Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

then there is the press:


Malcolm Harris

If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP house leadership considered self defense?

5:52 AM - 14 Jun 2017
"In a now-deleted tweet, Harris also wrote: "Hearing 'David Duke without the baggage' Steve Scalise is stable, but a lot of Americans die from hospital errors so keep crossing your fing."

Left-Wing Twitter Erupts With Vile Reactions To Scalise Shooting
What are my thought about democrats toning down the rhetoric?

Rhetoric is not the same as threat.
Again, you loons can't see the difference between being called liars, or being told *no*...and killing, beating, or threatening people:

"1. Kathy Griffin 'Beheads' Trump in Graphic Photo
2. Madonna – "I've thought a lot about blowing up the White House."
3. Snoop Dogg "Shoots" Trump in the Head in Music Video
4. Robert De Niro: "I'd Like to Punch Him in the Face"
5. Joss Whedon: "I Want a Rhino to [F---] Paul Ryan to Death"
6. Shakespeare in the Park Stabs 'Trump' to Death in Performance of 'Julius Caesar
10. Rapper YG Threatens Trump with "[F---] Donald Trump" Song
11. Marilyn Manson Kills 'Trump' in Music Video"

"There have been many comparisons between Jared Loughner, the man who shot Rep. Gabby Giffords, and Hodgkinson. The parallels are ridiculous, as is Loughner's supposed "trigger" for the attack: an obscure map published by Sarah Palin's PAC that showed Giffords's congressional district in crosshairs. Loughner, a mentally disturbed man, diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic, was oblivious to the rantings of right-wing fringe players and almost certainly never saw the Palin PAC map (almost no one did).

"Hodgkinson, on the other hand, followed far-left politics every day, immersing himself in the conspiracy theories and anti-Trump hysteria of the left. He could not have helped being directly influenced by the threats and acts of violence against Republicans.

"For that reason, the far left in Hollywood and elsewhere have blood on their hands."

Blog: A partial list of threats against GOP and Trump from Hollywood celebrities

Yeah, i posted this back in January. Even then i noticed how aggressive and violent the Democrat rhetoric was becoming. I was actually pleading with them to stop the incitement. I knew people could be hurt as a result. But they just went all-in. Their incitement got progressively more hostile and violent.

And it of course culminated with Republicans at a charity baseball game being hunted and shot down. It's very sad. The Democrats have embarked on a very dangerous radicalization agenda. It's comparable to what we've seen in Islam. I mean, how many radicalized Democrats are out there at this point? The Democrats have created an incredibly dangerous environment. I fear there's gonna be more violence.
Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

Yeah, like Trump and his NaziCons toned it down on the anti-Hillary rhetoric. Enjoy the ride...
Democrats Should Tone It Down On The Anti-Trump Rhetoric...

Yeah, like Trump and his NaziCons toned it down on the anti-Hillary rhetoric. Enjoy the ride...
Again. There's a difference between rhetoric, observation, judgement...and threats and murder.

Methinks you should enjoy the ride, instead.

Yes, let's tone down the rhetoric - conservatives carrying signs that Obama was going to put people in ovens. Oh yes where did all this hatred come from we see today...
They have no incentive to "tone it down". Not when they're busy hoping the victim of their latest outrage lingers in hospital in critical condition dies so they can have a special election and maybe elect one of their own. I mean wouldn't people elect a Democrat so they could be sure of having a sort of representation? After all, any Republican member of congress is now a target for loons in quest of special elections so if they elected one they'd lose representation for the brief period between special elections. It's even worse in states where governors get to appoint and the current governor is a Democrat.

Just being aa Democrat oughta be a capital offense!
They have no incentive to "tone it down". Not when they're busy hoping the victim of their latest outrage lingers in hospital in critical condition dies so they can have a special election and maybe elect one of their own. I mean wouldn't people elect a Democrat so they could be sure of having a sort of representation? After all, any Republican member of congress is now a target for loons in quest of special elections so if they elected one they'd lose representation for the brief period between special elections. It's even worse in states where governors get to appoint and the current governor is a Democrat.

Just being aa Democrat oughta be a capital offense!

I try to stay optimistic. I tend to think most Democrats aren't hoping this poor man dies. However, the radicalized fanatic Democrats probably are. They're the folks we better start paying closer attention to. Since Election Day, the Democrats have embarked on a very dangerous radicalization agenda. Their rhetoric and behavior has been unprecedented and unforgivable. The scariest question now is, how many radicalized Democrats are out there? How many 'Manchurian Candidates' do we have to contend with?
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

Prime example of very dangerous radicalized Democrats. They're out of control.

The problem that you guy have is that you equate dangerous nutbags with us peaceful, non violent types.

It makes you look dumb as shit.
They have no incentive to "tone it down". Not when they're busy hoping the victim of their latest outrage lingers in hospital in critical condition dies so they can have a special election and maybe elect one of their own. I mean wouldn't people elect a Democrat so they could be sure of having a sort of representation? After all, any Republican member of congress is now a target for loons in quest of special elections so if they elected one they'd lose representation for the brief period between special elections. It's even worse in states where governors get to appoint and the current governor is a Democrat.

Just being aa Democrat oughta be a capital offense!

I try to stay optimistic. I tend to think most Democrats aren't hoping this poor man dies. However, the radicalized fanatic Democrats probably are. They're the folks we better start paying closer attention to. Since Election Day, the Democrats have embarked on a very dangerous radicalization agenda. Their rhetoric and behavior has been unprecedented and unforgivable. The scariest question now is, how many radicalized Democrats are out there? How many 'Manchurian Candidates' do we have to contend with?

Great questions. Name ONE living radicalized Democrat.

Declare the Democratic Party a terrorist organization. I'm not kidding.
I like My idea better.

They should be forced to apply as a Political Action Committee (PAC) and have to adhere to all the laws regarding such entities.
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

Prime example of very dangerous radicalized Democrats. They're out of control.

The problem that you guy have is that you equate dangerous nutbags with us peaceful, non violent types.

It makes you look dumb as shit.
The problem that you guy have is that you equate dangerous nutbags with us peaceful, non violent types.

Odd, the Democrats do the same to Republicans.

It makes you look dumb as shit.

See above
It's time. The rhetoric really is out of control. It's beginning to border on 'Incitement.' They've worked their supporters up into a very dangerous frenzy. I watched CNN and MSNBC the other night, and i really was pretty shocked at the constant stream of 'Trump is a Nazi', 'Trump is a Racist' rhetoric.

The more i watched the two networks, the more it felt like brainwashing incitement. It seemed very dangerous. It certainly didn't seem like 'News' or 'Journalism.' I mean, opposing one's policies is perfectly acceptable. But to take it to such extremes like calling the man a 'Nazi' and 'Racist', really does feel like incitement. I truly feel for the good of the country, Democrats should consider toning it down. What are your thoughts?

Payback is a bitch

Prime example of very dangerous radicalized Democrats. They're out of control.

The problem that you guy have is that you equate dangerous nutbags with us peaceful, non violent types.

It makes you look dumb as shit.

I might agree, but y'all haven't shown any inclination to reign in your extremist nutters. They seem to be in charge of your Party. Your aggressive incitement since Election Day, is unprecedented and unforgivable. You've only encouraged these violent acts. If you won't police yourselves, others will have to step up and check the incitement.

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