Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

Oh you really have to walk me through that one. HTF would tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations cause in increase in costs of the things you listed?

A tax cut isn't an expense--a tax cut is a savings which yes, did get passed down to some workers in the form of bonuses and pay increases.
Because employers used to pay for health insurance......all of it
They used to fund pension they don't
Government used to pay more towards college educations

A tax cut is not an is a decrease in revenue
Made up by decreasing government services

Employers still pay for health insurance, now some by force because of Commie Care. Thanks to the Republicans for getting rid of that one.

Pension Plans? Who has pension plans anymore? That faded out years ago and has nothing to do with tax cuts. If anything, maybe those tax cuts will influence some companies to bring them back.

When did government pay more for college education and what do tax cuts have to do with that?

I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh
That’s why you’re a bitter little fucker...
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
I am a liberal and everything in the OP and the post couldn't be more wrong. But then again people that are ignorant of proper nomenclature in political science miss the mark by a mile..

Hold on a you’re saying I have it all wrong and Liberals don’t really want the following?
free health care
free college
‘welfare’ increased
higher minimum wage
more spent on ‘science’
to extend all of what they want to 12-50 million illegal aliens
funded by the nations most productive.

Did I make all this up?
Liberals what group is that since liberals are in both parties?
I can tell you never had any education in political science....or logic...
You think you know what every American citizen that claims to be liberal think...But you are wrong and your argument is based on opinion and not fact.

Free health care I got it from serving in the military.
Free college no such thing..
Welfare increased-The budget deal just increased welfare spending(GOP budget)
Higher min wage. Who doesn't want to earn more? You, do you oppose wage increases at your workplace?
More spent on science, yeah that's what advances our society
Extend all benefits to illegals, Not only no but hell no..
Did you make all this up?
No you are just the town cryer for the rhetoric the politicians and media outlets put out to their mindless drones of partisan political lemmings.....

I’ve watched you do this a number of like to pretend your viewpoints align with the ideologies of the 21st century Liberal. You couldn’t be more might be the exception, you’re certainly not the rule these days. Sorry bud, but today’s Liberal is today’s Progressive is today’s Democrat...all one in the same....twisted, fucked in the head with daddy issues.
I have a number of “old school” Liberal friends and they absolutely refuse to identify as a Liberal out of sheer embarrassment. They like to refer to themselves as “Independents” now.
When we talk around here we like to discuss and refer to the greater percentages of things and people...nobody really likes to discuss the 2% of anything...right? You’re the 2% amongst your Liberal buddies.
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
I am a liberal and everything in the OP and the post couldn't be more wrong. But then again people that are ignorant of proper nomenclature in political science miss the mark by a mile..

Hold on a you’re saying I have it all wrong and Liberals don’t really want the following?
free health care
free college
‘welfare’ increased
higher minimum wage
more spent on ‘science’
to extend all of what they want to 12-50 million illegal aliens
funded by the nations most productive.

Did I make all this up?
Liberals what group is that since liberals are in both parties?
I can tell you never had any education in political science....or logic...
You think you know what every American citizen that claims to be liberal think...But you are wrong and your argument is based on opinion and not fact.

Free health care I got it from serving in the military.
Free college no such thing..
Welfare increased-The budget deal just increased welfare spending(GOP budget)
Higher min wage. Who doesn't want to earn more? You, do you oppose wage increases at your workplace?
More spent on science, yeah that's what advances our society
Extend all benefits to illegals, Not only no but hell no..
Did you make all this up?
No you are just the town cryer for the rhetoric the politicians and media outlets put out to their mindless drones of partisan political lemmings.....

I’ve watched you do this a number of like to pretend your viewpoints align with the ideologies of the 21st century Liberal. You couldn’t be more might be the exception, you’re certainly not the rule these days. Sorry bud, but today’s Liberal is today’s Progressive is today’s Democrat...all one in the same....twisted, fucked in the head with daddy issues.
I have a number of “old school” Liberal friends and they absolutely refuse to identify as a Liberal out of sheer embarrassment. They like to refer to themselves as “Independents” now.
When we talk around here we like to discuss and refer to the greater percentages of things and people...nobody really likes to discuss the 2% of anything...right? You’re the 2% amongst your Liberal buddies.
I am not a democrat nor a republican. I know that liberals have changed, so have conservatives.. Thirty years ago no conservative would have dared vote for Trump because of his wife's reputation...Now enter into your mind the fact that all liberals are not just democrats they are republicans also.
The 2% I'd like to know where you got your demographic info from..
Because employers used to pay for health insurance......all of it
They used to fund pension they don't
Government used to pay more towards college educations

A tax cut is not an is a decrease in revenue
Made up by decreasing government services

Employers still pay for health insurance, now some by force because of Commie Care. Thanks to the Republicans for getting rid of that one.

