Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

I'm betting money it's going to amount to, "He told them to believe something other than what we demand they believe!"

They are clueless. The MSM and commie party tells them what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. Truth of the matter is Trump never instructed anybody to break into the Capital and cause damage or threaten congress people.

Of course he didn't. But, as we know, leftists want to create reality by simply declaring that it is what they say it is.
How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood?

I have know 100's of these women. None have carried a gun and none have been raped.
This is your paranoid world, not the real world. You have never even driven through a true inner city.

You, are a coward.

"No woman ever needs a gun, because none of the women I claim to personally know think they need one!!! The entire world is EXACTLY like my tiny circle of like-minded fools!!!"

I tell you what, misogynist: I'M a woman. I have been assaulted on the street. So why don't you come over here and mansplain to me how I don't really need a gun, I'm really completely safe and in no danger from predators, because YOU know this in your infinite wisdom of everyone's lives?

According to US crime statistics, approximately 400,000 women are sexually assaulted in this country every year. Why don't you go tell THEM that they are in no danger because no one you know personally has ever been raped, so that means rape isn't a problem?

This is YOUR dismissive fantasy, not the real world. You have never even considered the lives of anyone who isn't you.
Studies reveal that Americans use their firearms to stop a crime or for self-defense between 44,000 and 4 million times a year

complete and total horse shit. How can you believe such crap?
This is the same as believing Donald. You people are fuckin idiots.

"That's not true . . . because I say it's not!! So THERE!!! You're such an idiot to believe something I have told you not to believe!!!"

The more you keep thinking that declaring something fact makes it fact, the more I believe that anything you say is a lie, simply because you said it.
How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood?

I have know 100's of these women. None have carried a gun and none have been raped.
This is your paranoid world, not the real world. You have never even driven through a true inner city.

You, are a coward.
I have known several that carried guns in their car and in their purse.

You have to be a real class-A moron to believe that because some women you know haven't been raped that no women ever get raped. tense of thousands of women get raped every year. There's nothing "paranoid" about women being worried that they could be raped.

you folks are so fearful

a weak mind no doubt

You folks are such blind targets.

Natural selection at work, no doubt.
Why do you imagine you only need a gun if the perp has a gun? If your an old woman and some thugs break into your home, are you going to fight them with your bare hands?

I don't need a gun, period. I do not live in fear.
You have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being the victim of an assault during a home invasion, literally. Not only that, you having a gun during such an event will make a bad situation worse. I am much too reasoned to let my fears control me.

"I run around being totally confident that nothing bad will ever happen to me!!! If you're not as stupid and naive as me, that means you're just a coward!!!"

Just a tip, lackwit: being unafraid because you're too piss-stupid to recognize that danger exists doesn't make you brave or admirable. It makes you a victim looking for a place to be victimized.
I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Do tell, what would you do against somebody who is going to take your life with a gun? I studied martial arts right up to black belt, and even when I got to that point, my instructor told me there are no realistic moves against an attacker with a gun.

A couple points.
First off, if someone wants to kill you with a gun you will be dead. No one is gonna come up to you and say, "Hey, Ray, I am now going to pull a gun and shoot you" so that you have time to reach for your gun.
What is gonna happen is that you will hear a noise and effectively the same second fall dead to the ground.
Second, I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being confronted by someone with a gun that wants to kill me. You have to be an ass hole to hide in a storm shelter every time it rains.

I have been confronted with a gun twice in my life, twice with a blade. I am still here, uncut and never shot.

You are a coward.

Only In the movies does a person who plans to kill another person with a gun point the gun at him and go into a long speech explaining the reason. Often the killer just walks up behind the target and fires a .22 caliber bullet in the back of his head at point blank range.

exactly! In real life, you never see the gun, you are dead without any warning at all.
In real life one to two million people use guns to defend themselves every year.

Honest, this stupidity infuriates me. It's complete horse shit.
Some of you jerkoff too have posted how a gun has protected you. You are a joke. "He looked like a bad man so I pulled my jacket back to expose my CC"
You are pathetic worms to think like this.

"I'm really mad that you insist on believing something I have declared untrue!!! It's NOT true, it isn't, IT ISN'T!!!"

Well, I guess we can now all assume that guns really ARE used millions of times a year to save lives, since Nooneatall has said that they aren't. And we all know that anything Nooneatall says is automatically ignorant bullshit.
I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Do tell, what would you do against somebody who is going to take your life with a gun? I studied martial arts right up to black belt, and even when I got to that point, my instructor told me there are no realistic moves against an attacker with a gun.

