Dems of the board, was impeachment a good idea?

From the Russia gate to the Kavanaugh false accusations and then to the shampeachment. What is next?

To those who are not yet participating in an American party, do you believe the impeachment was a good idea? President Trump won again, didn't he?

What is the thought process behind the choices the party is making? Hate is going to defeat president Trump, no good candidates required?

Once his presidency is over, we'll see...
At the end of the day, he wasn't acquitted because he wasn't guilty, he was acquitted because of partisanship in the Senate.
I could care less what you think. You have your interest, not the American interest in mind.

Good endorsement for Trump that all the foreigners lobbying for their - not American interest, hate him.
You really don't seem to grasp that your very staunchest allies, the Australians, who'll forgive you just about anything, are embarrassed by the events in the Senate. Oh well. Deplorables.

Myself, I'm enjoying the debacle, though it's hard on the Americans I like and admire.

Even our staunchness allies would prefer a weak kneed Democrat in office. It potentially benefits them when in negotiations with the US. Only brain dead liberals can't grasp the concept of putting one's country first, even above all allies.
The Sydney Morning Herald, the largest newspaper in Oz, America's staunchest ally, has grasped that Republicans have put their party first, above their country.
I could care less what you think. You have your interest, not the American interest in mind.

Good endorsement for Trump that all the foreigners lobbying for their - not American interest, hate him.
You really don't seem to grasp that your very staunchest allies, the Australians, who'll forgive you just about anything, are embarrassed by the events in the Senate. Oh well. Deplorables.

Myself, I'm enjoying the debacle, though it's hard on the Americans I like and admire.

Even our staunchness allies would prefer a weak kneed Democrat in office. It potentially benefits them when in negotiations with the US. Only brain dead liberals can't grasp the concept of putting one's country first, even above all allies.
The Sydney Morning Herald, the largest newspaper in Oz, America's staunchest ally, has grasped that Republicans have put their party first, above their country.

So Trump has lost the Aussie vote in November?
Hacking. You would have known that had you not been in a coma.
it certainly was for Impeached Trump's close friend. He's awaiting sentencing for witness tampering, obstruction and lying to Congress.
Yes, the ones she deleted.

Russians tried to hack Clinton accounts hours after Trump's email remarks
Investigated for what? Being overpaid and underqualified is not a crime.
Oh? How so?

Hacking. You would have known that had you not been in a coma.

Obama said the election couldn't be hacked.
So? Obama also said there are 60 states. Sometimes he's wrong.
He's awaiting sentencing for witness tampering, obstruction and lying to Congress.

Not collusion?
Yes, the ones she deleted.

How do you hack deleted emails from a server no longer connected to the Internet or even powered up?
I don't know how. That didn't stop Impeached Trump from asking or stop the Russians from trying.

But enough about you. The office server was the one in her home with the classified info on it?
We need to investigate further. Idiot.
Hillary was already investigated. Get over it.

But I do like how you call me a liar for pointing out how Russians tried to hack Hillary soon after Impeached Trump encouraged them to do so; then when I present proof to confirm my claim, you resort to, I know you are but what am I, pre-K banter
Investigated for what? Being overpaid and underqualified is not a crime.

For corruption.
You already said there's no evidence of corruption. So no need for an investigation.
Oh? How so?

Based on all the money they gave her and Bill, that's a good question.
What money?​

Hillary was already investigated. Get over it.

You said the server the Russians tried to hack was the one involved with her 33,000 deleted emails.
So you either lied, or you're an idiot.
Dumbfuck, again, she was already investigated over that server. Are you hard of learning?
You already said there's no evidence of corruption. So no need for an investigation.

There was no evidence of Russian collusion, didn't stop the Special Counsel appointment.
Why would no evidence, other than the crack addict getting paid millions, deserve less?
You're lying. There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some. Now stop lying.
What money?

It was in all the papers. Forget already?
I can't forget what never happened.

she was already investigated over that server.

Her server with the classified info was investigated.
Now you said the Russians hacked her office server because of Trump.
If that one also had classified info and her 33,000 deleted emails, then that one also
needs to be investigated.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??
There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some.

