Democrats Warn We Shouldn’t Reopen The Country Until We Can Be Safe From Trump Getting Credit For A Good Economy

Nancy Pelosi. “That’s exactly what you want in an election year when you’re running against an incumbent.
All the RepubliSCUM have is FAKE NEWS!
Aug 19, 2019 - In a statement issued Monday, Babylon Bee's editorial team confessed they have been making up their stories this entire time.
no fucking shit...... The Babylon Bee is a satire page
There is a major difference between fake news like CNN and satire like the Babylon Bee. Learn the difference
Yeah, CNN is not FAKE and all Right-wing sources are!'re just wrong.....The economy is on hold not in the shitter. It has not yet lost the elasticity of recovery but It will soon if it is not freed from this financial tyranny. That's the whole point of this lock down....contagion really is not the point at all. The fortune 500 companies have something over ten trillion in offshore reserves.....they are a whole hell of a lot stronger and more resilient than you realize. Nasdaq will be close to normal by the end of the year.

Uh, 14% unemployment. My revenues are down 33% from February, but I'm still working, thankfully.

I'm sure the big corporate fat cats are going to be fine. The rest of us are kind of fucked, though.

The point of this lockdown is to keep the disease from Spreading. It's not a conspiracy to make you MAGAt's look like the racist idiots you are.
So your "repeat business" quit coming back when they figured out the reason they kept getting fired was the padded resumes you sold them???

After all, if your scheme worked, and you were finding them stable jobs, they should have been beating down your door with a 14% unemployment rate!!!

They must have been as stupid as you are to think they could have gotten away with it...
That is another ignorant statement. When the Bush recession happened the market went down to the 7k. Underlying factors were. Weak. Not the case now. This is a temporary circumstance. I'll explain further since your background is HR and not finance/economics like mine is.

Guy, being a money-grubbing Jew doesn't make you an expert on the economy. Remember, you were the one saying for the last year that we couldn't POSSIBLY have a recession this year. Well... Um... We're in a recession.

Made what worse? What is "it"? We had a very strong economy, even you said your HR business was doing very well.

My business does well because I work 80 hours a week at it. Has nothing to do with Trump. (Or HR for that matter.)

It was doing well before Trump got there.

Consumer and corporate confidence was at an all time high. Lower taxes, fewer regulations, more military spend -- helps the private sector that services the military. All due to him. He did a great job there. Better than I would have thought. All while fighting off faulty impeachment claims.

Except not really. GDP Growth never got above 3%. Corporations went massively into debt. The tax cuts didn't go into new machinery, it went into stock buy-backs. Spending money on a bloated military during peacetime is just.. silly. More to the point, his disruption of international trade and keeping interest rates artificially low is making it harder to do the things that need to get done to fight off this recession. It's like taking anti-biotics when you aren't sick. When you do get sick, it has no effect.

Post is subjective and your opinion. Obama was dirty as we are learning and BLM and ISIS rose on his watch.

BLM is a good thing. That we still have cops and racists shooting black people is a disgrace. ISIS was the fault of Petreaus and Bush paying a shitload of money to Sunni Militias to play nice until we left.

Bush was the worst president ever.

Um, nope. That will be Trump. Impeached, Worst recession since Hoover, failed to respond to a national crisis, and to cap it off, voted out of office this November. He'll probably be the first ex-president to go to jail.

Clinton banged his intern and benefited from the Internet boom.

Wow, if banging your intern got you the kind of economy we had under Clinton, we need to hire the Super Hot Intern Corps....

He also was responsible for the everyone should be able to own a house mantra that Bush inherited and voila the Great Recession.

Actually, the Great Recession was caused by the Banksters, not hard working Americans wanting to own homes.
That is another ignorant statement. When the Bush recession happened the market went down to the 7k. Underlying factors were. Weak. Not the case now. This is a temporary circumstance. I'll explain further since your background is HR and not finance/economics like mine is.

Guy, being a money-grubbing Jew doesn't make you an expert on the economy. Remember, you were the one saying for the last year that we couldn't POSSIBLY have a recession this year. Well... Um... We're in a recession.