A couple points.
First off, if someone wants to kill you with a gun you will be dead. No one is gonna come up to you and say, "Hey, Ray, I am now going to pull a gun and shoot you" so that you have time to reach for your gun.
What is gonna happen is that you will hear a noise and effectively the same second fall dead to the ground.
Second, I have a better chance of being struck by lightening than being confronted by someone with a gun that wants to kill me. You have to be an ass hole to hide in a storm shelter every time it rains.

I have been confronted with a gun twice in my life, twice with a blade. I am still here, uncut and never shot.

You are a coward.

Only In the movies does a person who plans to kill another person with a gun point the gun at him and go into a long speech explaining the reason. Often the killer just walks up behind the target and fires a .22 caliber bullet in the back of his head at point blank range.

exactly! In real life, you never see the gun, you are dead without any warning at all.
In real life one to two million people use guns to defend themselves every year.

Honest, this stupidity infuriates me. It's complete horse shit.
Some of you jerkoff too have posted how a gun has protected you. You are a joke. "He looked like a bad man so I pulled my jacket back to expose my CC"
You are pathetic worms to think like this.
That must be you're way of admitting that you lost the argument.

That's his way of admitting that he's really angry and pouting that he lost the argument.
And what President signed that? Your Hero Ronnie. But since then, the courts have made a ruling on the AR and AK rifles and the STATE can pretty much do whatever they want to do with them. Some states outright ban while others limit what one can be and others allow everything. YOu have to be very word specific on whatever law is passed at the State Level. And even then, it's not a real ban, it's a regulated law.

Sorry, but your whining and playing victim has gotten old about a decade ago.

Yes, because anytime anybody on the right discusses a subject, it's whining and victimization. When the left wants to discuss a subject, it's perfectly normal discourse.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: one set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh

The assault weapons ban was a ten year ban that was signed by Bill Clinton. It was never renewed.

In today's world, you want to ban Assault Rifles? Be specific in your state law by saying "AR-15 and AK-47 and their various clones" and don't ban them. Regulate them heavily and tax them into submission. It worked well with the Model 1921 Thompson. It's a longer time to get the job done but it's pretty well permanent. All the Feds have to do is to move the AR-15/AK-47 into the extraordinary weapon category where it falls under the 1934 Firearms Act. But that doesn't ban them nor does it mean anyone is coming to your home to collect the guns.It took them about 10 years to see the results with the Model1921. But that's a different discussion and I don't want to explode your head quite yet.
Assault weapons are ordinary semi-automatic rifles that look scary to ignorant leftwingers. I'm against your plan to tax them into oblivion. How is that any better than simply outlawing them?

I'm trying to figure out how leftists think taxing guns - or cigarettes, or whatever it is they've decided people shouldn't want - will act as a deterrent to purchasing them, but taxing income won't act as a deterrent to earning more money. :eusa_think:
Assault weapons are ordinary semi-automatic rifles that look scary to ignorant leftwingers. I'm against your plan to tax them into oblivion. How is that any better than simply outlawing them?

Taxes were designed to support the governments, not as a tool to control people. Yet they do it all the time with things like tobacco and alcohol. As brilliant as our founders were, they weren't thinking ahead enough to imagine our leaders becoming so corrupt for power.

I think they weren't thinking ahead enough to imagine us letting them.
Here's the main reason why you guys are shitting yourself over meaningful gun laws.... you all know your neighbors can't wait to drop a dime on your crazy asses

We don’t all live in blue city/state ghettos like you. My doctor neighbors, who have plenty of guns, aren’t likely wanting to shoot me. They aso aren’t likely to be involved in any drug deals gone wrong so I don’t have to worry much about getting caught in the crossfire. The same can’t be said for many of you blue state city dwellers.
I'm betting money it's going to amount to, "He told them to believe something other than what we demand they believe!"

They are clueless. The MSM and commie party tells them what to think, but not why they should be thinking it. Truth of the matter is Trump never instructed anybody to break into the Capital and cause damage or threaten congress people.

Standard NYC Mafia Don. Never come right out and tell them to do anything but make sure that you tell them what the results should be and then send your most violent "Representatives" to get that results.
That must be your way of admitting that you don't have a shred of proof to support your claim.
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

Go fuck yourself. We all saw his shit.

Honest, I am ready to war with you Neanderthals. A cult of liars, immoral animals and victimization.
Come and get it. I just bought a brand spanking new AR-15. I'm itching to try it out.

Of course you did because you can't feel like a man without it.
A weapon evens things out. And that is for women also. We have legalized beatdowns and worse in many areas of the nation.

I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Cowardice is a big draw to Trumpism, I get that. Toughen up, sweetie.
So everyone who buys a gun is a coward? How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood? Are you going to call her a wimp when she fails to fight off a rapist?

