Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee. When republicans rule the rich benefit. When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too and they will because this trump tax shifted the debt more on you

If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee.”
I think you lost me...How should I apply this to my points and questions in my previous post?

When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.”
Huh? “fair taxation”...are you serious?
But you pay ZERO much “fair-er” do you want it?

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too”
You agree with who?...Who said the middle class should pay more?
Now I’m super have we finally reached that point where Libs have stopped pretending to care about the middle class? Are you and your people finally admitting what we’ve known all along...are you openly professing “FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS” and pledging your allegiance to illegals and bottom feeding filth exclusively?

(disclaimer for the spelling police....fair-er is not a word)
I agree with the rich. Their taxes go to pay for social programs that middle class people benefit from. We the people decided the rich should pay their fair share as they benefit from doing business in this great country and benefit so greatly.

I agree they shouldn’t have to pay for those things either. You’d be surprised how much you suck off the rich. So cut all those programs or raise your taxes if you want to maintain this quality of life

You’re talking like danielpalos right now...I’m struggling to put your puzzle together...long night?
I can’t follow along with all the word play and circle’re not being clear with where you stand on anything....should we try again later?
Eventually you middle class fools have to apply the same logic you do to the poor on yourself. The rich pay for a lot of things the middle class benefits from. Let’s apply the same logic and start cutting everything the rich help pay for. You’d start singing a different tune when your taxes go up while your quality of life go down.

Too hard for you to understand?

It's not us middle-class Republicans who are complaining the rich don't pay enough. We appreciate what they do pay and thankful for it. It's the inconsiderate liberals who keep demanding more.
You’re more than appreciative
I’m probably better off than you but if not, why should people who make less than you agree with your politics? You’re either a greedy rich guy or stupid middle class guy.

Actually a lot of people say they’re middle class when they are actually blue collar. Are you paying for your kids college?

Look don’t know me or anything about me.
I’ll pay more this year for two college tuitions than you’ll earn in the next two years. I pay more annually in property taxes than you’ll earn over the next several years...SO WHAT.
What’s right is always right....PAY YOUR OWN FUCKING WAY.
Simple, simple shit.
I know how rich republican people feel. Let’s see how the middle class likes paying for the trump tax breaks.

The middle-class are not paying for anything. That's more commie propaganda passed out by the left.
The middle class pays as austerity from tax cuts trickles down

That doesn't even make any sense. The middle-class got a tax cut like most people. You don't pay more when you are getting more of your money.
Middle class got $20 a week. A GOP distraction from the fact that they gave the wealthy $1.5 trillion in cuts
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?

How exactly do the rich benefit in a society when the vast majority of spending is on the poor and middle class?
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
Privately run roads is a major part of Trumps infrastructure plan
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads

NY and other puke Dem run states have had toll roads for decades, try to take a tunnel into Manhattan and see how much they soak you for. The NY State Throughway Authority funded by tolls is the richest authority in the state.
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
Privately run roads is a major part of Trumps infrastructure plan

If the 'rich' build a private road and charge you a toll to drive on it will you be upset?
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads

NY and other puke Dem run states have had toll roads for decades, try to take a tunnel into Manhattan and see how much they soak you for.
You know who instituted them when he was governor of Massachusetts because he didn’t want to raise taxes? Mitt Romney, but you’d call that a liberal state right?
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?

How exactly do the rich benefit in a society when the vast majority of spending is on the poor and middle class?

The rich benefit from roads and bridges they rely on for commerce, they benefit from an educated workforce they don't have to pay for, they benefit from housing and food subsidies for their workers they pay substandard wages, they benefit from a military that protects their global interests
You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
Privately run roads is a major part of Trumps infrastructure plan

If the 'rich' build a private road and charge you a toll to drive on it will you be upset?
The rich will control everything
You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
Privately run roads is a major part of Trumps infrastructure plan

If the 'rich' build a private road and charge you a toll to drive on it will you be upset?
Vs having free roads now?

Yea....I would be pissed
They don't "want it" OP they are convinced they are "entitled to it".

You’re exactly right. It’s weird, weird logic.
“You have what I’m not willing to work for to get owe me some of your shit.”
Think about how fucking retarded that shit sounds.

As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?

How exactly do the rich benefit in a society when the vast majority of spending is on the poor and middle class?

The rich benefit from roads and bridges they rely on for commerce, they benefit from an educated workforce they don't have to pay for, they benefit from housing and food subsidies for their workers they pay substandard wages, they benefit from a military that protects their global interests
A rich guy who owns a construction company will convince trump to sell him the road cheap and he will pave the road and the government will never have to worry about the road ever again. But you’ll pay to use the expressway
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I want to give billions of dollars to billionaires!

