Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

You mean effective and you are already not effective. Polls show Trump is personally not popular but that the majority of Americans expect him to do a good job on major issues such as the economy and the fight against terrorism. So all of this insane ranting and raving about Trump has made him unpopular but has not persuaded voters that he will not do a good job. On the other hand, Obama's popularity is soaring, but in the campaign, no one paid any attention to his advocacy of Clinton or his criticisms of Trump. The WH characterizes this as having a hard time transferring his personal popularity to other politicians or issues, but what it really means is that Americans want a more effective president and they believe they have found him in Donald Trump, despite the fact they don't seem to like him personally.

I'm not really interested in polls or public opinion. My own assessment of Trump is not good. He strikes me as an ignorant, petty jerk. I hope I'm wrong. But if he's the authoritarian idiot I'm assuming, I'll fight him every inch of the way.
In other words, all these violent thoughts of yours are based only on a personal dislike for Trump.

Nope. Wrong words.
I understand you don't like the words, but they fairly sum up what you said.

No, they don't. You're trying to degenerate the debate into personal attacks. Not interested.
There was no personal attack. I just pointed out to you that the reasons you gave for disliking Trump, calling him dangerous, threatening violence, were all based on what you imagine to be Trumps personal qualities rather than his politics and policies, and when I pointed it out to you you seemed confused.
Declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. I'm not kidding.
That's exactly what it is.

They belong in prison. Or dead.

So stop talking and take action. Pussy.
She had her chance in Oregon....Did she join the stand off? No. Required more than just talk.
how do you know if she joined the action? as far as requiring more than just talk, I would love to go down and counter the cows that are coming to picket Trump in a couple days. and even though its only about 30 miles from me, I have to work, So I wont be able to make it. Sometimes what it requires to attend these things is big enough and valid enough to keep one from attending.
I suppose you would have to have a job where you are a key player to understand this.
If anything serious were to happen to President Trump there might be a fucking LIB bloodbath. EVERYONE of these radical fanatical LIB assholes at MSNBC/CNN/WAPO/NYT etc might well be on the shoot on sight list.
President Trump WILL dramatically change the libel laws in the country. Thereby essentially ending the careers of dozens or fanatical LIB talking heads.
Already Rachael 'Man-Brow' is bleating about whether she will be able to continue spewing her hatred of all things REP. without getting her bull dyke ass sued off.

so it’s “shut up” or we’ll kill you?
Trump is the biggest source of incitement. There were no riots at Ted Cruz or John Kasich rallies.
Who planned those riots?
Who is it that was caught on video in their campaign headquarters talking about training and paying people to go to Trump rallies and start the trouble.
I think if you honestly look at these things you will find that Trump is not the one to be pointing the finger at.
Democrats are without a doubt worthy of addition to the list of terrorist groups in this country.
Every candidate had protests planned against them. Only one so badly enraged people that they felt violence was their only recourse.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

I doubt they could keep it up but they should really give Trump the Obama treatment saying “you lie” at every statement during the congressional address, pronouncing all bills dead on arrival and basically obstruct everything they can.

If you were the Democrats, what would you do?
Trump is the biggest source of incitement. There were no riots at Ted Cruz or John Kasich rallies.
Who planned those riots?
Who is it that was caught on video in their campaign headquarters talking about training and paying people to go to Trump rallies and start the trouble.
I think if you honestly look at these things you will find that Trump is not the one to be pointing the finger at.
Democrats are without a doubt worthy of addition to the list of terrorist groups in this country.
Every candidate had protests planned against them. Only one so badly enraged people that they felt violence was their only recourse.
If you ask me that speaks more about the animals planning the attacks than it does about the candidate that the lies are being made up about.
and you can bet your ass that the dems would have done the same exact thing to any candidate that had the nerve to run against that filthy shit stained whore hillary. This was never about how bad Trump was, this has always been about how badly they wanted that bitch in office.
Declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. I'm not kidding.
That's exactly what it is.

They belong in prison. Or dead.

They've lost their shit. They could pretty easily rise above this stuff - I think - but they've decided to join in and escalate.

By the way, when are those Thank You cards going out from Republicans to the Democrats for their help?

They are not going to tone it down because it is done on purpose.

Read, takes about 2 minutes, and you will know exactly what they are doing!

Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Sure can see who's doing the gaslighting.

"Trump isn't making fun of that handicapped reporter." Even tho we can all see it for ourselves.

Hey, I am not Trump, I am are you!

Therefore, since we only have interaction with each other, and not Trump......nor Obama for that matter, we need stick to each other.

Now that we have settled that out, who has 90,000 replies? Would it be me? NO! Would it be the person we are not talking about Trump? NO! Would it be the other person we are not talking about named Obama? No, no, no, and no!

So then, since GASLIGHTERS post constantly to misdirect truth, would we say ladies and gentlemen of the jury, that the most obvious GALIGHTER would be the person with the largest amounts of posts, divided by the amount of time they have been on the site!

