Developer pulls out of Portland after four decades: 'How can you be this dysfunctional?'

The Progressive Jihad on America

BINGO, Frank. Remember in high school the nerds who weren't good at anything? They weren't tall, they weren't athletic, they weren't handsome, they weren't popular, they didn't get good grades and they weren't particularly smart. These were the kids who became jealous and vengeful of the world and have now grown up and are taking it out on the world hoping to get even.

Thank about it-- every lefty posting here there is an element of jealously behind their hate driving their contempt. They hate everything:
  • They hate themselves.
  • They hate their gender.
  • They hate their race.
  • They hate HAVING gender.
  • They hate the rich.
  • They hate the poor.
  • They hate the Constitution.
  • They hate faith and religion.
  • They hate the family.
  • They hate firearms.
  • They hate borders.
Everything they are about is for radical change from what we always were because they just HATE IT. They don't even care if the change is $7.00/gallon gasoline or empty food shelves just so that they change it. This is the essence of mental illness.
In Portland, Oregon, after this developer complained to the government about homeless people vandalizing his property, the government did nothing to stop them, but fined him instead.

So now he’s done doing business in the city.

Good for him.

Packs it in after 4 decades

It's all cis gendered white supremacists fault
BINGO, Frank. Remember in high school the nerds who weren't good at anything? They weren't tall, they weren't athletic, they weren't handsome, they weren't popular, they didn't get good grades and they weren't particularly smart. These were the kids who became jealous and vengeful of the world and have now grown up and are taking it out on the world hoping to get even.

Thank about it-- every lefty posting here there is an element of jealously behind their hate driving their contempt. They hate everything:
  • They hate themselves.
  • They hate their gender.
  • They hate their race.
  • They hate HAVING gender.
  • They hate the rich.
  • They hate the poor.
  • They hate the Constitution.
  • They hate faith and religion.
  • They hate the family.
  • They hate firearms.
  • They hate borders.
Everything they are about is for radical change from what we always were because they just HATE IT. They don't even care if the change is $7.00/gallon gasoline or empty food shelves just so that they change it. This is the essence of mental illness.
emember in high school the nerds who weren't good at anything? They weren't tall, they weren't athletic, they weren't handsome, they weren't popular, they didn't get good grades and they weren't particularly smart.
That was me.

These were the kids who became jealous and vengeful of the world and have now grown up and are taking it out on the world hoping to get even.
That's NOT me.
In Portland, Oregon, after this developer complained to the government about homeless people vandalizing his property, the government did nothing to stop them, but fined him instead.

So now he’s done doing business in the city.

Good for him.

Victims being persecuted by government while low life scum do whatever they want.
Just another example of how pushing a political ideology too far on one end is a bad idea.

We just refuse to learn. We absolutely refuse. And we're seeing, in real time, how that works out.
The desired result happened. Trump lost and the Progs moved the nation further left.
Can't bother with a Pity Party for some developer, probably a Californicator with a hundred wetbacks on his crew, letting the govt. give them food stamps to keep them around and charities to clothe them. We need to lose about 140 million people, not drive up prices for more housing. Last time I was in Portland wetbacks had overrun half the place.
Corrupt degenerate asshole Dems in Oregon government FORCE people to pay taxes for government, police, courts, justice system services...then sit on their hands and don't do the job taxpayers are forced to pay them to do, incredible. They should sue to get their money back!
Victims being persecuted by government while low life scum do whatever they want.
The nation has no idea how bad it's become in Portland, OR. A city that was multiple times voted the most livable city in the country is now a homeless camp, drug addict, illegal sanctuary crime ridden shithole where crime pays.

The once beautiful thriving waterfront district is now filled with shuttered businesses. Robbed blind, in fear for their employees they bailed. If you shop at any of the remaining stores you stand a good chance of having your catalytic converter cut off your vehicle, being robbed or assaulted. No cops in sight.

The remaining stores have had to hire their own cops and armed security. I was in a Marine store over there a couple weeks ago to purchase a new battery for my boat. They weigh 60-70 lbs. No batteries on the shelf so I went to the parts counter. The guy said they had to secure them all in the back because people would grab a battery and run out of the store with them without paying, WTF??
Comparatively, to what I have heard and read, regarding cities in Oregon, Washington, and California, I suspect most of the rest of the country is less "woke". My uncle move out of Oregon 20 years ago, saying the Californian liberals coming in, ruined it. I've never actually been there and have no wish to visit.

I'm going to Portland Tuesday for work. My boss is there and is bringing out whole team in for a few days. I haven't been there in about five years. I didn't really see any issues, but I also didn't spend much time downtown.
I'm going to Portland Tuesday for work. My boss is there and is bringing out whole team in for a few days. I haven't been there in about five years. I didn't really see any issues, but I also didn't spend much time downtown.
Let us know what you see. Have a good trip.
In our last election for governor, we had three women running. One was a moderate righty. One was a moderate lefty. One was an off the charts communist.

Can you guess who won, folks?
In our last election for governor, we had three women running. One was a moderate righty. One was a moderate lefty. One was an off the charts communist.

Can you guess who won, folks?

You can thank Trump for that and his SCOTUS picks for overturning Roe.

It is mostly due to the fact that a huge percentage of the population here lives in the Portland metro area.

The Republican in that race barely lost. The party was on track to annihilate the Democrats in those midterms. They were running competitive races in states and Congressional districts that usually aren't. Within a month after the Dobbs decision came out their polling numbers severely eroded to the point they had an anemic election day. Many of those close races, like in Oregon, would have certainly flipped the other way had that not happened.
My question is, why so many homeless? We have a billionaire who's been bribing Clarence Thomas for decades. Come on Brother Clarence. Trickle down some of your ill gotten gain so these right wing crybabies can quit their bitching.
Just another example of how pushing a political ideology too far on one end is a bad idea.

We just refuse to learn. We absolutely refuse. And we're seeing, in real time, how that works out.
It's all going to plan for the people creating these situations. They've learned from history that Americans are easy to manipulate if you frame things in some faux virtuous cause.
Just like Anchor Steam Brewery, one of the oldest in America, finally threw in the towel in woke San Fran.

The reasons given for the closure of Anchor Steam (owned by Saporo USA, that's a Japanese owned company) were financial, not fucked up city management... more like poor business management.

They also acquired Stone Brewing last year... let's hope they don't fuck that one up too...

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