It's the only thing that makes sense!

It's funny how even when you think you're joking, you betray that you're a socialist by stating the view that not taking someone's money is giving them money because of course all money is the people's money, Comrade
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.

All these things, like public health care, free tuition, etc., greatly increased productivity and greatly reduces over all cost.
So every one benefits, and no one actually has to pay more for it.
Everyone ends up with a net gain.


With health insurance you essentially are prepaying. That means you lose all control over costs or quality. So you get the worst health care, at the highest possible prices. Every look into prepaid legal services? They essentially are con.
Anything you prepay is never any good and is always way more expensive. Being third party payer, actually the insurance companies encourage providers to raise prices because that only forces customers to need insurance even more.
So in all cases, in all other countries, public health care costs individuals less because it is only a slight increase in their taxes, which are offset by the huge savings of not having to pay the monthly health insurance bill. And if you think you don't pay because the employer sends in the check, you are totally wrong on that. It is still coming out of your pay.

With free tuition, it has been shown repeatedly, such as in CA in the past, that it increases employee productivity by over a factor of 4. And that means not only more employer income, but more buying power to boost the economy. And does not even include the other benefits, like less emergency medical costs for indigents, as well as much lower crime rates.

I remember years ago when I went to electronics school for work. The first day the teacher drew a 12 volt battery on the chalkboard and two resisters. He explained that each resister absorbed 6 volts of power. He asked if there were any questions, and most of the class laughed. That was until one black guy raised his hand.

He had no idea that 6+6=12, and he kept asking the teacher the stupidest questions. Many of us looked at each other rolling our eyes. I leaned over to my new classmate next to me and whispered "I don't think this guy is going to make it!" He whispered back "I know he isn't going to make it. This is his third time taking this class."

My classmate took the class the previous semester but left due to illness. On break, I asked him about the guy who raised his hand. He explained to me he was on some sort of government program, and no matter how many times he fails, they will continue to pay for his education.

People who graduate college earn more than those who didn't attend. Therefore advanced education is an investment. An investment is when you spend YOUR OWN money with a return plus a profit.

I see no reason why taxpayers should fund investments for other people. Don't ask me to pay for your education to be a doctor or a lawyer, and when I need your services, charge me $400.00 to check my heart and take my blood pressure.
charge me $400.00 to check my heart and take my blood pressure.
This would mean that a lot of people would not be able to see a doctor. That's kind of the point isn't it? By saying a person is only allowed the services he or she is able to afford you create a class of people that will never, no matter how hard they work will get ahead in life. It's basically a society akin to the hunger games. One were those that have will keep on having and those who haven't are shit out of luck.

When you create a class of people who spend whatever they want without regard to the cost, you create the system we have in which there is no accountability for cost and they are exploding. Just like you leftists are doing to the cost of education in this country


See the wall? Tear it down Nancy.
As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
Privately run roads is a major part of Trumps infrastructure plan

If the 'rich' build a private road and charge you a toll to drive on it will you be upset?
The rich will control everything

So you prefer that the government take it over, the politicians get rich, and then the rich control everything ...

Hmm ... you seeing any downside there?
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I want to give billions of dollars to billionaires!

It's the only thing that makes sense!

It's funny how even when you think you're joking, you betray that you're a socialist by stating the view that not taking someone's money is giving them money because of course all money is the people's money, Comrade
You guys are more passionate about cutting programs than people are about preserving these programs. You won so cut away. See how unpopular your decisions are. People don’t like austerity cuts
What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
Privately run roads is a major part of Trumps infrastructure plan

If the 'rich' build a private road and charge you a toll to drive on it will you be upset?
The rich will control everything

So you prefer that the government take it over, the politicians get rich, and then the rich control everything ...

Hmm ... you seeing any downside there?
We need to take back our government from the rich that control it now. Drain the swamp
As absurd as it sounds their leadership has convinced them that the 'rich' and more well off have somehow cheated them out of their fair share. Hell some of these morons think because they are an employee at a company that they are somehow entitled to part ownership.

What we have done is relieved the rich of the responsibility of contributing to the society they benefit so much from

How do we justify cutting corporate rates by 50 percent while allowing them to keep all their deductions and subsidies?
And if the funds are cut off then principles and mayors have to make tough decisions. What cuts to make and what local taxes to raise.

Next thing you know you have toll roads
Privately run roads is a major part of Trumps infrastructure plan

If the 'rich' build a private road and charge you a toll to drive on it will you be upset?
The rich will control everything

Did you flunk history? Many of the main roads in NY today were private roads built by private citizens.

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