Pension Plans? Who has pension plans anymore? That faded out years ago and has nothing to do with tax cuts. If anything, maybe those tax cuts will influence some companies to bring them back.

When did government pay more for college education and what do tax cuts have to do with that?

I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh
Did you work during Reagan and Bush which pushed for better benefits for govt. employees?

Started under Jimmy Carter
Reagan ended CSRS and a federal pension was never the same

What was great under Bush was he gave us locality pay
I find it fascinating that the obvious PROBLEM can’t be seen with the Liberal mind. You see, the problem isn’t that the rich don’t pay enough....the real problem is the poor don’t pay anything. But rather than point the finger at the root of the problem and say things like “it’s time to get the poor to pull their head from their asses and become productive” by dafault a Liberal mind wants to say “don’t ask the people free loading to stop freeloading....just take more from the people that continue to do everything right”.
Stop and think about that for a minute...fascinating logic isn’t it?
Are Liberals enablers by default? Are they like that in their personal lives?
How or why is it sensible to think that good productive people should pick up the tab and bear the responsibility for the bad choices made by bad people?
If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee. When republicans rule the rich benefit. When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too and they will because this trump tax shifted the debt more on you

If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee.”
I think you lost me...How should I apply this to my points and questions in my previous post?

When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.”
Huh? “fair taxation”...are you serious?
But you pay ZERO much “fair-er” do you want it?

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too”
You agree with who?...Who said the middle class should pay more?
Now I’m super have we finally reached that point where Libs have stopped pretending to care about the middle class? Are you and your people finally admitting what we’ve known all along...are you openly professing “FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS” and pledging your allegiance to illegals and bottom feeding filth exclusively?

(disclaimer for the spelling police....fair-er is not a word)
I agree with the rich. Their taxes go to pay for social programs that middle class people benefit from. We the people decided the rich should pay their fair share as they benefit from doing business in this great country and benefit so greatly.

I agree they shouldn’t have to pay for those things either. You’d be surprised how much you suck off the rich. So cut all those programs or raise your taxes if you want to maintain this quality of life

You’re talking like danielpalos right now...I’m struggling to put your puzzle together...long night?
I can’t follow along with all the word play and circle’re not being clear with where you stand on anything....should we try again later?
Eventually you middle class fools have to apply the same logic you do to the poor on yourself. The rich pay for a lot of things the middle class benefits from. Let’s apply the same logic and start cutting everything the rich help pay for. You’d start singing a different tune when your taxes go up while your quality of life go down.

Too hard for you to understand?

Who’s a “middle class fool”? Have you seen my 1040?
You’re still doing it’re all over the’re for the poor...then “fuck the poor” but you’re not poor, but you’ll fight for the poor, you’re kinda middle class but let’s fuck the middle class, you’re a “Republican now” but fuck Republicans, you’re making an extra $5k per year thanks to the tax cuts but fuck the tax cuts....WTF DUDE!
It’s super hard to engage in meaningful discussion with someone when you feel they’re disingenuous and don’t know where they really stand minute to minute...I feel like I’m wasting my time...get it together bud. Hopefully you understand this.