If a foreign diplomat having a conversation in a bar is enough evidence to start Crossfire Hurricane,
then there's also enough to investigate Joe and Hunter.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker. There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia. There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia. There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats, to try to hack Hillary's email -- which they tried hours later.
I can't forget what never happened.

Bill and Hillary didn't get money from Russians and/or Russian connected businesses?
That's it early onset Alzheimer's?
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was. Exactly how embarrassed by your source are you? Maybe if I was a mindreader and if you had a mind, I could read it.
Hacking. You would have known that had you not been in a coma.

Obama said the election couldn't be hacked.
So? Obama also said there are 60 states. Sometimes he's wrong.
He's awaiting sentencing for witness tampering, obstruction and lying to Congress.

Not collusion?
Yes, the ones she deleted.

How do you hack deleted emails from a server no longer connected to the Internet or even powered up?
I don't know how. That didn't stop Impeached Trump from asking or stop the Russians from trying.

But enough about you. The office server was the one in her home with the classified info on it?
We need to investigate further. Idiot.
Hillary was already investigated. Get over it.

But I do like how you call me a liar for pointing out how Russians tried to hack Hillary soon after Impeached Trump encouraged them to do so; then when I present proof to confirm my claim, you resort to, I know you are but what am I, pre-K banter
Investigated for what? Being overpaid and underqualified is not a crime.

For corruption.
You already said there's no evidence of corruption. So no need for an investigation.
Oh? How so?

Based on all the money they gave her and Bill, that's a good question.
What money?​

Hillary was already investigated. Get over it.

You said the server the Russians tried to hack was the one involved with her 33,000 deleted emails.
So you either lied, or you're an idiot.
Dumbfuck, again, she was already investigated over that server. Are you hard of learning?
You already said there's no evidence of corruption. So no need for an investigation.

There was no evidence of Russian collusion, didn't stop the Special Counsel appointment.
Why would no evidence, other than the crack addict getting paid millions, deserve less?
You're lying. There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some. Now stop lying.
What money?

It was in all the papers. Forget already?
I can't forget what never happened.

she was already investigated over that server.

Her server with the classified info was investigated.
Now you said the Russians hacked her office server because of Trump.
If that one also had classified info and her 33,000 deleted emails, then that one also
needs to be investigated.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??
There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some.

If a foreign diplomat having a conversation in a bar is enough evidence to start Crossfire Hurricane,
then there's also enough to investigate Joe and Hunter.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker. There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia. There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia. There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats, to try to hack Hillary's email -- which they tried hours later.
I can't forget what never happened.

Bill and Hillary didn't get money from Russians and/or Russian connected businesses?
That's it early onset Alzheimer's?
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was. Exactly how embarrassed by your source are you? Maybe if I was a mindreader and if you had a mind, I could read it.

Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??

Not me.

There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker.

When was that discovered?

There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia.

Nefarious? Too flexible? Were they resetting things? Accepting and not reporting $145 million?
That kind of nefarious? Or was it worse?

There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia.

When? Was that enough to start an investigation?

There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats,

Is that worse than getting foreign agents to create a dossier from Russian sources?
And then lying about the source to the FBI and to the FISA court?

Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was.

Does your memory improve in the AM?
Should I ask you tomorrow if you remember?
So? Obama also said there are 60 states. Sometimes he's wrong.
I don't know how. That didn't stop Impeached Trump from asking or stop the Russians from trying.
Hillary was already investigated. Get over it.

But I do like how you call me a liar for pointing out how Russians tried to hack Hillary soon after Impeached Trump encouraged them to do so; then when I present proof to confirm my claim, you resort to, I know you are but what am I, pre-K banter
You already said there's no evidence of corruption. So no need for an investigation.

What money?​

Hillary was already investigated. Get over it.

You said the server the Russians tried to hack was the one involved with her 33,000 deleted emails.
So you either lied, or you're an idiot.
Dumbfuck, again, she was already investigated over that server. Are you hard of learning?
You already said there's no evidence of corruption. So no need for an investigation.

