Demonization of Trump

Trump will work with Putin to destabilize eastern Europe and the Near East.

War will occur.

Uh, your own Government destabilizes the world on a daily basis. It's all about the plundering of foreign resources. My God, when are Americans gonna figure things out?

Russia isn't doing anything your own country hasn't been doing for many many years. Ease up on the American Government/Corporate Media. It lies.
pauli, thank you. That is exactly what Trump and Clinton would do.

That is why we need Johnson.

Russian imperialism is no more right than American imperialism: that dog don't hunt.
Trump will work with Putin to destabilize eastern Europe and the Near East.

War will occur.

Uh, your own Government destabilizes the world on a daily basis. It's all about the plundering of foreign resources. My God, when are Americans gonna figure things out?

Russia isn't doing anything your own country hasn't been doing for many many years. Ease up on the American Government/Corporate Media. It lies.
that would be your government too, slappy Mc slapdick.
pauli, thank you. That is exactly what Trump and Clinton would do.

That is why we need Johnson.

Russian imperialism is no more right than American imperialism: that dog don't hunt.
Why the hypocrisy hate libertarians?
pauli, thank you. That is exactly what Trump and Clinton would do.

That is why we need Johnson.

Russian imperialism is no more right than American imperialism: that dog don't hunt.

Right? Wrong? Do you really still believe that matters? It's all about the plundering. Americans love their cheap gas and low Slave Labor prices. They live in their safe delusion that others around the world aren't suffering to provide them their comfort. Your Government kills and plunders at will. That's the ugly reality.

Right and Wong just depends on individual perspectives. If you're a foreign slave toiling away to make fat Americans happier, you probably think something's wrong. But if you're a fat & happy American, you aren't really concerned with Right and Wrong at all. You fill your massive SUV with cheap gas and go about your day. That's the way it works in the real world. I stopped believing in fairy tales a long time ago. It is what it is.
The hypocrites say HRC will start a world war while ignoring that Trump will as well.

If you folks are anti neo-con, you better be supporting Johnson.
Well they stop at nothing to prevent a Trump presidency? This guy thinks so.

The demonization of Trump by the presstitutes is proof that Trump, despite his wealth, is regarded by the Oligarchs who comprise the One Percent as a threat to their agendas. The Oligarchs, not Trump, own or control the media. So the presstitute demonization of Trump is complete proof that he is the candidate to elect. The oligarchs who oppress us hate Trump, so the oppressed American people should support Trump.

The presstitute demonization of Trump did not work in the Republican primaries. Is it working in the presidential election? We don’t know because the polls are reported by the presstitutes, not by Trump.

If the demonization does not work, and the election has to be stolen from Trump by the electronic machines, the consequence will be to radicalize Americans, something long overdue. Perhaps the expectation of this development is the reason all federal agencies, even the post office, and Social Security, have acquired arms and ammunition, and Cheney’s firm Halliburton was paid $385,000,000 to build detention centers in the US.

Those who control us are not going to give up their control without a world war. In the United States, evil has seized power from the people, and evil will not give it back.

Can Americans Overthrow the Ruling Evil? - LewRockwell

Trump will work with Putin to destabilize eastern Europe and the Near East.

War will occur.
Hillary will start WWIII to do the bidding of the 1%.
false! crapspiracy theory alert.
Here again...the left finds the truth alien because they live in a fantasy land.
false ,
it's not fact therefore it can't be objectively or subjectively true.
leaving one possible out come ..a fucking conspiracy .
the brain eating amoeba is not your friend.
Everyone I know is voting for Donald Trump.. I've literally not heard one single person profess to vote for that RE-TARDED criminal HAG- Helly Rotten.

And LGS lies.

No need demonize Donnie Two Times.

He does it to himself every day.
Trump will work with Putin to destabilize eastern Europe and the Near East.

War will occur.
Hillary will start WWIII to do the bidding of the 1%.
false! crapspiracy theory alert.
Here again...the left finds the truth alien because they live in a fantasy land.
false ,
it's not fact therefore it can't be objectively or subjectively true.
leaving one possible out come ..a fucking conspiracy .
the brain eating amoeba is not your friend.
One must be able to think logically, in order to make intelligent conclusions. As such, you are exempt.
Trump will work with Putin to destabilize eastern Europe and the Near East.