What you say, what is a gaslighter? I am glad you asked, let me help you! Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

And the jury finds the defendant Bodecea guilty, or not guilty of being a GASLIGHTER having 90, 000......yes let me spell that for you in English ninety-thousand posts!

What say you!


What, no way Jose'!

Yes way--------> he was found incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial by reason of leftist insanity, total power outage since he and friends can't do anything but whine in government, and was sent to liberal Shang-Ri-La where healthcare is free, food is free, housing is free, everyone makes the same amount of money, and that LEFTY WONDERFUL PLACE IS KNOWN AS------------> PRISON-)

Thank you for your verdict, now send the leftist to his prison cell, liver for dinner, lololol.....made by Chelsea Manning, hehehehehehehehehehehehehe.
Declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. I'm not kidding.
That's exactly what it is.

They belong in prison. Or dead.

They've lost their shit. They could pretty easily rise above this stuff - I think - but they've decided to join in and escalate.

By the way, when are those Thank You cards going out from Republicans to the Democrats for their help?

They are not going to tone it down because it is done on purpose.

Read, takes about 2 minutes, and you will know exactly what they are doing!

Timothy Daughtry - Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality
Unstructured Grammar Leads to Unstructured Thought

Daughtry's gender-bender silliness of using "he or she" and that of other femininny dupes who use they with a singular antecedent are examples of the United Left-Right Establishment Media's use of gaslighting.
What are the Trumpbots going to do when the Republican Party impeaches Trump. Have a bloodbath?
they won't impeach him.

I think they will more or less ignore him and pass legislation. He said his replace program for Obamacare was to block grant Medicaid to the states, and end public support for private insurance. That's pretty much the gop approach. Trump just wants an audience. Policy .... meh.

Now if he starts putting 35% tariffs on shit ..... that might be a problem. If he's content to berating some company that will throw him a bone to shut him up ... love and marriage, love and marriage, goes together like a horse and carriage .....
Declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. I'm not kidding.
That's exactly what it is.

They belong in prison. Or dead.

no, no mental health issue here
I wonder if you see more mental health issues in those most likely to vote democrat, or those most likely to vote republican.
careful with your response, its always possible that someone actually knows the answer when they present the question.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

I doubt they could keep it up but they should really give Trump the Obama treatment saying “you lie” at every statement during the congressional address, pronouncing all bills dead on arrival and basically obstruct everything they can.

If you were the Democrats, what would you do?

I don't have a problem with opposing one's policies. It's the adding on of 'Trump's a Nazi' and Trump's a Racist' rhetoric, that i have a problem with. That goes well beyond opposing policies. It incites hate and possibly violence.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

I think the democratic party and its leadership should be tried for treason and executed. Since 1965 when the Immigration Act was passed, they have tried to subvert the country and change it into a largely impoverished, welfare-dependent society beholden to their big government largesse. Whites and native american citizens were abandoning them, so they opted to import large numbers of illegal alien poor to become their new support base.

This is a violation of the Constitution, and the current leadership has continued to promote and operate this policy, so they too should be tried for treason. The democratic party should be replaced with several parties as the current 2-party system is unworkable.
"I think the democratic party and its leadership should be tried for treason and executed"......still don't see how the RW gets this reputation for being fascist.

Yeah, that kind of rhetoric is really bad for the country. It isn't healthy.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

I doubt they could keep it up but they should really give Trump the Obama treatment saying “you lie” at every statement during the congressional address, pronouncing all bills dead on arrival and basically obstruct everything they can.

If you were the Democrats, what would you do?
Set up a laugh track for the SOTU address.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

I doubt they could keep it up but they should really give Trump the Obama treatment saying “you lie” at every statement during the congressional address, pronouncing all bills dead on arrival and basically obstruct everything they can.

If you were the Democrats, what would you do?

I don't have a problem with opposing one's policies. It's the adding on of 'Trump's a Nazi' and Trump's a Racist' rhetoric, that i have a problem with.
How about claiming Trump is a Muslim?
How about claiming Trump was born in Kenya?

That goes well beyond opposing policies. It incites hate and possibly violence.

Yeah...nothing like what was said about Obama and gun control in 2009 which lead to actual bullet shortages.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

I think the democratic party and its leadership should be tried for treason and executed. Since 1965 when the Immigration Act was passed, they have tried to subvert the country and change it into a largely impoverished, welfare-dependent society beholden to their big government largesse. Whites and native american citizens were abandoning them, so they opted to import large numbers of illegal alien poor to become their new support base.

This is a violation of the Constitution, and the current leadership has continued to promote and operate this policy, so they too should be tried for treason. The democratic party should be replaced with several parties as the current 2-party system is unworkable.

Democrats should remember that it is the very same way that Quisling earned his reputation.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

I doubt they could keep it up but they should really give Trump the Obama treatment saying “you lie” at every statement during the congressional address, pronouncing all bills dead on arrival and basically obstruct everything they can.

It's vital that the Democrats grow a pair and learn how to be a proper opposition party.

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