Dems push psychological evaluations for gun owners and 'family members'

guy go fuck yourself you have the rights you have because of them


Frankly, if the Founding Slave Rapists had lost. We'd all be Canadians today.

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Just not that horrifying a thought. We'd have gotten rid of slavery without a civil war and we'd all have universal health care today.
you would still be kissing the ass of the king of England if not for the founders.
Imperfect men who created a more perfect union and leftist hatred of them has destroyed that union
you would still be kissing the ass of the king of England if not for the founders.
Imperfect men who created a more perfect union and leftist hatred of them has destroyed that union

Wow? Really? I'm 59, and there hasn't been a "King of England" in my entire lifetime. there has a been a Queen of the United Kingdom, but she doesn't hold any real power. She just shows up to stuff.

So let's assume for a moment, that North America stayed British. It would have eventually gotten some kind of home rule like Canada, Australia and New Zealand have. All those countries have all the freedoms we have. What they don't have are gun nuts, and when some crazy person shoots something up, they actually DO something about it.
What would be better if a new plan that could be called the "citizen protection bill" would require politicians and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations." to see if they are capable of performing in the office they re running for.
What would be better if a new plan that could be called the "citizen protection bill" would require politicians and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations." to see if they are capable of performing in the office they re running for.

We have those. They're called "elections".

The problem is, you guys keep voting for the crazies anyway.

you would still be kissing the ass of the king of England if not for the founders.
Imperfect men who created a more perfect union and leftist hatred of them has destroyed that union

Wow? Really? I'm 59, and there hasn't been a "King of England" in my entire lifetime. there has a been a Queen of the United Kingdom, but she doesn't hold any real power. She just shows up to stuff.

So let's assume for a moment, that North America stayed British. It would have eventually gotten some kind of home rule like Canada, Australia and New Zealand have. All those countries have all the freedoms we have. What they don't have are gun nuts, and when some crazy person shoots something up, they actually DO something about it.
dumbass as I said you would still be kissing the ass of the king without them
and Who fought for their freedom first? Those countries you mention or America? Without America and the founders taking a stand do you think those countries would have been freed so easily?
What would be better if a new plan that could be called the "citizen protection bill" would require politicians and their family members to undergo "psychological evaluations." to see if they are capable of performing in the office they re running for.

We have those. They're called "elections".

The problem is, you guys keep voting for the crazies anyway.

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enjoy your biden crashed economy
Naw, man, I get nothing but amusement watching someone like you WHINE all day about welfare but then getting your welfare check.

"Wah, they won't pay me what I want, I should go on welfare!" Um... yeah. You and your HUD neighbors have more in common than you want to admit.

That's because you're a brainless OCD patient that won't get any help. Otherwise you'd understand the difference between welfare and disability. You'd understand the difference between being young and healthy, or older and with serious health conditions. You'd understand the difference between paying into a program your entire life, and not paying a red cent into a program you use for years or perhaps the rest of your life.

It's not that you get amusement, it's that you are very sick man yourself, just mentally. Again, it's been a year and two months yet you bring up my situation every other post, and too sick or not man enough to realize you have a problem. I wonder how many thousands of hours of sleep you lost since last year when I told you about it. That's the amusement I get.

Wow, you realize how crazy you sound when you keep ranting about "Commies" and "Nazis", right?

If Obama went to the President of France to get the "Real Story" on that traffic accident Mitt Romney was in, you'd be screaming bloody murder. You know, the Traffic Accident we all know the Mormon Church covered up.

Never heard of the story, and don't care because I can't stand Romney. If it wasn't reported anywhere, you probably read it on some left wing kook blog.

The Nazis just impeached a sitting US President for exercising his constitutional rights. Yes, Nazis. Communism is well defined on the US Communist party website, and you will find few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party.
Naw, man, I get nothing but amusement watching someone like you WHINE all day about welfare but then getting your welfare check.

"Wah, they won't pay me what I want, I should go on welfare!" Um... yeah. You and your HUD neighbors have more in common than you want to admit.

That's because you're a brainless OCD patient that won't get any help. Otherwise you'd understand the difference between welfare and disability. You'd understand the difference between being young and healthy, or older and with serious health conditions. You'd understand the difference between paying into a program your entire life, and not paying a red cent into a program you use for years or perhaps the rest of your life.

It's not that you get amusement, it's that you are very sick man yourself, just mentally. Again, it's been a year and two months yet you bring up my situation every other post, and too sick or not man enough to realize you have a problem. I wonder how many thousands of hours of sleep you lost since last year when I told you about it. That's the amusement I get.

