Democrats risking all out nuclear war and destruction of the world...

obama is letting isis out of prison hoping they will attack Russians instead of Americans this time. obama is repainting our planes to look like Russian planes are bombing civilians.

obama is a danger to the world.
Before they would let the truth come out about all of their fucking lies. No need to get into debates with their loser followers. We should know (should have known for a long time now) by now that they are worthless meat puppets.

They still think they tell no lies. Predictably (I predicted this a couple of weeks ago) the beloved MSM is blaming the Russians (blaming Trump) for the truth coming out about them. I mean forget that the lying witch in a pants suit put ALL of these emails on insecure emails illegally. Forget that. It is all Trump and the Russians. That is the narrative folks.

Their little lambs follow right along. Forget that she was not suppose to do that, lied about it under oath, and lied about it over and over again. She is caught over and over again. The truth keep coming out about what liars they are, the left blame the Russians and Trump.

So much so, that Russia is now preparing for a war. The left, would gladly do that and would go to a nuclear exxhange before admitting what scumbags they are. Their little lambs follow right along.

Welcome. The tribulation right around the corner.

The end of the world? Isn't that what fundamentalist Christians long for?
Before they would let the truth come out about all of their fucking lies. No need to get into debates with their loser followers. We should know (should have known for a long time now) by now that they are worthless meat puppets.

They still think they tell no lies. Predictably (I predicted this a couple of weeks ago) the beloved MSM is blaming the Russians (blaming Trump) for the truth coming out about them. I mean forget that the lying witch in a pants suit put ALL of these emails on insecure emails illegally. Forget that. It is all Trump and the Russians. That is the narrative folks.

Their little lambs follow right along. Forget that she was not suppose to do that, lied about it under oath, and lied about it over and over again. She is caught over and over again. The truth keep coming out about what liars they are, the left blame the Russians and Trump.

So much so, that Russia is now preparing for a war. The left, would gladly do that and would go to a nuclear exxhange before admitting what scumbags they are. Their little lambs follow right along.

Welcome. The tribulation right around the corner.
The Russians aren't responsible for the Wikileaks emails. People in the American intelligence community are doing it. They despise Hillary and they want to make sure she doesn't become their boss.
I have no doubt that if Trump wins this election, Obama will start a war with somebody. They won't go quietly into the night, especially now that Trump said he would investigate them.
No worries. :lol:
Wikileaks (and Putin) want Trump to win, because they know America will be totally fucked if he does.
No doubt they'll both be able to find plenty of dirt on her, but just watch the the numerous women Creepy Donald has assaulted, coming out of the woodwork. It's started already.
I know you idiots will say 'Lies, all lies!', but you and I (and the rest of the world) know he's a sexual predator who should be in the cell next to Hillary.
How sad that this once great nation has fallen so low!
Uhhhh, fuck you. Fucking moron. Are you dealing with your cognitive dissonance by changing the subject?

You fucking stink fucking hypocrite. Sexual predator? Your whole fucking party and every fucking liberal voter protects every fucking left wing sexual predator out there. You fucking stink fucking hypocritical scumbag.

Wasn't Ted Kennedy voted in as senator every time? He killed a woman. You fucking piece of hypocritical shit.

You are worthy of zero respect. You will never get any from me. You stupid bloviated gasbag.

Go fuck yourself.
You need to stop being so shy and reserved.
Just say what you're thinking, stop tryng to be so damn polite and beating around the bush.
And another Trump supporter realizes it's over.

I’m reminded of the movie “The Lion in Winter” about Henry II. He told Geoffrey they wouldn’t see him beg. Geoffrey, dumbfounded, scolded Henry, “What does it matter?” Henry said, “When all that is left is the fall, it matters.” He knew this would be how he was remembered. Trump and his enablers don’t seem worried about their Bagdhad Bob complex. I won’t worry about it either. I intend to enjoy it.
Wikileaks (and Putin) want Trump to win, because they know America will be totally fucked if he does.
No doubt they'll both be able to find plenty of dirt on her, but just watch the the numerous women Creepy Donald has assaulted, coming out of the woodwork. It's started already.
I know you idiots will say 'Lies, all lies!', but you and I (and the rest of the world) know he's a sexual predator who should be in the cell next to Hillary.
How sad that this once great nation has fallen so low!
Uhhhh, fuck you. Fucking moron. Are you dealing with your cognitive dissonance by changing the subject?