There was no evidence of Russian collusion, didn't stop the Special Counsel appointment.
Why would no evidence, other than the crack addict getting paid millions, deserve less?
You're lying. There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some. Now stop lying.
What money?

It was in all the papers. Forget already?
I can't forget what never happened.

she was already investigated over that server.

Her server with the classified info was investigated.
Now you said the Russians hacked her office server because of Trump.
If that one also had classified info and her 33,000 deleted emails, then that one also
needs to be investigated.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??
There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some.

If a foreign diplomat having a conversation in a bar is enough evidence to start Crossfire Hurricane,
then there's also enough to investigate Joe and Hunter.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker. There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia. There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia. There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats, to try to hack Hillary's email -- which they tried hours later.
I can't forget what never happened.

Bill and Hillary didn't get money from Russians and/or Russian connected businesses?
That's it early onset Alzheimer's?
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was. Exactly how embarrassed by your source are you? Maybe if I was a mindreader and if you had a mind, I could read it.

Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??

Not me.
Stop lying. You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker.

When was that discovered?
It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.
There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia.

Nefarious? Too flexible? Were they resetting things? Accepting and not reporting $145 million?
That kind of nefarious? Or was it worse?
There was nothing wrong with Obama telling g Russia to wait until after the election to negotiate. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.
There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia.

When? Was that enough to start an investigation?
When it was discover Impeached Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.
There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats,

Is that worse than getting foreign agents to create a dossier from Russian sources?
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.
And then lying about the source to the FBI and to the FISA court?
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was.

Does your memory improve in the AM?
Should I ask you tomorrow if you remember?
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened and which you're at a loss to state.
Hillary was already investigated. Get over it.

You said the server the Russians tried to hack was the one involved with her 33,000 deleted emails.
So you either lied, or you're an idiot.
Dumbfuck, again, she was already investigated over that server. Are you hard of learning?
You already said there's no evidence of corruption. So no need for an investigation.

There was no evidence of Russian collusion, didn't stop the Special Counsel appointment.
Why would no evidence, other than the crack addict getting paid millions, deserve less?
You're lying. There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some. Now stop lying.
What money?

It was in all the papers. Forget already?
I can't forget what never happened.

she was already investigated over that server.

Her server with the classified info was investigated.
Now you said the Russians hacked her office server because of Trump.
If that one also had classified info and her 33,000 deleted emails, then that one also
needs to be investigated.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??
There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some.

If a foreign diplomat having a conversation in a bar is enough evidence to start Crossfire Hurricane,
then there's also enough to investigate Joe and Hunter.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker. There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia. There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia. There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats, to try to hack Hillary's email -- which they tried hours later.
I can't forget what never happened.

Bill and Hillary didn't get money from Russians and/or Russian connected businesses?
That's it early onset Alzheimer's?
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was. Exactly how embarrassed by your source are you? Maybe if I was a mindreader and if you had a mind, I could read it.

Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??

Not me.
Stop lying. You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker.

When was that discovered?
It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.
There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia.

Nefarious? Too flexible? Were they resetting things? Accepting and not reporting $145 million?
That kind of nefarious? Or was it worse?
There was nothing wrong with Obama telling g Russia to wait until after the election to negotiate. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.
There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia.

When? Was that enough to start an investigation?
When it was discover Impeached Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.
There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats,

Is that worse than getting foreign agents to create a dossier from Russian sources?
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.
And then lying about the source to the FBI and to the FISA court?
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was.

Does your memory improve in the AM?
Should I ask you tomorrow if you remember?
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened and which you're at a loss to state.

You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.

Hacked. Attempted hack. Whatever. You said it was because the Russians wanted to look for her deleted emails, because Trump. Totally different servers. So you lied. Or you're an idiot.

It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.

If they found it after the investigation started, it couldn't be the cause of the investigation.

There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.

When did they report the $145 million?

Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.

Did he? Is that what they told the FISA court?

No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.

A private US firm using a foreign agent with Russian sources.

Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.

The agents who failed to reveal the dossier was paid for by the DNC/Clinton campaign.
And the agents who lied when they said the info in the dossier was verified.

