Despite bogus court cases, Trump gaining support. Opposition is losing support

68l cases, 1miseryindex, show that you are crazy or stupid or both. There was no systemic vote fraud that caused DJT to lose. He lost because he's a loser Americans don't want.
He lost because the American people were lied to about how corrupt Joe Biden and his entire family is, John! If people had only known we wouldn't be stuck with the joke we have now!
Because it is.
So Trump will lose the appeals? We'll see.

That eagerness could prove the court’s undoing, however. Some of Engoron’s earlier orders are currently under review. Yet it is James’ demand for the effective dissolution of the corporation and $250 million in penalties that could push this case beyond the curious to the unconstitutional.
It is relatively rare for civil damages to trigger constitutional review, and it is still far from clear that this case will rise to that level. The New York law is unique in allowing massive penalties without the loss of a single dollar by a bank. However, James wants dissolution and crippling damages, and that could trigger a higher-court review.
So Trump will lose the appeals? We'll see.

That eagerness could prove the court’s undoing, however. Some of Engoron’s earlier orders are currently under review. Yet it is James’ demand for the effective dissolution of the corporation and $250 million in penalties that could push this case beyond the curious to the unconstitutional.
It is relatively rare for civil damages to trigger constitutional review, and it is still far from clear that this case will rise to that level. The New York law is unique in allowing massive penalties without the loss of a single dollar by a bank. However, James wants dissolution and crippling damages, and that could trigger a higher-court review.
what a b*&&^%$$

Hell awaits her

There are a lot of statistics here.

One is that only 23% of people surveyed said briben's policies did them any good.

That's about 20 points higher than I tended to think.
This just highlights what TDS truly is, the total and complete obsession with getting Trump, even if it makes Trump even stronger by doing it.
Which is a good AG. Bravo to NY!
Crime is off the charts. New Yorkers are afraid to leave their homes. What is James doing about that? She's bringing charges against Trump. Charges that will be dropped on appeal. That's a "good" AG? What would a "bad" AG be, Bodecea?
Because nobody gives a shit if it makes him more popular among his cult.

The fact that felonies make him more popula is a sad commentary on the cult.
He is more popular among everyone but the TDS'rs. Polls show his support growing and it's not because of his cult members. They were already on board.

There are a lot of statistics here.

One is that only 23% of people surveyed said briben's policies did them any good.

That's about 20 points higher than I tended to think.

Almost half of Republicans in new poll would not vote for Trump if he’s convicted of felony


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