I'm a Republican now
sealybobo said-
“Got to say I’m glad to see this tax bill give me $200 a pay period more like my republican buddy said. Actually he said average $300 but I’ll take $200. That’s almost $5000 more a year. I think there will be cuts to social security and Medicare because of this but if I can make $5k more a year and the economy booms for ten years I should be well set. I tried to get us all Medicare and strengthen social security but the American people are too dumb to deserve such wonderful programs.”
Last edited:
I find it fascinating that the obvious PROBLEM can’t be seen with the Liberal mind. You see, the problem isn’t that the rich don’t pay enough....the real problem is the poor don’t pay anything. But rather than point the finger at the root of the problem and say things like “it’s time to get the poor to pull their head from their asses and become productive” by dafault a Liberal mind wants to say “don’t ask the people free loading to stop freeloading....just take more from the people that continue to do everything right”.
Stop and think about that for a minute...fascinating logic isn’t it?
Are Liberals enablers by default? Are they like that in their personal lives?
How or why is it sensible to think that good productive people should pick up the tab and bear the responsibility for the bad choices made by bad people?
If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee. When republicans rule the rich benefit. When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too and they will because this trump tax shifted the debt more on you

If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee.”
I think you lost me...How should I apply this to my points and questions in my previous post?

When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.”
Huh? “fair taxation”...are you serious?
But you pay ZERO much “fair-er” do you want it?

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too”
You agree with who?...Who said the middle class should pay more?
Now I’m super have we finally reached that point where Libs have stopped pretending to care about the middle class? Are you and your people finally admitting what we’ve known all along...are you openly professing “FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS” and pledging your allegiance to illegals and bottom feeding filth exclusively?

(disclaimer for the spelling police....fair-er is not a word)
I agree with the rich. Their taxes go to pay for social programs that middle class people benefit from. We the people decided the rich should pay their fair share as they benefit from doing business in this great country and benefit so greatly.

I agree they shouldn’t have to pay for those things either. You’d be surprised how much you suck off the rich. So cut all those programs or raise your taxes if you want to maintain this quality of life

You’re talking like danielpalos right now...I’m struggling to put your puzzle together...long night?
I can’t follow along with all the word play and circle’re not being clear with where you stand on anything....should we try again later?
Eventually you middle class fools have to apply the same logic you do to the poor on yourself. The rich pay for a lot of things the middle class benefits from. Let’s apply the same logic and start cutting everything the rich help pay for. You’d start singing a different tune when your taxes go up while your quality of life go down.

Too hard for you to understand?

Gee, since the rich pay the most in taxes, they pay for most of everything in this country. Not sure about Broke but I for one prefer "middle class deplorable".
Oh you really have to walk me through that one. HTF would tax breaks to the wealthy and corporations cause in increase in costs of the things you listed?

A tax cut isn't an expense--a tax cut is a savings which yes, did get passed down to some workers in the form of bonuses and pay increases.
Because employers used to pay for health insurance......all of it
They used to fund pension they don't
Government used to pay more towards college educations

A tax cut is not an is a decrease in revenue
Made up by decreasing government services

Employers still pay for health insurance, now some by force because of Commie Care. Thanks to the Republicans for getting rid of that one.

Pension Plans? Who has pension plans anymore? That faded out years ago and has nothing to do with tax cuts. If anything, maybe those tax cuts will influence some companies to bring them back.

When did government pay more for college education and what do tax cuts have to do with that?

I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh

Haha...I call BULLSHIT.
Come on one is buying this shit....all LefTards claim to be extremely high quality, wealthy positive contributors....they don't need other people’s cash....they're just so fucking noble they'll fight to death to steal your shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense huh?
Because employers used to pay for health insurance......all of it
They used to fund pension they don't
Government used to pay more towards college educations

A tax cut is not an is a decrease in revenue
Made up by decreasing government services

Employers still pay for health insurance, now some by force because of Commie Care. Thanks to the Republicans for getting rid of that one.

Pension Plans? Who has pension plans anymore? That faded out years ago and has nothing to do with tax cuts. If anything, maybe those tax cuts will influence some companies to bring them back.

When did government pay more for college education and what do tax cuts have to do with that?

I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh

Haha...I call BULLSHIT.
Come on one is buying this shit....all LefTards claim to be extremely high quality, wealthy positive contributors....they don't need other people’s cash....they're just so fucking noble they'll fight to death to steal your shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense huh?
I’m really hoping some Libs get in on this...I think they often times get lost in their intended nobility and forget and or refuse to consider the economics and impact some things have on American society.
I am a liberal and everything in the OP and the post couldn't be more wrong. But then again people that are ignorant of proper nomenclature in political science miss the mark by a mile..

Hold on a you’re saying I have it all wrong and Liberals don’t really want the following?
free health care
free college
‘welfare’ increased
higher minimum wage
more spent on ‘science’
to extend all of what they want to 12-50 million illegal aliens
funded by the nations most productive.