My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened

You didn't remember the $145 million. Did you also forget the paid speech by Bill?
The Sydney Morning Herald, the largest newspaper in Oz, America's staunchest ally, has grasped that Republicans have put their party first, above their country.
So Trump has lost the Aussie vote in November?
He's increased the embarrassment factor for the Oz government in supporting America's goals/policies in, for instance, the South China Sea and the ME. Fine by me.
I am not the one confused. And every study shows that the trump supporter is low educated and misinformed.

Every study shows Republicans are more informed voters than Democrats. Not sure what stuff you are reading.

Yeah, informed by gatewaypundit, infowars, Breitbart and Fox.


More knowledgeable about the people they are voting for. Yep, that is a fact.
The Sydney Morning Herald, the largest newspaper in Oz, America's staunchest ally, has grasped that Republicans have put their party first, above their country.
So Trump has lost the Aussie vote in November?
He's increased the embarrassment factor for the Oz government in supporting America's goals/policies in, for instance, the South China Sea and the ME. Fine by me.

He'll probably never recover...….
Dumbfuck, again, she was already investigated over that server. Are you hard of learning?
You're lying. There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some. Now stop lying.
I can't forget what never happened.

she was already investigated over that server.

Her server with the classified info was investigated.
Now you said the Russians hacked her office server because of Trump.
If that one also had classified info and her 33,000 deleted emails, then that one also
needs to be investigated.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??
There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some.

If a foreign diplomat having a conversation in a bar is enough evidence to start Crossfire Hurricane,
then there's also enough to investigate Joe and Hunter.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker. There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia. There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia. There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats, to try to hack Hillary's email -- which they tried hours later.
I can't forget what never happened.

Bill and Hillary didn't get money from Russians and/or Russian connected businesses?
That's it early onset Alzheimer's?
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was. Exactly how embarrassed by your source are you? Maybe if I was a mindreader and if you had a mind, I could read it.

Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??

Not me.
Stop lying. You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker.

When was that discovered?
It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.
There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia.

Nefarious? Too flexible? Were they resetting things? Accepting and not reporting $145 million?
That kind of nefarious? Or was it worse?
There was nothing wrong with Obama telling g Russia to wait until after the election to negotiate. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.
There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia.

When? Was that enough to start an investigation?
When it was discover Impeached Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.
There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats,

Is that worse than getting foreign agents to create a dossier from Russian sources?
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.
And then lying about the source to the FBI and to the FISA court?
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was.

Does your memory improve in the AM?
Should I ask you tomorrow if you remember?
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened and which you're at a loss to state.

You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.

Hacked. Attempted hack. Whatever. You said it was because the Russians wanted to look for her deleted emails, because Trump. Totally different servers. So you lied. Or you're an idiot.
I'm not lying because you're a moron. Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.

When did they report the $145 million?
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. They were under no obligation to report your delusions.
Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.

Did he? Is that what they told the FISA court?
Why would they? The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.

A private US firm using a foreign agent with Russian sources.
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.

The agents who failed to reveal the dossier was paid for by the DNC/Clinton campaign.
And the agents who lied when they said the info in the dossier was verified.
The IG released a report following a two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened

You didn't remember the $145 million. Did you also forget the paid speech by Bill?
You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million and the $500K they paid Clinton to speak was right in line with what he was earning per speech around the globe back in those days. Some even paid him more than that.
she was already investigated over that server.

Her server with the classified info was investigated.
Now you said the Russians hacked her office server because of Trump.
If that one also had classified info and her 33,000 deleted emails, then that one also
needs to be investigated.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??
There was evidence of Russia collusion and I listed some.

If a foreign diplomat having a conversation in a bar is enough evidence to start Crossfire Hurricane,
then there's also enough to investigate Joe and Hunter.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker. There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia. There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia. There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats, to try to hack Hillary's email -- which they tried hours later.
I can't forget what never happened.

Bill and Hillary didn't get money from Russians and/or Russian connected businesses?
That's it early onset Alzheimer's?
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was. Exactly how embarrassed by your source are you? Maybe if I was a mindreader and if you had a mind, I could read it.

Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??

Not me.
Stop lying. You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker.

When was that discovered?
It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.
There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia.

Nefarious? Too flexible? Were they resetting things? Accepting and not reporting $145 million?
That kind of nefarious? Or was it worse?
There was nothing wrong with Obama telling g Russia to wait until after the election to negotiate. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.
There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia.

When? Was that enough to start an investigation?
When it was discover Impeached Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.
There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats,

Is that worse than getting foreign agents to create a dossier from Russian sources?
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.
And then lying about the source to the FBI and to the FISA court?
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was.

Does your memory improve in the AM?
Should I ask you tomorrow if you remember?
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened and which you're at a loss to state.

You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.

Hacked. Attempted hack. Whatever. You said it was because the Russians wanted to look for her deleted emails, because Trump. Totally different servers. So you lied. Or you're an idiot.
I'm not lying because you're a moron. Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.

When did they report the $145 million?
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. They were under no obligation to report your delusions.
Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.

Did he? Is that what they told the FISA court?
Why would they? The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.

A private US firm using a foreign agent with Russian sources.
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.

The agents who failed to reveal the dossier was paid for by the DNC/Clinton campaign.
And the agents who lied when they said the info in the dossier was verified.
The IG released a report following a two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened

You didn't remember the $145 million. Did you also forget the paid speech by Bill?
You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million and the $500K they paid Clinton to speak was right in line with what he was earning per speech around the globe back in those days. Some even paid him more than that.

Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.

Not the insecure servers where she illegally kept classified info. Not the servers where she deleted emails subject to government subpoena.

Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million.

Awww, aren't you cute.

The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.

So Trump Tower plans had nothing to do with the Special Counsel getting appointed.
So why are you bringing up irrelevant info?


Yup. Dems used foreigners to interfere with the election.

The IG released a report following a two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.

The inspector general concluded that central to the FBI’s court applications for surveillance of Page were a set of allegations provided by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. The Steele dossier, as it came to be known, contained allegations against Trump, Page and other Trump associates, and those allegations have been the subject of intense political fighting since they became public in early 2017.

Horowitz concluded that the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court. Horowitz also concluded that the FBI repeatedly overstated Steele’s reliability as an informant.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker. There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia. There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia. There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats, to try to hack Hillary's email -- which they tried hours later.
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was. Exactly how embarrassed by your source are you? Maybe if I was a mindreader and if you had a mind, I could read it.

Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??

Not me.
Stop lying. You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker.

When was that discovered?
It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.
There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia.

Nefarious? Too flexible? Were they resetting things? Accepting and not reporting $145 million?
That kind of nefarious? Or was it worse?
There was nothing wrong with Obama telling g Russia to wait until after the election to negotiate. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.
There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia.

When? Was that enough to start an investigation?
When it was discover Impeached Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.
There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats,

Is that worse than getting foreign agents to create a dossier from Russian sources?
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.
And then lying about the source to the FBI and to the FISA court?
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was.

Does your memory improve in the AM?
Should I ask you tomorrow if you remember?
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened and which you're at a loss to state.

You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.

Hacked. Attempted hack. Whatever. You said it was because the Russians wanted to look for her deleted emails, because Trump. Totally different servers. So you lied. Or you're an idiot.
I'm not lying because you're a moron. Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.

When did they report the $145 million?
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. They were under no obligation to report your delusions.
Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.

Did he? Is that what they told the FISA court?
Why would they? The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.

A private US firm using a foreign agent with Russian sources.
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.

The agents who failed to reveal the dossier was paid for by the DNC/Clinton campaign.
And the agents who lied when they said the info in the dossier was verified.
The IG released a report following a two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened

You didn't remember the $145 million. Did you also forget the paid speech by Bill?
You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million and the $500K they paid Clinton to speak was right in line with what he was earning per speech around the globe back in those days. Some even paid him more than that.

Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.

Not the insecure servers where she illegally kept classified info. Not the servers where she deleted emails subject to government subpoena.
How would the Russians know which servers had copies of the deleted emails? They attempted to hack her hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million.

