Democrats will lose again in 2018

You must have your own crystal balls then (rather than real ones).

Says the bed wetting nanny state dependent who uses "the balls" of government to enforce a regressive agenda. If you libturds had "balls" you would be out there destroying shit yourselves rather than manipulating ghetto rats and letting seditious billionaires fund "protests" that result in riots.

That Starschmuck's latte taste good while you write asinine "poetry" in between parroting insipid moonbat psycopbabble? You fuckers are Refield crazy these days. You're even eating bugs and advocating it.

No crystal ball required. It's obvious. The liberals are self destructing. They are becoming more violent, killing cops, beating people up at political rallies, spewing hate at every opportunity. They are finished. Americans aren't stupid. They are watching everything you fools do. And they don't like it. The democrats will lose because they are doubling down of the same behavior that lost them the last election. Besides, Trump will turn things around. That's the real reason you guys will lose. Your party has been soundly rejected. You have lost the White House, both houses of Congress, as well as countless Governors and state legislatures, and Trump will likely appoint at least one more Supreme Court judge. You guys are history.

I'm really looking forward to the day the machines keeping ruth badger ginsturd's mortal coil adhered to this plane of existence shit the bed.

I agree that the midterm doesn't look good for democrooks at this point. Only the truly mindless drones believe the DNC propaganda "media". I see a newly energized public. A lot of us didn't believe Trump would fight. He is fighting back and doing it well.

Why do I say this? Well, just look at how they are behaving. They are against everything Trump does. Even if it winds up helping them. They are full of hate for everything Trump, yet they offer nothing. No alternatives. All they do is hate. And the voters are watching. 2018 will be a really bad year for Democrats. Wait and see.

Dims have a wild card up their sleeve. It's called the GOP.
Why do I say this? Well, just look at how they are behaving. They are against everything Trump does. Even if it winds up helping them. They are full of hate for everything Trump, yet they offer nothing. No alternatives. All they do is hate. And the voters are watching. 2018 will be a really bad year for Democrats. Wait and see.

There's not a snowballs chance in hell of Republicans winning in 2018.


This was the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. For more pictures and to see what was going on in your state go to this link. They
Woman's march pictures




You have actually elected someone (Donald Trump) that more than half this country can actually hate. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party.

Because you made the Yuuuge mistake of 1. Making him the poster boy of the Republican party, and 2. not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep him out of the Oval office. You have put a target on every Republican seat in 2018.

You have awoken a sleeping GIANT, and it's pissed.

You're DONE!
Why do I say this? Well, just look at how they are behaving. They are against everything Trump does. Even if it winds up helping them. They are full of hate for everything Trump, yet they offer nothing. No alternatives. All they do is hate. And the voters are watching. 2018 will be a really bad year for Democrats. Wait and see.

There's not a snowballs chance in hell of Republicans winning in 2018.


This was the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. For more pictures and to see what was going on in your state go to this link. They
Woman's march pictures




You have actually elected someone (Donald Trump) that more than half this country can actually hate. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party.

Because you made the Yuuuge mistake of 1. Making him the poster boy of the Republican party, and 2. not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep him out of the Oval office. You have put a target on every Republican seat in 2018.

You have awoken a sleeping GIANT, and it's pissed.

You're DONE!
You might not be correct because the Republicans will blame all their mismanagement of government on Democrats and this will get plenty of air time on FOX News.
Why do I say this? Well, just look at how they are behaving. They are against everything Trump does. Even if it winds up helping them. They are full of hate for everything Trump, yet they offer nothing. No alternatives. All they do is hate. And the voters are watching. 2018 will be a really bad year for Democrats. Wait and see.

There's not a snowballs chance in hell of Republicans winning in 2018.


This was the woman's march the day after Trump's inauguration. For more pictures and to see what was going on in your state go to this link. They
Woman's march pictures




You have actually elected someone (Donald Trump) that more than half this country can actually hate. These are no longer just protesters they are activists against the Republican party.

Because you made the Yuuuge mistake of 1. Making him the poster boy of the Republican party, and 2. not being smart enough to vote for Hillary Clinton to keep him out of the Oval office. You have put a target on every Republican seat in 2018.

You have awoken a sleeping GIANT, and it's pissed.

You're DONE!
Oh no. The sleeping vagina costume pussy hat crowd is coming! LMAO!
In 2018, there is going to be some changes. Those Congress Critters that avoided in your face town halls are in for a huge surprise. Calling the ones at the meetings paid shills when they are clearly not may sound good using Alt Reality. But in truth, those same people will not forget in 2 or 4 years.

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