Did I make all this up?
Liberals what group is that since liberals are in both parties?
I can tell you never had any education in political science....or logic...
You think you know what every American citizen that claims to be liberal think...But you are wrong and your argument is based on opinion and not fact.

Free health care I got it from serving in the military.
Free college no such thing..
Welfare increased-The budget deal just increased welfare spending(GOP budget)
Higher min wage. Who doesn't want to earn more? You, do you oppose wage increases at your workplace?
More spent on science, yeah that's what advances our society
Extend all benefits to illegals, Not only no but hell no..
Did you make all this up?
No you are just the town cryer for the rhetoric the politicians and media outlets put out to their mindless drones of partisan political lemmings.....

I’ve watched you do this a number of like to pretend your viewpoints align with the ideologies of the 21st century Liberal. You couldn’t be more might be the exception, you’re certainly not the rule these days. Sorry bud, but today’s Liberal is today’s Progressive is today’s Democrat...all one in the same....twisted, fucked in the head with daddy issues.
I have a number of “old school” Liberal friends and they absolutely refuse to identify as a Liberal out of sheer embarrassment. They like to refer to themselves as “Independents” now.
When we talk around here we like to discuss and refer to the greater percentages of things and people...nobody really likes to discuss the 2% of anything...right? You’re the 2% amongst your Liberal buddies.
I am not a democrat nor a republican. I know that liberals have changed, so have conservatives.. Thirty years ago no conservative would have dared vote for Trump because of his wife's reputation...Now enter into your mind the fact that all liberals are not just democrats they are republicans also.
The 2% I'd like to know where you got your demographic info from..

I made the 2% figure up as a way to make a point. You knew that.
You can’t possibly be making the claim that a number of Liberals worthy of discussion voted Republican this election cycle...are you?
Employers still pay for health insurance, now some by force because of Commie Care. Thanks to the Republicans for getting rid of that one.

Pension Plans? Who has pension plans anymore? That faded out years ago and has nothing to do with tax cuts. If anything, maybe those tax cuts will influence some companies to bring them back.

When did government pay more for college education and what do tax cuts have to do with that?

I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh

Haha...I call BULLSHIT.
Come on one is buying this shit....all LefTards claim to be extremely high quality, wealthy positive contributors....they don't need other people’s cash....they're just so fucking noble they'll fight to death to steal your shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense huh?

Which part has you perplexed?
Because employers used to pay for health insurance......all of it
They used to fund pension they don't
Government used to pay more towards college educations

A tax cut is not an is a decrease in revenue
Made up by decreasing government services

Employers still pay for health insurance, now some by force because of Commie Care. Thanks to the Republicans for getting rid of that one.

Pension Plans? Who has pension plans anymore? That faded out years ago and has nothing to do with tax cuts. If anything, maybe those tax cuts will influence some companies to bring them back.

When did government pay more for college education and what do tax cuts have to do with that?

I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh

Haha...I call BULLSHIT.
Come on one is buying this shit....all LefTards claim to be extremely high quality, wealthy positive contributors....they don't need other people’s cash....they're just so fucking noble they'll fight to death to steal your shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense huh?
Ok let’s say I make $40k a year. What am I getting from someone else?

You guys are purposely ignoring my point. The rich also think they pay too much and you middle class people don’t pay enough. They pay more than they should for your middle class schools so you’ll have to pay more. Just one small example but add them up it widens the gap between the haves and have nots
If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee. When republicans rule the rich benefit. When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too and they will because this trump tax shifted the debt more on you

If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee.”
I think you lost me...How should I apply this to my points and questions in my previous post?

When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.”
Huh? “fair taxation”...are you serious?
But you pay ZERO much “fair-er” do you want it?

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too”
You agree with who?...Who said the middle class should pay more?
Now I’m super have we finally reached that point where Libs have stopped pretending to care about the middle class? Are you and your people finally admitting what we’ve known all along...are you openly professing “FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS” and pledging your allegiance to illegals and bottom feeding filth exclusively?

(disclaimer for the spelling police....fair-er is not a word)
I agree with the rich. Their taxes go to pay for social programs that middle class people benefit from. We the people decided the rich should pay their fair share as they benefit from doing business in this great country and benefit so greatly.

