Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

If anything serious were to happen to President Trump there might be a fucking LIB bloodbath. EVERYONE of these radical fanatical LIB assholes at MSNBC/CNN/WAPO/NYT etc might well be on the shoot on sight list.
President Trump WILL dramatically change the libel laws in the country. Thereby essentially ending the careers of dozens or fanatical LIB talking heads.
Already Rachael 'Man-Brow' is bleating about whether she will be able to continue spewing her hatred of all things REP. without getting her bull dyke ass sued off.

You talk, talk, talk. No action. Sad. Believe me.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
Keep your powder's far too late to rationalize with the fascist democrats....
Declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. I'm not kidding.

Well, that isn't gonna happen. I just feel what they're doing, is very dangerous. It's not just about opposing Trump policies. They've taken it to extremes. The constant 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric goes well beyond opposing policies.

I mean i really was shocked to see CNN and MSNBC engaging in such constant incitement rhetoric. It couldn't be called 'News' or 'Journalism.' I think there may come a time when they'll be held accountable for incitement. They may be stepping outside their 'Free Press' protections.

How about some examples?
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Need a safe place, snowflake?
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?
When Trump tones down the racist/pro Russia rhetoric.

See, that's what i'm talking about. Opposing his policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such hateful extremes, is just wrong. CNN and MNBC need to be more careful with the rhetoric. It is beginning to feel like incitement. It's doesn't feel so much like 'News' and Journalism.' They could lose their 'Free Press' protections.

Are you a bot? Say "its beginning to feel like incitement one" more time, would ya?
It depends on whether Trump turns out to be dangerous. I think that's a very real threat. If he does, we need to be ready to fight him for control of our nation.
First you need to get control of your emotions and try to engage your brain.

Absolutely. We won't be affective otherwise.
You mean effective and you are already not effective. Polls show Trump is personally not popular but that the majority of Americans expect him to do a good job on major issues such as the economy and the fight against terrorism. So all of this insane ranting and raving about Trump has made him unpopular but has not persuaded voters that he will not do a good job. On the other hand, Obama's popularity is soaring, but in the campaign, no one paid any attention to his advocacy of Clinton or his criticisms of Trump. The WH characterizes this as having a hard time transferring his personal popularity to other politicians or issues, but what it really means is that Americans want a more effective president and they believe they have found him in Donald Trump, despite the fact they don't seem to like him personally.

I'm not really interested in polls or public opinion. My own assessment of Trump is not good. He strikes me as an ignorant, petty jerk. I hope I'm wrong. But if he's the authoritarian idiot I'm assuming, I'll fight him every inch of the way.
In other words, all these violent thoughts of yours are based only on a personal dislike for Trump.

Nope. Wrong words.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

How is the trolling business going these days? Catch any big fish?
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Poor snowflake.

Nothing funny about this stuff. People could get hurt. Democrats should tone it down.
First you need to get control of your emotions and try to engage your brain.

Absolutely. We won't be affective otherwise.
You mean effective and you are already not effective. Polls show Trump is personally not popular but that the majority of Americans expect him to do a good job on major issues such as the economy and the fight against terrorism. So all of this insane ranting and raving about Trump has made him unpopular but has not persuaded voters that he will not do a good job. On the other hand, Obama's popularity is soaring, but in the campaign, no one paid any attention to his advocacy of Clinton or his criticisms of Trump. The WH characterizes this as having a hard time transferring his personal popularity to other politicians or issues, but what it really means is that Americans want a more effective president and they believe they have found him in Donald Trump, despite the fact they don't seem to like him personally.

I'm not really interested in polls or public opinion. My own assessment of Trump is not good. He strikes me as an ignorant, petty jerk. I hope I'm wrong. But if he's the authoritarian idiot I'm assuming, I'll fight him every inch of the way.
In other words, all these violent thoughts of yours are based only on a personal dislike for Trump.

Nope. Wrong words.
I understand you don't like the words, but they fairly sum up what you said. Perhaps you should try to understand where all these negative feelings about Trump come from.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.'
Shut up, pants shitter.

Nothing the libtards are doing right now even approaches the wailing, crying, moaning, and thrashing about on the floor you pseudocon tards have been doing since January 20, 2009.

Not even close.

What goes around, comes around, crybaby.

Karma, baby. Karma.

I don't approve of hateful incitement from either Party. And i disagree with you on your assessment. The Democrats are engaging in massive unprecedented inflammatory rhetoric. It's gonna cause some of their supporters to do bad things. It's very dangerous.

You truly seem very concerned. So concerned.
How about Michelle Obama's bare arms. Ring a bell
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.'
Shut up, pants shitter.

Nothing the libtards are doing right now even approaches the wailing, crying, moaning, and thrashing about on the floor you pseudocon tards have been doing since January 20, 2009.

Not even close.

What goes around, comes around, crybaby.

Karma, baby. Karma.

I don't approve of hateful incitement from either Party. And i disagree with you on your assessment. The Democrats are engaging in massive unprecedented inflammatory rhetoric. It's gonna cause some of their supporters to do bad things. It's very dangerous.

You truly seem very concerned. So concerned.
He's preloading the Nazi pump so that if any violence occurs anywhere, he can blame the media and call for the trashing of the First Amendment.

Heil Drumpf!
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

How is the trolling business going these days? Catch any big fish?

You don't feel the rhetoric has gotten out of control?
We should bring the discourse up . how about talking about Trumps policies, share what we know about his cabinet picks . you no use our brains not just our feelings.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.'
Shut up, pants shitter.

Nothing the libtards are doing right now even approaches the wailing, crying, moaning, and thrashing about on the floor you pseudocon tards have been doing since January 20, 2009.

Not even close.

What goes around, comes around, crybaby.

Karma, baby. Karma.

I don't approve of hateful incitement from either Party. And i disagree with you on your assessment. The Democrats are engaging in massive unprecedented inflammatory rhetoric. It's gonna cause some of their supporters to do bad things. It's very dangerous.

You truly seem very concerned. So concerned.

I am. And you should be too.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.'
Shut up, pants shitter.

Nothing the libtards are doing right now even approaches the wailing, crying, moaning, and thrashing about on the floor you pseudocon tards have been doing since January 20, 2009.

Not even close.

What goes around, comes around, crybaby.

Karma, baby. Karma.

I don't approve of hateful incitement from either Party. And i disagree with you on your assessment. The Democrats are engaging in massive unprecedented inflammatory rhetoric. It's gonna cause some of their supporters to do bad things. It's very dangerous.

You truly seem very concerned. So concerned.

I am. And you should be too.

You are trolling. Post examples of what you have seen on CNN and MSNBC. Then...look at THIS thread and see where the rhetoric is more inflammatory.

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