Made what worse? What is "it"? We had a very strong economy, even you said your HR business was doing very well.

My business does well because I work 80 hours a week at it. Has nothing to do with Trump. (Or HR for that matter.)

It was doing well before Trump got there.

Consumer and corporate confidence was at an all time high. Lower taxes, fewer regulations, more military spend -- helps the private sector that services the military. All due to him. He did a great job there. Better than I would have thought. All while fighting off faulty impeachment claims.

Except not really. GDP Growth never got above 3%. Corporations went massively into debt. The tax cuts didn't go into new machinery, it went into stock buy-backs. Spending money on a bloated military during peacetime is just.. silly. More to the point, his disruption of international trade and keeping interest rates artificially low is making it harder to do the things that need to get done to fight off this recession. It's like taking anti-biotics when you aren't sick. When you do get sick, it has no effect.

Post is subjective and your opinion. Obama was dirty as we are learning and BLM and ISIS rose on his watch.

BLM is a good thing. That we still have cops and racists shooting black people is a disgrace. ISIS was the fault of Petreaus and Bush paying a shitload of money to Sunni Militias to play nice until we left.

Bush was the worst president ever.

Um, nope. That will be Trump. Impeached, Worst recession since Hoover, failed to respond to a national crisis, and to cap it off, voted out of office this November. He'll probably be the first ex-president to go to jail.

Clinton banged his intern and benefited from the Internet boom.

Wow, if banging your intern got you the kind of economy we had under Clinton, we need to hire the Super Hot Intern Corps....

He also was responsible for the everyone should be able to own a house mantra that Bush inherited and voila the Great Recession.

Actually, the Great Recession was caused by the Banksters, not hard working Americans wanting to own homes.
You played the Jew card? Fuck you, idiot racist. You write people’s resume. You don’t have a real job. Again if not for the virus there would be no recession you Nazi fuck
You played the Jew card? Fuck you, idiot racist. You write people’s resume. You don’t have a real job. Again if not for the virus there would be no recession you Nazi fuck

Let's see- I make money... that's a job.

Okay, getting back to the point, you really don't know anything about economy. What you advocate is the same shit you guys have been doing since Nixon, and you keep getting the same result.
You played the Jew card? Fuck you, idiot racist. You write people’s resume. You don’t have a real job. Again if not for the virus there would be no recession you Nazi fuck

Let's see- I make money... that's a job.

Okay, getting back to the point, you really don't know anything about economy. What you advocate is the same shit you guys have been doing since Nixon, and you keep getting the same result.
I was born in 1980. What was I advocating since Nixon? You run an HR business that is failing.
I was born in 1980. What was I advocating since Nixon? You run an HR business that is failing.

I'm doing very well... but never mind.

But you really are a clown, boobi.

I'm sorry you have no grasp of stuff that happened before you were born. You see, the Dumb Economics of Conservatism were rejected on their own in 1964, when Barry Goldwater lost 44 states.

Then you guys used racism, religion, sexual fears, etc. to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. Started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy", but Trump's open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism of Nixon and Reagan) is the last toxic version of it.

Trump crashed the economy into the wall. It's sad, really... but that's what he did. We all knew he would. I'm glad it happened THIS year as opposed to next year, when we'd have a much harder time fixing it.

Don't worry, Biden will come in, fix everything, and then you can go back to whining about abortion and gay marriage.
That is another ignorant statement. When the Bush recession happened the market went down to the 7k. Underlying factors were. Weak. Not the case now. This is a temporary circumstance. I'll explain further since your background is HR and not finance/economics like mine is.

Guy, being a money-grubbing Jew doesn't make you an expert on the economy. Remember, you were the one saying for the last year that we couldn't POSSIBLY have a recession this year. Well... Um... We're in a recession.

Made what worse? What is "it"? We had a very strong economy, even you said your HR business was doing very well.

My business does well because I work 80 hours a week at it. Has nothing to do with Trump. (Or HR for that matter.)

It was doing well before Trump got there.

