Dick Cheney To CNN Reporter: President Trump Took Us To Point Where We Don’t Need You Guys Anymore

is this really what you all want? No accountability? Do you really want it to be set up where our presidents will not be answerable to the Press? That our presidents making videos is good enough? or tweeting is all that's needed? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FRICKING MINDS?
I agree, it's not good.

But the press has played a role in this, too.

Now all bets are off, and they're partially to blame for what follows.
does this mean millions will no longer be mentally tortured at all airports, assuming Trump will take them all over?
Rachel Madcow in the MSNBC CEO's office attempting to get a pay increase: CEO's answer: "That's a maybe.
Actually since you're here we need to 'redefine' your relationship with the network".
is this really what you all want? No accountability? Do you really want it to be set up where our presidents will not be answerable to the Press? That our presidents making videos is good enough? or tweeting is all that's needed? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FRICKING MINDS?
I agree, it's not good.

But the press has played a role in this, too.

Now all bets are off, and they're partially to blame for what follows.
But HOW did they play a roll in it?

See, to me, the press does have a hand in it,

but NOT because of anything they did as far as lying or fake news, because I don't know of one instance the main stream truly lied and did that.....

it was more of what the Press DID NOT DO....their job of vetting the candidates fully, they were so caught up in Donald's 'performance' when on stage, they never bothered to look behind the curtain and make up, and inform the voters of what's important....

sure, they seemed to investigate the women harmed or scorned, but simply for titillation or ratings perhaps....

but his tax returns and business relationships and duties of a president if not in law but to the American people to be open and have no conflicts of interest and so so much that the voters should have had at their hands to make an informed decision....

And the coverage of true policies, they never truly held Donald or Hillary on their stances and plans to correct the problems.....

Everything was such a low level Dog and Pony show covered by the press....my Lord! We are talking about our candidates to choose from, interviewing and vying for.... the MOST IMPORTANT job in the entire world, not just our Nation!

and how little they covered the Russians hacking....the focus on reading someones private diary was more important than the gosh darn Russians for goodness sake, hacking in to our institutions like the Democratic National Party in order to affect an election....

And yes, I can understand that a partisan view of what was in the private diary was more important than the illegal way it was obtained...according to them, but they are WRONG!

Wrong, because it was one sided...not 3 sided, with the 3 candidates still in the race....if we had gotten all of Bernie Campaign private emails and all of the RNC private emails and all of Preibus's private emails or all of the Trump campaign private emails....and had a comparison, it would have had true meaning...

And had been able to see all of the things said and inner workings of those campaign' and parties as well, THEN AND ONLY THEN, would the content of the hacked emails, had truly mattered more than the CRIME that took place by a Foreign Nation, purposely to affect our election in the MANNER THEY WANTED.

And for goodness sake again, if the Hillary camp had all of those Russian connections and russian loving campaign managers getting paid $12 million by them for some supposed work done, and staffers and advisors, wouldn't that have been the story of the week and month and election?

Instead we had infinite hours of ludicrous coverage beginning with the size of a man's hands compared to his weiner and how the weiner is still functioning, and Miss Piggy, Access Hollywood Tape, and weather Hillary was 'dying' or not, and emails email wikileaks and server server, Comey Comey...but no coverage on actual POLICIES, and the whys of their policies and the hows of their policies and the costs of the policies, and the long term affects of their policies?

And shouldn't the press had covered any of Trump's conflicts of interests if President?

They covered the Clinton campaign and Bill clinton and the Clinton foundation conflicts and they having to give up the foundation and all of that if she became President...

BUT NOT with Trump? COME ON??????????? That was a huge miss and information we all could have used and made him commit to before he took the position...
they could have informed us with the laws that do and don't apply to Presidents, what laws in the constitution cover areas of it... you know, true documentaries on it as well...

And the movement of the people...that was missed and not covered well at all...just focus on racist is what they did, which was an element of it...but NOT "IT"

Right now, I am looking back on the media coverage and as mentioned, the LACK THERE OF, in disgust.
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is this really what you all want? No accountability? Do you really want it to be set up where our presidents will not be answerable to the Press? That our presidents making videos is good enough? or tweeting is all that's needed? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FRICKING MINDS?
I agree, it's not good.

But the press has played a role in this, too.

Now all bets are off, and they're partially to blame for what follows.
But HOW did they play a roll in it?

