Dick Cheney To CNN Reporter: President Trump Took Us To Point Where We Don’t Need You Guys Anymore

It's a fairly accurate statement. The credibility and clear bias was so extreme and obvious that it pushed people to vote for Trump. The media were like a salesman pushing someone so hard on you that you know something is amiss and you buy from their competitor.

I never thought I would be one to question the media, but this election was unmatched in bias and it was called out constantly. Ironically, it was this same media at CNN that undermined Cruz, Rand Paul and Rubio probably because they felt Clinton would easily crush Trump. Karma I suppose...
It's a fairly accurate statement. The credibility and clear bias was so extreme and obvious that it pushed people to vote for Trump. The media were like a salesman pushing someone so hard on you that you know something is amiss and you buy from their competitor.

I never thought I would be one to question the media, but this election was unmatched in bias and it was called out constantly. Ironically, it was this same media at CNN that undermined Cruz, Rand Paul and Rubio probably because they felt Clinton would easily crush Trump. Karma I suppose...

No, the previous two elections matched the bias. People weren't ready to believe it, though. They had to be subjected to it nonstop over 8 years and yet another election before they totally caught on.
It's a fairly accurate statement. The credibility and clear bias was so extreme and obvious that it pushed people to vote for Trump. The media were like a salesman pushing someone so hard on you that you know something is amiss and you buy from their competitor.

I never thought I would be one to question the media, but this election was unmatched in bias and it was called out constantly. Ironically, it was this same media at CNN that undermined Cruz, Rand Paul and Rubio probably because they felt Clinton would easily crush Trump. Karma I suppose...

No, the previous two elections matched the bias. People weren't ready to believe it, though. They had to be subjected to it nonstop over 8 years and yet another election before they totally caught on.

Well the situation in the country and in the world really is so different now than in 2008. There is alot more angst regarding the future both geopolitically and otherwise.
The media in general is vomit. They are alt-left vermin and simply work for the democrat party.
Hmmm...Trump is advertising shows for Fox on his Twit account and Lewandowski was punding as a pundit on CNN.
Be prepared for four years of getting your news directly from the Trump admin on Youtube. The MSM is getting bypassed and will be reduced to simply playing his video releases.

And fact checking....Dont forget facts and stuff
What fact checkers should we believe? The ones that twist themselves in order to make obvious left wing lies mostly true? Or the same ones that make Republican 100% truths into mostly false?

You people created this fucking mess and now are bitching because we don't give a fuck about following your stupid fact checkers. The fact checkers you want us to believe are the same ones that will lie and twist anything in your favor. You know, your favorite "fake news fact checker". Fuck off. Trump is going to kick your asses for four years bypassing all of your bullshit and sending a message directly to people without your fucking filters and fact checking. And he will get away with it. You know why? Because if the economy and life in general is revving up and people feel good about it they will believe him. There will be no need for your stupid fucking spin on how health care is much cheaper and better even though it's costing you more and is worthless to you because you're too fucking stupid to understand its benefits. People will actually see the benefits you assholes always promise and always say are there but you aren't smart enough to see because they will actually fucking be there this time.

Trump will be able to bypass you morons as long as what he is saying makes sense and people are seeing the results and that must scare the shit out of you.
Be prepared for four years of getting your news directly from the Trump admin on Youtube. The MSM is getting bypassed and will be reduced to simply playing his video releases.

And fact checking....Dont forget facts and stuff
What fact checkers should we believe? The ones that twist themselves in order to make obvious left wing lies mostly true? Or the same ones that make Republican 100% truths into mostly false?

You people created this fucking mess and now are bitching because we don't give a fuck about following your stupid fact checkers. The fact checkers you want us to believe are the same ones that will lie and twist anything in your favor. You know, your favorite "fake news fact checker". Fuck off. Trump is going to kick your asses for four years bypassing all of your bullshit and sending a message directly to people without your fucking filters and fact checking. And he will get away with it. You know why? Because if the economy and life in general is revving up and people feel good about it they will believe him. There will be no need for your stupid fucking spin on how health care is much cheaper and better even though it's costing you more and is worthless to you because you're too fucking stupid to understand its benefits. People will actually see the benefits you assholes always promise and always say are there but you aren't smart enough to see because they will actually fucking be there this time.

Trump will be able to bypass you morons as long as what he is saying makes sense and people are seeing the results and that must scare the shit out of you.
Scary stuff.
The truth doesn't matter as long as you're...what...feeling good?
Frankly I think Trump tweeting is awesome. It's a direct connection with the people and that's a very powerful thing, to quote our new President.