Consumer and corporate confidence was at an all time high. Lower taxes, fewer regulations, more military spend -- helps the private sector that services the military. All due to him. He did a great job there. Better than I would have thought. All while fighting off faulty impeachment claims.

Except not really. GDP Growth never got above 3%. Corporations went massively into debt. The tax cuts didn't go into new machinery, it went into stock buy-backs. Spending money on a bloated military during peacetime is just.. silly. More to the point, his disruption of international trade and keeping interest rates artificially low is making it harder to do the things that need to get done to fight off this recession. It's like taking anti-biotics when you aren't sick. When you do get sick, it has no effect.

Post is subjective and your opinion. Obama was dirty as we are learning and BLM and ISIS rose on his watch.

BLM is a good thing. That we still have cops and racists shooting black people is a disgrace. ISIS was the fault of Petreaus and Bush paying a shitload of money to Sunni Militias to play nice until we left.

Bush was the worst president ever.

Um, nope. That will be Trump. Impeached, Worst recession since Hoover, failed to respond to a national crisis, and to cap it off, voted out of office this November. He'll probably be the first ex-president to go to jail.

Clinton banged his intern and benefited from the Internet boom.

Wow, if banging your intern got you the kind of economy we had under Clinton, we need to hire the Super Hot Intern Corps....

He also was responsible for the everyone should be able to own a house mantra that Bush inherited and voila the Great Recession.

Actually, the Great Recession was caused by the Banksters, not hard working Americans wanting to own homes.

Guy, being a money-grubbing Jew doesn't make you an expert on the economy. Remember, you were the one saying for the last year that we couldn't POSSIBLY have a recession this year. Well... Um... We're in a recession.

You're a racist. No one saw a once in a 100-year disease coming. But you knew that.

My business does well because I work 80 hours a week at it. Has nothing to do with Trump. (Or HR for that matter.)

It was doing well before Trump got there.

I would wager your Net Income was better in FYE 16, 17 and 18 than the prior three years.

Except not really. GDP Growth never got above 3%. Corporations went massively into debt. The tax cuts didn't go into new machinery, it went into stock buy-backs. Spending money on a bloated military during peacetime is just.. silly. More to the point, his disruption of international trade and keeping interest rates artificially low is making it harder to do the things that need to get done to fight off this recession. It's like taking anti-biotics when you aren't sick. When you do get sick, it has no effect.

If you want to maintain peace then carry the biggest stick and spending on the military also helps the private sector. Our economy was booming with record low unemployment. That is indisputable. The market is still 6k higher than when Obama left office and we are in a midst of a virus.

BLM is a good thing. That we still have cops and racists shooting black people is a disgrace. ISIS was the fault of Petreaus and Bush paying a shitload of money to Sunni Militias to play nice until we left.

You think it is a good thing. LOL. They looted stores in a mostly black neighborhood and caused further racial divide. ISIS was the fault of many, including the last administration. Don't hear much from them now, do you. Obama praised terrorists for taking our soldiers and made them apologize. Trump killed terrorists. See the difference?

Wow, if banging your intern got you the kind of economy we had under Clinton, we need to hire the Super Hot Intern Corps....

His economy coincided with the .com boom. Already told you that.
I was born in 1980. What was I advocating since Nixon? You run an HR business that is failing.

Wow, if banging your intern got you the kind of economy we had under Clinton, we need to hire the Super Hot Intern Corps....

But you really are a clown, boobi.

I'm sorry you have no grasp of stuff that happened before you were born. You see, the Dumb Economics of Conservatism were rejected on their own in 1964, when Barry Goldwater lost 44 states.

Then you guys used racism, religion, sexual fears, etc. to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. Started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy", but Trump's open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism of Nixon and Reagan) is the last toxic version of it.

Trump crashed the economy into the wall. It's sad, really... but that's what he did. We all knew he would. I'm glad it happened THIS year as opposed to next year, when we'd have a much harder time fixing it.

Don't worry, Biden will come in, fix everything, and then you can go back to whining about abortion and gay marriage.