See, to me, the press does have a hand in it,

but NOT because of anything they did as far as lying or fake news, because I don't know of one instance the main stream truly lied and did that.....

it was more of what the Press DID NOT DO....their job of vetting the candidates fully, they were so caught up in Donald's 'performance' when on stage, they never bothered to look behind the curtain and make up, and inform the voters of what's important....

sure, they seemed to investigate the women harmed or scorned, but simply for titillation or ratings perhaps....

but his tax returns and business relationships and duties of a president if not in law but to the American people to be open and have no conflicts of interest and so so much that the voters should have had at their hands to make an informed decision....

And the coverage of true policies, they never truly held Donald or Hillary on their stances and plans to correct the problems.....

Everything was such a low level Dog and Pony show covered by the press....my Lord! We are talking about our candidates to choose from, interviewing and vying for.... the MOST IMPORTANT job in the entire world, not just our Nation!

and how little they covered the Russians hacking....the focus on reading someones private diary was more important than the gosh darn Russians for goodness sake, hacking in to our institutions like the Democratic National Party in order to affect an election....

And yes, I can understand that a partisan view of what was in the private diary was more important than the illegal way it was obtained...according to them, but they are WRONG!

Wrong, because it was one sided...not 3 sided, with the 3 candidates still in the race....if we had gotten all of Bernie Campaign private emails and all of the RNC private emails and all of Preibus's private emails or all of the Trump campaign private emails....and had a comparison, it would have had true meaning...

And had been able to see all of the things said and inner workings of those campaign' and parties as well, THEN AND ONLY THEN, would the content of the hacked emails, had truly mattered more than the CRIME that took place by a Foreign Nation, purposely to affect our election in the MANNER THEY WANTED.

And for goodness sake again, if the Hillary camp had all of those Russian connections and russian loving campaign managers getting paid $12 million by them for some supposed work done, and staffers and advisors, wouldn't that have been the story of the week and month and election?

Instead we had infinite hours of ludicrous coverage beginning with the size of a man's hands compared to his weiner and how the weiner is still functioning, and Miss Piggy, Access Hollywood Tape, and weather Hillary was 'dying' or not, and emails email wikileaks and server server, Comey Comey...but no coverage on actual POLICIES, and the whys of their policies and the hows of their policies and the costs of the policies, and the long term affects of their policies?

And shouldn't the press had covered any of Trump's conflicts of interests if President?

They covered the Clinton campaign and Bill clinton and the Clinton foundation conflicts and they having to give up the foundation and all of that if she became President...

BUT NOT with Trump? COME ON??????????? That was a huge miss and information we all could have used and made him commit to before he took the position...
they could have informed us with the laws that do and don't apply to Presidents, what laws in the constitution cover areas of it... you know, true documentaries on it as well...

And the movement of the people...that was missed and not covered well at all...just focus on racist is what they did, which was an element of it...but NOT "IT"

Right now, I am looking back on the media coverage and as mentioned, the LACK THERE OF, in disgust.
The media's self-inflicted wound goes far beyond the 2016 election.

The horrific 24-hour news cycle into which the media has fallen has exposed its lack of objectivity, and very few people believe them any more.

Their job should be to report facts, not find "the truth". "The truth", as it turns out, is subjective when it is distorted by an agenda.

Fox and MSNBC being the most obvious of many, many culprits.
is this really what you all want? No accountability? Do you really want it to be set up where our presidents will not be answerable to the Press? That our presidents making videos is good enough? or tweeting is all that's needed? HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FRICKING MINDS?
I agree, it's not good.

But the press has played a role in this, too.

Now all bets are off, and they're partially to blame for what follows.
But HOW did they play a roll in it?

See, to me, the press does have a hand in it,

but NOT because of anything they did as far as lying or fake news, because I don't know of one instance the main stream truly lied and did that.....

it was more of what the Press DID NOT DO....their job of vetting the candidates fully, they were so caught up in Donald's 'performance' when on stage, they never bothered to look behind the curtain and make up, and inform the voters of what's important....

sure, they seemed to investigate the women harmed or scorned, but simply for titillation or ratings perhaps....

but his tax returns and business relationships and duties of a president if not in law but to the American people to be open and have no conflicts of interest and so so much that the voters should have had at their hands to make an informed decision....

And the coverage of true policies, they never truly held Donald or Hillary on their stances and plans to correct the problems.....

Everything was such a low level Dog and Pony show covered by the press....my Lord! We are talking about our candidates to choose from, interviewing and vying for.... the MOST IMPORTANT job in the entire world, not just our Nation!

and how little they covered the Russians hacking....the focus on reading someones private diary was more important than the gosh darn Russians for goodness sake, hacking in to our institutions like the Democratic National Party in order to affect an election....

And yes, I can understand that a partisan view of what was in the private diary was more important than the illegal way it was obtained...according to them, but they are WRONG!

