Democrats, Racism, and Free Markets

We all know the history of how the Dixiecrats hopped over to the republican party as a result of – in opposition to - desegregation.


Which ones?

Orval Faubus?

Bull Conner?

Albert Gore?

George Wallace?

Fritz Hollings?

Ohh wait, you're just lying - democrat!

You are just pushing the BIG LIE as you little Goebbels like to do.

Kinda like what your party's going through right now in response to the first half black guy in the white house. Some of you just flipped over to batshitcrazy; you being chief among them.

So let's recap, you're a fucking liar who blames others for what you yourself does. :thup:

It's been well recorded for posterity, go look into it.

You can't help yourself from lying, huh?

You must be a Liberal.
We all know the history of how the Dixiecrats hopped over to the republican party as a result of – in opposition to - desegregation.


Which ones?

Orval Faubus?

Bull Conner?

Albert Gore?

George Wallace?

Fritz Hollings?

Ohh wait, you're just lying - democrat!

You are just pushing the BIG LIE as you little Goebbels like to do.

Kinda like what your party's going through right now in response to the first half black guy in the white house. Some of you just flipped over to batshitcrazy; you being chief among them.

So let's recap, you're a fucking liar who blames others for what you yourself does. :thup:

Clearly he is as dumb as asphalt....with apologies to asphalt.....

On the other hand, he has all the makings of a reliable Democrat voter.

Aw, pc got herself disagreed with again poor thing.

Any disagreement with me is your problem: I'm never wrong.
We all know the history of how the Dixiecrats hopped over to the republican party as a result of – in opposition to - desegregation.


Which ones?

Orval Faubus?

Bull Conner?

Albert Gore?

George Wallace?

Fritz Hollings?

Ohh wait, you're just lying - democrat!

You are just pushing the BIG LIE as you little Goebbels like to do.

Kinda like what your party's going through right now in response to the first half black guy in the white house. Some of you just flipped over to batshitcrazy; you being chief among them.

So let's recap, you're a fucking liar who blames others for what you yourself does. :thup:

Clearly he is as dumb as asphalt....with apologies to asphalt.....

On the other hand, he has all the makings of a reliable Democrat voter.

Aw, pc got herself disagreed with again poor thing.

Any disagreement with me is your problem: I'm never wrong.

I have no doubt you actually believe that hon.
We all know the history of how the Dixiecrats hopped over to the republican party as a result of – in opposition to - desegregation.


Which ones?

Orval Faubus?

Bull Conner?

Albert Gore?

George Wallace?

Fritz Hollings?

Ohh wait, you're just lying - democrat!

You are just pushing the BIG LIE as you little Goebbels like to do.

Kinda like what your party's going through right now in response to the first half black guy in the white house. Some of you just flipped over to batshitcrazy; you being chief among them.

So let's recap, you're a fucking liar who blames others for what you yourself does. :thup:

It's been well recorded for posterity, go look into it.

You can't help yourself from lying, huh?

You must be a Liberal.

Everyone who won't obey is.
It is self evident that Republicans cannot justify the extreme racism that permeates through the GOP.

In 1964 Democratic president PUSHED for the Civil Rights Act bill and SIGNED it. And then, in response, the Republicans NOMINATED Barry Goldwater a few months later. Barry Goldwater was opposed to the Civil Rights Act. And all the RACIST whites in the south—registered Democrats—voted for him.

The racist scum DIVORCED the Democratic Party in 1964 and had an affair with the GOP until 2008, when the Democratic Party nominated a black man. So then, the GOP and the most disgusting racists had a big public wedding.

The END.

And yet another government school grad begging for a real education!


"Democrats today castigate Republican Senator Barry Goldwater as anti-black. However a review of Senator Barry Goldwater’s record shows that he was a Libertarian, not a racist. Goldwater was a member of the Arizona NAACP and was involved in desegregating the Arizona National Guard.

Goldwater also supported the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and the Civil Rights Act of 1960, as well as the constitutional amendment banning the poll tax. His opposition to the more comprehensive Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on his libertarian views about government. Goldwater believed that the 1964 Act, as written, unconstitutionally extended the federal government's commerce power to private citizens, furthering the government’s efforts to "legislate morality" and restrict the rights of employers.