I was born in 1980. What was I advocating since Nixon? You run an HR business that is failing.

I'm doing very well... but never mind.

But you really are a clown, boobi.

I'm sorry you have no grasp of stuff that happened before you were born. You see, the Dumb Economics of Conservatism were rejected on their own in 1964, when Barry Goldwater lost 44 states.

Then you guys used racism, religion, sexual fears, etc. to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. Started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy", but Trump's open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism of Nixon and Reagan) is the last toxic version of it.

Trump crashed the economy into the wall. It's sad, really... but that's what he did. We all knew he would. I'm glad it happened THIS year as opposed to next year, when we'd have a much harder time fixing it.

Don't worry, Biden will come in, fix everything, and then you can go back to whining about abortion and gay marriage.

I'm doing very well... but never mind.

In a prior post you said your business was down. Which is it? How many people need resume reviews or whatever HR function you perform. Funny how you don't deny you have an HR gig. I read you perfectly.

I'm sorry you have no grasp of stuff that happened before you were born. You see, the Dumb Economics of Conservatism were rejected on their own in 1964, when Barry Goldwater lost 44 states.

You are sorry. Why are we rehashing ancient history?

Trump crashed the economy into the wall. It's sad, really... but that's what he did. We all knew he would. I'm glad it happened THIS year as opposed to next year, when we'd have a much harder time fixing it.

The why is the market 6k higher than when Obama left office amidst a terrible virus. Underlying economy still very strong. Why would we have a harder time fixing it? Biden is down in the polls. When he picks Harris as his VP he will fall even further back.
You're a racist. No one saw a once in a 100-year disease coming. But you knew that.

Jews aren't a race, they're a religion... I'm really against all religion in general. People have been predicting a pandemic for years. Obama had a plan for dealing with them, which is why all the outbreaks on his watch were contained. Trump scrapped those plans and put his idiot son in law in charge.

I would wager your Net Income was better in FYE 16, 17 and 18 than the prior three years.

Okay, let's look at that. My best year was 2016. That's when I peaked. 2017 is when I dipped a bit, 2018 and 2019 were flat. I'm still not sure how much damage I'm going to take from Trump Plague.

Forutnately, I knew Trump was going to fuck it up, so I've spent the last three years paying down all my debt, and stashing away money. So this recession could go on for a year and I'll probably be fine.

You think it is a good thing. LOL. They looted stores in a mostly black neighborhood and caused further racial divide.

Yeah, but funny thing. After that, most of the cities REFORMED the way they did policing. We don't have police departments sweeping these things under the rug anymore, they are investigated and prosecuted. Cops are being trained in deescalation and non-lethal takedown techniques.

If you want to maintain peace then carry the biggest stick and spending on the military also helps the private sector.

Two problems with this thinking. The first is that military spending is pretty much the most wasteful thing you can do. It's non-productive. Unlike building a hospital or a school, which contributes to a society, military spending is kind of a dry hole. Wait, I'll let General/President Eisenhower explain it to you.


ISIS was the fault of many, including the last administration. Don't hear much from them now, do you. Obama praised terrorists for taking our soldiers and made them apologize. Trump killed terrorists. See the difference?

Not really. Now, being a lot older than you are, as long as we let the JEWS run our foreign policy in the middle east, we'll keep being dragged into one war after another. ISIS was just the "Flavor of the month". The reality is, Trump is beating a hasty retreat from Afghanistan and everyone knows the Taliban will win, and he's pretty much surrendered Iraq and Syria to the Iranians... So what do we "win" again?

His economy coincided with the .com boom. Already told you that.

Uh, sorry, guy, economic growth in the 1990's wasn't just dotcoms. It had a lot more to do with the fact we were finally practicing fiscal responsibility, growth of new industries (of which technology was only one) and diverting money away from wasteful military spending and into sensible programs. (The "Peace Dividend")

Now, I think Bill Clinton was an AWFUL human being. But he was a pretty good president. I also believe that George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were good men, but awful presidents. Trump is both an awful human being and an awful president. History is not going to be kind to him, and things will be done after he's gone to keep something like him from ever happening again.


