Demonization of Trump

They show him even and gaining on Hillary every week. The more the public sees of Hillary, the less they like her. I predict that after the debates she is going to sink in the polls big time. The public is going to get more than their fill of Hillary then. Can you imagine spending the next 4 to 8 years having to watch her on TV every evening? The thought makes my stomach turn.

Here's the thing. Yes, people don't like Hillary.

But Trump scares the shit out of them.
If Trump scares your silly ass, what does Hillary do for you?
And yet many polls show Trump even with your beloved Cankles. What gives?

Naw, polls don't really show that... except for the ones that aren't credible.

I remember this time four years, the same polls showed the Weird Mormon Robot with a huge lead, until Obama cleaned his Magic Underwear

Not a single poll shows Trump above 44%. That's his ceiling.

The polls never showed Romney with a huge lead, moron. As for Trump's "ceiling," they kept saying during the primaries that some number was "Trump's ceiling." But after every primary they kept having to adjust his "ceiling" upwards.
They show him even and gaining on Hillary every week. The more the public sees of Hillary, the less they like her. I predict that after the debates she is going to sink in the polls big time. The public is going to get more than their fill of Hillary then. Can you imagine spending the next 4 to 8 years having to watch her on TV every evening? The thought makes my stomach turn.

Here's the thing. Yes, people don't like Hillary.

But Trump scares the shit out of them.
He only scares the shit out of douche bags like you. That's a good thing.
Trump's problem is his use of demagoguery. He doesn't foster a rational discussion about the issues he highlights. He is causing more harm to those issue than good because people don't take him seriously, and for good reason. I think PCR and Trump fanatics overstate the demonization of Trump, who seems to thrive from the attention he receives despite it being negative in most cases. Trump works on the principle that there is no such thing as bad press. That is the nature of the candidate you support so stop whining about it.

What you really mean is that Trump is going over the heads of the media and speaking directly to the voters, and douche bags like you can't stand that. What "harm" is he causing, destroying all you cherished lies and propaganda about illegal immigration? What you call "harm" is really a great service. We wouldn't even be discussing the issue if it wasn't for Trump.

What you are so afraid of is the fact that a lot of people take Trump very seriously, especially Hillary and all her douche bag apologists.
The problem is that he is only speaking to a select group of voters and no, people who are not in that select group do not take him seriously, if they did we wouldn't have this thread now would we.
Really? Trump wins the R nomination by a huge majority and is currently polling even or better than Cankles, but in your little mind he speaks only to a select group.

WTF man???

Tehon believes that the majority of Americans support the same things he does.

Sad, isn't it?
I suspect he is not alone. Many leftists seem to live in a cocoon of they are unaware of differing opinions. When confronted with a differing opinion, they recoil in horror.

I love it when that happens.
Only one problem with the the allegations be leveled against me. I am anti NATO and for a genuine reset with Russia, I am anti free trade and I am anti Hillary. And I am fully aware that I am in a minority, which makes me all the more critical of Trump. It would seem to me that it is you who is having a problem with being confronted with a different opinion, why else would you be deflecting.
Well they stop at nothing to prevent a Trump presidency? This guy thinks so.

The demonization of Trump by the presstitutes is proof that Trump, despite his wealth, is regarded by the Oligarchs who comprise the One Percent as a threat to their agendas. The Oligarchs, not Trump, own or control the media. So the presstitute demonization of Trump is complete proof that he is the candidate to elect. The oligarchs who oppress us hate Trump, so the oppressed American people should support Trump.

The presstitute demonization of Trump did not work in the Republican primaries. Is it working in the presidential election? We don’t know because the polls are reported by the presstitutes, not by Trump.

If the demonization does not work, and the election has to be stolen from Trump by the electronic machines, the consequence will be to radicalize Americans, something long overdue. Perhaps the expectation of this development is the reason all federal agencies, even the post office, and Social Security, have acquired arms and ammunition, and Cheney’s firm Halliburton was paid $385,000,000 to build detention centers in the US.

