Democrats - Your loss is your fault


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
As an Independent, I've been hard on Trump here because I firmly believe he's made some ill advised moves. i.e. Inviting high ranking Russians into the oval office and giving away our most prized intelligence information, lying about Mexico paying for his boarder wall, and holding secret meetings with Vladimir Putin with no official transcript are unforgivable for any President, but it's time for Democrats to look in their own backyard and take responsibility for their situation:

Many years ago, the working class white man was the backbone of the Democratic party, but a while back things began to change. In their headlong pursuit of diversity, the Democratic party began to cozy up to the African, Asian, Gay, Muslim and every other community in America, and the working class white man was largely forgotten. Today the working class white man is little more than an afterthought in Democratic circles; as a result many have drifted over to the GOP. Now Democrats are blaming Russia for their loss in 2016, and while there is grain of truth in this, much of the blame lies squarely with the Democratic Party's indifference to their once strong core of support. Democrats...if you want to start winning again, stop bitching about Donald Trump and reach out and be more respectful to those you've ignored for so long. White working class males vote in large numbers and your attitude towards them has been indifferent, and at times, insulting and hostile!
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Not owning your failures and blaming others has caused more personal problems than any other mental deficiency. Democrats have taken this to a national level.
As an Independent, I've been hard on Trump here because I firmly believe he's made some ill advised moves. i.e. Inviting high ranking Russians into the oval office and giving away our most prized intelligence information, lying about Mexico paying for his boarder wall, and holding secret meetings with Vladimir Putin with no official transcript are unforgivable for any President, but it's time for Democrats to look in their own backyard and take responsibility for their situation:

Many years ago, the working class white man was the backbone of the Democratic party, but a while back things began to change. In their headlong pursuit of diversity, the Democratic party began to cozy up to the African, Asian, Gay, Muslim and every other community in America, and the working class white man was largely forgotten. Today the working class white man is little more than an afterthought in Democratic circles; as a result many have drifted over to the GOP. Now Democrats are blaming Russia for their loss in 2016, and while there is grain of truth in this, much of the blame lies squarely with the Democratic Party's indifference to their once strong core of support. Democrats...if you want to start winning again, stop bitching about Donald Trump and reach out and be more respectful to those you've ignored for so long. White working class males vote in large numbers and your attitude towards them has been indifferent, and at times, insulting and hostile!
Democrats forfeited that opportunity when they supported Jeong and the New York Times.
Trump was not my first choice for the Republican nomination and his Presidency has had it's ups and downs to put it mildly but the Democrats loses stem in no small part from the fact they have become a costal party that by and large looks down on the middle of country until they realize there is more to the country that the East and West coast and reconnect with it their luck isn't likely to change much.
As an Independent, I've been hard on Trump here because I firmly believe he's made some ill advised moves. i.e. Inviting high ranking Russians into the oval office and giving away our most prized intelligence information, lying about Mexico paying for his boarder wall, and holding secret meetings with Vladimir Putin with no official transcript are unforgivable for any President, but it's time for Democrats to look in their own backyard and take responsibility for their situation:

Many years ago, the working class white man was the backbone of the Democratic party, but a while back things began to change. In their headlong pursuit of diversity, the Democratic party began to cozy up to the African, Asian, Gay, Muslim and every other community in America, and the working class white man was largely forgotten. Today the working class white man is little more than an afterthought in Democratic circles; as a result many have drifted over to the GOP. Now Democrats are blaming Russia for their loss in 2016, and while there is grain of truth in this, much of the blame lies squarely with the Democratic Party's indifference to their once strong core of support. Democrats...if you want to start winning again, stop bitching about Donald Trump and reach out and be more respectful to those you've ignored for so long. White working class males vote in large numbers and your attitude towards them has been indifferent, and at times, insulting and hostile!

That ship sailed long ago..the “working class white guy” isn’t desperate enough for the DNC, isn’t programmable enough for the DNC, doesn’t procreate more of their dependent same often enough for the DNC. The DNC struck gold in illegal beaners...nobody else matters anymore.
Atleast you finally see the writing on the wall.
Yea, the democrats should adopt republican fear monger tactics and stop trying to advocate for diversity -- fuck trying to pass policies that benefit the greatest amount of people no matter their skin tone -- we need to make working class whites feel like they are on top again.

One way to do that is to cut back on entitlement spending, Medicare, Social Security, all of those programs that were created to benefit minorities, cut back on those -- nothing says support for the white working class like increased defense spending, rolled back consumer protections, weaker banking regulations and increased corporate tax cuts
Yea, the democrats should adopt republican fear monger tactics and stop trying to advocate for diversity -- fuck trying to pass policies that benefit the greatest amount of people no matter their skin tone -- we need to make working class whites feel like they are on top again.

