Desantis: Ok fine. I admit I can't cut school officials' pay

Voters should cut his pay by throwing his ass out. The guy like his hero is in over his head.
The day the teacher's unions are broken is the day that education will become real again. And I understand one of their views. That they are babysitters. Then again, feminism has made what we see today happen. Mom at home before the generations of feminism at a higher percentage got a lot of things done at a cheaper price. Mom at one time was the mother, the chef, the doctor, the nurse, the child arbiter on the street, the surrogate mother, the enforcer, the schmoozer, and the getting the kids who should not be there out of there. The nuclear family of then got massively more mileage out of the value of a dollar. And this is the kicker. Mom at home working with Dad working for the paycheck, live a rewarding life and could control her free time.
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As with the police being stripped of the protection of not being sued all teachers should be stripped of the right to tenure.

Welcome to the right to work and do your job as the parents want or be fired.



Did you know that tenure was created to allow the Leftists to be racist????

the history of tenure corresponds to that of the progressive movement in America...

1. In the 19th century, university professors largely served at the pleasure of the board of trustees of the university. Sometimes, major donors could successfully remove professors or prohibit the hiring of certain individuals; In one debate of the Cornell Board of Trustees, in the 1870s, a businessman trustee argued against the prevailing system of de facto tenure, but lost the argument. Tenure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. The modern institution of academic tenure was hastened by progressive academias solidarity with E.A.Ross, progressive sociologist and social engineer and eugenicist. His thesis was that immigration would lead to race suicide.

3. He studied at Johns Hopkins under Woodrow Wilson and Richard Ely, and was influenced, as were most progressives, by German national socialists. He shared with Wilson and Ely the belief that social progress had to realize innate differences between races: Africans and South Americans were close to being savages, and Asians might be more advanced but were degenerating.

a. He served as a tutor to Teddy Roosevelt on immigration, and Roosevelt wrote the introduction to Rosss Sin and Society.

4. Ross believed that America was headed for destruction due to immigration, intermarriage, and the refusal of the state to impose eugenic reforms.

a. He wrote: Observe immigrantsin their gatherings, washed and combed, and in their Sunday best[They] are hirsute, low-browed, big-faced persons of obviously low mentality[C]learly they belong in skins, in wattled huts at the close of the Great Ice Age. These ox-like men are descendants of those who always stayed behind. David M. Kennedy, Can We Still Afford To Be A Nation Of Immigrants? Atlantic Monthly, Nov. 1996, p.52-68

5. Ross got a position at Stanford, but Stanfords conservative grande dame and benefactor, Jane Lathrop Stanford disliked his loud and crude denunciation of Chinese coolies, as this position was at odds with the university's founding family, the Stanfords, who had made their fortune in Western rail construction - a major employer of Chinese laborers. Ibid.

a. Numerous professors at Stanford resigned after protests of his dismissal, sparking "a national debate.

b. Progressive organizations led by Richard Elys American Economic Association, rallied to his cause.

c. The NYTimes and other newspapers editorialized on his behalf.

d. But, Ross moved on to the University of Nebraska, where he worked with Roscoe Pound, on sociological jurisprudence, and modern liberalisms living Constitution.

6. In 1915, this was followed by the American Association of University Professors' (AAUP) declaration of principlesthe traditional justification for academic freedom and tenure. In 1940, the AAUP recommended that the academic tenure probationary period be seven years -- still the current norm
Name a Democrat who ever pretended to be able to cut a local official's pay.
why? i never said they did.

i said they have they have actually they couldn’t legally do something then did it anyway

at least the Gov isn’t actually doing something he knows he can’t
Voters should cut his pay by throwing his ass out. The guy like his hero is in over his head.
He's exactly the guy we need to ride heard on all the government parasites who believe they don't have to answer to the taxpayers.
The crime rate is rising, energy prices are rising, foreign policy is such a mess that we are evacuating Americans from Afghanistan, illegal aliens carrying disease are massing at the borders, the (former) governor of NY might face criminal charges but the left thinks the most important political issue of the day is the fact that the governor of Florida admits that he can't cut teachers pay. Why does the left hate this guy so much? It beats talking about Biden anyway.
The crime rate is rising, energy prices are rising, foreign policy is such a mess that we are evacuating Americans from Afghanistan, illegal aliens carrying disease are massing at the borders, the (former) governor of NY might face criminal charges but the left thinks the most important political issue of the day is the fact that the governor of Florida admits that he can't cut teachers pay. Why does the left hate this guy so much? It beats talking about Biden anyway.
The most important political issue of the day is the fact that Trump tried to enlist the help of the DOJ to engineer a fucking coup after that no good shitbag had his ass beat by Biden. And a few of his no good traiterous lowlife goons like Jordan, Hawley, Gosar, Goehmert & a few others were willing to let that menacing piece of shit lowlife get away with it.

That's who people like you support.
How's that surrendering US energy independence going, Joe?

What else did you have to kiss when you were down on your knee(s) before the Saudi royalty, begging them to save us by pumping more oil?

The most important political issue of the day is the fact that Trump tried to enlist the help of the DOJ to engineer a fucking coup after that no good shitbag had his ass beat by Biden. And a few of his no good traiterous lowlife goons like Jordan, Hawley, Gosar, Goehmert & a few others were willing to let that menacing piece of shit lowlife get away with it.

That's who people like you support.
That's a total fucking lie.
That's a total fucking lie.
You go right on believing that if it makes you feel better. And don't call me a liar, ahole. There's plenty of evidence to show that's just what Trump & his goons were up to whether you like it or not.
And Biden countered with a probably unconstitutional threat to distribute federal funds disproportionately to the schools that were threaten by DeSantis.
You go right on believing that if it makes you feel better. And don't call me a liar, ahole. There's plenty of evidence to show that's just what Trump & his goons were up to whether you like it or not.
I'll call you a liar whenever I like. You have been caught too many times for me to count.
I'll call you a liar whenever I like. You have been caught too many times for me to count.
The only thing you've caught me in is rubbing your snotlocker in the truth about Trump, which you can't stand. Once again, he's a lowlife traitor who belongs in GITMO.

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