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You're a racist. No one saw a once in a 100-year disease coming. But you knew that.

Jews aren't a race, they're a religion... I'm really against all religion in general. People have been predicting a pandemic for years. Obama had a plan for dealing with them, which is why all the outbreaks on his watch were contained. Trump scrapped those plans and put his idiot son in law in charge.

I would wager your Net Income was better in FYE 16, 17 and 18 than the prior three years.

Okay, let's look at that. My best year was 2016. That's when I peaked. 2017 is when I dipped a bit, 2018 and 2019 were flat. I'm still not sure how much damage I'm going to take from Trump Plague.

Forutnately, I knew Trump was going to fuck it up, so I've spent the last three years paying down all my debt, and stashing away money. So this recession could go on for a year and I'll probably be fine.

You think it is a good thing. LOL. They looted stores in a mostly black neighborhood and caused further racial divide.

Yeah, but funny thing. After that, most of the cities REFORMED the way they did policing. We don't have police departments sweeping these things under the rug anymore, they are investigated and prosecuted. Cops are being trained in deescalation and non-lethal takedown techniques.

If you want to maintain peace then carry the biggest stick and spending on the military also helps the private sector.

Two problems with this thinking. The first is that military spending is pretty much the most wasteful thing you can do. It's non-productive. Unlike building a hospital or a school, which contributes to a society, military spending is kind of a dry hole. Wait, I'll let General/President Eisenhower explain it to you.

View attachment 334168

ISIS was the fault of many, including the last administration. Don't hear much from them now, do you. Obama praised terrorists for taking our soldiers and made them apologize. Trump killed terrorists. See the difference?

Not really. Now, being a lot older than you are, as long as we let the JEWS run our foreign policy in the middle east, we'll keep being dragged into one war after another. ISIS was just the "Flavor of the month". The reality is, Trump is beating a hasty retreat from Afghanistan and everyone knows the Taliban will win, and he's pretty much surrendered Iraq and Syria to the Iranians... So what do we "win" again?

His economy coincided with the .com boom. Already told you that.

Uh, sorry, guy, economic growth in the 1990's wasn't just dotcoms. It had a lot more to do with the fact we were finally practicing fiscal responsibility, growth of new industries (of which technology was only one) and diverting money away from wasteful military spending and into sensible programs. (The "Peace Dividend")

Now, I think Bill Clinton was an AWFUL human being. But he was a pretty good president. I also believe that George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were good men, but awful presidents. Trump is both an awful human being and an awful president. History is not going to be kind to him, and things will be done after he's gone to keep something like him from ever happening again.
Jews are a race and a religion. Did you miss that?
You're a racist. No one saw a once in a 100-year disease coming. But you knew that.

Jews aren't a race, they're a religion... I'm really against all religion in general. People have been predicting a pandemic for years. Obama had a plan for dealing with them, which is why all the outbreaks on his watch were contained. Trump scrapped those plans and put his idiot son in law in charge.

I would wager your Net Income was better in FYE 16, 17 and 18 than the prior three years.

Okay, let's look at that. My best year was 2016. That's when I peaked. 2017 is when I dipped a bit, 2018 and 2019 were flat. I'm still not sure how much damage I'm going to take from Trump Plague.

Forutnately, I knew Trump was going to fuck it up, so I've spent the last three years paying down all my debt, and stashing away money. So this recession could go on for a year and I'll probably be fine.

You think it is a good thing. LOL. They looted stores in a mostly black neighborhood and caused further racial divide.

Yeah, but funny thing. After that, most of the cities REFORMED the way they did policing. We don't have police departments sweeping these things under the rug anymore, they are investigated and prosecuted. Cops are being trained in deescalation and non-lethal takedown techniques.

If you want to maintain peace then carry the biggest stick and spending on the military also helps the private sector.

Two problems with this thinking. The first is that military spending is pretty much the most wasteful thing you can do. It's non-productive. Unlike building a hospital or a school, which contributes to a society, military spending is kind of a dry hole. Wait, I'll let General/President Eisenhower explain it to you.