You fucking stink fucking hypocrite. Sexual predator? Your whole fucking party and every fucking liberal voter protects every fucking left wing sexual predator out there. You fucking stink fucking hypocritical scumbag.

Wasn't Ted Kennedy voted in as senator every time? He killed a woman. You fucking piece of hypocritical shit.

You are worthy of zero respect. You will never get any from me. You stupid bloviated gasbag.

Go fuck yourself.

lol Now don't hold back ♥ You're spot on my friend.. The pure filth and utter CORRUPTION on the LEFT has now been exposed before the entire world.. Americans are reeling from the stench... these liberal morons think their little game of throwing out any crap they can throw out against the Donald to see if it will stick, is actually doing something.. IT'S NOT.. Polls now showing NOT ONE CHANGE.. in fact some polls now have the Donald ahead..
Russia is getting more and more aggressive, your man wants to appease them and be pals. "Wouldn't it be so nice if we got along with Russia?" Fuck that, getting along with Russia means letting Putin do exactly what he wants without complaint. Not sure Hillary is the right one to oppose Putin but at least she is not looking to just let him run wild in the world and destroy the alliances that keep him in check in Europe.
So I guess this is the final electoral strategy: Vote Trump OR DIE.

Well, when the chips are down, ya go for the gusto.
. You stand for NOTHING.. You're truly a coward.
I stand for plenty.

You just don't like it.

Too bad.
Nah, you stand for nothing.. You're a self righteous bloated coward... Nothing more.
He's a fence sitter.....which is worse than the worst LWNJ......
So I guess this is the final electoral strategy: Vote Trump OR DIE.

Well, when the chips are down, ya go for the gusto.
. You stand for NOTHING.. You're truly a coward.
I stand for plenty.

You just don't like it.

Too bad.

Unlike most of the "conservative" posters in this thread, you don't stand for crazy, and therefore, you stand for nothing.
Says a sheep who supports the most CORRUPT criminally insane party to ever disgrace the country..
Wikileaks (and Putin) want Trump to win, because they know America will be totally fucked if he does.
No doubt they'll both be able to find plenty of dirt on her, but just watch the the numerous women Creepy Donald has assaulted, coming out of the woodwork. It's started already.
I know you idiots will say 'Lies, all lies!', but you and I (and the rest of the world) know he's a sexual predator who should be in the cell next to Hillary.
How sad that this once great nation has fallen so low!
Uhhhh, fuck you. Fucking moron. Are you dealing with your cognitive dissonance by changing the subject?

You fucking stink fucking hypocrite. Sexual predator? Your whole fucking party and every fucking liberal voter protects every fucking left wing sexual predator out there. You fucking stink fucking hypocritical scumbag.

Wasn't Ted Kennedy voted in as senator every time? He killed a woman. You fucking piece of hypocritical shit.

You are worthy of zero respect. You will never get any from me. You stupid bloviated gasbag.

Go fuck yourself.

lol Now don't hold back ♥ You're spot on my friend.. The pure filth and utter CORRUPTION on the LEFT has now been exposed before the entire world.. Americans are reeling from the stench... these liberal morons think their little game of throwing out any crap they can throw out against the Donald to see if it will stick, is actually doing something.. IT'S NOT.. Polls now showing NOT ONE CHANGE.. in fact some polls now have the Donald ahead..

The simple fact is these scumbags have been lying hypocrites....really forever.

Nixon spies on 4 or 5 democrats? Liberals around the world react.......


obama caught spying on the whole country or emails proving that the democrats cheat lie and guilty of mass voter fraud?


They are only worthy of being treated like the traitors they are. They are liars, they are all scumbags.

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