Sure the hyperventilating liberals are going to have to learn to deal, but honestly their tantrums about his tweets are like a bonus giggle.
Thank goodness no
Well he will be in about a month and a half!
Yep. God help us.
Yet, you did it to yourself, and you'll keep doing it because you have no clue.
Keep doing it? Not sure about that, since the republic may not be around much longer.
saving of the republic will begin on Jan 20th.
Putting your faith in a con man serial adulterer pu$$y grabber. And you fell for it. Clearly there is more than one born every minute.
Be prepared for four years of getting your news directly from the Trump admin on Youtube. The MSM is getting bypassed and will be reduced to simply playing his video releases.

And fact checking....Dont forget facts and stuff
What fact checkers should we believe? The ones that twist themselves in order to make obvious left wing lies mostly true? Or the same ones that make Republican 100% truths into mostly false?

You people created this fucking mess and now are bitching because we don't give a fuck about following your stupid fact checkers. The fact checkers you want us to believe are the same ones that will lie and twist anything in your favor. You know, your favorite "fake news fact checker". Fuck off. Trump is going to kick your asses for four years bypassing all of your bullshit and sending a message directly to people without your fucking filters and fact checking. And he will get away with it. You know why? Because if the economy and life in general is revving up and people feel good about it they will believe him. There will be no need for your stupid fucking spin on how health care is much cheaper and better even though it's costing you more and is worthless to you because you're too fucking stupid to understand its benefits. People will actually see the benefits you assholes always promise and always say are there but you aren't smart enough to see because they will actually fucking be there this time.

Trump will be able to bypass you morons as long as what he is saying makes sense and people are seeing the results and that must scare the shit out of you.
Scary stuff.
The truth doesn't matter as long as you're...what...feeling good?
Isn't that the lefts position? Twist the actual words of planned parenthood selling baby body parts into the guy reporting this has broken the law. Pretzel obies statement if you like your plan you can keep it, and when you make it mostly true because you can go get another plan. That must be the truth. One you probably don't want but you can keep your plan as long as it's not your old one but one we approve of. The truth started getting watered down eight years ago when you and the msm decided to fade the truth in favor of cheerleading the lies of the left as the only truth. I think I will take my chances from getting the "truth" from the man himself and not pay any attention to the news.
Well he will be in about a month and a half!
Yep. God help us.
Yet, you did it to yourself, and you'll keep doing it because you have no clue.
Keep doing it? Not sure about that, since the republic may not be around much longer.
saving of the republic will begin on Jan 20th.
Putting your faith in a con man serial adulterer pu$$y grabber. And you fell for it. Clearly there is more than one born every minute.
Or not
Say whatever you want.....try to have facts though before calling it news eh
Huh? What makes you think "facts" have ever been the cornerstone of the media?

1). "Russia has invaded Ohio State University!" Note the quotation marks. This means that the statement was uttered by someone, and the media are merely repeating (quoting) the person who said it. Perfectly legal.
2). 100% Proof that Saddam had WMD's! Yeah, he did have chemical weapons (as we all know) but destroyed everything when the UN said that he must. Which, by the way, was long before the US illegal invasion of the country.
3)."Cigarette smoking is neither addictive nor cancer-friendly." Note the quotation marks again. This is a paraphrase whittled down from "To the best of our knowledge cigarette smoking is neither addictive nor cancer-friendly." Good luck trying to prove it was not to the best of his knowledge.
4). Nine out of ten doctors approve the use of Heroin! Sure, we asked ten doctors if they would recommend using heroine and nine of them said "Yes!". However, our roving team asked 50,000 doctors but only sent ten into our office so that we could ask the same question.
5). "I did not have sexual relations with that woman!" Maybe not everyone agrees that shoving a Havana up a woman's holiest of holies is "related to sex".
Be prepared for four years of getting your news directly from the Trump admin on Youtube. The MSM is getting bypassed and will be reduced to simply playing his video releases.

And fact checking....Dont forget facts and stuff
What fact checkers should we believe? The ones that twist themselves in order to make obvious left wing lies mostly true? Or the same ones that make Republican 100% truths into mostly false?