War will occur.
Hillary will start WWIII to do the bidding of the 1%.
false! crapspiracy theory alert.
Here again...the left finds the truth alien because they live in a fantasy land.
false ,
it's not fact therefore it can't be objectively or subjectively true.
leaving one possible out come ..a fucking conspiracy .
the brain eating amoeba is not your friend.
One must be able to think logically, in order to make intelligent conclusions. As such, you are exempt.
That leaves you out then. One proof for it in your case: you say you are a libertarian, but you are voting for Trump. So you are for what is going to be a Police State that is not supposed to start world wars, but in fact will start world wars.
Hillary will start WWIII to do the bidding of the 1%.
false! crapspiracy theory alert.
Here again...the left finds the truth alien because they live in a fantasy land.
false ,
it's not fact therefore it can't be objectively or subjectively true.
leaving one possible out come ..a fucking conspiracy .
the brain eating amoeba is not your friend.
One must be able to think logically, in order to make intelligent conclusions. As such, you are exempt.
That leaves you out then. One proof for it in your case: you say you are a libertarian, but you are voting for Trump. So you are for what is going to be a Police State that is not supposed to start world wars, but in fact will start world wars.
Jake you hate libertarians, but arevoting libertarian. Why the hypocrisy?
Hillary will start WWIII to do the bidding of the 1%.
false! crapspiracy theory alert.
Here again...the left finds the truth alien because they live in a fantasy land.
false ,
it's not fact therefore it can't be objectively or subjectively true.
leaving one possible out come ..a fucking conspiracy .
the brain eating amoeba is not your friend.
One must be able to think logically, in order to make intelligent conclusions. As such, you are exempt.
That leaves you out then. One proof for it in your case: you say you are a libertarian, but you are voting for Trump. So you are for what is going to be a Police State that is not supposed to start world wars, but in fact will start world wars.
Why would a libertarian vote for Two Tone Donnie. I mean, I don't like Johnson, but he is pretty consistent on the libertarian thing. In fact, that's why I don't like him.
false! crapspiracy theory alert.
Here again...the left finds the truth alien because they live in a fantasy land.
false ,
it's not fact therefore it can't be objectively or subjectively true.
leaving one possible out come ..a fucking conspiracy .
the brain eating amoeba is not your friend.
One must be able to think logically, in order to make intelligent conclusions. As such, you are exempt.
That leaves you out then. One proof for it in your case: you say you are a libertarian, but you are voting for Trump. So you are for what is going to be a Police State that is not supposed to start world wars, but in fact will start world wars.
Jake you hate libertarians, but are voting libertarian. Why the hypocrisy?
Yours is the hypocrisy, not me.

I truly hate neo-conservatism and the silly socon political yelling, which Johnson, who is really a Republican at heart, hates as well.

The true conservative, the true libertarian, and the true American will vote for Johnson.

We lose if either Trump or Hillary win, and we will have to do this again in four years time.
Here again...the left finds the truth alien because they live in a fantasy land.
false ,
it's not fact therefore it can't be objectively or subjectively true.
leaving one possible out come ..a fucking conspiracy .
the brain eating amoeba is not your friend.
One must be able to think logically, in order to make intelligent conclusions. As such, you are exempt.
That leaves you out then. One proof for it in your case: you say you are a libertarian, but you are voting for Trump. So you are for what is going to be a Police State that is not supposed to start world wars, but in fact will start world wars.
Jake you hate libertarians, but are voting libertarian. Why the hypocrisy?
Yours is the hypocrisy, not me.

I truly hate neo-conservatism and the silly socon political yelling, which Johnson, who is really a Republican at heart, hates as well.

The true conservative, the true libertarian, and the true American will vote for Johnson.

We lose if either Trump or Hillary win, and we will have to do this again in four years time.
There is no doubt Johnson is way better then trump or Cankles. Problem is he has no chance of winning. I will likely vote trump only because Cankles is a warmongering corrupt lying criminal.

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