Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While President Trump and some Republican governors are pushing to reopen the country soon, Democrats are much more cautious as they see a looming disaster if America ends the shutdown early: Trump getting credit for a growing economy.
“Right now, we have record joblessness, and GDP is certainly going to take a huge hit,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent. If we reverse that too soon, we’re basically helping Trump’s reelection.”
“If we reopen now, it could be an absolute disaster,” added Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. “We could have people in November saying, ‘Wow. Things are getting better. Trump is doing a great job.’ It’s hard to imagine anything worse than that.”
Pelosi and Schumer said that "out of an abundance of caution," they need to wait to make sure things stay pretty bad until after the election, as that will be the only way to stave off another Trump term.

The last thing the plantation owners want is things are getting better for the people.
Their free ride people are finding out how the democrats use them.
Indeed, Bothe Nancy and Chuckie are 'Dead Serious' in this...Even their Blue plantation state governors have implemented their actions by seeding nursing homes with the disease, closing churches and using Stasi and gestapo tactics to enforce their shutdowns under the guise of quarantine against the Chinese Wuhan Virus.
Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.
Didn't Pelosi and three Republicans have a holy shit moment last January and sell-off nearly 7M in stock? One of those four should be the next President.

For three years, you guys have been telling us Trump's racism, misogyny, homophobia, corruption, self-dealing, personally profiting from government contracts, putting kids into cages, hugging white nationalists and calling them fine people, his attacks on a free press, his conspiring with foreign governments for his own political aims, was all okay, because "Hey, the economy is going great!"

Except now, the economy is in the shitter, It will not get out of the shitter anytime soon.

But let's force all these people to go back to work and make them DIE because we can't possibly let Trump lose.'re just wrong.....The economy is on hold not in the shitter. It has not yet lost the elasticity of recovery but It will soon if it is not freed from this financial tyranny. That's the whole point of this lock down....contagion really is not the point at all. The fortune 500 companies have something over ten trillion in offshore reserves.....they are a whole hell of a lot stronger and more resilient than you realize. Nasdaq will be close to normal by the end of the year.

I've been telling folks for years that the left ruined the economy in a different way starting in 2006. They went into overdrive during the 2008 election cycle calling it "The worst economy since the Great Depression. "
That was Obama's top campaign statement.

It also happened to be True. Bush wrecked the economy because he let the banking industry and Wall Street do whatever they wanted.

The untold story of this recession is Trump allowed the same nonsense, Covid-19 just kicked in the rotten edifice.

Interest rates were kept so low for too long so that most people didn't save up money, and corporations and individuals loaded down on debt. This is why this recession will not go away once the lockdowns end. People will cut back on their spending and companies will cut back on their payrolls.
I think clinton strong arming lenders into making risky loans in black neighborhoods led to the eventual diaster
Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While President Trump and some Republican governors are pushing to reopen the country soon, Democrats are much more cautious as they see a looming disaster if America ends the shutdown early: Trump getting credit for a growing economy.
“Right now, we have record joblessness, and GDP is certainly going to take a huge hit,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent. If we reverse that too soon, we’re basically helping Trump’s reelection.”
“If we reopen now, it could be an absolute disaster,” added Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. “We could have people in November saying, ‘Wow. Things are getting better. Trump is doing a great job.’ It’s hard to imagine anything worse than that.”
Pelosi and Schumer said that "out of an abundance of caution," they need to wait to make sure things stay pretty bad until after the election, as that will be the only way to stave off another Trump term.

The last thing the plantation owners want is things are getting better for the people.
Their free ride people are finding out how the democrats use them.
Indeed, Bothe Nancy and Chuckie are 'Dead Serious' in this...Even their Blue plantation state governors have implemented their actions by seeding nursing homes with the disease, closing churches and using Stasi and gestapo tactics to enforce their shutdowns under the guise of quarantine against the Chinese Wuhan Virus.
Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.


JO're just wrong.....The economy is on hold not in the shitter. It has not yet lost the elasticity of recovery but It will soon if it is not freed from this financial tyranny. That's the whole point of this lock down....contagion really is not the point at all. The fortune 500 companies have something over ten trillion in offshore reserves.....they are a whole hell of a lot stronger and more resilient than you realize. Nasdaq will be close to normal by the end of the year.