It is instructive to read the entire text of Goldwater's 1964 speech at the 28th Republican National Convention, accepting the nomination for president that is available from the Arizona Historical Foundation. By the end of his career, Goldwater was one of the most respected members of either party and was considered a stabilizing influence in the Senate. Senator Goldwater's speech may be found also on the Internet at: Goldwater Speech http://www.nationalblackrepublicans...#Democrats_Smeared_Dr._Martin_Luther_King__Jr.
We all know the history of how the Dixiecrats hopped over to the republican party as a result of – in opposition to - desegregation.


Which ones?

Orval Faubus?

Bull Conner?

Albert Gore?

George Wallace?

Fritz Hollings?

Ohh wait, you're just lying - democrat!

You are just pushing the BIG LIE as you little Goebbels like to do.

Kinda like what your party's going through right now in response to the first half black guy in the white house. Some of you just flipped over to batshitcrazy; you being chief among them.

So let's recap, you're a fucking liar who blames others for what you yourself does. :thup:

It's been well recorded for posterity, go look into it.

You can't help yourself from lying, huh?

You must be a Liberal.

Everyone who won't obey is.

Not 'obey.'

The operative term is 'comprehend.'
We all know the history of how the Dixiecrats hopped over to the republican party as a result of – in opposition to - desegregation.


Which ones?

Orval Faubus?

Bull Conner?

Albert Gore?

George Wallace?

Fritz Hollings?

Ohh wait, you're just lying - democrat!

You are just pushing the BIG LIE as you little Goebbels like to do.

Kinda like what your party's going through right now in response to the first half black guy in the white house. Some of you just flipped over to batshitcrazy; you being chief among them.

So let's recap, you're a fucking liar who blames others for what you yourself does. :thup:

It's been well recorded for posterity, go look into it.

You can't help yourself from lying, huh?

You must be a Liberal.

Everyone who won't obey is.

Not 'obey.'

The operative term is 'comprehend.'

It's the same to you, you require being agreed with.
It is self evident that Republicans cannot justify the extreme racism that permeates through the GOP.

In 1964 Democratic president PUSHED for the Civil Rights Act bill and SIGNED it. And then, in response, the Republicans NOMINATED Barry Goldwater a few months later. Barry Goldwater was opposed to the Civil Rights Act. And all the RACIST whites in the south—registered Democrats—voted for him.

The racist scum DIVORCED the Democratic Party in 1964 and had an affair with the GOP until 2008, when the Democratic Party nominated a black man. So then, the GOP and the most disgusting racists had a big public wedding.

The END.

How do you explain that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....arguably the most popular Democrat/Liberal, has been a racist his entire (Democrat) political life?

I say it is simply consistent with his party's deep beliefs.
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

You didn't know that, did you.
Probably because you've been trained to be a dunce.

Which ones?

Orval Faubus?

Bull Conner?

Albert Gore?

George Wallace?

Fritz Hollings?

Ohh wait, you're just lying - democrat!

You are just pushing the BIG LIE as you little Goebbels like to do.

So let's recap, you're a fucking liar who blames others for what you yourself does. :thup:

It's been well recorded for posterity, go look into it.

You can't help yourself from lying, huh?

You must be a Liberal.

Everyone who won't obey is.

Not 'obey.'

The operative term is 'comprehend.'

It's the same to you, you require being agreed with.

The choice is simple......almost as simple as you are....

Either agree that what I post is correct, accurate, and undeniable....

....or be wrong.

I publish truth with the diligence of a UN translator.
I have no doubt you actually believe that hon.

I doubt you ever believe anything you post.

You know you're lying, and no one believes you, so what's your point?

Big government democrats in the Antebellum South used the power of the Federal government to strip other men of rights and enslave them.

Now big government democrats want to claim that the big government democrats of the past were somehow "conservative."

Moronic lies by moronic thugs.
"Democrats today castigate Republican Senator Barry Goldwater as anti-black. However a review of Senator Barry Goldwater’s record shows that he was a Libertarian, not a racist. Goldwater was a member of the Arizona NAACP and was involved in desegregating the Arizona National Guard.
It is irrelevant what Goldwaters personal beliefs were. The reason 90 percent of whites in the Deep South (read as nearly all Democrats) voted for the REPUBLICAN was because he was against the Civil Rights Act.

And those DEMOCRATS, who voted for Goldwater, who are still alive, ALWAYS vote for the REPUBLICAN presidential nominee in this millennium.