Wow, you realize how crazy you sound when you keep ranting about "Commies" and "Nazis", right?

If Obama went to the President of France to get the "Real Story" on that traffic accident Mitt Romney was in, you'd be screaming bloody murder. You know, the Traffic Accident we all know the Mormon Church covered up.

Never heard of the story, and don't care because I can't stand Romney. If it wasn't reported anywhere, you probably read it on some left wing kook blog.

The Nazis just impeached a sitting US President for exercising his constitutional rights. Yes, Nazis. Communism is well defined on the US Communist party website, and you will find few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party.

thank you for your input,Karen.
I think they assumed that from time to time, when government got too far out of control, the people would rise up and take arms against it, if necessary, overthrowing it and starting over, as they had done. Jefferson's remarks about the “Tree of Liberty” come to mind.

What they did not anticipate was how complacent, lazy, ignorant, and cowardly we would become.

The only tragedy is that Sally Hemmings didn't water the Tree of Liberty with Tommy Boy.

I wonder if Tommy would have been keen on Sally having a gun. I'm guessing not.
Bullshit conspiracy theory.

Your contempt for the original American liberal is noted. You must be a communist shit twinkle-toed cocksucker.

See, I told you people.

The communist left has never been attempting to right any bullshit wrongs, with all the statue removal and other historical cancelling bullshit. The communist left is attempting to remove liberty from our founding.

Their biggest target is Thomas Jefferson.

We should not tolerate that one single bit, to the point of all-out war!!!
Naw, man, I get nothing but amusement watching someone like you WHINE all day about welfare but then getting your welfare check.

"Wah, they won't pay me what I want, I should go on welfare!" Um... yeah. You and your HUD neighbors have more in common than you want to admit.

That's because you're a brainless OCD patient that won't get any help. Otherwise you'd understand the difference between welfare and disability. You'd understand the difference between being young and healthy, or older and with serious health conditions. You'd understand the difference between paying into a program your entire life, and not paying a red cent into a program you use for years or perhaps the rest of your life.

It's not that you get amusement, it's that you are very sick man yourself, just mentally. Again, it's been a year and two months yet you bring up my situation every other post, and too sick or not man enough to realize you have a problem. I wonder how many thousands of hours of sleep you lost since last year when I told you about it. That's the amusement I get.

Wow, you realize how crazy you sound when you keep ranting about "Commies" and "Nazis", right?

If Obama went to the President of France to get the "Real Story" on that traffic accident Mitt Romney was in, you'd be screaming bloody murder. You know, the Traffic Accident we all know the Mormon Church covered up.

Never heard of the story, and don't care because I can't stand Romney. If it wasn't reported anywhere, you probably read it on some left wing kook blog.

The Nazis just impeached a sitting US President for exercising his constitutional rights. Yes, Nazis. Communism is well defined on the US Communist party website, and you will find few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party.

thank you for your input,Karen.

Karen is a pejorative term used in the United States and other English-speaking countries for a woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is appropriate or necessary. A common stereotype is that of a white woman who uses her privilege to demand her own way at the expense of others.
guy go fuck yourself you have the rights you have because of them


Frankly, if the Founding Slave Rapists had lost. We'd all be Canadians today.

View attachment 459959

Just not that horrifying a thought. We'd have gotten rid of slavery without a civil war and we'd all have universal health care today.
Why don't you move there, you fucking piece of shit? You don't value America or its founding. You don't appreciate the liberties preserved. Quit trying to make us Canada and GET THE FUCK OUT!!!
Why don't you move there, you fucking piece of shit? You don't value America or its founding. You don't appreciate the liberties preserved. Quit trying to make us Canada and GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

According to the left, every other first world country is better than ours, but they stay here instead of going to all these other wonderful places.
They also read about Hitler and his success after he disarmed the public, and said the same thing "Yes, this is exactly what we want."

Hitler never disarmed the public. He actually loosened the Weimar gun laws. If you weren't part of the less than 1% of Germans who were Jewish, you could own a gun. And those Germans took those guns and fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy.

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The Militia
George Mason is known as the father of the bill of rights it was his belief that the people were the militia

Guy, just because the Founding Slave Rapists thought this was a good idea doesn't make it a good idea.

The Founding Slave Rapists thought bleeding people was a good medical treatment and witchcraft was actually a thing.

The thing that has changed between now and then is we realize not everyone should have a gun and not everyone is capable of being an effective militia.

You keep lying....

hitler disarmed his political enemies and the Jews, then allowed his thugs to have guns....