Uh, 14% unemployment. My revenues are down 33% from February, but I'm still working, thankfully.

I'm sure the big corporate fat cats are going to be fine. The rest of us are kind of fucked, though.

The point of this lockdown is to keep the disease from Spreading. It's not a conspiracy to make you MAGAt's look like the racist idiots you are.
None of that post is true. What fantasy world do you live in? You need to take an economics class before opining on the economy. This virus poisoned the world. But in your myopic POV, the US should have used ESP to stand out?

Republicans have been in charge when the last five recessions have hit. They don't get to lecture us.

The US had the most time to prepare, and Trump STILL failed badly. Of course, this isn't just the virus, it's every other stupid decision he made- unnecessary trade wars, running up the national debt, keeping interest rates so low no one bothered to save any money.

Don't worry. We'll get Biden in there. He'll fix the economy, and then in four years, you can go back to whining about immigration and gays and abortions to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

Republicans have been in charge when the last five recessions have hit. They don't get to lecture us.

This recession is due to extraordinary circumstance but you knew that and the stock market is still 6k higher than under BHO, meaning the underlying factors remain strong. Imagine, 6k higher during the worst pandemic in 100 years. Especially when the WHO and China gave us bad info.

The US had the most time to prepare, and Trump STILL failed badly. Of course, this isn't just the virus, it's every other stupid decision he made- unnecessary trade wars, running up the national debt, keeping interest rates so low no one bothered to save any money.

First documented death in the US was February 29th. What should have he done? Shut down the best economy in the world because of one death?

The World Health Organization Draws Flak for Coronavirus Response - WSJ

Don't worry. We'll get Biden in there. He'll fix the economy, and then in four years, you can go back to whining about immigration and gays and abortions to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests.

How? Biden will create a miracle cure for the virus? Provide specific details of what you think Biden will do to "fix the economy"?

I am sorry your mini HR business is failing. Blame the Chinese not Trump. Maybe Pelosi for wandering around Chinatown and infecting 100s...maybe 1000s?

How is me voting for Biden going to help ME? When he raises MY taxes?

Please explain.

I think clinton strong arming lenders into making risky loans in black neighborhoods led to the eventual diaster

Yeah, the problem is, "Repeating whatever racist shit I heard on Hate Radio" isn't "Thinking".

The CRA had nothing to do with the 2008 meltdown. The 2008 meltdown was because banks were selling mortgages to middle class white people on McMansions they couldn't afford, and then selling the bullshit mortgages off as investments.'re just wrong.....The economy is on hold not in the shitter. It has not yet lost the elasticity of recovery but It will soon if it is not freed from this financial tyranny. That's the whole point of this lock down....contagion really is not the point at all. The fortune 500 companies have something over ten trillion in offshore reserves.....they are a whole hell of a lot stronger and more resilient than you realize. Nasdaq will be close to normal by the end of the year.

Uh, 14% unemployment. My revenues are down 33% from February, but I'm still working, thankfully.

I'm sure the big corporate fat cats are going to be fine. The rest of us are kind of fucked, though.

The point of this lockdown is to keep the disease from Spreading. It's not a conspiracy to make you MAGAt's look like the racist idiots you are.
Uh, 14% unemployment. My revenues are down 33% from February, but I'm still working, thankfully.

That is because of the virus and closures of the travel, entertainment and even healthcare industries. Your business depends on HR services, which are not necessary due to the fact that few are hiring.

I'm sure the big corporate fat cats are going to be fine. The rest of us are kind of fucked, though.

My business is still doing very well. Perhaps it is YOUR business and not the world to blame. I bet it was doing great until the virus but you never gave Trump credit for that, nah.

The point of this lockdown is to keep the disease from Spreading. It's not a conspiracy to make you MAGAt's look like the racist idiots you are.

