the US at it's best is world class, but be honest, can you afford an experimental treatment? What good is it, having the best doctors, if only 1 in a thousand people can afford them?

I would say it's a lot less than that, but I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic; I've been a patient there since a child. And let me assure you, when you walk into their main campus downtown, you are the one who feels like a foreigner.

Every healthcare system has it's problems. Whether government or private insurance, it's costly no matter where you go. People over here constantly compare our system to the Canadian system, and I can tell you just talking with Canadians up close and personal, the elderly citizens told me to keep what we got, or we'll be sorry when we age.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

It is true that we have US citizens going abroad for treatment, but that's only because the treatment or drugs were not approved of over here, and if you're dying of something, you'll try anything including experimental.
I'm not going to reply to your first point, since i'd just be repeating myself. Not trying to be flip but that's how it is.
However in this country, our so-called poor live quite well.
Lol you think it's different here. In fact poor people have more rights here. We don't just give primary care but TOTAL care, near free language courses if you're a foreigner. Paid maternity leave, 3 months parental leave, Cheap college, etc. The thing is you are trying to claim having all that makes people less eager to contribute. I'm claiming that having all that doesn't,because to be able to not just live but live well, I need to work. If I don't I won't be driving a Mercedes, I won't be able to own my own house, I won't be able to take an annual trip to the US, I won't be able to give my daughter some money when I pass. Not having to worry about what I consider bare necessities in no way makes me lazy or unwilling to contribute.

Every healthcare system has it's problems. Whether government or private insurance, it's costly no matter where you go.
Yes, but your mixed government run/ private healthcare system is WAY more expensive then my government run system. This for less inclusivity, longer waits and a lower life expectancy. So when you claim it's government interference that causes those problems, you have the problem of trying to explain the results of mine and most if not all countries who have socialized healthcare. To be honest, European style healthcare would be impossible to achieve in the US because it takes an acceptance of a way higher interference in free market mechanisms, something that no American would accept. But it does work.
It is true that we have US citizens going abroad for treatment
Again you were making the claim that people come to the US to receive care they couldn't get in their own country. I just pointed out it works vice versa too. So as prove of superiority it will be pretty difficult.
socialized healthcare
I don't know who did it, how they managed to be successful at doing so, or when, but at some point in our history, someone managed to apply as a qualifier the term "socialized" to healthcare systems that transitioned from monopolistically competitive and/or perfectly competitive models to the natural monopoly structure. In doing so they successfully linked the emotionalism of anti-communism to the notion of altering the market structure under which healthcare is purchased and sold, thereby ensuring that no aspect of healthcare other than Medicare, which was already in place, would ever make that transition in the U.S. unless and until a huge share of the citizenry came to recognize when a industry was better suited to natural monopoly.
The United States currently spends 17% of it's GDP on health care. Meanwhile the other industrialized nations which have universal coverage spend between 8-11%. So just by going to single payer [for health insurance], we free up 6% or more of GDP to spend on other things. .
As another member has noted, operating as a monopolistically competitive market, the measurable results of the U.S. healthcare model pale in comparison to those that function as natural monopolies -- everything costs more and health outcomes aren't as good. There is no clearer indicator that healthcare is rightly a natural monopoly, but, IMO, because such a thing is called "socialized healthcare," it is broadly opposed.
Diagram of natural monopoly

Economies of scale lost by treating as monopolisitcally competitive the production and sale of good/services that lend themselves far better to natural monopoly organization and delivery.
  • Suppose the industry demand is 10,000 units.
  • If a firm produces 10,000 units, it will get the lowest possible average costs – £9.
  • If there were three firms producing 3,000 units. The firms would have average costs of £17.
  • Therefore, the optimal number of firms in the industry will be one (one firm producing all 10,000 units)
In addition to implementing healthcare production and sales under monopolistic competition, the pooch was further screwed ages when the delivery of healthcare and the purchase of healthcare services were connected to the profit motive and disconnected from healthcare recipients' ability to pay for healthcare. There's no doubt the architects of that triad of structural characteristics thought they were doing right by "regular" people and for themselves by implementing a means by which non-rich folks could obtain high quality healthcare without compromising the profitability of healthcare goods and services providers.