Wrong, because it was one sided...not 3 sided, with the 3 candidates still in the race....if we had gotten all of Bernie Campaign private emails and all of the RNC private emails and all of Preibus's private emails or all of the Trump campaign private emails....and had a comparison, it would have had true meaning...

And had been able to see all of the things said and inner workings of those campaign' and parties as well, THEN AND ONLY THEN, would the content of the hacked emails, had truly mattered more than the CRIME that took place by a Foreign Nation, purposely to affect our election in the MANNER THEY WANTED.

And for goodness sake again, if the Hillary camp had all of those Russian connections and russian loving campaign managers getting paid $12 million by them for some supposed work done, and staffers and advisors, wouldn't that have been the story of the week and month and election?

Instead we had infinite hours of ludicrous coverage beginning with the size of a man's hands compared to his weiner and how the weiner is still functioning, and Miss Piggy, Access Hollywood Tape, and weather Hillary was 'dying' or not, and emails email wikileaks and server server, Comey Comey...but no coverage on actual POLICIES, and the whys of their policies and the hows of their policies and the costs of the policies, and the long term affects of their policies?

And shouldn't the press had covered any of Trump's conflicts of interests if President?

They covered the Clinton campaign and Bill clinton and the Clinton foundation conflicts and they having to give up the foundation and all of that if she became President...

BUT NOT with Trump? COME ON??????????? That was a huge miss and information we all could have used and made him commit to before he took the position...
they could have informed us with the laws that do and don't apply to Presidents, what laws in the constitution cover areas of it... you know, true documentaries on it as well...

And the movement of the people...that was missed and not covered well at all...just focus on racist is what they did, which was an element of it...but NOT "IT"

Right now, I am looking back on the media coverage and as mentioned, the LACK THERE OF, in disgust.
The media's self-inflicted wound goes far beyond the 2016 election.

The horrific 24-hour news cycle into which the media has fallen has exposed its lack of objectivity, and very few people believe them any more.

Their job should be to report facts, not find "the truth". "The truth", as it turns out, is subjective when it is distorted by an agenda.

Fox and MSNBC being the most obvious of many, many culprits.
It's hard to distinguish news from commentary shows....the 24/7's at night, have only commentary shows...there doesn't seem to be any News Hours...you can get some news during the day, but not in peak viewing hours at night....and the commentary shows are 'legally' so to say, aloud to skew their views...and that's what we get.
Scary stuff.
The truth doesn't matter as long as you're...what...feeling good?
Isn't that the lefts position? Twist the actual words of planned parenthood selling baby body parts into the guy reporting this has broken the law. Pretzel obies statement if you like your plan you can keep it, and when you make it mostly true because you can go get another plan. That must be the truth. One you probably don't want but you can keep your plan as long as it's not your old one but one we approve of. The truth started getting watered down eight years ago when you and the msm decided to fade the truth in favor of cheerleading the lies of the left as the only truth. I think I will take my chances from getting the "truth" from the man himself and not pay any attention to the news.
Your Planned Parenthood reference is wrong the film maker was the one that twisted the facts.
Obama was wrong.

There ya go.
My PP reference is 100% correct. WTF are you talking about? And obie was wrong, so I'm supposed to what just call that an oops and let it go? This is the level of fucking stupid you need to achieve to be a left winger.
Your PP reference is wrong.
Still...Republicans are openly saying that facts don't matter any more so it doesn't matter at all to you either way.
Who said that?
A Trump Surrogate Drops the Mic: 'There's No Such Thing as Facts'
is this really what you all want? No accountability? Do you really want it to be set up where our presidents will not be answerable to the Press? That our presidents making videos is good enough? or tweeting is all that's needed?

On-Air Airheads

Who appointed the media to be the ones looking out for us? They should be locked in an echo chamber hall of mirrors and be forced to listen to their own canned applause until they are as sick of themselves as we are of them.
You're heading down a very dangerous road...imo.

You're illogically assuming that the media represent the opinions of people who have more representative real-life experiences, or that the media have more wisdom than the people they look down upon.
When have liberals EVER given a sh!t about anything Cheney said? :p

I certainty could careless what Cheney says and most people don't, he does not matter anymore. He made a mint off the Iraq war and now is drilling in the Golan heights, my book he is a crook.
Isn't that the lefts position? Twist the actual words of planned parenthood selling baby body parts into the guy reporting this has broken the law. Pretzel obies statement if you like your plan you can keep it, and when you make it mostly true because you can go get another plan. That must be the truth. One you probably don't want but you can keep your plan as long as it's not your old one but one we approve of. The truth started getting watered down eight years ago when you and the msm decided to fade the truth in favor of cheerleading the lies of the left as the only truth. I think I will take my chances from getting the "truth" from the man himself and not pay any attention to the news.
Your Planned Parenthood reference is wrong the film maker was the one that twisted the facts.
Obama was wrong.