View attachment 334168

ISIS was the fault of many, including the last administration. Don't hear much from them now, do you. Obama praised terrorists for taking our soldiers and made them apologize. Trump killed terrorists. See the difference?

Not really. Now, being a lot older than you are, as long as we let the JEWS run our foreign policy in the middle east, we'll keep being dragged into one war after another. ISIS was just the "Flavor of the month". The reality is, Trump is beating a hasty retreat from Afghanistan and everyone knows the Taliban will win, and he's pretty much surrendered Iraq and Syria to the Iranians... So what do we "win" again?

His economy coincided with the .com boom. Already told you that.

Uh, sorry, guy, economic growth in the 1990's wasn't just dotcoms. It had a lot more to do with the fact we were finally practicing fiscal responsibility, growth of new industries (of which technology was only one) and diverting money away from wasteful military spending and into sensible programs. (The "Peace Dividend")

Now, I think Bill Clinton was an AWFUL human being. But he was a pretty good president. I also believe that George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter were good men, but awful presidents. Trump is both an awful human being and an awful president. History is not going to be kind to him, and things will be done after he's gone to keep something like him from ever happening again.
1990s was all about .coms and VC funding. Stop it. LOL. How do you not know that?
In a prior post you said your business was down. Which is it?

For about a month, yeah. Already picking up for May. When the lockdown ends in June, my biggest worry is going to be fitting everyone in. I might have to outsource some of my work.

Funny how you don't deny you have an HR gig. I read you perfectly.

I don't have an HR Gig. My actual background is in Supply Chain.

You are sorry. Why are we rehashing ancient history?

Understanding how we got here.. that you don't get that, is kind of your problem.

You see, after the New Deal, we had it kind of right. The rich paid their fair share and working people got good wages. Leave it to the Republicans to fuck that up, which they did.
Jews are a race and a religion. Did you miss that?

Uh, no, not really. White blonde Europeans, swarthy middle easterners and even black folks from Ethiopia call themselves "Jews". It's a religion, not a race.

1990s was all about .coms and VC funding. Stop it. LOL. How do you not know that?

Actually, it was nothing of the sort. Oh, they all took advantage, but there was solid growth in manufacturing, service and agriculture during that time.

It's why by 1999, we became a country of "Help Wanted" signs... until Bush fucked it up, anyway.
In a prior post you said your business was down. Which is it?

For about a month, yeah. Already picking up for May. When the lockdown ends in June, my biggest worry is going to be fitting everyone in. I might have to outsource some of my work.

Funny how you don't deny you have an HR gig. I read you perfectly.

I don't have an HR Gig. My actual background is in Supply Chain.

You are sorry. Why are we rehashing ancient history?

Understanding how we got here.. that you don't get that, is kind of your problem.

You see, after the New Deal, we had it kind of right. The rich paid their fair share and working people got good wages. Leave it to the Republicans to fuck that up, which they did.
“Fair Share” much of my hard earned money are you entitled to?
Jews are a race and a religion. Did you miss that?

Uh, no, not really. White blonde Europeans, swarthy middle easterners and even black folks from Ethiopia call themselves "Jews". It's a religion, not a race.

1990s was all about .coms and VC funding. Stop it. LOL. How do you not know that?

Actually, it was nothing of the sort. Oh, they all took advantage, but there was solid growth in manufacturing, service and agriculture during that time.

It's why by 1999, we became a country of "Help Wanted" signs... until Bush fucked it up, anyway.
.com crash and then high leverage mortgages...Greenspan’s idea. Started under Clinton. “Everyone should own a house”.
“Fair Share” much of my hard earned money are you entitled to?

Don't know. How much do you make? Not how much do you PRETEND to make to impress people, but how much do you really make?

I'd be all for going back to the Pre-Reagan tax brackets, those worked just fine.

.com crash and then high leverage mortgages...Greenspan’s idea. Started under Clinton. “Everyone should own a house”.

