Diaper crisis in America!!!

How did you have the time to do all that and work full time? Damn you're hard core.

And had them potty trained at 18 months...Dude is Mother Theresa or something and lives with the Lost Boys in Never Neverland.

Never mind, I take that back. If he was around boys he would know how funny his statement about being fully potty trained at 18 month is.

Uh yeah. My oldest was barely 3 when she was fully potty trained, my youngest is 15 months and in 3 months there ain't NO WAY she is gonna be ready to potty train. That's idiotic when people who haven't had kids talk out their ass. Any parent also knows EVERY kid is different and that means when they become potty trained.

the whole humankind until the disposable diapers were invented started potty training from the moment the kid was able to sit ( which is about 6-7 months of age) and still does - all third world countries potty train from infancy as does much of the second world, or previous eastern bloc countries - kids, obviously differ by the age they are fully potty trained, but by no mean it is as late as it is in the US or other western countries.

Infant potty training: What it is and how to do it | BabyCenter
Have you had a baby?

yes I did. And I hand washed the diapers. So I know what I am talking about.

Sure ya did.

Please show me where you can buy a good supple of cloth diapers other than through a service?
And how much time does a working mom have to wash them?
When my son was a baby, I had enough time to do laundry one day of the week. Work and a baby kind of took up my time.

And you are really being a dick over children getting diapers? Loser.

I did my friends did my mom did my grandma did. When I was 8 I'd walk into a bathroom to an especially lovely little brother one soaking in the toilet. He's a a huge tatted up firefighter but the memory and reminding him of how it used to be :)

They make cloth all convenient and nice these days. They also have reasonable diaper services.

This is a f'ed issue. They are expensive they stay in the land fill.

Where's the change.stupid.org petition on this one or should I lead the pack.
How did you have the time to do all that and work full time? Damn you're hard core.

And had them potty trained at 18 months...Dude is Mother Theresa or something and lives with the Lost Boys in Never Neverland.

Never mind, I take that back. If he was around boys he would know how funny his statement about being fully potty trained at 18 month is.

you government moochers are such morons.

how did humanity survived without being government spoon fed - nobody knows.

Now I understand why the others immediately called you on lies.

you clearly neither ever had a baby or know how to care for one.

Who called me on my lies?

But I will call you on your lies now. You failed to highlight this, when you originally started attacking the woman.
There's no way around buying them," said Capper, a 41-year-old single mother who doesn't work because of a disability.
So she is disabled, and you said nothing when Katz made comments about her spending her money on beer?
YOu also failed to mention the woman was receiving diapers from a charity organization.

And I will give you a hint, loser. Not every child is perfect, and most are very hard to potty train, then you add in the fact my child had other reasons why it was hard.
I am glad you got three years off to raise your child, use cloth diapers, and have your child potty trained by 18 months.
Some of us had to work, or some are disabled like the woman in the article, and some of us had boys who were impossible to potty train. So take your perfect world, and shove it. Normal people do not have the pleasure of taking three years off to be mom of the year.
sure I did. but if the money is an issue ( and it was for us) that was not an sole option. we used disposables for the night always, but the daytime was the cloth ones.

And you washed these cloth diapers by hand? Did you use a washboard?

why on earth do you need a washboard?

To wash the diapers.

or you are a fucking lazy moron who will put the poop diapers to rot and dry for days?

I had no idea the presence of a washboard caused lazying and stupidity and poop rot.
I don't understand why this is even an issue. Many Mothers use to use cloth diapers. I have much sympathy for the poor but I won't do something for them I know that they can do for themselves. I refuse to believe they can't, it would be more of a not want to.

I have things I don't like to do like shell peas from the garden but I don't expect others to shell them for me.

As for diaper rash, petroleum jelly is cheap and the best thing I ever found to cure and head off diaper rash.

well, we have two militant libtards on this thread who want you and me to provide for the "poor women" who can not cloth diaper, can not hand wash, are sooooo helpless and hopeless that if you do not pay your fair share, they will have problems :lol:

Our fair share would be to pay nothing for desposible diapers for the poor since we know using cloth diapers is very doable.
I don't understand why this is even an issue. Many Mothers use to use cloth diapers. I have much sympathy for the poor but I won't do something for them I know that they can do for themselves. I refuse to believe they can't, it would be more of a not want to.

I have things I don't like to do like shell peas from the garden but I don't expect others to shell them for me.

As for diaper rash, petroleum jelly is cheap and the best thing I ever found to cure and head off diaper rash.

well, we have two militant libtards on this thread who want you and me to provide for the "poor women" who can not cloth diaper, can not hand wash, are sooooo helpless and hopeless that if you do not pay your fair share, they will have problems :lol:

How would you pay for it? It doesn't sound like you have a job.
so why are you upset at everybody?

you clearly did not read the link ( neither did the others, to be fair), but you engaged in a rabid defense of "somebody" just because, without any reason.

LuLu is losing it that's why and it's a joy to witness too.

You lost it a long time ago, honey.

You don't need to go that far. I'm not a lesbian no matter how hard you wish it.
And had them potty trained at 18 months...Dude is Mother Theresa or something and lives with the Lost Boys in Never Neverland.

Never mind, I take that back. If he was around boys he would know how funny his statement about being fully potty trained at 18 month is.

you government moochers are such morons.

how did humanity survived without being government spoon fed - nobody knows.

Now I understand why the others immediately called you on lies.

you clearly neither ever had a baby or know how to care for one.

Who called me on my lies?

at least 3 people here did :lol:

But I will call you on your lies now. You failed to highlight this, when you originally started attacking the woman.
There's no way around buying them," said Capper, a 41-year-old single mother who doesn't work because of a disability.
So she is disabled, and you said nothing when Katz made comments about her spending her money on beer?
YOu also failed to mention the woman was receiving diapers from a charity organization.

