Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

dumbass as I said you would still be kissing the ass of the king without them
and Who fought for their freedom first? Those countries you mention or America? Without America and the founders taking a stand do you think those countries would have been freed so easily?

Um yeah, actually I do. Because the United Kingdom wasn't an absolute monarchy even back then. By then, it was constitutional monarchy and George III didn't have much personal power.

So what you had was a bunch of rich slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes and were afraid that they might take away their slaves at some point.

Now, America did become a better nation because of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, MLK and a host of others who actually made good on the lofty rhetoric of the Founding Slave Rapists.

They didn't shit marble, and we shouldn't keep letting crazy people like you have guns because they couldn't word an Amendment about militias clearly.
England wouldn't have relinquished its reign over those countries if it had not been for the fight Americans had for liberty
I guess you must have dedicated your life to asking each and every leftee that question and got the same answer from all asked. If you haven't, you statement just made it onto the Karen list.

Anybody that disagrees with you is on your stupid Karen list. All you have to do is read USMB posts by leftists to note they are constantly talking about how things are so much better in other countries.

If you don't like being called a Karen,stop acting like one.
Shut the fuck up Carl
England wouldn't have relinquished its reign over those countries if it had not been for the fight Americans had for liberty

Why wouldn't they have? The British made a clear distinction between colonies that were mostly white settlers (Australia, Canada, NZ) and colonies that were native people they had to keep a boot on the neck. (Africa, India, Malaya)
England wouldn't have relinquished its reign over those countries if it had not been for the fight Americans had for liberty

Why wouldn't they have? The British made a clear distinction between colonies that were mostly white settlers (Australia, Canada, NZ) and colonies that were native people they had to keep a boot on the neck. (Africa, India, Malaya)
Why would they unless they knew eventually they would have to send troops to defend the property of the crown in countries they controlled? You really have a stupid sense of actual reality
Why would they unless they knew eventually they would have to send troops to defend the property of the crown in countries they controlled? You really have a stupid sense of actual reality

The British never had problems sending in troops to murder people of color. Just look at the history of their occupation of India.

white people were another matter.
Why would they unless they knew eventually they would have to send troops to defend the property of the crown in countries they controlled? You really have a stupid sense of actual reality

The British never had problems sending in troops to murder people of color. Just look at the history of their occupation of India.

white people were another matter.
and that has what to do with what I informed you about?
You sound whether confused like a foreigner who has gotten a link to some leftists anti America propaganda
They knew well ahead of time Trump had nothing to do with the riot

dude, why did I and everyone in America know Trump was intent on inciting a riot on the 6th?
Come on, just stop.

impeached him for exercising his free speech rights.

inciting a riot is not a protected right

And labeling something "inciting a riot" doesn't make it inciting a riot. I get that people infected with left-think believe that if they just assert their bullshit as fact enough times, it will magically become fact. But Trump didn't incite anything, and parroting it over and over is never going to stop making you look like a moron.
No, many don't believe he incited the riot. No proof whatsoever, and plenty of proof his speech had nothing to do with it.

TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

No, honey, your talking points memo told you.

The irony of a Orwellian Newspeak abortion like you daring to rail at us for "alternate facts" is hilarious. Take whatever "stand" you and your "We're the mainstream, because we labeled ourselves that!" comrades want to. And then butch the fuck up and learn to accept that other people get to take stands to, even when you don't like them.
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

I'm betting money it's going to amount to, "He told them to believe something other than what we demand they believe!"
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

Go fuck yourself. We all saw his shit.

Honest, I am ready to war with you Neanderthals. A cult of liars, immoral animals and victimization.

So basically, you can't answer the question. All you've got is, "Everyone knows that's what happened, and you should just accept it as universal truth!"

Honest, we can all see how you're "ready to war": by stomping your little feet and crying because people are mean enough to disagree with you. If that's all you've got, let's hope you don't run into a Girl Scout in a bad mood, because she might kick your candy ass.
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

Go fuck yourself. We all saw his shit.