Another lie. Point was to flatten the curve, get our healthcare system ready and find some treatments. We did all three. Racism is a weak argument used by very weak debaters.
Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent.
All the RepubliSCUM have is FAKE NEWS!
Aug 19, 2019 - In a statement issued Monday, Babylon Bee's editorial team confessed they have been making up their stories this entire time.
no fucking shit...... The Babylon Bee is a satire page
There is a major difference between fake news like CNN and satire like the Babylon Bee. Learn the difference
I think clinton strong arming lenders into making risky loans in black neighborhoods led to the eventual diaster

Yeah, the problem is, "Repeating whatever racist shit I heard on Hate Radio" isn't "Thinking".

The CRA had nothing to do with the 2008 meltdown. The 2008 meltdown was because banks were selling mortgages to middle class white people on McMansions they couldn't afford, and then selling the bullshit mortgages off as investments.

The CRA had nothing to do with the 2008 meltdown. The 2008 meltdown was because banks were selling mortgages to middle class white people on McMansions they couldn't afford, and then selling the bullshit mortgages off as investments.

They thought AIG had them insured AND rating agencies did not do their job. GW was a bad president. Trump is nothing like GW. Dumbass.
This recession is due to extraordinary circumstance but you knew that and the stock market is still 6k higher than under BHO, meaning the underlying factors remain strong. Imagine, 6k higher during the worst pandemic in 100 years. Especially when the WHO and China gave us bad info.

Uh, sorry, guy, having a high stock market doesn't mean shit when you don't have a job, and a lot of people don't right now.

And it's going to get a lot worse. That the Stock Market vultures are rubbing their hand saying, "Now we can screw working people" is nothing to be proud of.

First documented death in the US was February 29th. What should have he done? Shut down the best economy in the world because of one death?

He could have stocked up on supplies, prepared tests, imposed social distancing earlier than he did. Instead, he was doing "Happy Talk, this is just fine" all the way up until the MIDDLE OF MARCH despite being warned since January this was going to be a problem.

I am sorry your mini HR business is failing. Blame the Chinese not Trump. Maybe Pelosi for wandering around Chinatown and infecting 100s...maybe 1000s?

Ironically, my business will probably do very well in the long run... I'm already starting to see a spike in return customers... but everyone else is going to kind of be fucked.

How is me voting for Biden going to help ME? When he raises MY taxes?

You mean, when he does what we need to do, which is actually show fiscal responsibility. The reality is, we get better from recessions when the Government does step up and make sure that the rich pay their fair share. It happened with Obama, it happened with Clinton.
They thought AIG had them insured AND rating agencies did not do their job. GW was a bad president. Trump is nothing like GW. Dumbass.

YOu are right. Trump is nothing like GW. When the crisis hit, GW did the right things to limit the damage.

Everything Trump has done has just made shit worse.

Trump makes Obama look humble, Bush look smart and Clinton look ethical.
This recession is due to extraordinary circumstance but you knew that and the stock market is still 6k higher than under BHO, meaning the underlying factors remain strong. Imagine, 6k higher during the worst pandemic in 100 years. Especially when the WHO and China gave us bad info.

Uh, sorry, guy, having a high stock market doesn't mean shit when you don't have a job, and a lot of people don't right now.

And it's going to get a lot worse. That the Stock Market vultures are rubbing their hand saying, "Now we can screw working people" is nothing to be proud of.

First documented death in the US was February 29th. What should have he done? Shut down the best economy in the world because of one death?

He could have stocked up on supplies, prepared tests, imposed social distancing earlier than he did. Instead, he was doing "Happy Talk, this is just fine" all the way up until the MIDDLE OF MARCH despite being warned since January this was going to be a problem.

I am sorry your mini HR business is failing. Blame the Chinese not Trump. Maybe Pelosi for wandering around Chinatown and infecting 100s...maybe 1000s?

Ironically, my business will probably do very well in the long run... I'm already starting to see a spike in return customers... but everyone else is going to kind of be fucked.

How is me voting for Biden going to help ME? When he raises MY taxes?

You mean, when he does what we need to do, which is actually show fiscal responsibility. The reality is, we get better from recessions when the Government does step up and make sure that the rich pay their fair share. It happened with Obama, it happened with Clinton.

Uh, sorry, guy, having a high stock market doesn't mean shit when you don't have a job, and a lot of people don't right now.