Also, the Libertarian party includes some pure libertarians, but is mostly controlled by “states rights” advocates, who are basically racist thugs who have figured out a way to sanitize their image, and hide their floridly racist principles and perspectives.
How do you explain that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....arguably the most popular Democrat/Liberal, has been a racist his entire (Democrat) political life?

I say it is simply consistent with his party's deep beliefs.
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

You didn't know that, did you.
Probably because you've been trained to be a dunce.
The easiest way to figure out where the racists are is by asking the targets of said racist discrimination and oppression.

I think blacks have made it crystal clear who the racists are in this century.

When you have high power GOP officials calling the Civil War the “War of Northern Aggression,” it should have tipped you off that the GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln.

There are ALWAYS Confederate flags at Trump rallies, and NEVER Confederate flags at Clinton or any Democratic events.
"Democrats today castigate Republican Senator Barry Goldwater as anti-black. However a review of Senator Barry Goldwater’s record shows that he was a Libertarian, not a racist. Goldwater was a member of the Arizona NAACP and was involved in desegregating the Arizona National Guard.
It is irrelevant what Goldwaters personal beliefs were. The reason 90 percent of whites in the Deep South (read as nearly all Democrats) voted for the REPUBLICAN was because he was against the Civil Rights Act.

And those DEMOCRATS, who voted for Goldwater, who are still alive, ALWAYS vote for the REPUBLICAN presidential nominee in this millennium.

Also, the Libertarian party includes some pure libertarians, but is mostly controlled by “states rights” advocates, who are basically racist thugs who have figured out a way to sanitize their floridly racist principles and perspectives.'ve backed down on your slander of Goldwater.....


Democrats always vote racist.

  1. According to this liberal myth, Goldwater and the Republicans were racists and used racism to appeal to racist southerners to change the electoral map. To believe the tale, one must be either a reliable Democrat voter, and/or be ignorant of the history of the time.
  2. Goldwater was one of only six Republican senators to vote against the 1964 act. He did so on libertarian grounds, opposed to the act’s restrictions on private property which he believed beyond the Congress’s powers under the commerce clause. Five others supported the party’s presidential nominee.
    1. Goldwater went on to win five southern states in 1964: Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina. But he lost eight.
    2. Democrats build the ‘southern strategy’ tale on the fact that the same states voted for ‘Dixiecrat’ Strom Thurmond in 1948 (less Georgia).
    3. Except that Nixon and Reagan lost, or almost lost the same states in ’68 and ’80…
    4. And Jimmy Carter and Clinton did pretty well in those states in ’76 and ’92.
    5. And the Goldwater states went right back to voting Democrat for decades…
  3. So…if Republicans were racists and got racist southerners to vote for them, how to explain this: Republicans always did best in the southern states that Goldwater lost, which happened to be the same ones Republicans had been winning with some regularity since 1928.
    1. In ’28, ’52, ’56, and ’60, Republicans generally won Virginia, Florida, Texas, Kentucky and sometimes North Carolina or Louisiana. Did you notice that those years were before 1964?
    2. Four years after Goldwater, the segregationist vote went right back to Democrats: Humphrey got half of Wallace’s supporters on election day. Nixon got none of ‘em. “When the '68 campaign began, Nixon was at 42 percent, Humphrey at 29 percent, Wallace at 22 percent. When it ended, Nixon and Humphrey were tied at 43 percent, with Wallace at 13 percent. The 9 percent of the national vote that had been peeled off from Wallace had gone to Humphrey.” Pat Buchanan - The neocons & Nixon's southern strategy
    3. In ’76, Carter swept the South. Was Carter appealing to bigots….or is that only the case when Republicans win the South?
  4. Reagan lost or barely won the Goldwater states…but Reagan won among young southern voters- but lost among seniors, those who has voted in ’48 and ’64. That meant that the segregationists never abandoned the Democrats: eventually they died or were outvoted by younger voters. Nope…after Thurmond’s run, the Dixiecrats went right back to voting for Democrats for another half century.
  5. In writing about McGovern and Wallace, liberal luminary, Arthur Schlesinger, actually referred to Wallace voters as responding to their candidate’s “integrity”! “The primaries themselves, especially the success of McGovern and Wallace, provide the best evidence for the proposition that voters in 1972 care less about a candidate's stand on particular issues than they do about the candidate's integrity,…” How McGovern Will Win
    1. McGovern gave a tip-of-the-hat to the segregationist Wallace in his acceptance speech at the Democrat Convention. That was the exact midpoint between Goldwater and Reagan. So…what of the imaginary “southern strategy” where the Republicans were supposed to have a plan to appeal to racists?
    2. Democrat McGovern: “And I was as moved as well by the appearance in the Convention Hall of the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace. … Governor, we pray for your full recovery so you can stand up and speak out for all of those who see you as their champion.” ACCEPTANCE SPEECH OF SENATOR GEORGE MCGOVERN

Now....are you the greatest fool in your graduating class in government school.....or simply what the Democrats trained you to be?