Awww, aren't you cute.
Yeah, my wife thinks so too. Does yours know what lying human scum you are? Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. That's why you were so coy about it and that's why you can't produce real news about it. That's also why I didn't remember it -- because you lied, that never happened.
The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.

So Trump Tower plans had nothing to do with the Special Counsel getting appointed.
So why are you bringing up irrelevant info?
Why are you switching to the SC? We were talking about suspicions leading up to Impeached Trump and his campaign being investigated. His lying about his relationship with Russia and Putin fed into that.

Yup. Dems used foreigners to interfere with the election.
Liar. A private firm did that, not "Dems." The same firm who was earlier contracted out by a conservative group.
The IG released a report followinga two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.

The inspector general concluded that central to the FBI’s court applications for surveillance of Page were a set of allegations provided by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. The Steele dossier, as it came to be known, contained allegations against Trump, Page and other Trump associates, and those allegations have been the subject of intense political fighting since they became public in early 2017.

Horowitz concluded that the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court. Horowitz also concluded that the FBI repeatedly overstated Steele’s reliability as an informant.
Thanks for confirming what I already said. That report never concluded lies were told to the FISC.
Who said their attempt to hack her was successful??

Not me.
Stop lying. You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.
There was far more evidence than just that. Again ... There was an Impeached Trump confident communicating directly with the hacker.

When was that discovered?
It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.
There were others in Impeached Trump's campaign with nefarious connections to Russia.

Nefarious? Too flexible? Were they resetting things? Accepting and not reporting $145 million?
That kind of nefarious? Or was it worse?
There was nothing wrong with Obama telling g Russia to wait until after the election to negotiate. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.
There was Impeached Trump, lying about his business dealings in Russia.

When? Was that enough to start an investigation?
When it was discover Impeached Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.
There was Impeached Trump encouraging Russia, know to be hacking Democrats,

Is that worse than getting foreign agents to create a dossier from Russian sources?
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.
And then lying about the source to the FBI and to the FISA court?
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.
Even sadder is you unwilling to say what money that was.

Does your memory improve in the AM?
Should I ask you tomorrow if you remember?
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened and which you're at a loss to state.

You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.

Hacked. Attempted hack. Whatever. You said it was because the Russians wanted to look for her deleted emails, because Trump. Totally different servers. So you lied. Or you're an idiot.
I'm not lying because you're a moron. Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.

When did they report the $145 million?
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. They were under no obligation to report your delusions.
Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.

Did he? Is that what they told the FISA court?
Why would they? The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.

A private US firm using a foreign agent with Russian sources.
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.

The agents who failed to reveal the dossier was paid for by the DNC/Clinton campaign.
And the agents who lied when they said the info in the dossier was verified.
The IG released a report following a two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened

You didn't remember the $145 million. Did you also forget the paid speech by Bill?
You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million and the $500K they paid Clinton to speak was right in line with what he was earning per speech around the globe back in those days. Some even paid him more than that.

Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.

Not the insecure servers where she illegally kept classified info. Not the servers where she deleted emails subject to government subpoena.
How would the Russians know which servers had copies of the deleted emails? They attempted to hack her hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million.

Awww, aren't you cute.
Yeah, my wife thinks so too. Does yours know what lying human scum you are? Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. That's why you were so coy about it and that's why you can't produce real news about it. That's also why I didn't remember it -- because you lied, that never happened.
The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.

So Trump Tower plans had nothing to do with the Special Counsel getting appointed.
So why are you bringing up irrelevant info?
Why are you switching to the SC? We were talking about suspicions leading up to Impeached Trump and his campaign being investigated. His lying about his relationship with Russia and Putin fed into that.

Yup. Dems used foreigners to interfere with the election.
Liar. A private firm did that, not "Dems." The same firm who was earlier contracted out by a conservative group.
The IG released a report followinga two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.

The inspector general concluded that central to the FBI’s court applications for surveillance of Page were a set of allegations provided by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. The Steele dossier, as it came to be known, contained allegations against Trump, Page and other Trump associates, and those allegations have been the subject of intense political fighting since they became public in early 2017.

