Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

You want the 2nd amendment to be more specific, get it rewritten in modern terms. Right now, with the changes since 1898, most of the 2nd has become jibberish. It needs to be rewritten to modern standards. The answer to your "Shall Not Infringe" has always been "except for due process".

The Second Amendment couldn't be more clear or more specific. It states a purpose, it names a right, it identifies this right as belonging to the people, and it forbids infringement of this right.

The only people who find the Second Amendment to be in any way unclear or unspecific are those like you, who do not agree with it, and who do not want it to be obeyed.
I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Do tell, what would you do against somebody who is going to take your life with a gun? I studied martial arts right up to black belt, and even when I got to that point, my instructor told me there are no realistic moves against an attacker with a gun.

A couple points.
First off, if someone wants to kill you with a gun you will be dead. No one is gonna come up to you and say, "Hey, Ray, I am now going to pull a gun and shoot you" so that you have time to reach for your gun.
What is gonna happen is that you will hear a noise and effectively the same second fall dead to the ground.
Second, I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being confronted by someone with a gun that wants to kill me. You have to be an ass hole to hide in a storm shelter every time it rains.

I have been confronted with a gun twice in my life, twice with a blade. I am still here, uncut and never shot.

You are a coward.

Only In the movies does a person who plans to kill another person with a gun point the gun at him and go into a long speech explaining the reason. Often the killer just walks up behind the target and fires a .22 caliber bullet in the back of his head at point blank range.

exactly! In real life, you never see the gun, you are dead without any warning at all.
In real life one to two million people use guns to defend themselves every year.

Honest, this stupidity infuriates me. It's complete horse shit.
Some of you jerkoff too have posted how a gun has protected you. You are a joke. "He looked like a bad man so I pulled my jacket back to expose my CC"
You are pathetic worms to think like this.

And if someone does that to me, he will be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. No on with any sense does that. Only in the movies. Attend a decent CCW class and find out why.

what on earth are you talking about? Are you replying to me?

If so, WTF??? It is perfectly legal if someone gets a brief look at your weapon. What do movies have to do with any of this?

Only in the movies.
You want the 2nd amendment to be more specific, get it rewritten in modern terms. Right now, with the changes since 1898, most of the 2nd has become jibberish. It needs to be rewritten to modern standards. The answer to your "Shall Not Infringe" has always been "except for due process".

The Second Amendment couldn't be more clear or more specific. It states a purpose, it names a right, it identifies this right as belonging to the people, and it forbids infringement of this right.

The only people who find the Second Amendment to be in any way unclear or unspecific are those like you, who do not agree with it, and who do not want it to be obeyed.

And that is why the 14th amendment had to be written.
I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Do tell, what would you do against somebody who is going to take your life with a gun? I studied martial arts right up to black belt, and even when I got to that point, my instructor told me there are no realistic moves against an attacker with a gun.

A couple points.
First off, if someone wants to kill you with a gun you will be dead. No one is gonna come up to you and say, "Hey, Ray, I am now going to pull a gun and shoot you" so that you have time to reach for your gun.
What is gonna happen is that you will hear a noise and effectively the same second fall dead to the ground.
Second, I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being confronted by someone with a gun that wants to kill me. You have to be an ass hole to hide in a storm shelter every time it rains.

I have been confronted with a gun twice in my life, twice with a blade. I am still here, uncut and never shot.

You are a coward.

Only In the movies does a person who plans to kill another person with a gun point the gun at him and go into a long speech explaining the reason. Often the killer just walks up behind the target and fires a .22 caliber bullet in the back of his head at point blank range.

exactly! In real life, you never see the gun, you are dead without any warning at all.
In real life one to two million people use guns to defend themselves every year.

Honest, this stupidity infuriates me. It's complete horse shit.
Some of you jerkoff too have posted how a gun has protected you. You are a joke. "He looked like a bad man so I pulled my jacket back to expose my CC"
You are pathetic worms to think like this.

And if someone does that to me, he will be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. No on with any sense does that. Only in the movies. Attend a decent CCW class and find out why.


'fraid not.
And what President signed that? Your Hero Ronnie. But since then, the courts have made a ruling on the AR and AK rifles and the STATE can pretty much do whatever they want to do with them. Some states outright ban while others limit what one can be and others allow everything. YOu have to be very word specific on whatever law is passed at the State Level. And even then, it's not a real ban, it's a regulated law.