And I will give you a hint, loser. Not every child is perfect, and most are very hard to potty train, then you add in the fact my child had other reasons why it was hard.
I am glad you got three years off to raise your child, use cloth diapers, and have your child potty trained by 18 months.
Some of us had to work, or some are disabled like the woman in the article, and some of us had boys who were impossible to potty train. So take your perfect world, and shove it. Normal people do not have the pleasure of taking three years off to be mom of the year.

Idiot, if you did not read an article, it is YOUR lies, not mine. Why should I highlight something what is not important?
she is not in a wheelchair and is clearly bending to play with her son - so is able to take care of him.
so she is clearly not disabled to the degree that she can not wash the cloth diapers.

she does the other laundry, doesn't she?
and she absolutely can start potty train her son at least for #2 - he is 11 months old.

if one has to work - there is no way there is time for cloth diapering, unless there is a nanny and a diaper service.

But if one is working - one can at least partially provide for that, or part of that.

But for a moronic liar like you it is obviously beynd comprehension
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yes I did. And I hand washed the diapers. So I know what I am talking about.

How did you have the time to do all that and work full time? Damn you're hard core.

I had a 3 year maternity leave. I did not work.

LOL! Well why don't all these poor women just take three YEAR maternity leave? They can take their 3 years maternity leave, and pay for it by skipping their spa treatments every now and then. We'll let them eat cake, while we're at it.

Welcome to 2013. My wife and I both work full time. She took 3 MONTHS of maternity leave - not years - and we consider ourselves very lucky she was able to take that much. So what you mistake for 'laziness' is really more like 'don't have the fucking time'. Must have been nice to be able to take 3 years off so you could be supermom and look down your nose at mothers who work and don't have the time to wash cloth diapers (which according to you makes them lazy).

Hey guess what? All that bottle sterilization crap you probably thought you 'had' to do religiously? Turns out science has figured out making the bottles overly sterile reduces the ability of the infants immune system to develop. So your baby was worse off for all the pain in the ass of bottle sterilzation. We wash ours in the sink or run it through the dishwasher (a luxury lots of folks don't have, maybe you weren't aware) - and we're done. So HA! You wasted your time.
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How did you have the time to do all that and work full time? Damn you're hard core.

And had them potty trained at 18 months...Dude is Mother Theresa or something and lives with the Lost Boys in Never Neverland.

Never mind, I take that back. If he was around boys he would know how funny his statement about being fully potty trained at 18 month is.

Uh yeah. My oldest was barely 3 when she was fully potty trained, my youngest is 15 months and in 3 months there ain't NO WAY she is gonna be ready to potty train. That's idiotic when people who haven't had kids talk out their ass. Any parent also knows EVERY kid is different and that means when they become potty trained.

I felt horrible when my son was 3 and not potty trained, then I talked to someone who knew what they are talking about. It is not realistic at all to expect your child to be potty trained at 18 months old.
My son has a sensory perception disorder, he didn't care that he had a soiled diaper or underwear. Which makes it very hard to potty train. Finally, I listened to an expert, not a loser on a message board and their method worked in a few weeks, plus my son was ready to potty train.
Every expert will tell you, if they are not ready, there is no point.
you government moochers are such morons.

how did humanity survived without being government spoon fed - nobody knows.

Now I understand why the others immediately called you on lies.

you clearly neither ever had a baby or know how to care for one.

Who called me on my lies?

But I will call you on your lies now. You failed to highlight this, when you originally started attacking the woman.
There's no way around buying them," said Capper, a 41-year-old single mother who doesn't work because of a disability.
So she is disabled, and you said nothing when Katz made comments about her spending her money on beer?
YOu also failed to mention the woman was receiving diapers from a charity organization.

And I will give you a hint, loser. Not every child is perfect, and most are very hard to potty train, then you add in the fact my child had other reasons why it was hard.
I am glad you got three years off to raise your child, use cloth diapers, and have your child potty trained by 18 months.
Some of us had to work, or some are disabled like the woman in the article, and some of us had boys who were impossible to potty train. So take your perfect world, and shove it. Normal people do not have the pleasure of taking three years off to be mom of the year.

oh, she is not in a wheelchair and is clearly bending to play with her son - so is able to take care of him.
so she is clearly not disabled to the degree that she can not wash the cloth diapers.

she does the other laundry, doesn't she?
and she absolutely can start potty train her son at least for #2 - he is 11 months old.

if one has to work - there is no way there is time for cloth diapering, unless there is a nanny and a diaper service.

But if one is working - one can at least partially provide for that, or part of that.
One would hope, but you never know. Every situation is different. Which is something you need to wake up to.
If they don't have time to wash diapers do they wear their own underwear until the crotch rots out. They can wash diapers. Put down the bong and load the washing machine.
Hey, taxpayers,'

how about paying for the disposable diapers for the poor - a new idea by LAtimes:

Diaper crisis among poor families endangers children, study finds - latimes.com

I think the real problem with disposable diapers is where they all end up. Cloth diapers is the better way. On a trip, special event, there are exceptions. Out of Sight, Out of Mind - The Disposable Diaper Myth

Totally agree.

Disposables are "special occasion" peeing treats.
It must have been nice.

it was.

Now stop judging people you don't know, and who do not have the same privileges you had.

You are like my spoiled friend who bitches about welfare queens at Walmart while her daddy pays for everything.

well, if you and other moronic so-called feminists of this country would not fight for abortion only and care about REAL female rights, you would have had the maternity leave as well. and a job security while on it. and a prenatal leave too.

That is what the feminists in the other countries fought for - and achieved.

But idiots like you will pee in your pants for "reproductive rights" which are one issue only- KILL THE BABY, even if it is "fourth trimester" :lol:

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