Or both?
How do you explain that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....arguably the most popular Democrat/Liberal, has been a racist his entire (Democrat) political life?

I say it is simply consistent with his party's deep beliefs.
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

You didn't know that, did you.
Probably because you've been trained to be a dunce.
The easiest way to figure out where the racists are is by asking the targets of said racist discrimination and oppression.

I think blacks have made it crystal clear who the racists are in this century.

When you have high power GOP officials calling the Civil War the “War of Northern Aggression,” it should have tipped you off that the GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln.

There are ALWAYS Confederate flags at Trump rallies, and NEVER Confederate flags at Clinton or any Democratic events.

And you admit this?
How do you explain that Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....arguably the most popular Democrat/Liberal, has been a racist his entire (Democrat) political life?

I say it is simply consistent with his party's deep beliefs.
The Democrats have always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

"There are ALWAYS Confederate flags at Trump rallies, and NEVER Confederate flags at Clinton or any Democratic events."

So....the Confederate Flag is a sure sign of racism? may have a point:

  1. a. Governor Clinton was among three state officials the NAACP sued in 1989 under the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965. “Plaintiffs offered plenty of proof of monolithic voting along racial lines, intimidation of black voters and candidates and other official acts that made voting harder for blacks,” the Arkansas Gazette reported December 6, 1989.

    b. Bill Clinton had a Confederate flag-like issue, every year he was governor: 1979-1992 Arkansas Code Annotated, Section 1-5-107, provides as follows:

    (a) The Saturday immediately preceding Easter Sunday of each year is designated as ‘Confederate Flag Day’ in this state.

    (b) No person, firm, or corporation shall display an Confederate flag or replica thereof in connection with any advertisement of any commercial enterprise, or in any manner for any purpose except to honor the Confederate States of America. [Emphasis added.]

    (c) Any person, firm, or corporation violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000).

    Bill Clinton took no steps during his twelve years as governor to repeal this law.
    Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy | The Gateway Pundit
Hillary Clinton's Confederacy Hypocrisy

[Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of RacismJust to refresh everyone's memories, we're talking about the official national flag that was used to represent the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. You know, that awkward time period when the South was vehemently fighting to keep slavery around as a means of economic prosperity for white plantation owners.

I've heard arguments time and again about how the Confederate flag is no longer representative of slavery, and how it's now indicative of "Southern pride and heritage." But I'm really over the whole "respect your heritage" mantra, especially when your heritage is hate.

Let's Stop Pretending the Confederate Flag Isn't a Symbol of Racism | Huffington Post

clinton-gore-confederate-1992.jpeg easy was that, proving you a dunce?
"Democrats today castigate Republican Senator Barry Goldwater as anti-black. However a review of Senator Barry Goldwater’s record shows that he was a Libertarian, not a racist. Goldwater was a member of the Arizona NAACP and was involved in desegregating the Arizona National Guard.
It is irrelevant what Goldwaters personal beliefs were. The reason 90 percent of whites in the Deep South (read as nearly all Democrats) voted for the REPUBLICAN was because he was against the Civil Rights Act.

And those DEMOCRATS, who voted for Goldwater, who are still alive, ALWAYS vote for the REPUBLICAN presidential nominee in this millennium.

Also, the Libertarian party includes some pure libertarians, but is mostly controlled by “states rights” advocates, who are basically racist thugs who have figured out a way to sanitize their image, and hide their floridly racist principles and perspectives.

“states rights” advocates, who are basically racist thugs"

It is jaw-dropping how truly ignorant you are.

Here's a new word for you:
The United States is based on it.

"Federalism is a system of government in which entities such as states or provinces share power with a national government. The United States government functions according to the principles of federalism."
federalism - Dictionary Definition

The nation was formed based on 'state's rights.'

Only doctrines such as communism deny that.

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