I agree they shouldn’t have to pay for those things either. You’d be surprised how much you suck off the rich. So cut all those programs or raise your taxes if you want to maintain this quality of life

You’re talking like danielpalos right now...I’m struggling to put your puzzle together...long night?
I can’t follow along with all the word play and circle’re not being clear with where you stand on anything....should we try again later?
Eventually you middle class fools have to apply the same logic you do to the poor on yourself. The rich pay for a lot of things the middle class benefits from. Let’s apply the same logic and start cutting everything the rich help pay for. You’d start singing a different tune when your taxes go up while your quality of life go down.

Too hard for you to understand?

Who’s a “middle class fool”? Have you seen my 1040?
You’re still doing it’re all over the’re for the poor...then “fuck the poor” but you’re not poor, but you’ll fight for the poor, you’re kinda middle class but let’s fuck the middle class, you’re a “Republican now” but fuck Republicans, you’re making an extra $5k per year thanks to the tax cuts but fuck the tax cuts....WTF DUDE!
It’s super hard to engage in meaningful discussion with someone when you feel they’re disingenuous and don’t know where they really stand minute to minute...I feel like I’m wasting my time...get it together bud. Hopefully you understand this.

I'm a Republican now
sealybobo said-
“Got to say I’m glad to see this tax bill give me $200 a pay period more like my republican buddy said. Actually he said average $300 but I’ll take $200. That’s almost $5000 more a year. I think there will be cuts to social security and Medicare because of this but if I can make $5k more a year and the economy booms for ten years I should be well set. I tried to get us all Medicare and strengthen social security but the American people are too dumb to deserve such wonderful programs.”
I’m probably better off than you but if not, why should people who make less than you agree with your politics? You’re either a greedy rich guy or stupid middle class guy.

Actually a lot of people say they’re middle class when they are actually blue collar. Are you paying for your kids college?
I am a liberal and everything in the OP and the post couldn't be more wrong. But then again people that are ignorant of proper nomenclature in political science miss the mark by a mile..

Hold on a you’re saying I have it all wrong and Liberals don’t really want the following?
free health care
free college
‘welfare’ increased
higher minimum wage
more spent on ‘science’
to extend all of what they want to 12-50 million illegal aliens
funded by the nations most productive.

Did I make all this up?
Liberals what group is that since liberals are in both parties?
I can tell you never had any education in political science....or logic...
You think you know what every American citizen that claims to be liberal think...But you are wrong and your argument is based on opinion and not fact.

Free health care I got it from serving in the military.
Free college no such thing..
Welfare increased-The budget deal just increased welfare spending(GOP budget)
Higher min wage. Who doesn't want to earn more? You, do you oppose wage increases at your workplace?
More spent on science, yeah that's what advances our society
Extend all benefits to illegals, Not only no but hell no..
Did you make all this up?
No you are just the town cryer for the rhetoric the politicians and media outlets put out to their mindless drones of partisan political lemmings.....

I’ve watched you do this a number of like to pretend your viewpoints align with the ideologies of the 21st century Liberal. You couldn’t be more might be the exception, you’re certainly not the rule these days. Sorry bud, but today’s Liberal is today’s Progressive is today’s Democrat...all one in the same....twisted, fucked in the head with daddy issues.
I have a number of “old school” Liberal friends and they absolutely refuse to identify as a Liberal out of sheer embarrassment. They like to refer to themselves as “Independents” now.
When we talk around here we like to discuss and refer to the greater percentages of things and people...nobody really likes to discuss the 2% of anything...right? You’re the 2% amongst your Liberal buddies.
I am not a democrat nor a republican. I know that liberals have changed, so have conservatives.. Thirty years ago no conservative would have dared vote for Trump because of his wife's reputation...Now enter into your mind the fact that all liberals are not just democrats they are republicans also.
The 2% I'd like to know where you got your demographic info from..

I made the 2% figure up as a way to make a point. You knew that.
You can’t possibly be making the claim that a number of Liberals worthy of discussion voted Republican this election cycle...are you?
A lot of uninformed or misinformed liberals voted trump. They were duped
I am a liberal and everything in the OP and the post couldn't be more wrong. But then again people that are ignorant of proper nomenclature in political science miss the mark by a mile..