Horowitz concluded that the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court. Horowitz also concluded that the FBI repeatedly overstated Steele’s reliability as an informant.
Thanks for confirming what I already said. That report never concluded lies were told to the FISC.
Why are you switching to the SC? We were talking about suspicions leading up to Impeached Trump and his campaign being investigated

We were talking about Biden's corruption.

Thanks for confirming what I already said.

the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court.

That's what you said?
Regardless, Trump now bears the stain of impeachment

It will permanently mar his presidency, just like it marred Clinton’s
The Sydney Morning Herald, the largest newspaper in Oz, the US' most staunch ally...

As was obvious to anyone with even a vague interest in American affairs, partisan politics trumped all else when the US Senate on Wednesday voted to acquit the President in his impeachment trial. The Republican majority in the Senate, with the sole exception of Mitt Romney, voted along party lines to find President Donald Trump not guilty of two charges involving alleged high crimes and misdemeanours.

In doing so, the Republicans have underscored just how weak the institutional checks and balances on power really are in the US when it comes to the President. When clear-headed examinations of facts and justice were required, Senate Republicans settled instead for political group-think.

What an idiotic post. That's like claiming the NYTimes and CNN represent America. They do not. Your tiny little sheep mind is polluted with leftist propaganda.
Stop lying. You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.
It occurred during the summer of '16. I have no idea how soon after the FBI discovered the tweets.
There was nothing wrong with Obama telling g Russia to wait until after the election to negotiate. There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.
When it was discover Impeached Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened and which you're at a loss to state.

You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.

Hacked. Attempted hack. Whatever. You said it was because the Russians wanted to look for her deleted emails, because Trump. Totally different servers. So you lied. Or you're an idiot.
I'm not lying because you're a moron. Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.

When did they report the $145 million?
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. They were under no obligation to report your delusions.
Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.

Did he? Is that what they told the FISA court?
Why would they? The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.

A private US firm using a foreign agent with Russian sources.
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.

The agents who failed to reveal the dossier was paid for by the DNC/Clinton campaign.
And the agents who lied when they said the info in the dossier was verified.
The IG released a report following a two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened

You didn't remember the $145 million. Did you also forget the paid speech by Bill?
You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million and the $500K they paid Clinton to speak was right in line with what he was earning per speech around the globe back in those days. Some even paid him more than that.

Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.

Not the insecure servers where she illegally kept classified info. Not the servers where she deleted emails subject to government subpoena.
How would the Russians know which servers had copies of the deleted emails? They attempted to hack her hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million.

Awww, aren't you cute.
Yeah, my wife thinks so too. Does yours know what lying human scum you are? Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. That's why you were so coy about it and that's why you can't produce real news about it. That's also why I didn't remember it -- because you lied, that never happened.
The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.

So Trump Tower plans had nothing to do with the Special Counsel getting appointed.
So why are you bringing up irrelevant info?
Why are you switching to the SC? We were talking about suspicions leading up to Impeached Trump and his campaign being investigated. His lying about his relationship with Russia and Putin fed into that.

Yup. Dems used foreigners to interfere with the election.
Liar. A private firm did that, not "Dems." The same firm who was earlier contracted out by a conservative group.
The IG released a report followinga two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.

The inspector general concluded that central to the FBI’s court applications for surveillance of Page were a set of allegations provided by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. The Steele dossier, as it came to be known, contained allegations against Trump, Page and other Trump associates, and those allegations have been the subject of intense political fighting since they became public in early 2017.

Horowitz concluded that the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court. Horowitz also concluded that the FBI repeatedly overstated Steele’s reliability as an informant.
Thanks for confirming what I already said. That report never concluded lies were told to the FISC.
Why are you switching to the SC? We were talking about suspicions leading up to Impeached Trump and his campaign being investigated

We were talking about Biden's corruption.
What corruption? Again, when I asked you that before, you admitted you knew of none but want him investigated anyway.
Thanks for confirming what I already said.

the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court.