Sorry, but your whining and playing victim has gotten old about a decade ago.

Yes, because anytime anybody on the right discusses a subject, it's whining and victimization. When the left wants to discuss a subject, it's perfectly normal discourse.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

The assault weapons ban was a ten year ban that was signed by Bill Clinton. It was never renewed.

And what President signed that? Your Hero Ronnie. But since then, the courts have made a ruling on the AR and AK rifles and the STATE can pretty much do whatever they want to do with them. Some states outright ban while others limit what one can be and others allow everything. YOu have to be very word specific on whatever law is passed at the State Level. And even then, it's not a real ban, it's a regulated law.

Sorry, but your whining and playing victim has gotten old about a decade ago.

Yes, because anytime anybody on the right discusses a subject, it's whining and victimization. When the left wants to discuss a subject, it's perfectly normal discourse.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

The assault weapons ban was a ten year ban that was signed by Bill Clinton. It was never renewed.

In today's world, you want to ban Assault Rifles? Be specific in your state law by saying "AR-15 and AK-47 and their various clones" and don't ban them. Regulate them heavily and tax them into submission. It worked well with the Model 1921 Thompson. It's a longer time to get the job done but it's pretty well permanent. All the Feds have to do is to move the AR-15/AK-47 into the extraordinary weapon category where it falls under the 1934 Firearms Act. But that doesn't ban them nor does it mean anyone is coming to your home to collect the guns.It took them about 10 years to see the results with the Model1921. But that's a different discussion and I don't want to explode your head quite yet.
In today's world, you want to ban Assault Rifles? Be specific in your state law by saying "AR-15 and AK-47 and their various clones" and don't ban them. Regulate them heavily and tax them into submission. It worked well with the Model 1921 Thompson. It's a longer time to get the job done but it's pretty well permanent. All the Feds have to do is to move the AR-15/AK-47 into the extraordinary weapon category where it falls under the 1934 Firearms Act. But that doesn't ban them nor does it mean anyone is coming to your home to collect the guns.It took them about 10 years to see the results with the Model1921. But that's a different discussion and I don't want to explode your head quite yet.

My only point is that yes, they can make a federal law banning certain weapons. They may not get the weapons you already have, but they can ban you from buying a new one.
And what President signed that? Your Hero Ronnie. But since then, the courts have made a ruling on the AR and AK rifles and the STATE can pretty much do whatever they want to do with them. Some states outright ban while others limit what one can be and others allow everything. YOu have to be very word specific on whatever law is passed at the State Level. And even then, it's not a real ban, it's a regulated law.

Sorry, but your whining and playing victim has gotten old about a decade ago.

Yes, because anytime anybody on the right discusses a subject, it's whining and victimization. When the left wants to discuss a subject, it's perfectly normal discourse.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

The assault weapons ban was a ten year ban that was signed by Bill Clinton. It was never renewed.

In today's world, you want to ban Assault Rifles? Be specific in your state law by saying "AR-15 and AK-47 and their various clones" and don't ban them. Regulate them heavily and tax them into submission. It worked well with the Model 1921 Thompson. It's a longer time to get the job done but it's pretty well permanent. All the Feds have to do is to move the AR-15/AK-47 into the extraordinary weapon category where it falls under the 1934 Firearms Act. But that doesn't ban them nor does it mean anyone is coming to your home to collect the guns.It took them about 10 years to see the results with the Model1921. But that's a different discussion and I don't want to explode your head quite yet.
Assault weapons are ordinary semi-automatic rifles that look scary to ignorant leftwingers. I'm against your plan to tax them into oblivion. How is that any better than simply outlawing them?
Assault weapons are ordinary semi-automatic rifles that look scary to ignorant leftwingers. I'm against your plan to tax them into oblivion. How is that any better than simply outlawing them?

Taxes were designed to support the governments, not as a tool to control people. Yet they do it all the time with things like tobacco and alcohol. As brilliant as our founders were, they weren't thinking ahead enough to imagine our leaders becoming so corrupt for power.
I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Do tell, what would you do against somebody who is going to take your life with a gun? I studied martial arts right up to black belt, and even when I got to that point, my instructor told me there are no realistic moves against an attacker with a gun.