That is another ignorant statement. When the Bush recession happened the market went down to the 7k. Underlying factors were. Weak. Not the case now. This is a temporary circumstance. I'll explain further since your background is HR and not finance/economics like mine is.

If I own a house and I cannot afford to live there because my ARM has expired is not the same as a one time event where I am remodeling my kitchen. I don't remodel my kitchen often so it is a one time cost. This COVID-19 is a one time extraordinary event. Nothing like 08 when people bought houses they could not afford once teaser rates expired. Market illustrates that the underlying factors of the economy remain strong.

Uh, sorry, guy, having a high stock market doesn't mean shit when you don't have a job, and a lot of people don't right now.

If you have return customers it shows your business model is faulty. You're finding jobs for people. So if they keep losing them its on you. If they refer you other clients, it is a different story. Most of the lost jobs was due to closing restaurants and such. Not having the NHL, NBA, MLB and maybe no NFL also negatively impacts employment. No one is going to the movies. Another huge impact. No barber shops/hair stylists. But the underlying demand is still there except for cowards who hide under the bed. Once reopened we will thrive. I go out at least 3x per week with clients and travel often. Now I am on Zoom. From me alone the T&E industry is losing 1000s.

You mean, when he does what we need to do, which is actually show fiscal responsibility. The reality is, we get better from recessions when the Government does step up and make sure that the rich pay their fair share. It happened with Obama, it happened with Clinton.

He spent an extra $1.5Trn to reshape and upgrade our military. If he gets reelected he should lower the deficit, although that may be problematic given that they may pass a $2trn infrastructure bill. But we print our own money so the deficit/debt is irrelevant. Imagine if JoeB owed me $1k and could just print $1k of JoeB bucks. You would not care about the debt. Countries like Argentina and Peru cannot do that, we can.
They thought AIG had them insured AND rating agencies did not do their job. GW was a bad president. Trump is nothing like GW. Dumbass.

YOu are right. Trump is nothing like GW. When the crisis hit, GW did the right things to limit the damage.

Everything Trump has done has just made it worse.

Trump makes Obama look humble, Bush look smart and Clinton look ethical.

YOu are right. Trump is nothing like GW. When the crisis hit, GW did the right things to limit the damage.

He begged for a bailout from Congress. Weak. He was the worst president of my lifetime. What else did he do? Got us into endless wars.

Everything Trump has done has just made it worse.

Made what worse? What is "it"? We had a very strong economy, even you said your HR business was doing very well. Consumer and corporate confidence was at an all time high. Lower taxes, fewer regulations, more military spend -- helps the private sector that services the military. All due to him. He did a great job there. Better than I would have thought. All while fighting off faulty impeachment claims.

Trump makes Obama look humble, Bush look smart and Clinton look ethical.

Post is subjective and your opinion. Obama was dirty as we are learning and BLM and ISIS rose on his watch. Not good. Bush was the worst president ever. Clinton banged his intern and benefited from the Internet boom. He also was responsible for the everyone should be able to own a house mantra that Bush inherited and voila the Great Recession.
Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While President Trump and some Republican governors are pushing to reopen the country soon, Democrats are much more cautious as they see a looming disaster if America ends the shutdown early: Trump getting credit for a growing economy.
“Right now, we have record joblessness, and GDP is certainly going to take a huge hit,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent. If we reverse that too soon, we’re basically helping Trump’s reelection.”
“If we reopen now, it could be an absolute disaster,” added Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. “We could have people in November saying, ‘Wow. Things are getting better. Trump is doing a great job.’ It’s hard to imagine anything worse than that.”
Pelosi and Schumer said that "out of an abundance of caution," they need to wait to make sure things stay pretty bad until after the election, as that will be the only way to stave off another Trump term.