To an extent they accomplished that; however, it's clear in hindsight that the combination of those structural characteristics in the marketplace for all things healthcare-related has wrought a situation whereby the money to pay for healthcare came from organizations having vastly deeper pockets than do and did any healthcare recipients, thus making pricing models become that of "whatever the market will bear" and creating among healthcare goods/service payers the exigency whereby the only way they can continue to make healthcare insurance affordable for all is for them to insure either everyone or only people with "good" health profiles.

So, here, amidst the collected outcomes of those past blunders in the development of the healthcare marketplace, we sit. Healthcare equipment is very expensive. Healthcare services are very expensive and vastly more so than anywhere else in the world, and health insurance is now also very expensive. All the while, our observed health outcomes are not the best in the world.
rightwinger and sealybobo
You use other verbiage but you basically beg the rich to give you more of their wealth. You beg the rich to be concerned with your livelihood and wellbeing, to look out for you and to basically care for you.
Ask yourself this; are you looking out for the rich by advocating for 12-50 million illegals aliens? By supporting illegal immigrants? By not supporting Trumps effort in running them out? You know the rich are funding them as well...right? Seems a bit inconsiderate and arrogant of
“Hey rich guy...give me $100, help make my life easier, I’m your fellow American...don’t let me struggle......oh, and by the way, I’m gonna need another few hundred for my illegal friends that I invited over.”

I don’t like illegals but until trump republicans sure did.

This is one thing I like about trump. I’m all for cutting down on immigration. Legal too
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

Do all brokelosers put ‘...’ around science?
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.

How does one TAKE something they own, something they created from them self?
It’s the poor, the lower class and illegal wetbacks destroying the middle class....too many takers bottom feeding.
How do people creating the wealth “suck the country dry”.
Holy shit this is getting good.
They didn't create the wealth

Workers generate wealth........the rich just keep most of it

Oh really? Then why don't the workers start their own company and keep "their wealth" themselves?

Because you can't have 150 million companies

But it is the worker producing the wealth. The employer just determines his margin
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

Do all brokelosers put ‘...’ around science?
Science is an imaginary concept to them
It is all made up
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
No reason to worry

The Trump tax cuts will disappear just like the Bush tax cuts

His wall will be bulldozed just as soon as Democrats take back power

You might be right. I mean after all, the Democrats are more for the non-Americans than they are the Americans.
Actually, dupe, Democrats tried to end illegal immigration in 2010. The GOP will keep it going forever.
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.

Haha..leave to old kookie ass Franco to just roar in there and happily make a complete fucking ass of himself.
How so, brainwashed functional moron?
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
No reason to worry

The Trump tax cuts will disappear just like the Bush tax cuts

His wall will be bulldozed just as soon as Democrats take back power

You might be right. I mean after all, the Democrats are more for the non-Americans than they are the Americans.
Actually, dupe, Democrats tried to end illegal immigration in 2010. The GOP will keep it going forever.

Bullshit they did. Why didn't they end it in 2009 when they had total control over the government?

Talk about dupes. You don't even understand what the commie party is up to. They stopped Kate's law, they are fighting tooth and nail for their sanctuary cities, they are now creating sanctuary states, they shut down the government on behalf of illegals, they refuse to allow the wall to be built, Piglosi almost drove herself to a stroke by yapping for 8 hours on behalf of illegals, and you're stupid enough to believe they actually want illegals stopped? Amazing.

If I ever tried to sell anybody a bridge, I would make sure they were a Democrat, because Democrats will believe anything you tell them.
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.

How does one TAKE something they own, something they created from them self?
It’s the poor, the lower class and illegal wetbacks destroying the middle class....too many takers bottom feeding.
How do people creating the wealth “suck the country dry”.
Holy shit this is getting good.
They didn't create the wealth

Workers generate wealth........the rich just keep most of it

Oh really? Then why don't the workers start their own company and keep "their wealth" themselves?

Because you can't have 150 million companies

But it is the worker producing the wealth. The employer just determines his margin

No, you don't understand......

Wealth is created by using capital and investing it with hopes of making a profit. Workers don't invest anything. They just work. Capitalists invest so it is they who create the profit and wealth--not the worker.

Capitalists are rewarded by their work and investment. Workers are rewarded with an hourly pay, salary, or commission. They don't create wealth.

