Dick Cheney To CNN Reporter: President Trump Took Us To Point Where We Don’t Need You Guys Anymore

It's a fairly accurate statement. The credibility and clear bias was so extreme and obvious that it pushed people to vote for Trump. The media were like a salesman pushing someone so hard on you that you know something is amiss and you buy from their competitor.

I never thought I would be one to question the media, but this election was unmatched in bias and it was called out constantly. Ironically, it was this same media at CNN that undermined Cruz, Rand Paul and Rubio probably because they felt Clinton would easily crush Trump. Karma I suppose...
You've nailed it!
Even if you want to bring up Clinton, Trump lied almost twice as much as her, if not more.
Produce your evidence. That's what I did. In fact, I went easy on you. There is a MUCH longer version of her non stop lies.

I did provide the evidence. But you won't accept it will you? How about since you won't accept MY sources you Google Trump lies, and pick one of the 5,000 sources yourself?
QUOTE="Lewdog, post: 15996666, member: 57386"]Even if you want to bring up Clinton, Trump lied almost twice as much as her, if not more.
I did provide the evidence. But you won't accept it will you? How about since you won't accept MY sources you Google Trump lies, and pick one of the 5,000 sources yourself?

When you produce some CREDIBLE fact based evidence it will be accepted. huffaturd post, and the nytimes are NOT even remotely credible as Trump biographers. clinton is responsible for dead people Trump is not. BIG difference!!!
Msnbc is the only truth anymore. Fox is worthless.

Yeah they are really "fair and balanced" Let's see rachel maddog, chris matchew, and what unbiased lying piece of trash do you hear there? And Trump said that women who had abortions must be punished didn't he?
QUOTE="Lewdog, post: 15996666, member: 57386"]Even if you want to bring up Clinton, Trump lied almost twice as much as her, if not more.
I did provide the evidence. But you won't accept it will you? How about since you won't accept MY sources you Google Trump lies, and pick one of the 5,000 sources yourself?

When you produce some CREDIBLE fact based evidence it will be accepted. huffaturd post, and the nytimes are NOT even remotely credible as Trump biographers. clinton is responsible for dead people Trump is not. BIG difference!!!

I linked a Forbes article...
My PP reference is 100% correct. WTF are you talking about? And obie was wrong, so I'm supposed to what just call that an oops and let it go? This is the level of fucking stupid you need to achieve to be a left winger.
Your PP reference is wrong.
Still...Republicans are openly saying that facts don't matter any more so it doesn't matter at all to you either way.
Who said that?
A Trump Surrogate Drops the Mic: 'There's No Such Thing as Facts'
Diploma Dumbos

The media's pushing an unphonetic and illogical spelling of mike on us is typical of a form of criticism that even their critics never make of them. They have learning disabilities in language, history, and logic. Whatever simplistic ideology they distort things with is less important than the fact that they are mentally inferior people in superior positions.
'Mic' being a contraction of 'microphone' could be a challenge for those that have to sound words out as they read them.
I understand your difficulty.
Puppets Can't See Their Strings

You lazily and slavishly let the low-talent snakes in the media become your language role models. Next you'll be letting them tell you to spell Mike "Mich" and bike "bic" Worse, you play authoritarian and demand others follow your leaders.

I notice that even the posters who think they are anti-media parrot the jourinalists' ignorant and intentionally dumbing-down language. That's like someone saying, "The Internet is independent. I know it's true because I heard it on TV."
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Thank goodness no
Well he will be in about a month and a half!
Yep. God help us.
Yet, you did it to yourself, and you'll keep doing it because you have no clue.
Keep doing it? Not sure about that, since the republic may not be around much longer.
When cornered, look at them run.

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