One way to do that is to cut back on entitlement spending, Medicare, Social Security, all of those programs that were created to benefit minorities, cut back on those -- nothing says support for the white working class like increased defense spending, rolled back consumer protections, weaker banking regulations and increased corporate tax cuts

Biff...are you in this image?
READ: Mike Pence Calls for Impeachment of Bill Clinton, Says the President Should Be Held to a Higher Standard
How times have changed.
One way to do that is to cut back on entitlement spending, Medicare, Social Security, all of those programs that were created to benefit minorities, cut back on those

A lot of whites benefit from what you call entitlement spending. They help a lot of whites out too not just minorities :)

I have been of food stamps before helped me out a lot. I lived in section 8 housing and it really helped me out. My two wives I have had both benefited too from section 8 housing and food stamps and they also were white.

I know a lot of whites that were on Obamacare. So your whole notion that these programs only help out minorities is faulty, they help out the working poor of all races and backgrounds.
One way to do that is to cut back on entitlement spending, Medicare, Social Security, all of those programs that were created to benefit minorities, cut back on those

A lot of whites benefit from what you call entitlement spending. They help a lot of whites out too not just minorities :)

I have been of food stamps before helped me out a lot. I lived in section 8 housing and it really helped me out. My two wives I have had both benefited too from section 8 housing and food stamps and they also were white.

I know a lot of whites that were on Obamacare. So your whole notion that these programs only help out minorities is faulty, they help out the working poor of all races and backgrounds.
Maybe you missed the point

Those entitlements that "progressives" are most demonized for supporting and advocating are programs that help "ALL AMERICANS" -- but if you leave it up to conservatives, they will have you think only minorities benefit from these programs.

Also what is common is the belief of some so-called conservatives who actually currently benefit from these programs or have in the past -- there is this belief that if they use it, its because they deserved it -- however, if those brown people use it, they don't deserve it.
Yea, the democrats should adopt republican fear monger tactics and stop trying to advocate for diversity -- fuck trying to pass policies that benefit the greatest amount of people no matter their skin tone -- we need to make working class whites feel like they are on top again.

One way to do that is to cut back on entitlement spending, Medicare, Social Security, all of those programs that were created to benefit minorities, cut back on those -- nothing says support for the white working class like increased defense spending, rolled back consumer protections, weaker banking regulations and increased corporate tax cuts

Biff...are you in this image?
Deflection noted.

I bet it must suck to have no in depth knowledge of policies to really have an argument beyond memes that have nothing to do with the point
Yea, the democrats should adopt republican fear monger tactics and stop trying to advocate for diversity -- fuck trying to pass policies that benefit the greatest amount of people no matter their skin tone -- we need to make working class whites feel like they are on top again.

One way to do that is to cut back on entitlement spending, Medicare, Social Security, all of those programs that were created to benefit minorities, cut back on those -- nothing says support for the white working class like increased defense spending, rolled back consumer protections, weaker banking regulations and increased corporate tax cuts
Ironically the republicans do that. They don't pander to interest groups, which makes you call them racist. But they pass policies that benefit everyone. And yes they don't like guys love rapists and murders and try to protect them every chance you get.

For example, why is the guy that did the shooting in a Colorado movie theatre, still alive? If were up to us, he'd be dead and the victims families would have closure, but you guys like them to live and twist the knife with paroles, and time off for good behavior!
And you guys really really really really really hate white a massive's nuts.
Ironically the republicans do that. They don't pander to interest groups, which makes you call them racist. But they pass policies that benefit everyone. And yes they don't like guys love rapists and murders and try to protect them every chance you get.

For example, why is the guy that did the shooting in a Colorado movie theatre, still alive? If were up to us, he'd be dead and the victims families would have closure, but you guys like them to live and twist the knife with paroles, and time off for good behavior!
And you guys really really really really really hate white a massive's nuts.
Republicans don't pander to interest groups?

The rest of the BS you said is just the typical word vomit idiots like you type -- but to claim that republicans don't pander to interest groups is new level of crazy, even for someone like you -- did they change your psych meds?
Ironically the republicans do that. They don't pander to interest groups, which makes you call them racist. But they pass policies that benefit everyone. And yes they don't like guys love rapists and murders and try to protect them every chance you get.

For example, why is the guy that did the shooting in a Colorado movie theatre, still alive? If were up to us, he'd be dead and the victims families would have closure, but you guys like them to live and twist the knife with paroles, and time off for good behavior!
And you guys really really really really really hate white a massive's nuts.
Republicans don't pander to interest groups?

The rest of the BS you said is just the typical word vomit idiots like you type -- but to claim that republicans don't pander to interest groups is new level of crazy, even for someone like you -- did they change your psych meds?
which groups do we pander to?

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