Those who control us are not going to give up their control without a world war. In the United States, evil has seized power from the people, and evil will not give it back.

Can Americans Overthrow the Ruling Evil? - LewRockwell
So we're laying the groundwork to make excuses come November, eh?

Let's review: we name the press 'presstitutes' a clever yet silly name, but a name the angry disaffected ignoranti can first remember and later print on a t shirt to sell at a professional wrestling match. Then we call the elite 1% oligarchs, a term straight out of Poli. Sci. 101.

But we're reminding the angry, disaffected ignoranti to be afraid, very afraid. Fear is a grand motivator. Be suspicious, very suspicious. Conspiracies throw a lot of heat, but very little light.

Everything must add up to a reason Trump gets shot sown and augers into the ground. And there can be no blaming Trump for himself. It must be someone else's fault.

Are you aware that the press is overwhelmingly for Clinton and is clearly anti-Trump. They are not even trying to hide their disdain for the Donald. They have attacked him repeatedly and though he certainly deserves criticism, where is the criticism of Clinton? She has a closet full of skeletons, yet the press goes light on her. Not even an ounce of criticism over her unwillingness to even do a press conference.

The elite media's bias means nothing to you. You would rather call American voters you find disagreeable, disaffected ignoranti, afraid, and angry.

Do you know who the Oligarchy/1% are and do you care what they do? Clearly they are also in the Clinton camp and want the status quo to continue, so they can enrich and empower themselves.

Do you think an election CAN'T be stolen? If so, you are fooling yourself.

Why have some Americans sided with the 1%/Oligarchy, MSM, and ultimately corruption and cronyism? What happened to the Occupy Wall Street leftist movement? Apparently is was just another fake group controlled by the elites.
And yet Rump runs virtually no TV ads. But his words, his image are all over the TV. His 'free media' is what is responsible for getting his message out.

But Trump's lack of discipline is why his unfavorable are so high. Don't blame the media boogeyman. That's been a Conservative scapegoat for their own failures ever since Nixon.

What your post is trying to say is 'it's a lie, but hear me out'.
What you really mean is that Trump is going over the heads of the media and speaking directly to the voters, and douche bags like you can't stand that. What "harm" is he causing, destroying all you cherished lies and propaganda about illegal immigration? What you call "harm" is really a great service. We wouldn't even be discussing the issue if it wasn't for Trump.

What you are so afraid of is the fact that a lot of people take Trump very seriously, especially Hillary and all her douche bag apologists.
The problem is that he is only speaking to a select group of voters and no, people who are not in that select group do not take him seriously, if they did we wouldn't have this thread now would we.
Really? Trump wins the R nomination by a huge majority and is currently polling even or better than Cankles, but in your little mind he speaks only to a select group.

WTF man???

Tehon believes that the majority of Americans support the same things he does.

Sad, isn't it?
I suspect he is not alone. Many leftists seem to live in a cocoon of they are unaware of differing opinions. When confronted with a differing opinion, they recoil in horror.

I love it when that happens.
Only one problem with the the allegations be leveled against me. I am anti NATO and for a genuine reset with Russia, I am anti free trade and I am anti Hillary. And I am fully aware that I am in a minority, which makes me all the more critical of Trump. It would seem to me that it is you who is having a problem with being confronted with a different opinion, why else would you be deflecting.
I am also anti-NATO, for good relations with Russia, and anti-free trade. I am also most anti-Hillary.

I find much to dislike in Trump, but clearly he is with us on those aforementioned issues and Hillary is not. In addition, Hillary is a terrible warmonger. Trump may turn out to be a warmonger, but there is a chance he won't be. No chance with Cankles.

So can you explain yourself?
Trump is an oligarch, gipper, himself.