Honest, I am ready to war with you Neanderthals. A cult of liars, immoral animals and victimization.
Come and get it. I just bought a brand spanking new AR-15. I'm itching to try it out.

Of course you did because you can't feel like a man without it.

Thanks for sharing the opinions from the eunuch community. Pity no one was interested.
I'm betting money it's going to amount to, "He told them to believe something other than what we demand they believe!"

They are clueless. The MSM and commie party tells them what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. Truth of the matter is Trump never instructed anybody to break into the Capital and cause damage or threaten congress people.
When it adds ‘family members’ to ‘gun owners’ is crosses the line and turns into surveillance machines. What did you expect from the pornographic, promiscuous Dem mentality?
England wouldn't have relinquished its reign over those countries if it had not been for the fight Americans had for liberty

Why wouldn't they have? The British made a clear distinction between colonies that were mostly white settlers (Australia, Canada, NZ) and colonies that were native people they had to keep a boot on the neck. (Africa, India, Malaya)
The American colonies consisted of British settlers. In other words, they consisted of British citizens. India and African colonies consisted mostly of non British citizens. That's the distinction. British citizens have rights under British law. None citizens don't.
I'm betting money it's going to amount to, "He told them to believe something other than what we demand they believe!"

They are clueless. The MSM and commie party tells them what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. Truth of the matter is Trump never instructed anybody to break into the Capital and cause damage or threaten congress people.

Standard NYC Mafia Don. Never come right out and tell them to do anything but make sure that you tell them what the results should be and then send your most violent "Representatives" to get that results.
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

Go fuck yourself. We all saw his shit.

Honest, I am ready to war with you Neanderthals. A cult of liars, immoral animals and victimization.
Come and get it. I just bought a brand spanking new AR-15. I'm itching to try it out.

Of course you did because you can't feel like a man without it.
A weapon evens things out. And that is for women also. We have legalized beatdowns and worse in many areas of the nation.

I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Cowardice is a big draw to Trumpism, I get that. Toughen up, sweetie.

And, as the fascist control-freak you are, you figure if YOU don't feel like you need one, no one else does, either. They should just play-act being a tough guy like you.

I don't even have time to unravel your psychosis for you. Just go wet your frillies at the thought of scary guns, and try to figure out that your phobias do not reflect universal reality.
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

Go fuck yourself. We all saw his shit.

Honest, I am ready to war with you Neanderthals. A cult of liars, immoral animals and victimization.
Come and get it. I just bought a brand spanking new AR-15. I'm itching to try it out.

Of course you did because you can't feel like a man without it.
A weapon evens things out. And that is for women also. We have legalized beatdowns and worse in many areas of the nation.

I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Cowardice is a big draw to Trumpism, I get that. Toughen up, sweetie.
So everyone who buys a gun is a coward? How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood? Are you going to call her a wimp when she fails to fight off a rapist?

Are Democrat Reich NAZIs like you always such colossal insufferable assholes?

It's actually that he ASSumes everyone has the same neurotic phobias he does, and therefore looks at the world through his lens. The only POSSIBLE reason to associate with those big, scary guns in his world is to try to prove a manhood he manifestly lacks; therefore, to him, that must be how EVERYONE thinks.

And since rapists are square in the middle of his masters' constituency, he's outraged at the notion that a woman should deny them anything.
So everyone who buys a gun is a coward? How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood? Are you going to call her a wimp when she fails to fight off a racist?

Are Democrat Reich NAZIs like you always such colossal insufferable assholes?

It's a typical ploy of the left. Reverse psychology. See, when they call you a coward for owning a gun, you're supposed to respond "Coward? I'm no coward. I don't want anybody to think that of me! I'm going to get rid of my gun because I don't want anybody to think that!"

It never works of course, but we don't tell them that. :auiqs.jpg:

Maybe they should investigate the fact that no one wants the good opinion of pond scum like them.

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