A couple points.
First off, if someone wants to kill you with a gun you will be dead. No one is gonna come up to you and say, "Hey, Ray, I am now going to pull a gun and shoot you" so that you have time to reach for your gun.
What is gonna happen is that you will hear a noise and effectively the same second fall dead to the ground.
Second, I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being confronted by someone with a gun that wants to kill me. You have to be an ass hole to hide in a storm shelter every time it rains.

I have been confronted with a gun twice in my life, twice with a blade. I am still here, uncut and never shot.

You are a coward.

Only In the movies does a person who plans to kill another person with a gun point the gun at him and go into a long speech explaining the reason. Often the killer just walks up behind the target and fires a .22 caliber bullet in the back of his head at point blank range.

exactly! In real life, you never see the gun, you are dead without any warning at all.
In real life one to two million people use guns to defend themselves every year.

Honest, this stupidity infuriates me. It's complete horse shit.
Some of you jerkoff too have posted how a gun has protected you. You are a joke. "He looked like a bad man so I pulled my jacket back to expose my CC"
You are pathetic worms to think like this.

And if someone does that to me, he will be arrested for assault with a deadly weapon. No on with any sense does that. Only in the movies. Attend a decent CCW class and find out why.

what on earth are you talking about? Are you replying to me?

If so, WTF??? It is perfectly legal if someone gets a brief look at your weapon. What do movies have to do with any of this?

Much depends on the laws of the state where you live.

For years you could be in trouble for inadvertently exposing your concealed weapon. Finally that changed.

As brilliant as our founders were, they weren't thinking ahead enough to imagine our leaders becoming so corrupt for power.

I think they assumed that from time to time, when government got too far out of control, the people would rise up and take arms against it, if necessary, overthrowing it and starting over, as they had done. Jefferson's remarks about the “Tree of Liberty” come to mind.

What they did not anticipate was how complacent, lazy, ignorant, and cowardly we would become.
In today's world, you want to ban Assault Rifles? Be specific in your state law by saying "AR-15 and AK-47 and their various clones" and don't ban them. Regulate them heavily and tax them into submission. It worked well with the Model 1921 Thompson. It's a longer time to get the job done but it's pretty well permanent. All the Feds have to do is to move the AR-15/AK-47 into the extraordinary weapon category where it falls under the 1934 Firearms Act. But that doesn't ban them nor does it mean anyone is coming to your home to collect the guns.It took them about 10 years to see the results with the Model1921. But that's a different discussion and I don't want to explode your head quite yet.

My only point is that yes, they can make a federal law banning certain weapons. They may not get the weapons you already have, but they can ban you from buying a new one.

If they use the same method that was used with the Model 1921 then they ban the manufacture for anyone other than LAW and Military for new weapons. They also ban the manufacture for replacement parts except for LAW and Military. Then they ban the sale of replacement parts to civilians. But the escape clause is that you can get a FFL or EFL and by the parts and weapons, just pay the 200 bucks to do it., Unlike the full auto versions, the 1986 law of manufacture won't apply. The Feds never went from house to house. They did a buy back among other things. It didn't happen over night. It wasn't successful until about 10 years later.

I think it's coming for the AR-15/AK47 sooner or later. It wasn't the majority of the Model 1921 owners that were a problem but a FEW that more than made up for it. So if you currently own an AR or a clone, you get to keep it but as they wear out, there are no replacements.

If you want that changed, I suggest you work on getting the 1934 Firearms Act repealed.
If they use the same method that was used with the Model 1921 then they ban the manufacture for anyone other than LAW and Military for new weapons. They also ban the manufacture for replacement parts except for LAW and Military. Then they ban the sale of replacement parts to civilians. But the escape clause is that you can get a FFL or EFL and by the parts and weapons, just pay the 200 bucks to do it., Unlike the full auto versions, the 1986 law of manufacture won't apply. The Feds never went from house to house. They did a buy back among other things. It didn't happen over night. It wasn't successful until about 10 years later.

I think it's coming for the AR-15/AK47 sooner or later. It wasn't the majority of the Model 1921 owners that were a problem but a FEW that more than made up for it. So if you currently own an AR or a clone, you get to keep it but as they wear out, there are no replacements.

If you want that changed, I suggest you work on getting the 1934 Firearms Act repealed.