You people created this fucking mess and now are bitching because we don't give a fuck about following your stupid fact checkers. The fact checkers you want us to believe are the same ones that will lie and twist anything in your favor. You know, your favorite "fake news fact checker". Fuck off. Trump is going to kick your asses for four years bypassing all of your bullshit and sending a message directly to people without your fucking filters and fact checking. And he will get away with it. You know why? Because if the economy and life in general is revving up and people feel good about it they will believe him. There will be no need for your stupid fucking spin on how health care is much cheaper and better even though it's costing you more and is worthless to you because you're too fucking stupid to understand its benefits. People will actually see the benefits you assholes always promise and always say are there but you aren't smart enough to see because they will actually fucking be there this time.

Trump will be able to bypass you morons as long as what he is saying makes sense and people are seeing the results and that must scare the shit out of you.
Scary stuff.
The truth doesn't matter as long as you're...what...feeling good?
Isn't that the lefts position? Twist the actual words of planned parenthood selling baby body parts into the guy reporting this has broken the law. Pretzel obies statement if you like your plan you can keep it, and when you make it mostly true because you can go get another plan. That must be the truth. One you probably don't want but you can keep your plan as long as it's not your old one but one we approve of. The truth started getting watered down eight years ago when you and the msm decided to fade the truth in favor of cheerleading the lies of the left as the only truth. I think I will take my chances from getting the "truth" from the man himself and not pay any attention to the news.
Your Planned Parenthood reference is wrong the film maker was the one that twisted the facts.
Obama was wrong.

There ya go.
I can't believe that we have come down to people actually arguing that facts are a bad thing or don't even exist!
Be prepared for four years of getting your news directly from the Trump admin on Youtube. The MSM is getting bypassed and will be reduced to simply playing his video releases.

Hitler never had press conferences either, fucktard. If you want to be a little Repug peasant your entire miserable life, that's your stupid fucking ass.
Be prepared for four years of getting your news directly from the Trump admin on Youtube. The MSM is getting bypassed and will be reduced to simply playing his video releases.

And fact checking....Dont forget facts and stuff
What fact checkers should we believe? The ones that twist themselves in order to make obvious left wing lies mostly true? Or the same ones that make Republican 100% truths into mostly false?

You people created this fucking mess and now are bitching because we don't give a fuck about following your stupid fact checkers. The fact checkers you want us to believe are the same ones that will lie and twist anything in your favor. You know, your favorite "fake news fact checker". Fuck off. Trump is going to kick your asses for four years bypassing all of your bullshit and sending a message directly to people without your fucking filters and fact checking. And he will get away with it. You know why? Because if the economy and life in general is revving up and people feel good about it they will believe him. There will be no need for your stupid fucking spin on how health care is much cheaper and better even though it's costing you more and is worthless to you because you're too fucking stupid to understand its benefits. People will actually see the benefits you assholes always promise and always say are there but you aren't smart enough to see because they will actually fucking be there this time.

Trump will be able to bypass you morons as long as what he is saying makes sense and people are seeing the results and that must scare the shit out of you.
Scary stuff.
The truth doesn't matter as long as you're...what...feeling good?
Isn't that the lefts position? Twist the actual words of planned parenthood selling baby body parts into the guy reporting this has broken the law. Pretzel obies statement if you like your plan you can keep it, and when you make it mostly true because you can go get another plan. That must be the truth. One you probably don't want but you can keep your plan as long as it's not your old one but one we approve of. The truth started getting watered down eight years ago when you and the msm decided to fade the truth in favor of cheerleading the lies of the left as the only truth. I think I will take my chances from getting the "truth" from the man himself and not pay any attention to the news.
Your Planned Parenthood reference is wrong the film maker was the one that twisted the facts.
Obama was wrong.

There ya go.
My PP reference is 100% correct. WTF are you talking about? And obie was wrong, so I'm supposed to what just call that an oops and let it go? This is the level of fucking stupid you need to achieve to be a left winger.
Msnbc is the only truth anymore.

Be prepared for four years of getting your news directly from the Trump admin on Youtube. The MSM is getting bypassed and will be reduced to simply playing his video releases.

Hitler never had press conferences either, fucktard. If you want to be a little Repug peasant your entire miserable life, that's your stupid fucking ass.
I would like to just be me in a free country. Something you seem to hate. You bring Hitler into the convo like I'm supposed to give a fuck after you left wing retards push laws forcing me to buy your shit insurance at bloated prices with no payout. Exactly what Hitler did but I'm supposed to ignore that and think I'm on Hitlers side because of press conferences. When are you repugnant stupid fucks going to realize everything you claim to be Nazi is fucking you? You are the asshole that demands people purchase things they don't want. You are the asshole that demands people not upset someone else with language. You're the asshole that demands people give up their rights for the good of the collective. And yet after all of that you still have the mental failings to claim others are following Hitler but not you. Are you seriously this fucking retarded?

