Diana Nyad - The 64-year-old woman who swam from Cuba to Florida, for fun

Clinton congratulates Diana whilst sharks bitin' Hillary onna butt...
Hillary Clinton tells Diana Nyad about her ‘sharks’
9/2/13: Hillary Clinton said Monday that American Diana Nyad’s record-breaking swim between Cuba and Florida puts her former job in perspective.
Tweeting her congratulations to the 64-year-old swimmer, the former secretary of state said the feat outshone her own brushes with “sharks.”

"Flying to 112 countries is a lot until you consider swimming between 2. Feels like I swim with sharks - but you actually did it! Congrats!"


Nyad completed her swim from Havana to Key West on Monday afternoon.

Nyad completed the 110 mile, 53 hour swim on Monday afternoon, coming ashore in Key West, Fla. It was her fifth attempt to complete the trek, and she became the first person to do so without use of a shark cage.

Hillary Clinton tells Diana Nyad about her ?sharks? - Tal Kopan - POLITICO.com

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