What I really want is for them to leave us gun owners and enthusiasts alone.
That's what will happen if the Supreme Court doesn't smack this down, which will cost taxpayers millions of dollars we didn't need to spend. And the Nazis will fight this all the way to the top.

As well we should. Frankly, do you guys really want it to get out how you are fighting so hard for crazy people to get guns?

We'll have the victims of every mass shooting and every abuser who went home and shot his wife when they failed to take his guns away.

I'm not sure why you are so keen for crazy people to have guns... it makes the rest of you look bad.

My God are you Fn stupid. You've been bringing this up nearly every day for over a year now. It was government--not my employer that put me out of work. If it was my employer, I'd be able to find another job with a different company.

Well, that would require you to get off your ass and LOOK. You didnt want to LOOK when your scummy employer cancelled your health insurance and blamed Obama. You always have an excuse, Welfare Ray.
The thing that's stopping me is there are not any no-skill jobs that pay a livable wage. You can't start all over again at the age of 60 like you did at the age of 18. No place that offers medical insurance would consider me at any rate of pay. The government did this to me, so the government can compensate for the losses they inflicted on me. It's only fair because that's what I paid into my entire life. If you don't like it, my suggestion is to seek help for your severe OCD. Maybe if they get you on some medication or something, it won't bother you anymore.

Naw, man, I get nothing but amusement watching someone like you WHINE all day about welfare but then getting your welfare check.

"Wah, they won't pay me what I want, I should go on welfare!" Um... yeah. You and your HUD neighbors have more in common than you want to admit.

Right. Well see if a mob boss could get arrested and charged for saying that. The X person that told the head Nazi about Trump was part of the Nazi regime himself. That's why they bent over backwards to hide his identity. The Nazis needed to keep Zelensky quiet so he didn't rat out Dementia. So they used a fake impeachment to keep him quiet. Zelensky knew his money came from both places--the Congress and President. He was not about to get in the middle of a pissing contest between the two.

Wow, you realize how crazy you sound when you keep ranting about "Commies" and "Nazis", right?

If Obama went to the President of France to get the "Real Story" on that traffic accident Mitt Romney was in, you'd be screaming bloody murder. You know, the Traffic Accident we all know the Mormon Church covered up.
They also read about Hitler and his success after he disarmed the public, and said the same thing "Yes, this is exactly what we want."

Hitler never disarmed the public. He actually loosened the Weimar gun laws. If you weren't part of the less than 1% of Germans who were Jewish, you could own a gun. And those Germans took those guns and fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy.

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The Militia
George Mason is known as the father of the bill of rights it was his belief that the people were the militia

Guy, just because the Founding Slave Rapists thought this was a good idea doesn't make it a good idea.

The Founding Slave Rapists thought bleeding people was a good medical treatment and witchcraft was actually a thing.

The thing that has changed between now and then is we realize not everyone should have a gun and not everyone is capable of being an effective militia.
I think they assumed that from time to time, when government got too far out of control, the people would rise up and take arms against it, if necessary, overthrowing it and starting over, as they had done. Jefferson's remarks about the “Tree of Liberty” come to mind.

What they did not anticipate was how complacent, lazy, ignorant, and cowardly we would become.

The only tragedy is that Sally Hemmings didn't water the Tree of Liberty with Tommy Boy.

I wonder if Tommy would have been keen on Sally having a gun. I'm guessing not.
They also read about Hitler and his success after he disarmed the public, and said the same thing "Yes, this is exactly what we want."

Hitler never disarmed the public. He actually loosened the Weimar gun laws. If you weren't part of the less than 1% of Germans who were Jewish, you could own a gun. And those Germans took those guns and fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy.

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The Militia
George Mason is known as the father of the bill of rights it was his belief that the people were the militia

Guy, just because the Founding Slave Rapists thought this was a good idea doesn't make it a good idea.

The Founding Slave Rapists thought bleeding people was a good medical treatment and witchcraft was actually a thing.

The thing that has changed between now and then is we realize not everyone should have a gun and not everyone is capable of being an effective militia.
guy go fuck yourself you have the rights you have because of them
guy go fuck yourself you have the rights you have because of them


Frankly, if the Founding Slave Rapists had lost. We'd all be Canadians today.


Just not that horrifying a thought. We'd have gotten rid of slavery without a civil war and we'd all have universal health care today.

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