Are Democrat Reich NAZIs like you always such colossal insufferable assholes?

It's actually that he ASSumes everyone has the same neurotic phobias he does, and therefore looks at the world through his lens. The only POSSIBLE reason to associate with those big, scary guns in his world is to try to prove a manhood he manifestly lacks; therefore, to him, that must be how EVERYONE thinks.

And since rapists are square in the middle of his masters' constituency, he's outraged at the notion that a woman should deny them anything.
Calling someone a scardycat because he doesn't want to do what you tell him are the tactics of a 9-year-old
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

Go fuck yourself. We all saw his shit.

Honest, I am ready to war with you Neanderthals. A cult of liars, immoral animals and victimization.
Come and get it. I just bought a brand spanking new AR-15. I'm itching to try it out.

Of course you did because you can't feel like a man without it.
A weapon evens things out. And that is for women also. We have legalized beatdowns and worse in many areas of the nation.

I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Cowardice is a big draw to Trumpism, I get that. Toughen up, sweetie.
So everyone who buys a gun is a coward? How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood? Are you going to call her a wimp when she fails to fight off a rapist?

Are Democrat Reich NAZIs like you always such colossal insufferable assholes?

It's actually that he ASSumes everyone has the same neurotic phobias he does, and therefore looks at the world through his lens. The only POSSIBLE reason to associate with those big, scary guns in his world is to try to prove a manhood he manifestly lacks; therefore, to him, that must be how EVERYONE thinks.

And since rapists are square in the middle of his masters' constituency, he's outraged at the notion that a woman should deny them anything.
Calling someone a scardycat because he doesn't want to do what you tell him are the tactics of a 9-year-old

ok then, you are a coward
TRump told me. As he told you. As he told teh world.

Go fuck yourself with your "alternate Facts" world. Left is right, up is down, truth is fact. You fuckers need to be dealt with. No more of this in America. It is time the main stream made a stand.

Okay, then please give me the exact words Trump used that told those people to riot, with a link please. And before you use generalities, whatever Trump said, the Democrats have said worse in the past.

Go fuck yourself. We all saw his shit.

Honest, I am ready to war with you Neanderthals. A cult of liars, immoral animals and victimization.
Come and get it. I just bought a brand spanking new AR-15. I'm itching to try it out.

Of course you did because you can't feel like a man without it.
A weapon evens things out. And that is for women also. We have legalized beatdowns and worse in many areas of the nation.

I don't need one you fuckin whimp.

Cowardice is a big draw to Trumpism, I get that. Toughen up, sweetie.
So everyone who buys a gun is a coward? How about a 110 lb woman who has to work in a crime ridden neighborhood? Are you going to call her a wimp when she fails to fight off a rapist?

Are Democrat Reich NAZIs like you always such colossal insufferable assholes?

It's actually that he ASSumes everyone has the same neurotic phobias he does, and therefore looks at the world through his lens. The only POSSIBLE reason to associate with those big, scary guns in his world is to try to prove a manhood he manifestly lacks; therefore, to him, that must be how EVERYONE thinks.

And since rapists are square in the middle of his masters' constituency, he's outraged at the notion that a woman should deny them anything.
Calling someone a scardycat because he doesn't want to do what you tell him are the tactics of a 9-year-old

ok then, you are a coward

And he STILL doesn't give a rat's ass about your opinion.
Standard NYC Mafia Don. Never come right out and tell them to do anything but make sure that you tell them what the results should be and then send your most violent "Representatives" to get that results.

Is that what he did? Fair enough. Show me where Trump said the results should be an intrusion in the Capital and putting their feet on Piglosi's desk.
A massive Democratic gun-control plan that could be called the "head shrink job protection bill" would require weapon owners and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations."
Gun owners also would have to pay the government $800 in "insurance" fees, and a long list of weapons simply would be banned.

Unconstitutional. Perhaps one day the Democrats will forward legislation that is, but it is not today.

It's amazing just how many people the Democrats have pissed off in just two weeks.

Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'
After the insurrection of Jan 6, I can't blame them. According to the Capitol police, many of the insurgents were packing. As a gun owner, I don't want those criminals to have weapons because they are loonies and it looks bad for all gun owners
when unstable people can buy weapons.
Standard NYC Mafia Don. Never come right out and tell them to do anything but make sure that you tell them what the results should be and then send your most violent "Representatives" to get that results.

Is that what he did? Fair enough. Show me where Trump said the results should be an intrusion in the Capital and putting their feet on Piglosi's desk.
That is trump's mojo--stay above the fray but get his toads to do the dirty.

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