That's what you said?
Yes, it is. I said that report did not reach any conclusions that the FISC was lied to. It reports that errors were made but the report falls short of claiming the errors were intentional.

Now then, about that mysterious $145 million you laughably claim Ruusia gave the Clinton's since 2013 ... tell me more....
You falsely claimed I said she was hacked. I never said that.

Hacked. Attempted hack. Whatever. You said it was because the Russians wanted to look for her deleted emails, because Trump. Totally different servers. So you lied. Or you're an idiot.
I'm not lying because you're a moron. Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
There was nothing wrong with Hillary, as Secretary of State, exercising diplomacy. There was never $145 million that went unreported.

When did they report the $145 million?
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. They were under no obligation to report your delusions.
Trump lied about ending his business deal with Russia in early 2016 to build a Trump Tower there.

Did he? Is that what they told the FISA court?
Why would they? The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.
No, but then that was done by a private U.S. firm.

A private US firm using a foreign agent with Russian sources.
Who lied about that to the FBI? And there's been no confirmation the FISA court was lied to.

The agents who failed to reveal the dossier was paid for by the DNC/Clinton campaign.
And the agents who lied when they said the info in the dossier was verified.
The IG released a report following a two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.
My memory is fine. Again, I don't recall things that never happened

You didn't remember the $145 million. Did you also forget the paid speech by Bill?
You're truly fucking deranged. :cuckoo:

Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million and the $500K they paid Clinton to speak was right in line with what he was earning per speech around the globe back in those days. Some even paid him more than that.

Russia attempted to hack into her servers, which they had not done previously, only hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.

Not the insecure servers where she illegally kept classified info. Not the servers where she deleted emails subject to government subpoena.
How would the Russians know which servers had copies of the deleted emails? They attempted to hack her hours after Impeached Trump's encouragement.
Again, Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million.

Awww, aren't you cute.
Yeah, my wife thinks so too. Does yours know what lying human scum you are? Russia never gave the Clinton's $145 million. That's why you were so coy about it and that's why you can't produce real news about it. That's also why I didn't remember it -- because you lied, that never happened.
The FISA warrant was for Carter Page; who had nothing to do with Trump Tower in Russia.

So Trump Tower plans had nothing to do with the Special Counsel getting appointed.
So why are you bringing up irrelevant info?
Why are you switching to the SC? We were talking about suspicions leading up to Impeached Trump and his campaign being investigated. His lying about his relationship with Russia and Putin fed into that.

Yup. Dems used foreigners to interfere with the election.
Liar. A private firm did that, not "Dems." The same firm who was earlier contracted out by a conservative group.
The IG released a report followinga two year investigation and reached no such conclusions that the FISC was lied to.

The inspector general concluded that central to the FBI’s court applications for surveillance of Page were a set of allegations provided by former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. The Steele dossier, as it came to be known, contained allegations against Trump, Page and other Trump associates, and those allegations have been the subject of intense political fighting since they became public in early 2017.

Horowitz concluded that the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court. Horowitz also concluded that the FBI repeatedly overstated Steele’s reliability as an informant.
Thanks for confirming what I already said. That report never concluded lies were told to the FISC.
Why are you switching to the SC? We were talking about suspicions leading up to Impeached Trump and his campaign being investigated

We were talking about Biden's corruption.
What corruption? Again, when I asked you that before, you admitted you knew of none but want him investigated anyway.
Thanks for confirming what I already said.

the FBI repeatedly found evidence that contradicted some of the claims in Steele’s reports but did not share that exculpatory information with the Justice Department or the FISA court.

That's what you said?
Yes, it is. I said that report did not reach any conclusions that the FISC was lied to. It reports that errors were made but the report falls short of claiming the errors were intentional.

Now then, about that mysterious $145 million you laughably claim Ruusia gave the Clinton's since 2013 ... tell me more....

I said that report did not reach any conclusions that the FISC was lied to.

Not turning over exculpatory info is lying.
So is claiming the dossier was verified.

Now then, about that mysterious $145 million you laughably claim Ruusia gave the Clinton's since 2013

I misspoke, the Russian money wasn't after she left Secretary of State, it was while she was in the Senate and running for President.

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