I suppose that last question was in jest. It's obvious you are that fucking retarded.
And fact checking....Dont forget facts and stuff
What fact checkers should we believe? The ones that twist themselves in order to make obvious left wing lies mostly true? Or the same ones that make Republican 100% truths into mostly false?

You people created this fucking mess and now are bitching because we don't give a fuck about following your stupid fact checkers. The fact checkers you want us to believe are the same ones that will lie and twist anything in your favor. You know, your favorite "fake news fact checker". Fuck off. Trump is going to kick your asses for four years bypassing all of your bullshit and sending a message directly to people without your fucking filters and fact checking. And he will get away with it. You know why? Because if the economy and life in general is revving up and people feel good about it they will believe him. There will be no need for your stupid fucking spin on how health care is much cheaper and better even though it's costing you more and is worthless to you because you're too fucking stupid to understand its benefits. People will actually see the benefits you assholes always promise and always say are there but you aren't smart enough to see because they will actually fucking be there this time.

Trump will be able to bypass you morons as long as what he is saying makes sense and people are seeing the results and that must scare the shit out of you.
Scary stuff.
The truth doesn't matter as long as you're...what...feeling good?
Isn't that the lefts position? Twist the actual words of planned parenthood selling baby body parts into the guy reporting this has broken the law. Pretzel obies statement if you like your plan you can keep it, and when you make it mostly true because you can go get another plan. That must be the truth. One you probably don't want but you can keep your plan as long as it's not your old one but one we approve of. The truth started getting watered down eight years ago when you and the msm decided to fade the truth in favor of cheerleading the lies of the left as the only truth. I think I will take my chances from getting the "truth" from the man himself and not pay any attention to the news.
Your Planned Parenthood reference is wrong the film maker was the one that twisted the facts.
Obama was wrong.

There ya go.
My PP reference is 100% correct. WTF are you talking about? And obie was wrong, so I'm supposed to what just call that an oops and let it go? This is the level of fucking stupid you need to achieve to be a left winger.
Your PP reference is wrong.
Still...Republicans are openly saying that facts don't matter any more so it doesn't matter at all to you either way.
What fact checkers should we believe? The ones that twist themselves in order to make obvious left wing lies mostly true? Or the same ones that make Republican 100% truths into mostly false?

You people created this fucking mess and now are bitching because we don't give a fuck about following your stupid fact checkers. The fact checkers you want us to believe are the same ones that will lie and twist anything in your favor. You know, your favorite "fake news fact checker". Fuck off. Trump is going to kick your asses for four years bypassing all of your bullshit and sending a message directly to people without your fucking filters and fact checking. And he will get away with it. You know why? Because if the economy and life in general is revving up and people feel good about it they will believe him. There will be no need for your stupid fucking spin on how health care is much cheaper and better even though it's costing you more and is worthless to you because you're too fucking stupid to understand its benefits. People will actually see the benefits you assholes always promise and always say are there but you aren't smart enough to see because they will actually fucking be there this time.

Trump will be able to bypass you morons as long as what he is saying makes sense and people are seeing the results and that must scare the shit out of you.
Scary stuff.
The truth doesn't matter as long as you're...what...feeling good?
Isn't that the lefts position? Twist the actual words of planned parenthood selling baby body parts into the guy reporting this has broken the law. Pretzel obies statement if you like your plan you can keep it, and when you make it mostly true because you can go get another plan. That must be the truth. One you probably don't want but you can keep your plan as long as it's not your old one but one we approve of. The truth started getting watered down eight years ago when you and the msm decided to fade the truth in favor of cheerleading the lies of the left as the only truth. I think I will take my chances from getting the "truth" from the man himself and not pay any attention to the news.
Your Planned Parenthood reference is wrong the film maker was the one that twisted the facts.
Obama was wrong.

There ya go.
My PP reference is 100% correct. WTF are you talking about? And obie was wrong, so I'm supposed to what just call that an oops and let it go? This is the level of fucking stupid you need to achieve to be a left winger.
Your PP reference is wrong.
Still...Republicans are openly saying that facts don't matter any more so it doesn't matter at all to you either way.
Who said that?

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