Hold on a you’re saying I have it all wrong and Liberals don’t really want the following?
free health care
free college
‘welfare’ increased
higher minimum wage
more spent on ‘science’
to extend all of what they want to 12-50 million illegal aliens
funded by the nations most productive.

Did I make all this up?
Liberals what group is that since liberals are in both parties?
I can tell you never had any education in political science....or logic...
You think you know what every American citizen that claims to be liberal think...But you are wrong and your argument is based on opinion and not fact.

Free health care I got it from serving in the military.
Free college no such thing..
Welfare increased-The budget deal just increased welfare spending(GOP budget)
Higher min wage. Who doesn't want to earn more? You, do you oppose wage increases at your workplace?
More spent on science, yeah that's what advances our society
Extend all benefits to illegals, Not only no but hell no..
Did you make all this up?
No you are just the town cryer for the rhetoric the politicians and media outlets put out to their mindless drones of partisan political lemmings.....

I’ve watched you do this a number of like to pretend your viewpoints align with the ideologies of the 21st century Liberal. You couldn’t be more might be the exception, you’re certainly not the rule these days. Sorry bud, but today’s Liberal is today’s Progressive is today’s Democrat...all one in the same....twisted, fucked in the head with daddy issues.
I have a number of “old school” Liberal friends and they absolutely refuse to identify as a Liberal out of sheer embarrassment. They like to refer to themselves as “Independents” now.
When we talk around here we like to discuss and refer to the greater percentages of things and people...nobody really likes to discuss the 2% of anything...right? You’re the 2% amongst your Liberal buddies.
I am not a democrat nor a republican. I know that liberals have changed, so have conservatives.. Thirty years ago no conservative would have dared vote for Trump because of his wife's reputation...Now enter into your mind the fact that all liberals are not just democrats they are republicans also.
The 2% I'd like to know where you got your demographic info from..

I made the 2% figure up as a way to make a point. You knew that.
You can’t possibly be making the claim that a number of Liberals worthy of discussion voted Republican this election cycle...are you?
Liberal republicans sure did, it's not like Hillary was a good choice..
If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee. When republicans rule the rich benefit. When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too and they will because this trump tax shifted the debt more on you

If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee.”
I think you lost me...How should I apply this to my points and questions in my previous post?

When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.”
Huh? “fair taxation”...are you serious?
But you pay ZERO much “fair-er” do you want it?

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too”
You agree with who?...Who said the middle class should pay more?
Now I’m super have we finally reached that point where Libs have stopped pretending to care about the middle class? Are you and your people finally admitting what we’ve known all along...are you openly professing “FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS” and pledging your allegiance to illegals and bottom feeding filth exclusively?

(disclaimer for the spelling police....fair-er is not a word)
I agree with the rich. Their taxes go to pay for social programs that middle class people benefit from. We the people decided the rich should pay their fair share as they benefit from doing business in this great country and benefit so greatly.

I agree they shouldn’t have to pay for those things either. You’d be surprised how much you suck off the rich. So cut all those programs or raise your taxes if you want to maintain this quality of life

You’re talking like danielpalos right now...I’m struggling to put your puzzle together...long night?
I can’t follow along with all the word play and circle’re not being clear with where you stand on anything....should we try again later?
Eventually you middle class fools have to apply the same logic you do to the poor on yourself. The rich pay for a lot of things the middle class benefits from. Let’s apply the same logic and start cutting everything the rich help pay for. You’d start singing a different tune when your taxes go up while your quality of life go down.

Too hard for you to understand?

Who’s a “middle class fool”? Have you seen my 1040?
You’re still doing it’re all over the’re for the poor...then “fuck the poor” but you’re not poor, but you’ll fight for the poor, you’re kinda middle class but let’s fuck the middle class, you’re a “Republican now” but fuck Republicans, you’re making an extra $5k per year thanks to the tax cuts but fuck the tax cuts....WTF DUDE!
It’s super hard to engage in meaningful discussion with someone when you feel they’re disingenuous and don’t know where they really stand minute to minute...I feel like I’m wasting my time...get it together bud. Hopefully you understand this.