Actually, the CRA started under Carter, and it wasn't the cause of the 2008 crash. The cause of the 2008 crash was all these idiot Yuppies buying McMansions they couldn't afford hoping to flip them in a couple of years, followed by the banks misrepresenting the value of those mortgages and selling them as investments. That's why the thing crashed.

It wasn't poor people buying houses in sensible urban neighborhoods. The CRA loans were actually more tightly controlled.
I was born in 1980. What was I advocating since Nixon? You run an HR business that is failing.

Wow, if banging your intern got you the kind of economy we had under Clinton, we need to hire the Super Hot Intern Corps....

But you really are a clown, boobi.

I'm sorry you have no grasp of stuff that happened before you were born. You see, the Dumb Economics of Conservatism were rejected on their own in 1964, when Barry Goldwater lost 44 states.

Then you guys used racism, religion, sexual fears, etc. to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. Started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy", but Trump's open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism of Nixon and Reagan) is the last toxic version of it.

Trump crashed the economy into the wall. It's sad, really... but that's what he did. We all knew he would. I'm glad it happened THIS year as opposed to next year, when we'd have a much harder time fixing it.

Don't worry, Biden will come in, fix everything, and then you can go back to whining about abortion and gay marriage.

I was born in 1980. What was I advocating since Nixon? You run an HR business that is failing.

I'm doing very well... but never mind.

But you really are a clown, boobi.

I'm sorry you have no grasp of stuff that happened before you were born. You see, the Dumb Economics of Conservatism were rejected on their own in 1964, when Barry Goldwater lost 44 states.

Then you guys used racism, religion, sexual fears, etc. to get stupid white people to vote against their own economic interests. Started with Nixon's "Southern Strategy", but Trump's open racism (as opposed to the subtle racism of Nixon and Reagan) is the last toxic version of it.

Trump crashed the economy into the wall. It's sad, really... but that's what he did. We all knew he would. I'm glad it happened THIS year as opposed to next year, when we'd have a much harder time fixing it.

Don't worry, Biden will come in, fix everything, and then you can go back to whining about abortion and gay marriage.

I'm doing very well... but never mind.

In a prior post you said your business was down. Which is it? How many people need resume reviews or whatever HR function you perform. Funny how you don't deny you have an HR gig. I read you perfectly.

I'm sorry you have no grasp of stuff that happened before you were born. You see, the Dumb Economics of Conservatism were rejected on their own in 1964, when Barry Goldwater lost 44 states.

You are sorry. Why are we rehashing ancient history?

Trump crashed the economy into the wall. It's sad, really... but that's what he did. We all knew he would. I'm glad it happened THIS year as opposed to next year, when we'd have a much harder time fixing it.

The why is the market 6k higher than when Obama left office amidst a terrible virus. Underlying economy still very strong. Why would we have a harder time fixing it? Biden is down in the polls. When he picks Harris as his VP he will fall even further back.

Hard to keep track of the lies isn’t it. His business is resume writing, unemployment is up to over 14%, yet his business is down 33% and he is working over 80 hours a week, and he is doing well. Seems that facts change to fit his agenda. Lol!
Hard to keep track of the lies isn’t it. His business is resume writing, unemployment is up to over 14%, yet his business is down 33% and he is working over 80 hours a week, and he is doing well. Seems that facts change to fit his agenda. Lol!

Uh, business is down 33% because my state is on lockdown. While I am still taking on-line contracts, April was a dismal month for me. May is looking more promising.

But, overall, the economy sucks right now. Fortunately, I knew Trump was going to fuck it up and spent the last three years preparing for this.
nothing will ever be right with this country until this pos leaves the wh

An American scientist who collaborates with the Wuhan Institute of Virology had his grant terminated in the wake of unsubstantiated claims that COVID-19 is either manmade or leaked out of a Chinese government lab.

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Trump administration cuts funding for coronavirus researcher, jeopardizing possible COVID-19 cure
An American scientist who collaborates with the Wuhan Institute of Virology had his grant terminated in the wake of unsubstantiated claims that COVID-19 is either manmade or leaked out of a Chinese government lab.

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