The last thing the plantation owners want is things are getting better for the people.
Their free ride people are finding out how the democrats use them.
Indeed, Bothe Nancy and Chuckie are 'Dead Serious' in this...Even their Blue plantation state governors have implemented their actions by seeding nursing homes with the disease, closing churches and using Stasi and gestapo tactics to enforce their shutdowns under the guise of quarantine against the Chinese Wuhan Virus.
Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.
Didn't Pelosi and three Republicans have a holy shit moment last January and sell-off nearly 7M in stock? One of those four should be the next President.
sen feinstein, not pelosi, i think?'re just wrong.....The economy is on hold not in the shitter. It has not yet lost the elasticity of recovery but It will soon if it is not freed from this financial tyranny. That's the whole point of this lock down....contagion really is not the point at all. The fortune 500 companies have something over ten trillion in offshore reserves.....they are a whole hell of a lot stronger and more resilient than you realize. Nasdaq will be close to normal by the end of the year.

Uh, 14% unemployment. My revenues are down 33% from February, but I'm still working, thankfully.

I'm sure the big corporate fat cats are going to be fine. The rest of us are kind of fucked, though.

The point of this lockdown is to keep the disease from Spreading. It's not a conspiracy to make you MAGAt's look like the racist idiots you are.
Uh, 14% unemployment. My revenues are down 33% from February, but I'm still working, thankfully.

That is because of the virus and closures of the travel, entertainment and even healthcare industries. Your business depends on HR services, which are not necessary due to the fact that few are hiring.

I'm sure the big corporate fat cats are going to be fine. The rest of us are kind of fucked, though.

My business is still doing very well. Perhaps it is YOUR business and not the world to blame. I bet it was doing great until the virus but you never gave Trump credit for that, nah.

The point of this lockdown is to keep the disease from Spreading. It's not a conspiracy to make you MAGAt's look like the racist idiots you are.

Another lie. Point was to flatten the curve, get our healthcare system ready and find some treatments. We did all three. Racism is a weak argument used by very weak debaters.
Your business is doing well? What business type do you own?
I think clinton strong arming lenders into making risky loans in black neighborhoods led to the eventual diaster

Yeah, the problem is, "Repeating whatever racist shit I heard on Hate Radio" isn't "Thinking".

The CRA had nothing to do with the 2008 meltdown. The 2008 meltdown was because banks were selling mortgages to middle class white people on McMansions they couldn't afford, and then selling the bullshit mortgages off as investments.
The bad policies of the clinton admin led to the financial meltdown in 2008

and yes, what began as a scam in black neighborhoods eventually spread to every race in America
Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While President Trump and some Republican governors are pushing to reopen the country soon, Democrats are much more cautious as they see a looming disaster if America ends the shutdown early: Trump getting credit for a growing economy.
“Right now, we have record joblessness, and GDP is certainly going to take a huge hit,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent. If we reverse that too soon, we’re basically helping Trump’s reelection.”
“If we reopen now, it could be an absolute disaster,” added Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. “We could have people in November saying, ‘Wow. Things are getting better. Trump is doing a great job.’ It’s hard to imagine anything worse than that.”
Pelosi and Schumer said that "out of an abundance of caution," they need to wait to make sure things stay pretty bad until after the election, as that will be the only way to stave off another Trump term.

The last thing the plantation owners want is things are getting better for the people.
Their free ride people are finding out how the democrats use them.
Indeed, Bothe Nancy and Chuckie are 'Dead Serious' in this...Even their Blue plantation state governors have implemented their actions by seeding nursing homes with the disease, closing churches and using Stasi and gestapo tactics to enforce their shutdowns under the guise of quarantine against the Chinese Wuhan Virus.
Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.
Didn't Pelosi and three Republicans have a holy shit moment last January and sell-off nearly 7M in stock? One of those four should be the next President.
sen feinstein, not pelosi, i think?
Political Satire.
Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While President Trump and some Republican governors are pushing to reopen the country soon, Democrats are much more cautious as they see a looming disaster if America ends the shutdown early: Trump getting credit for a growing economy.
“Right now, we have record joblessness, and GDP is certainly going to take a huge hit,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent. If we reverse that too soon, we’re basically helping Trump’s reelection.”
“If we reopen now, it could be an absolute disaster,” added Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. “We could have people in November saying, ‘Wow. Things are getting better. Trump is doing a great job.’ It’s hard to imagine anything worse than that.”
Pelosi and Schumer said that "out of an abundance of caution," they need to wait to make sure things stay pretty bad until after the election, as that will be the only way to stave off another Trump term.