I'm a Republican now
sealybobo said-
“Got to say I’m glad to see this tax bill give me $200 a pay period more like my republican buddy said. Actually he said average $300 but I’ll take $200. That’s almost $5000 more a year. I think there will be cuts to social security and Medicare because of this but if I can make $5k more a year and the economy booms for ten years I should be well set. I tried to get us all Medicare and strengthen social security but the American people are too dumb to deserve such wonderful programs.”
I can’t save my social security and Medicare without the poor. The rich will only stop fucking us when they start voting every 2 years. That’s how labor should organize.

I’m rich compared to most but I too need Medicare to retire at 65
Employers still pay for health insurance, now some by force because of Commie Care. Thanks to the Republicans for getting rid of that one.

Pension Plans? Who has pension plans anymore? That faded out years ago and has nothing to do with tax cuts. If anything, maybe those tax cuts will influence some companies to bring them back.

When did government pay more for college education and what do tax cuts have to do with that?

I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh

Haha...I call BULLSHIT.
Come on one is buying this shit....all LefTards claim to be extremely high quality, wealthy positive contributors....they don't need other people’s cash....they're just so fucking noble they'll fight to death to steal your shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense huh?
Ok let’s say I make $40k a year. What am I getting from someone else?

You guys are purposely ignoring my point. The rich also think they pay too much and you middle class people don’t pay enough. They pay more than they should for your middle class schools so you’ll have to pay more. Just one small example but add them up it widens the gap between the haves and have nots

The thing is...for some crazy reason you like to think the destiny of the “have nots” is in the hands of the middle and upper want to believe they have control of the lower want to believe the poor is being held back by others. That’s all weird shit to normal, accountable people.
Look, the have nots have nothing because they alone CHOSE to have nothing...SO let them have nothing...OR, they can change their life course. This isn’t trivial...this is simple shit for third graders.
Hold on a you’re saying I have it all wrong and Liberals don’t really want the following?
free health care
free college
‘welfare’ increased
higher minimum wage
more spent on ‘science’
to extend all of what they want to 12-50 million illegal aliens
funded by the nations most productive.

Did I make all this up?
Liberals what group is that since liberals are in both parties?
I can tell you never had any education in political science....or logic...
You think you know what every American citizen that claims to be liberal think...But you are wrong and your argument is based on opinion and not fact.

Free health care I got it from serving in the military.
Free college no such thing..
Welfare increased-The budget deal just increased welfare spending(GOP budget)
Higher min wage. Who doesn't want to earn more? You, do you oppose wage increases at your workplace?
More spent on science, yeah that's what advances our society
Extend all benefits to illegals, Not only no but hell no..
Did you make all this up?
No you are just the town cryer for the rhetoric the politicians and media outlets put out to their mindless drones of partisan political lemmings.....

I’ve watched you do this a number of like to pretend your viewpoints align with the ideologies of the 21st century Liberal. You couldn’t be more might be the exception, you’re certainly not the rule these days. Sorry bud, but today’s Liberal is today’s Progressive is today’s Democrat...all one in the same....twisted, fucked in the head with daddy issues.
I have a number of “old school” Liberal friends and they absolutely refuse to identify as a Liberal out of sheer embarrassment. They like to refer to themselves as “Independents” now.
When we talk around here we like to discuss and refer to the greater percentages of things and people...nobody really likes to discuss the 2% of anything...right? You’re the 2% amongst your Liberal buddies.
I am not a democrat nor a republican. I know that liberals have changed, so have conservatives.. Thirty years ago no conservative would have dared vote for Trump because of his wife's reputation...Now enter into your mind the fact that all liberals are not just democrats they are republicans also.
The 2% I'd like to know where you got your demographic info from..

I made the 2% figure up as a way to make a point. You knew that.
You can’t possibly be making the claim that a number of Liberals worthy of discussion voted Republican this election cycle...are you?
Liberal republicans sure did, it's not like Hillary was a good choice..
Remember people voted for bush because they’d more like to drink a beer with him than gore? Dumb Americans. The people who didn’t vote or voted for trump didn’t know how important that Supreme Court pick was? Idiots!
I just retired on a fat government pension. Best retirement there is. Too bad other Americans can't benefit the way I did

It is too bad because private companies need to fund pensions. Government just puts us more in debt to fund government employee pensions. I have two coworkers that retired from the government. Both retired at the age of 55, and we taxpayers are funding their pension and medical benefits.