If you ever invested in the stock market and made a profit, your broker didn't make the profit--you did. If you made a profit in real estate, your real estate agent didn't make the profit--you made the profit. If you started your own lawn care company, the people who manufactured the lawnmowers you use didn't make the profit for your company--you made the profit.

See how it works now?
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.
Actually the top 1% are taking 98%....
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
No reason to worry

The Trump tax cuts will disappear just like the Bush tax cuts

His wall will be bulldozed just as soon as Democrats take back power

You might be right. I mean after all, the Democrats are more for the non-Americans than they are the Americans.
Actually, dupe, Democrats tried to end illegal immigration in 2010. The GOP will keep it going forever.

Bullshit they did. Why didn't they end it in 2009 when they had total control over the government?

Talk about dupes. You don't even understand what the commie party is up to. They stopped Kate's law, they are fighting tooth and nail for their sanctuary cities, they are now creating sanctuary states, they shut down the government on behalf of illegals, they refuse to allow the wall to be built, Piglosi almost drove herself to a stroke by yapping for 8 hours on behalf of illegals, and you're stupid enough to believe they actually want illegals stopped? Amazing.

If I ever tried to sell anybody a bridge, I would make sure they were a Democrat, because Democrats will believe anything you tell them.
2010 Democratic immigration bill gave amnesty to worthy immigrants and had a SS ID card that would end illegal immigration. Of Of course you know nothing about it, Duke. Democrats had 35 days of control and used it all on ACA. Nobody expected Scott Brown.
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.
Actually the top 1% are taking 98%....
How? Simple... Tax the rich like every other modern country and like the US before Reagan, and invest in America and Americans like every other modern country, super dupes of the greedy idiot GOP rich.
No reason to worry

The Trump tax cuts will disappear just like the Bush tax cuts

His wall will be bulldozed just as soon as Democrats take back power

You might be right. I mean after all, the Democrats are more for the non-Americans than they are the Americans.
Actually, dupe, Democrats tried to end illegal immigration in 2010. The GOP will keep it going forever.

Bullshit they did. Why didn't they end it in 2009 when they had total control over the government?

Talk about dupes. You don't even understand what the commie party is up to. They stopped Kate's law, they are fighting tooth and nail for their sanctuary cities, they are now creating sanctuary states, they shut down the government on behalf of illegals, they refuse to allow the wall to be built, Piglosi almost drove herself to a stroke by yapping for 8 hours on behalf of illegals, and you're stupid enough to believe they actually want illegals stopped? Amazing.

If I ever tried to sell anybody a bridge, I would make sure they were a Democrat, because Democrats will believe anything you tell them.
2010 Democratic immigration bill gave amnesty to worthy immigrants and had a SS ID card that would end illegal immigration. Of Of course you know nothing about it, Duke. Democrats had 35 days of control and used it all on ACA. Nobody expected Scott Brown.

What bull you blind bat. Amnesty would have been one of many if up to Democrats. That wouldn't' have ended illegal immigration, it would have only given Democrats more voters in the future. Man do they have the wool pulled over your eyes.
The top 10% are taking 90% of all the wealth and destroying our fucking middle class. Explain to me why it is ok for them to suck this country dry and how that is good for people that work hard every fucking day.

How does one TAKE something they own, something they created from them self?
It’s the poor, the lower class and illegal wetbacks destroying the middle class....too many takers bottom feeding.
How do people creating the wealth “suck the country dry”.
Holy shit this is getting good.
They didn't create the wealth

Workers generate wealth........the rich just keep most of it

Oh really? Then why don't the workers start their own company and keep "their wealth" themselves?

Because you can't have 150 million companies

But it is the worker producing the wealth. The employer just determines his margin

No, you don't understand......

Wealth is created by using capital and investing it with hopes of making a profit. Workers don't invest anything. They just work. Capitalists invest so it is they who create the profit and wealth--not the worker.

Capitalists are rewarded by their work and investment. Workers are rewarded with an hourly pay, salary, or commission. They don't create wealth.

If you ever invested in the stock market and made a profit, your broker didn't make the profit--you did. If you made a profit in real estate, your real estate agent didn't make the profit--you made the profit. If you started your own lawn care company, the people who manufactured the lawnmowers you use didn't make the profit for your company--you made the profit.

See how it works now?
Workers used to make enough to save and start businesses so 70% of new jobs came from them. No more... Great job, new b******* GOP and silly dupes.

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