There ya go.
My PP reference is 100% correct. WTF are you talking about? And obie was wrong, so I'm supposed to what just call that an oops and let it go? This is the level of fucking stupid you need to achieve to be a left winger.
Your PP reference is wrong.
Still...Republicans are openly saying that facts don't matter any more so it doesn't matter at all to you either way.
Who said that?
A Trump Surrogate Drops the Mic: 'There's No Such Thing as Facts'
Diploma Dumbos

The media's pushing an unphonetic and illogical spelling of mike on us is typical of a form of criticism that even their critics never make of them. They have learning disabilities in language, history, and logic. Whatever simplistic ideology they distort things with is less important than the fact that they are mentally inferior people in superior positions.
Your Planned Parenthood reference is wrong the film maker was the one that twisted the facts.
Obama was wrong.

There ya go.
My PP reference is 100% correct. WTF are you talking about? And obie was wrong, so I'm supposed to what just call that an oops and let it go? This is the level of fucking stupid you need to achieve to be a left winger.
Your PP reference is wrong.
Still...Republicans are openly saying that facts don't matter any more so it doesn't matter at all to you either way.
Who said that?
A Trump Surrogate Drops the Mic: 'There's No Such Thing as Facts'
Diploma Dumbos

The media's pushing an unphonetic and illogical spelling of mike on us is typical of a form of criticism that even their critics never make of them. They have learning disabilities in language, history, and logic. Whatever simplistic ideology they distort things with is less important than the fact that they are mentally inferior people in superior positions.
'Mic' being a contraction of 'microphone' could be a challenge for those that have to sound words out as they read them.
I understand your difficulty.
Let's talk about truth. Just one example of many:

I can tell you that Trump has /always/ been extremely private about his taxes and business dealings. From the very beginning of his rise to power he's told the media that it was none of their business and he wasn't going to share that information with them. Did any one of you know that? Did a single MSM outlet tell you of his /long/ history of his secrecy with his taxes and business dealings? No they wrote provocative twisting stories to make it seem like he was hiding something, when the reality is that Trump is just a private person who doesn't trust the media and he really never has.

I don't trust the media either, no way I'd give them my tax returns, fuck them, no one needs to see that shit. Specially not when they're just going to fucking look for anything they can bitch about and try to destroy me with. Fuck them and the horse they rode in on. And guess what, his concerns are 100% true, the one that's leaked the media instantly twists into an "evil" - even though Trump followed the laws of the IRS. The dishonest fucks in the world expected him to say "ohhh nooo I want to pay more taxes than I'm legally supposed to"? The media is dishonest as fuck.

I've never cheated on taxes in my life, I've never taken a single deduction that wasn't legal, either you can trust me on that or not, but I don't need the media and 15,000 other people bugging the shit out of anyone I had a business dealing with in the past 40 years. Same idea as Trump. Fuck that. And I bet 90% of you would feel the same if you could be honest about anything and stop playing the stupid partisan game for a while.

I don't blame Trump one bit and I support him hiding that shit from everyone, it's none of their business, and especially not when they're just trying to dig up something to twist into a bad thing. The MSM is a disaster. I personally think it should be shut down entirely (but then again I've hated the media for a long time so I'm biased.)
I think it is hilarious that the man that has been proven, PROVEN as on of the most lying Presidential candidate in the HISTORY of elections talks so negatively about the MSM and people think that Trump's direct messages to them will be more truthful than everyone else.
I think it is hilarious that the man that has been proven, PROVEN as on of the most lying Presidential candidate in the HISTORY of elections talks so negatively about the MSM and people think that Trump's direct messages to them will be more truthful than everyone else.

Who cares about Hillary Clinton? WHY is that all you Trump supporters can do? We are talking about TRUMP. Even if you want to bring up Clinton, Trump lied almost twice as much as her, if not more.

During the first 2016 presidential debate between Hillary Clintonand Donald Trump, the Huffington Post kept a tally of the lies that each candidate told in their responses to Lester Holt’s questions. The final HuffPo tally? Donald Trump: 16; Hillary Clinton: 0.

Why Does Donald Trump Lie So Much?

He lies about stuff that can EASILY be proven wrong. He lied about his faults on global warming being made up by China, saying he NEVER said it. He fucking tweeted it to the world. We can go over lie after lie...

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