He wants to cut taxes for the oligarchs.
That is most strange Jake....the oligarchs hate and despise him, as you do. When did you become one with the oligarchs?
A few do, yes, but you cannot show anywhere near a majority hate and despise him.
Why are we even bothering to demonize Trump on this issue? Here's reality:


There is no avoiding that fact.
The guy goes down to help out victims of a flood and he is demonized. That is all I had to see.
At this point I'm used to it all. I knew the political spin on his Mexican visit would be negative the second he tweeted it out to the world. For me part of being a Trump supporter is knowing that he would be attacked if he saved the world from a giant meteor :lol: :lol:

"Trump spends $1 billion on the R&D of the missile that took out the meteor destined to destroy mankind. So much for not wasting tax payers dollars"
In reality a missile shot at a giant meteor or comet would cause more distruction by breaking one large rock moving between 26 miles per second and 298 miles per second
Into hundreds or thousands of smaller projectiles.
Moving at those speeds.
However, it would be irrefutable evidence that dump has no clue how to run a country.
You just posted irrefutable evidence that you're an idiot.
Says the Lord of idiots
Gotta wonder about the mental stability of someone who posts bullshit at 3:00am.
Well they stop at nothing to prevent a Trump presidency? This guy thinks so.

The demonization of Trump by the presstitutes is proof that Trump, despite his wealth, is regarded by the Oligarchs who comprise the One Percent as a threat to their agendas. The Oligarchs, not Trump, own or control the media. So the presstitute demonization of Trump is complete proof that he is the candidate to elect. The oligarchs who oppress us hate Trump, so the oppressed American people should support Trump.

The presstitute demonization of Trump did not work in the Republican primaries. Is it working in the presidential election? We don’t know because the polls are reported by the presstitutes, not by Trump.

If the demonization does not work, and the election has to be stolen from Trump by the electronic machines, the consequence will be to radicalize Americans, something long overdue. Perhaps the expectation of this development is the reason all federal agencies, even the post office, and Social Security, have acquired arms and ammunition, and Cheney’s firm Halliburton was paid $385,000,000 to build detention centers in the US.

Those who control us are not going to give up their control without a world war. In the United States, evil has seized power from the people, and evil will not give it back.

Can Americans Overthrow the Ruling Evil? - LewRockwell
Trump's problem is his use of demagoguery. He doesn't foster a rational discussion about the issues he highlights. He is causing more harm to those issue than good because people don't take him seriously, and for good reason. I think PCR and Trump fanatics overstate the demonization of Trump, who seems to thrive from the attention he receives despite it being negative in most cases. Trump works on the principle that there is no such thing as bad press. That is the nature of the candidate you support so stop whining about it.

What you really mean is that Trump is going over the heads of the media and speaking directly to the voters, and douche bags like you can't stand that. What "harm" is he causing, destroying all you cherished lies and propaganda about illegal immigration? What you call "harm" is really a great service. We wouldn't even be discussing the issue if it wasn't for Trump.

What you are so afraid of is the fact that a lot of people take Trump very seriously, especially Hillary and all her douche bag apologists.
The problem is that he is only speaking to a select group of voters and no, people who are not in that select group do not take him seriously, if they did we wouldn't have this thread now would we.
Really? Trump wins the R nomination by a huge majority and is currently polling even or better than Cankles, but in your little mind he speaks only to a select group.

WTF man???

Tehon believes that the majority of Americans support the same things he does.

Sad, isn't it?
Tehon is correct the majority do support the same things he does.
In your delusional state you fail to realize you assholes are in the minority, always have been and always will be.
f the demonization does not work, and the election has to be stolen from Trump by the electronic machines, the consequence will be to radicalize Americans,

Why is this thread not in the conspiracy theory section of the forum? LOL
Your post is a perfect example of how clueless some Americans are who get all their news from left wing sources.
He wants to put Americans first again. And that's a big no-no with NWO Globalists. They're in the process of breaking nations by way of destroying national identity and sovereignty. Things like the U.S. Constitution have to go.