Why do you keep lying about that....

Germany began registering guns in the 1920s....the socialists then used those lists in the 30s to disarm their enemies.....who they later keep lying about the actual history and think you can sell it to us..... vote for the democrat party....the political party created by actual slave owners long after the founding of the country....a party that started the Civil War so they could keep owning and raping their slaves...that is the party you support, you moron....
Naw, man, I get nothing but amusement watching someone like you WHINE all day about welfare but then getting your welfare check.

"Wah, they won't pay me what I want, I should go on welfare!" Um... yeah. You and your HUD neighbors have more in common than you want to admit.

That's because you're a brainless OCD patient that won't get any help. Otherwise you'd understand the difference between welfare and disability. You'd understand the difference between being young and healthy, or older and with serious health conditions. You'd understand the difference between paying into a program your entire life, and not paying a red cent into a program you use for years or perhaps the rest of your life.

It's not that you get amusement, it's that you are very sick man yourself, just mentally. Again, it's been a year and two months yet you bring up my situation every other post, and too sick or not man enough to realize you have a problem. I wonder how many thousands of hours of sleep you lost since last year when I told you about it. That's the amusement I get.

Wow, you realize how crazy you sound when you keep ranting about "Commies" and "Nazis", right?

If Obama went to the President of France to get the "Real Story" on that traffic accident Mitt Romney was in, you'd be screaming bloody murder. You know, the Traffic Accident we all know the Mormon Church covered up.

Never heard of the story, and don't care because I can't stand Romney. If it wasn't reported anywhere, you probably read it on some left wing kook blog.

The Nazis just impeached a sitting US President for exercising his constitutional rights. Yes, Nazis. Communism is well defined on the US Communist party website, and you will find few differences between their agenda and the Democrat party.

thank you for your input,Karen.
okey doky Carl
Why don't you move there, you fucking piece of shit? You don't value America or its founding. You don't appreciate the liberties preserved. Quit trying to make us Canada and GET THE FUCK OUT!!!

According to the left, every other first world country is better than ours, but they stay here instead of going to all these other wonderful places.

I guess you must have dedicated your life to asking each and every leftee that question and got the same answer from all asked. If you haven't, you statement just made it onto the Karen list.
They also read about Hitler and his success after he disarmed the public, and said the same thing "Yes, this is exactly what we want."

Hitler never disarmed the public. He actually loosened the Weimar gun laws. If you weren't part of the less than 1% of Germans who were Jewish, you could own a gun. And those Germans took those guns and fought for Hitler to the last old man and little boy.

"A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
The Militia
George Mason is known as the father of the bill of rights it was his belief that the people were the militia

Guy, just because the Founding Slave Rapists thought this was a good idea doesn't make it a good idea.

The Founding Slave Rapists thought bleeding people was a good medical treatment and witchcraft was actually a thing.

The thing that has changed between now and then is we realize not everyone should have a gun and not everyone is capable of being an effective militia.

At the ripe old age of 74 I would not be a great militia member however I can still use a firearm to defend myself or my family from an attacker who intends to put someone in the hospital or six feet under.

If someone breaks into my house tonight with violent intent do you agree that I should have the right to own a firearm to defend myself or should I only be able to throw a can of beans at him?
I guess you must have dedicated your life to asking each and every leftee that question and got the same answer from all asked. If you haven't, you statement just made it onto the Karen list.

Anybody that disagrees with you is on your stupid Karen list. All you have to do is read USMB posts by leftists to note they are constantly talking about how things are so much better in other countries.
I guess you must have dedicated your life to asking each and every leftee that question and got the same answer from all asked. If you haven't, you statement just made it onto the Karen list.

Anybody that disagrees with you is on your stupid Karen list. All you have to do is read USMB posts by leftists to note they are constantly talking about how things are so much better in other countries.

If you don't like being called a Karen,stop acting like one.
dumbass as I said you would still be kissing the ass of the king without them
and Who fought for their freedom first? Those countries you mention or America? Without America and the founders taking a stand do you think those countries would have been freed so easily?

Um yeah, actually I do. Because the United Kingdom wasn't an absolute monarchy even back then. By then, it was constitutional monarchy and George III didn't have much personal power.

So what you had was a bunch of rich slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes and were afraid that they might take away their slaves at some point.

Now, America did become a better nation because of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, JFK, MLK and a host of others who actually made good on the lofty rhetoric of the Founding Slave Rapists.

They didn't shit marble, and we shouldn't keep letting crazy people like you have guns because they couldn't word an Amendment about militias clearly.

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