Is it a wonder why we are always broke? That's the kind of thing that nearly wiped out our American auto industry.
I retired at 55 with a 66% pension and still get my healthcare through FEHB

People used to mock me for working for the government, it was below them and they had money to make

I got the last laugh

Haha...I call BULLSHIT.
Come on one is buying this shit....all LefTards claim to be extremely high quality, wealthy positive contributors....they don't need other people’s cash....they're just so fucking noble they'll fight to death to steal your shit for "someone else".
Haha...makes perfect sense huh?
Ok let’s say I make $40k a year. What am I getting from someone else?

You guys are purposely ignoring my point. The rich also think they pay too much and you middle class people don’t pay enough. They pay more than they should for your middle class schools so you’ll have to pay more. Just one small example but add them up it widens the gap between the haves and have nots

The thing is...for some crazy reason you like to think the destiny of the “have nots” is in the hands of the middle and upper want to believe they have control of the lower want to believe the poor is being held back by others. That’s all weird shit to normal, accountable people.
Look, the have nots have nothing because they alone CHOSE to have nothing...SO let them have nothing...OR, they can change their life course. This isn’t trivial...this is simple shit for third graders.
Well that’s why I’m all over the place because a part of me agrees with you
If they showed up and voted I’d say that’s why. The government is the ultimate referee.”
I think you lost me...How should I apply this to my points and questions in my previous post?

When the masses organize and participate and show up to vote we get things like fair taxation.”
Huh? “fair taxation”...are you serious?
But you pay ZERO much “fair-er” do you want it?

I agree the middle class too needs to pay more too”
You agree with who?...Who said the middle class should pay more?
Now I’m super have we finally reached that point where Libs have stopped pretending to care about the middle class? Are you and your people finally admitting what we’ve known all along...are you openly professing “FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS” and pledging your allegiance to illegals and bottom feeding filth exclusively?

(disclaimer for the spelling police....fair-er is not a word)
I agree with the rich. Their taxes go to pay for social programs that middle class people benefit from. We the people decided the rich should pay their fair share as they benefit from doing business in this great country and benefit so greatly.

I agree they shouldn’t have to pay for those things either. You’d be surprised how much you suck off the rich. So cut all those programs or raise your taxes if you want to maintain this quality of life

You’re talking like danielpalos right now...I’m struggling to put your puzzle together...long night?
I can’t follow along with all the word play and circle’re not being clear with where you stand on anything....should we try again later?
Eventually you middle class fools have to apply the same logic you do to the poor on yourself. The rich pay for a lot of things the middle class benefits from. Let’s apply the same logic and start cutting everything the rich help pay for. You’d start singing a different tune when your taxes go up while your quality of life go down.

Too hard for you to understand?

Who’s a “middle class fool”? Have you seen my 1040?
You’re still doing it’re all over the’re for the poor...then “fuck the poor” but you’re not poor, but you’ll fight for the poor, you’re kinda middle class but let’s fuck the middle class, you’re a “Republican now” but fuck Republicans, you’re making an extra $5k per year thanks to the tax cuts but fuck the tax cuts....WTF DUDE!
It’s super hard to engage in meaningful discussion with someone when you feel they’re disingenuous and don’t know where they really stand minute to minute...I feel like I’m wasting my time...get it together bud. Hopefully you understand this.

I'm a Republican now
sealybobo said-
“Got to say I’m glad to see this tax bill give me $200 a pay period more like my republican buddy said. Actually he said average $300 but I’ll take $200. That’s almost $5000 more a year. I think there will be cuts to social security and Medicare because of this but if I can make $5k more a year and the economy booms for ten years I should be well set. I tried to get us all Medicare and strengthen social security but the American people are too dumb to deserve such wonderful programs.”
I’m probably better off than you but if not, why should people who make less than you agree with your politics? You’re either a greedy rich guy or stupid middle class guy.

Actually a lot of people say they’re middle class when they are actually blue collar. Are you paying for your kids college?

Look don’t know me or anything about me.
I’ll pay more this year for two college tuitions than you’ll earn in the next two years. I pay more annually in property taxes than you’ll earn over the next several years...SO WHAT.
What’s right is always right....PAY YOUR OWN FUCKING WAY.
Simple, simple shit.

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