They view Trump as a threat. He's not going along. Clinton is clearly their Puppet of choice. Soros has organized and raised a shockingly obscene amount of financing for her campaign. But ya never know, the People may still win. There's still a whole lotta folks out there who aren't marching in lockstep with their 'New World Order.'
The problem is that he is only speaking to a select group of voters and no, people who are not in that select group do not take him seriously, if they did we wouldn't have this thread now would we.
Really? Trump wins the R nomination by a huge majority and is currently polling even or better than Cankles, but in your little mind he speaks only to a select group.

WTF man???

Tehon believes that the majority of Americans support the same things he does.

Sad, isn't it?
I suspect he is not alone. Many leftists seem to live in a cocoon of they are unaware of differing opinions. When confronted with a differing opinion, they recoil in horror.

I love it when that happens.
Only one problem with the the allegations be leveled against me. I am anti NATO and for a genuine reset with Russia, I am anti free trade and I am anti Hillary. And I am fully aware that I am in a minority, which makes me all the more critical of Trump. It would seem to me that it is you who is having a problem with being confronted with a different opinion, why else would you be deflecting.
I am also anti-NATO, for good relations with Russia, and anti-free trade. I am also most anti-Hillary.

I find much to dislike in Trump, but clearly he is with us on those aforementioned issues and Hillary is not. In addition, Hillary is a terrible warmonger. Trump may turn out to be a warmonger, but there is a chance he won't be. No chance with Cankles.

So can you explain yourself?

I find much to dislike in Trump, but clearly he is with us on those aforementioned issues and Hillary is not.

I don't see it as clearly as you. Consider NATO as an example. Trump has never committed to leaving it.
What’s Trump’s Position on NATO?

So can you explain yourself?

I tried already but you took exception to what I was saying. Trump is a demagogue, he is not promoting a rational discussion on the issues nor do I believe him to be capable of having one and he is making things worse, particularly in relation to Russia. In short the guy is an imbecile and completely untrustworthy.
Really? Trump wins the R nomination by a huge majority and is currently polling even or better than Cankles, but in your little mind he speaks only to a select group.

WTF man???

Tehon believes that the majority of Americans support the same things he does.

Sad, isn't it?
I suspect he is not alone. Many leftists seem to live in a cocoon of they are unaware of differing opinions. When confronted with a differing opinion, they recoil in horror.

I love it when that happens.
Only one problem with the the allegations be leveled against me. I am anti NATO and for a genuine reset with Russia, I am anti free trade and I am anti Hillary. And I am fully aware that I am in a minority, which makes me all the more critical of Trump. It would seem to me that it is you who is having a problem with being confronted with a different opinion, why else would you be deflecting.
I am also anti-NATO, for good relations with Russia, and anti-free trade. I am also most anti-Hillary.

I find much to dislike in Trump, but clearly he is with us on those aforementioned issues and Hillary is not. In addition, Hillary is a terrible warmonger. Trump may turn out to be a warmonger, but there is a chance he won't be. No chance with Cankles.

So can you explain yourself?

I find much to dislike in Trump, but clearly he is with us on those aforementioned issues and Hillary is not.

I don't see it as clearly as you. Consider NATO as an example. Trump has never committed to leaving it.
What’s Trump’s Position on NATO?

So can you explain yourself?

I tried already but you took exception to what I was saying. Trump is a demagogue, he is not promoting a rational discussion on the issues nor do I believe him to be capable of it and he is making things worse, particularly in relation to Russia. In short the guy is an imbecile and completely untrustworthy.

The biggest issue is Hillary is a known warmonger. Call me a one issue voter, but I do not like known warmongers and will ALWAYS vote against them.

Trump has made it clear he wants to work with Putin and Russia. Hillary has made clear she has no intention of working with Putin.

I think our chances are much better with Trump limiting or eliminating NATO...there is no way Cankles will. She is likely to EXPAND NATO.

I think you are buying into the lies of the liberal MSM, regarding Trump's intelligence.
Trump will work with Putin to destabilize eastern Europe and the Near East.

War will occur.

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