The last thing the plantation owners want is things are getting better for the people.
Their free ride people are finding out how the democrats use them.
Indeed, Bothe Nancy and Chuckie are 'Dead Serious' in this...Even their Blue plantation state governors have implemented their actions by seeding nursing homes with the disease, closing churches and using Stasi and gestapo tactics to enforce their shutdowns under the guise of quarantine against the Chinese Wuhan Virus.
Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.
Didn't Pelosi and three Republicans have a holy shit moment last January and sell-off nearly 7M in stock? One of those four should be the next President.
A month ago a story came out right after the virus story became a big thing in the Democrat controlled media.....that Congress had a briefing right before a bunch of Democrats (and a couple Republicans) sold shares in an attempt to minimize their exposure in Wall Street. All this time we were told that Congress can legally do insider trading. Not so, according to some. Obama supposedly signed into law something that changed that law.
The media tried to make it seem like it was a criminal enterprise.
What happened is Democrats were planning on staging this event....after weeks of haranguing Trump for doing something about it. Then they claimed a bunch of people sold stock.
It didn't seem to matter once the markets corrected and stabilized.
So now we're in a fight to re-open the country.....and Democrats are trying to make the pain and suffering keep going as long as possible.
So this joke story is just feeding off of the facts behind the Democrat's ridiculous actions since they all of the sudden felt that Coronavirus was a problem. It wasn't a problem.....till they told everyone it was a problem. Then it became everyone's problem.

And now you know why Democrats don't like the 2nd Amendment.
Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—While President Trump and some Republican governors are pushing to reopen the country soon, Democrats are much more cautious as they see a looming disaster if America ends the shutdown early: Trump getting credit for a growing economy.
“Right now, we have record joblessness, and GDP is certainly going to take a huge hit,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent. If we reverse that too soon, we’re basically helping Trump’s reelection.”
“If we reopen now, it could be an absolute disaster,” added Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. “We could have people in November saying, ‘Wow. Things are getting better. Trump is doing a great job.’ It’s hard to imagine anything worse than that.”
Pelosi and Schumer said that "out of an abundance of caution," they need to wait to make sure things stay pretty bad until after the election, as that will be the only way to stave off another Trump term.

The last thing the plantation owners want is things are getting better for the people.
Their free ride people are finding out how the democrats use them.
Indeed, Bothe Nancy and Chuckie are 'Dead Serious' in this...Even their Blue plantation state governors have implemented their actions by seeding nursing homes with the disease, closing churches and using Stasi and gestapo tactics to enforce their shutdowns under the guise of quarantine against the Chinese Wuhan Virus.
Remember, never let a crisis go to waste.
Didn't Pelosi and three Republicans have a holy shit moment last January and sell-off nearly 7M in stock? One of those four should be the next President.
A month ago a story came out right after the virus story became a big thing in the Democrat controlled media.....that Congress had a briefing right before a bunch of Democrats (and a couple Republicans) sold shares in an attempt to minimize their exposure in Wall Street. All this time we were told that Congress can legally do insider trading. Not so, according to some. Obama supposedly signed into law something that changed that law.
The media tried to make it seem like it was a criminal enterprise.
What happened is Democrats were planning on staging this event....after weeks of haranguing Trump for doing something about it. Then they claimed a bunch of people sold stock.
It didn't seem to matter once the markets corrected and stabilized.
So now we're in a fight to re-open the country.....and Democrats are trying to make the pain and suffering keep going as long as possible.
So this joke story is just feeding off of the facts behind the Democrat's ridiculous actions since they all of the sudden felt that Coronavirus was a problem. It wasn't a problem.....till they told everyone it was a problem. Then it became everyone's problem.

And now you know why Democrats don't like the 2nd Amendment.
Fact: One Democrat, three Republicans.

Fact: Right here on the USMB I told everyone to get out of the market when it was at 29. Did you listen?

Fact: If you liked the last economic collapse, you'll love what is coming this summer!

Fact: If your skidmark would have banned foreigners from entering the US on January 10th, we'd not have a pandemic.

Fact: The COVID-19 and the economic are hand-in-hand.

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